How to validate duplicate entry in angular form builder array? - javascript

I am using angular6 reactive form with form builder and form array. I am facing problem with duplicate subject entry from drop down in form array. How to validate to avoid duplicate entry in from array.
I have a subject list with drop down. When i click on add button then a subject array will add. If i add similar subject it also be added. But i want to avoid duplicate subject entry. When i entry duplicate subject then a validation message will show and save button will disable.
ts code
olevelSubForm ={
olevelSubArray: this.fb.array([
olevelSubjectList: any = [ 'Geography','Mathematics',
constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {}
ngOnInit() {
// olevel
createOlevelSub(): FormGroup {
return {
olevelSubject: new FormControl('', Validators.compose(
addItemOlevel() {
const control = <FormArray>this.olevelSubForm.controls.olevelSubArray;
saveData() {
html code
<form [formGroup]="olevelSubForm" >
<div formArrayName="olevelSubArray">
<tr style="font-size: 15px;">
<tr *ngFor="let item of olevelSubForm.get('olevelSubArray').controls; let i = index;" [formGroupName]="i">
<select formControlName="olevelSubject">
<option *ngFor="let olevelSub of olevelSubjectList" [value]="olevelSub">{{ olevelSub }}</option>
<button style="float: right" [disabled]="olevelSubForm.invalid"(click)="addItemOlevel()"> Add
<button [disabled]="olevelSubForm.invalid"(click)=saveData()>Save</button>
<pre> {{ olevelSubForm.value | json }} </pre>

In my comment I put and answer with a different aproach: that the options you can select was different in each level, so you can not choose some yet choosed. that, if you has a function like
getSubjectForFormArray(i, olevelSubjectList) {
return i == 0 ? olevelSubjectList :
this.getSubjectForFormArray(i - 1, olevelSubjectList.filter(x =>
x != this.olevelSubForm.get('olevelSubArray').value[i-1].olevelSubject))
Yes is a recursive function that begins with all the options and in each step, remove from the list the value we are choose. So, your option list can be like
<option *ngFor="let olevelSub of getSubjectForFormArray(i, olevelSubjectList)"
[value]="olevelSub">{{ olevelSub }}</option>
Anyway, this dont' avoid that if, e.g we choose "Mathematics","Chemistry", if change the first combo to Chemistry, we'll get two "Chemistry". So, we are going to check each change of the array. That's in ngOnInit
//res is the value of the array,e.g. -in one moment-
if (index)
//before becomes an array with the values selected before, eg. -in one moment-
// ['Mathematics','Chemistry']
const before=res.slice(0,index).map(x=>x.olevelSubject)
if (before.find(x=>x==res[index].olevelSubject))
(this.olevelSubForm.get('olevelSubArray') as FormArray)
See the stackblitz


ngFor showing the last element only from array

Trying to loop over an array and display the results, but only the last element showing multiple times.
Here is my code.
Making a get request.
showItems(id: any): Observable<any> {
return this.http.get(`${this.url}${id}`)
Console logging works fine here, I can see the expected results.
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
showItems(): void {
const id: any = []
this.idFromList.forEach((val: any) => id.push(val.nativeElement.innerText))
for(let i = 0; id.length > i; i++) {
this.ItemService.showItems(id[i]).subscribe(data => {this.api_items = data.item.current
<tr *ngFor="let item of items | filter: searchQuery" >
<td >
<a href="" #btn>{{}}</a>
{{ }}
<td *ngFor="let api_item of api_items | keyvalue">
{{ api_item.value }}
Tried using fake JSON server, same results.
1) Quick answer
Push items in an array instead of replacing its value :
api_items = [];
this.ItemService.showItems(id[i]).subscribe(data => {
2) Complete answer
As #MoxxiManagarm said, you're replacing api_items value at each iteration of your for loop.
You might want to check & use RxJS to handle multiple observables in a cleaner way: for example, by generating an array of Observable to resolve them together.
3) Ressources & useful links you might want to check for more information

How to populate Map<string, string> using input values

I have the following model
export class Items {
items: Map<string, string>;
createdBy: string;
deliveredBy: string;
I want to dynamically create input fields based on items in an array which I am able to I am unable to figure out how to populate data in those fields.
<td *ngFor="let item of myStringArray">
Map {{item}}<input name="value" ([ngModel])="data.items.set(item)" (ngModelChange)="onChange()">
Always Present One <input ([ngModel])="data.createdBy" (ngModelChange)="onChange()" />
Always Present Two<input ([ngModel])="data.deliveredBy" (ngModelChange)="onChange()" />
{{ data.items | json }}
export class AppComponent {
public myStringArray = ["First", "Second", "Third"];
data = new Items();
onChange() {
I found a reference but I am unsure where I am going wrong
Reference Stackblitz
Thank you for your time and help
There are multiple errors in your Stackblitz:
You cannot directly bind to a Map within an ngModel. You need to get in the ngModel and set in the ngModelChange:
<td *ngFor="let item of myStringArray">
Map {{item}}<input name="value" [ngModel]="data.items.get(item)"
(ngModelChange)="data.items.set(item, $event)">
The syntax for the two way binding is "banana in a box" [(...)] not the opposite:
Always Present One <input [(ngModel)]="data.createdBy" />
Are per the console error "If ngModel is used within a form tag, either the name attribute must be set or the form control must be defined as 'standalone' in ngModelOptions." you need to either set ngModelOptions or add a name field:
Always Present One <input [(ngModel)]="data.createdBy" name="createdBy" (ngModelChange)="onChange()" />
Here is a new Stackblitz fixed.

How to dynamically set the default value in Reactive form?

I am creating the table with the looping, and if the loop value matches with the particular character I want to set the Reactive Form default value of Repeat else I want to set the empty value in the Reactive Form. Following Is my code
rDefault:string = "";
let form ={
return form;
<tbody *ngFor="let c of ch.vl; let i = index" [formGroupName]="i">
<tr class="ui-widget-content ui-datatable">
<p-dropdown formControlName="rp" [options]="rpm[ofs+i].label =='REPEAT'? compOpt : []" appendTo="body" [disabled]='rpm[ofs+i].label == "REPEAT"?false:true'></p-dropdown>
If {{rpm[ofs+i].label}} this value is equal to "Repeat" I want to set the default form values as "Repeat", else empty value. How can I achieve this?
Got the solution for my question but I don't know this is the correct way or not?
In the every loop I am calling the another method from [option] and setting the value in that method.
template file
<p-dropdown formControlName="rp" [options]="changeDefault(rpm[ofs+i].label)" appendTo="body" [disabled]='rpm[ofs+i].label == "REPEAT"?false:true'></p-dropdown>
Updated TS file
rDefault:string = "";
//this method will change value of rDefault
this.rDefault = val == "REPEAT" ? "REPEAT" : "";
let rtnar = 'REPEAT'? this.compOpt : [];
return rtnar;
let form ={
return form;

Angular 2/4 filtering dropdown in a ngFor with specific searchtext

Hi I am trying to display three dropdown using *ngFor using same list of users. However on each drop I am using filter to display certain type of users in each dropdown.
In my view I am using *ngFor to loop to display three dropdowns.
Than using filter I am filtering certain results
<md-select name="aId" [ngModel]="rout?.aId" (ngModelChange)="rout.aId=$event" (change)="changedept(rout.aId)">
<md-option *ngFor="let user of users | userFilter: qUsers y" [value]="user._id">{{user.username}}</md-option>
for(var i=0;i<3;i++){
#Pipe({ name: 'userFilter' ,
pure: false
export class UserFilterPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(users: IUser[], searchTerm: string) : IUser[] {
if(!users || !searchTerm) {
return users
return users.filter(user =>user.department.deptname.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchTerm.toLowerCase()) !== -1 )
Code is working fine. It is filtering too. However the problem is in each dropdown it shows same filtered result which is based upon the last qUsers used which is "Eng"
Please let me know how to make it display each dropdown with filtered using Dev, Prod and Eng.

Trouble navigating an Angular form to access it's controls

I am having the hardest time trying to figure out what sounds like an easy process for nested angular forms. I am dealing with a few components here and some of the formGroups and formArrays are being dynamically created and its throwing me off.
Apologies for the large code dump, but its the minimal example I was able to come up with to try and explain my problem.
The parent component is very straight forward as it only has two formControls. I then pass the form to the tasks component to have access to it.
Parent Component
this.intakeForm ={
requestor: ['', Validators.required],
requestJustification: ['', Validators.required]
<form [formGroup]=“intakeForm”>
Tasks Component
Some method in here will trigger generateTask which creates the new form group.
ngOnInit() {
this.intakeForm.addControl('tasks', new FormArray([]));
// Push a new form group to our tasks array
generateTask(user, tool) {
const control = <FormArray>this.intakeForm.controls['tasks'];
control.push(this.newTaskControl(user, tool))
// Return a form group
newTaskControl(user, tool) {
User: user,
Tool: tool,
Roles: this.fb.array([])
<table class="table table-condensed smallText" *ngIf="intakeForm.controls['tasks'].length">
<tr *ngFor="let t of intakeForm.get('tasks').controls let i = index; trackBy:trackByIndex" [taskTR]="t" [ui]="uiOptions" [intakeForm]="intakeForm" [taskIndex]="i">
TR Component
Some method in here will trigger the addRole method which will add the form group.
#Input('taskTR') row;
#Input('ui') ui;
#Input('intakeForm') intakeForm: FormGroup;
// Add a new role
addRole($event, task) {
let t = task.get('Roles').controls as FormArray;
// Return a form group
newRoleControl(role) {
Role: [role, Validators.required],
Action: [null, Validators.required]
<td class="col-md-9">
<ng-select [items]="ui.adminRoles.options"
placeholder="Select one or more roles"
(add)="addRole($event, row)"
(remove)="removeRole($event, row)">
The Question
I need to add formControlName to my TR Component, specifically on the ng-select. However, when I try and add a formControlName, it tells me that it needs to be within a formGroup.
From what I can tell, the formGroup is in the tasksComponent and is wrapping the whole table so its technically within a formGroup?
My end goal is to be able to add the formControlName to this input but I am having a hard time trying to figure out the path to get there.
Here is an image of the full form object.
The last expanded section, Role, is what this input should be called via formControlName so that I can perform validation and what not on the control.
Edit 1 - Changes for #Harry Ninh
Tasks Component HTML
<tr *ngFor="let t of intakeForm.get('tasks').controls let i = index; trackBy:trackByIndex" [taskTR]="t" [ui]="uiOptions" [intakeForm]="intakeForm" [taskIndex]="i" [formGroup]="intakeForm"></tr>
TR Component HTML
<td class="col-md-9">
<ng-select [items]="ui.adminRoles.options"
placeholder="Select one or more roles"
(add)="addRole($event, row)"
(remove)="removeRole($event, row)">
Result: ERROR Error: formControlName must be used with a parent formGroup directive.
You are expected to declare [formGroup]="intakeForm" in the root tag of every component that wraps all formControlName, formGroupName and formArrayName properties. Angular won't try to go up the hierarchy to find that when compiling the code.
In TR Component template, the root element (ie. the <td>) should have [formGroup]="intakeForm", in order to tell Angular the formControlName who is related to.

