Split a String till a word in javascript - javascript

I have to split a string till a word in JavaScript.
var urlCurrent = "www.example.com/web/americas/home";
var siteNames = ["americas","international","europe","asia-pacific","africa-middle-east","russia","india"];
var siteNamesJoin = siteNames.join('|');
var siteUrlCurrent = urlCurrent.split(siteNamesJoin);
Here, I have to split the urlCurrent string using the words in the array. so that at the end I have to get www.example.com/web/americas. I am not getting the regex for that.

You may use
new RegExp("^.*?(?:" + siteNamesJoin + "|$)")
The pattern will look like
See the regex graph:
^ - start of string
.*? - any 0 or more chars other than line break chars, as few as possible
(?:americas|international|europe|asia-pacific|africa-middle-east|russia|india|$) - any of the values in between pipes or end of string.
See JS demo:
var urlCurrent = "www.example.com/web/americas/home";
var siteNames = ["americas","international","europe","asia-pacific","africa-middle-east","russia","india"];
var siteNamesJoin = siteNames.join('|');
var match = urlCurrent.match(new RegExp("^.*?(?:" + siteNamesJoin + "|$)"));
var siteUrlCurrent = match ? match[0] : "";
NOTE: if the siteNames "words" may contains special regex metacharacters, you will need to escape the siteNames items:
var siteNamesJoin = siteNames.map(function (x) { return x.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&') }).join('|');
Also, if those words must match in between / or end of string, you may adjust the pattern:
var match = urlCurrent.match(new RegExp("^(.*?)/(?:(?:" + siteNamesJoin + ")(?![^/])|$)"));
See another demo.
var urlCurrent = "www.example.com/web/americas/home";
var siteNames = ["americas","international","europe","asia-pacific","africa-middle-east","russia","india"];
var siteNamesJoin = siteNames.map(function (x) { return x.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&') }).join('|');
var match = urlCurrent.match(new RegExp("^.*?/(?:(?:" + siteNamesJoin + ")(?![^/])|$)"));
var siteUrlCurrent = match ? match[0] : "";

using regex & match
var urlCurrent = "www.example.com/web/americas/home";
var siteNames = ["americas","international","europe","asia-pacific","africa-middle-east","russia","india"];
var regex = new RegExp(siteNames.join('|'));
var match = urlCurrent.match(regex);
if(match) {
var url = urlCurrent.substr(0, match[0].length + match.index)
} else {
//invalid url

Maybe this helps you, i guess you don´t need a regex:
var urlCurrent = "www.example.com/web/americas/home";
var siteNames = ["americas","international","europe","asia-pacific","africa-middle-east","russia","india"];
var siteNamesJoin = siteNames.join('|');
var siteUrlCurrent = urlCurrent.split(siteNamesJoin);
const pos = urlCurrent.split("/")[2];
let url;
for(const index in siteNames) {
if(pos === siteNames[index]) {
url = urlCurrent.substring(0,urlCurrent.lastIndexOf("/"));


I have to make a split function in JavaScript

sorry if the question wasn't clear
here is the question..
create your version of javascript split function,
you may use indexOf and substring to help.
so if i give you a string "heellloolllloolllo" and i want to remove "llll" the function should return "heellloooolllo"
This what I did so far:
function split() {
var entered_string = document.forms["form1"]["str"].value;
var deleted_char = document.forms["form1"]["char"].value;
var index = entered_string.indexOf(deleted_char);
var i = deleted_char.length;
var result;
var x ;
for (x = 0; x< entered_string.length; x++ )
if (index < 0) {
result = entered_string;
} else {
result = entered_string.substring(0, index) +entered_string.substring(index+i);
Use the replace() function with the g at the end of your regular expression. It's called a "global modifier".
var string = 'heellloolllloolllo';
var res = string.replace(/llll/g, '');
If your substring is a variable then you need to construct a new Regex object and set the g as the second parameter.
var string = 'heellloolllloolllo';
var find = 'llll';
var regex = new RegExp(find,'g');
var res = string.replace(regex, '');
There are other useful modifiers you can use:
g - Global replace. Replace all instances of the matched string in the provided text.
i - Case insensitive replace. Replace all instances of the matched string, ignoring differences in case.
m - Multi-line replace. The regular expression should be tested for matches over multiple lines.
See this post for more information, credit to #codejoe.
Using String#replace and RegExp (the clean way)
var str = 'llllheellloolllloolllollll';
var matchStr = 'llll';
function removeSubString(str, matchStr) {
var re = new RegExp(matchStr, 'g');
return str.replace(re,"");
console.log(removeSubString(str, matchStr));
Using String#indexOf and String#substring
var str = 'llllheellloolllloolllollll';
var matchStr = 'llll';
function removeSubString(str, matchStr) {
var index = str.indexOf(matchStr);
while(index != -1) {
var firstSubStr = str.substring(0, index);
var lastSubStr = str.substring(index + matchStr.length);
str = firstSubStr + lastSubStr;
index = str.indexOf(matchStr);
return str;

Random character in RegEx replace

I want to replace G$0 in the string gantt(G$0,$A4,$B4) with gantt(<>G$0<>,$A4,$B4). So I have the following code:
var str = '=gantt(G$0,$A4,$B4) ';
var val = "G$0";
var val2 = val.replace(/\$/, "\\$")
var reg = new RegExp(val2, 'g');
var str = str.replace(reg, '<>' + val + '<>');
The result in IE is: =gantt(<>GG$0<>,$A4,$B4)  (note the GG). The problem seems to be IE10 specific.
Why is this happening, is this an IE bug?
The replace should assume a string could contain multiple instances of **G$0**.
There's no need to use RegEx at all. Stick to regular string replacement, and you won't have to escape the val string.
var str = '=gantt(G$0,$A4,$B4) ';
var val = "G$0";
var result = str.replace(val, '<>' + val + '<>');
If you want to replace multiple instances of val this can be done with .split and .join:
var str = '=gantt(G$0,$A4,$B4,G$0) ';
var val = "G$0";
var result = str.split(val).join('<>' + val + '<>');

How do I escape a string used in a RegExp object

I have the following bit of code :
var stringToMatch = "De$mond. \(blah)";
var pattern = "^" + stringToMatch;
var regex = new RegExp(pattern, "i");
return regex.test("testing De$mond.");
Now I need to escape stringToMatch before using it in pattern
A solution I found here suggest this method if I understand correctly :
var stringToMatch = "De$mond. \(blah)";
stringToMatch = stringToMatch.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
var pattern = "^" + stringToMatch;
var regex = new RegExp(pattern, "i");
return regex.test("testing De$mond.");
Why can't I simply escape all of the characters in stringToMatch instead?
var stringToMatch = "De$mond. \(blah)";
var stringToMatchAsArrayOfChars = [];
for (var i = 0; i < stringToMatch.length; i++)
stringToMatchAsArrayOfChars.push(stringToMatch.substr(i, 1));
var stringToMatchEscaped = "";
for (var i = 0; i < stringToMatchAsArrayOfChars.length; i++)
if (stringToMatchAsArrayOfChars[i] !== " ")
stringToMatchEscaped = stringToMatchEscaped + "\\" + stringToMatchAsArrayOfChars[i];
stringToMatchEscaped = stringToMatchEscaped + " ";
var pattern = "^" + stringToMatch;
var regex = new RegExp(pattern, "i");
return regex.test("testing De$mond.");
I understand that the above method is much more verbose but what it basically does is :
var stringToMatchEscaped = "\D\e\$\m\o\n\d\. \\\(\b\l\a\h\)";
But it's not working. Why is that?
And, also, is there some other way of escaping stringToMatch other than the one suggested in the link I provided? i.e. without specifying which characters to escape like it's being dones with /[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g ?
here is a simple regexp to make safe regexp patterns from string input.
var pattern= "De$mond.";
var regex = new RegExp(pattern.replace( /([.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g , '\\$1'), "i");
regex.test("testing De$mond. string here."); // === true
note that this means you cannot use the "wildcards" or any RegExp syntax, but you'll end up with a real regexp that will perform a literal match from the source text to the pattern.

JavaScript regex using a character twice

So I'm using regex to grab information from a string, the issue is I need to both start up and stop at a / in the string.
Here's an example
var regexp = /\/(.*?)=(.*?)\//g;
var url_hash = "/s=lorem+ipsum/p=2/";
var match;
var result = {};
while ((match = regexp.exec(url_hash)) != null) {
result[match[1]] = match[2];
I can grab result['s'] without issue, but grabbing result['p'] becomes problematic, because the ending / for result['s'] is the same as the starting / for result['p']. If I changed the string to /s=lorem+ipsum//p=2/ it works perfectly, but of course that's hideous. So how can I fix this so that it both ends and starts up at the /? I'm stuck, any help is appreciated.
Use this regex:
var regexp = /\/([^/=]+)=([^/]+)/g;
var url_hash = "/#!/s=lorem+ipsum/p=2/";
var match;
var result = {};
while ((match = regexp.exec(url_hash)) != null) {
result[match[1]] = match[2];
document.writeln(match[1] + ' = ' + match[2] + '<br>');
s = lorem+ipsum
p = 2
Online demo of the code
Why can't you just split it?
var result = {};
var url = "/#!/s=lorem+ipsum/p=2/".slice(4, -1).split('/');
for (i in url) {
var value = url[i].split('=');
result[value[0]] = value[1];
You can determine the look-ahead set for part after the = yourself instead of adding it to the regular expression. The look-ahead set is "everything but a forward slash".
var regexp = /\/(\w+)=([^/]+)/g;
Btw, I'm assuming that the part before the = is word-like (i.e. alphanumeric)

Javascript regex help

I have the following string in JavaScript
var mystring = " abcdef(p,q); check(x,y); cef(m,n);"
I would want to do a string replace such that my final string is :
mystring = " abcdef(p,q); someothercheck\(x,y\); cef(m,n);"
x and y should remain same after the substitution. and the backslashes are necessary since I need to pass them to some other command.
There can be other Parantheses in the string too.
If you don't have other parenthesis, it should be easy.
mystring = mystring.replace("check(", "someothercheck\\(");
mystring = mystring.replace(")", "\\)");
EDIT This works also in the case of multiple parenthesis (It does not affect the empty ones).
var str=" abcdef; check(x,y); cef();"
patt = /((\w)/g;
// transform (x in \(x
str = str.replace(patt, '\\($1');
patt = /(\w)\)/g
// transform y) in y\);
str = str.replace(patt, '$1\\)');
// transform check in someothercheck
str = str.replace('check', 'someothercheck');
EDIT Now it converts only the check strings.
function convertCheck(str, check, someOtherCheck) {
// console.log(str + " contains " + check + "? ");
// console.log(str.indexOf(check));
if (str.indexOf(check) === -1) return str;
var patt1 = /\((\w)/g,
patt2 = /(\w)\)/g;
str = str.replace(patt1, '\\($1');
str = str.replace(patt2, '$1\\)');
str = str.replace(check, someOtherCheck);
return str;
var str = "abcdef(); check(x,y); cef();",
tokens = str.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
tokens[i] = convertCheck(tokens[i], "check", "someothercheck");
str = tokens.join(";");
alert(str); // "abcdef(); someothercheck/(x,y/); cef();"
var myString = "abcdef; check(x,y); cef;";
myString.replace(/(\w+)\(/, 'someother$1(')
.replace(/\(/g, '\\(')
.replace(/\)/g, '\\)')

