React dynamic import does not accept string variable - javascript

I have a component which enables me to import images dynamically in react. This is the component I am using:
import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
// Lazily load an iamge
class LazyImageLoader extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
module: null,
async componentDidMount() {
try {
const { resolve } = this.props;
const { default: module } = await resolve();
this.setState({ module });
} catch (error) {
this.setState({ hasError: error });
componentDidCatch(error) {
this.setState({ hasError: error });
render() {
const { module, hasError } = this.state;
if (hasError) return <div>{hasError.message}</div>;
if (!module) return <div>Loading module...</div>;
if (module) return <img src={module} alt="Logo" />;
return <div>Module loaded</div>;
LazyImageLoader.propTypes = {
resolve: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
export default LazyImageLoader;
Now, if I try to use this compoent like this with a string to the image which should get imported it works perfectly fine:
<LazyImageLoader resolve={() => import("assets/images/os/netboot.svg")} />
But as soon as I extract the URL into a seperate variable it no longer works and I get the error message "cannot find module ...":
const path = "assets/images/os/netboot.svg";
<LazyImageLoader resolve={() => import(path)} />
Is there a way I can use variables for a dynamic import?

According to the answer in:
Dynamic imports in ES6 with runtime variables
"The rules for import() for the spec are not the same rules for Webpack itself to be able to process import()".
So no you can't use variables with webpack dynamic import statements.

It doesn't work directly to use the variable but could be used as follows -
const path = './test.jpg';

You can do it with Vite. The example they cite uses a template string literal, but that shouldn't obligate you to use a prefix or something. You probably would anyway. Here is the docs and their example.
const module = await import(`./dir/${file}.js`)
It also seems like, with glob imports also described on that docs page, you have lots of other options to do it lots of ways.


How do I access app.state from a Cypress test in a Remix project

Cypress has a way to expose the app's state to the test runner -- in React it usually looks like this:
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor (props) {
// only expose the app during E2E tests
if (window.Cypress) { = this
Then you could access your state in a test with
.should('deep.equal', myStateObject)
However, the setup for Remix projects relies on functional components. I've tried this in my root.tsx component with a useEffect call:
export default function App() {
useEffect(() => { = App;
}, []}
as well as in the root route (routes/index.tsx) by importing the <App /> component and using the logic in the useEffect function above. Neither of these options are working and I'm not sure where else to go here. Remix's GitHub issues are devoid of questions about this issue, so maybe I'm going about this the wrong way. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
I haven't done much work with Remix, but there is a question here that might be useful:
React - getting a component from a DOM element for debugging.
Note the last paragraph
Function components
Function components don't have "instances" in the same way classes do, so you can't just modify the FindReact function to return an object with forceUpdate, setState, etc. on it for function components.
That said, you can at least obtain the React-fiber node for that path, containing its props, state, and such. To do so, modify the last line of the FindReact function to just: return compFiber;
There's a lib cypress-react-app-actions that implements this for Cypress
export const getReactFiber = (el) => {
const key = Object.keys(el).find((key) => {
return (
key.startsWith('__reactFiber$') || // react 17+
key.startsWith('__reactInternalInstance$') // react <17
if (!key) {
return el[key]
// react 16+
export const getComponent = (fiber) => {
let parentFiber = fiber.return
while (typeof parentFiber.type == 'string') {
parentFiber = parentFiber.return
return parentFiber
One of the example tests is
/// <reference types="cypress" />
import { getReactFiber, getComponent } from '../support/utils'
it('calls Example double()', () => {
cy.get('.Example').within(() => { // select via className of component
cy.contains('[data-cy=count]', '0')
cy.contains('[data-cy=count]', '2')
cy.root().then((el$) => {
const fiber = getReactFiber(el$[0])
const component = getComponent(fiber)
cy.log('calling **double()**')
component.stateNode.double() // work with component for functional
cy.contains('[data-cy=count]', '4')
This example is for class components, but given the info in Function components section above, you would use the component object rather than component.stateNode.

Load function from external script using #loadable/component in React

I have a JSON file with several filepaths to scripts that I want to be able to load dynamically into my React app, to build each component based on specifications that are in the metadata. Currently I have the metadata in my app as a Metadata data object.
"component1": { "script": "./createFirstLayer.js" },
"component2": { "script": "./createSecondLayer.js" }
Each script exports a function that I want to be able to use to construct the component. For troubleshooting purposes, it currently only returns a simple message.
function createFirstLayer(name) {
return name + " loaded!";
export default createFirstLayer;
I did some research and identified the #loadable/component package. Using this package as import loadable from "#loadable/component";, I attempted to load my script into App.js like this:
async componentDidMount() {
Object.keys(Metadata).forEach(function(name) {
var createLayer = loadable(() => import(Metadata[name].script));
var message = createLayer(name);
Everything I have tried throws the TypeError createLayer is not a function. How can I get the function loaded?
I have also attempted the lazy method.
I have recreated a working demo of my problem here.
EDIT: I have tried to put this at the top of my app
const scripts = {};
Object.keys(Metadata).forEach(async function(name) {
import(Metadata[name].script).then((cb) => scripts[name] = cb);
This causes the TypeError Unhandled Rejection (Error): Cannot find module './createFirstLayer.js'. (anonymous function)
src/components lazy /^.*$/ groupOptions: {} namespace object:66
I have also attempted
const scripts = {};
Object.keys(Metadata).forEach(async function(name) {
React.lazy(() => import(Metadata[name].script).then((cb) => scripts[name] = cb));
My goal is to be able to call the appropriate function to create particular layer, and match them up in the metadata.
You don't need #loadable/component for two reasons.
You can accomplish your goal with dynamic imports
'#loadable/component' returns a React Component object, not your function.
To use dynamic imports simply parse your JSON the way you were, but push the call to the import's default function into state. Then all you have to do is render the "layers" from within the state.
Like this:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import Metadata from "./metadata.json";
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { messages: [] };
async componentDidMount() {
Object.keys(Metadata).forEach(name=> import(`${Metadata[name].script}`).then(cb =>
this.setState((state, props) => ({ messages: [...state.messages, cb.default(] }))));
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
{, idx) => (
<h1 key={idx}>{m}</h1>
export default App;
Here is the working example

How do I load and run external Javascript code in React that have their definitions in the application and not in the imported file?

Basically, I'm trying to run a function that creates and adds a Recipe class to an array in React based on an external javascript file that is hosted online - but all the definitions are inside my React app.
The external file looks like (Recipes.js) this:
function LoadRecipes(){
AddToRecipes(new Recipe({
name: "Kronyxium Core",
components: [],
requirements: [],
craftedAt: "Frost Temple Smithy"
The way I attempt to go on with this follows:
import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';
import RecipeManager from "../logic/RecipeManager.js";
const Recipe = RecipeManager.Recipe;
const recipesList = RecipeManager.recipesList;
const AddToRecipes = RecipeManager.AddToRecipes;
function RecipeController() {
const [loadingRecipes, setLoadingRecipes] = useState(true);
useEffect(() => {
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = "";
script.async = true;
script.onload = () => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
}, [loadingRecipes]);
return (
{loadingRecipes ? <p>Loading recipes...</p> : (
{/*, index) => <p key={"r"+index}>{}</p>)*/}
export default RecipeController
Note that I try to run the function using window.LoadRecipes() once the script has been imported. However, I get undefined errors when the function is run:
Recipes.js:3 Uncaught ReferenceError: AddToRecipes is not defined
at LoadRecipes (Recipes.js:3)
I'm also adding the content of RecipeManager.js for clarity. This is local logic, and the goal is to have the external function make use of it:
class Recipe{
constructor(options = {}){ = || "Unnamed Recipe";
this.components = options.components || [];
this.requirements = options.requirements || [];
this.craftedAt = options.craftedAt || "handcrafted";
const recipesList = [];
function AddToRecipes(Recipe){
console.log(, "was added to the recipes list.");
const exported = {
Recipe: Recipe,
recipesList: recipesList,
AddToRecipes: AddToRecipes
export default exported;
Is this not possible, or am I just doing this entirely wrong?
Why am I doing this? The idea is to host the recipes online in a way that allows for other people to easily view, edit, and have the changes affect my app directly, while keeping most of the work in the React app.
You have to export the function to be able to access it.
Default export (only one per file):
function LoadRecipes(){
AddToRecipes(new Recipe({
name: "Kronyxium Core",
components: [],
requirements: [],
craftedAt: "Frost Temple Smithy"
export default LoadRecipes; // export
You should import it like this:
import LoadRecipes from 'pathtofile';
Named export (multiple ones):
export function LoadRecipes() {
AddToRecipes(new Recipe({
name: "Kronyxium Core",
components: [],
requirements: [],
craftedAt: "Frost Temple Smithy"
export const add (a, b) => a + b; // another one
Import like this (using { }):
import {
} from 'pathtofile';
Named exports are useful to export several values. During the import, one will be able to use the same name to refer to the corresponding value. Concerning the default export, there is only a single default export per module. A default export can be a function, a class, an object or anything else. This value is to be considered as the “main” exported value since it will be the simplest to import.
You can read about JavaScript modules here

Do React or Next.js Internally Clean Class Properties?

In the code provided below I am able to see this.mBaseService is defined above the first debugger but not below the second debugger.
Is anyone able to explain why this is the case? One theory I had is that React or Next.js may be internally clearing properties.
import Link from 'next/link';
import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react';
import ReactDropzone from 'react-dropzone';
import { Container, Row, Col, Button, Jumbotron, ListGroup, ListGroupItem } from 'reactstrap';
import DefaultHomeView from '../components/default-home-view';
import Page from '../components/page';
import EteeReport from '../components/etee-report';
import Layout from '../components/layout';
import { ServiceBaseService } from '../services/service-base/service-base.service';
export default class extends Page {
mBaseService = new ServiceBaseService();
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
files: [],
console.log('it exists!', this.mBaseService);
//this.mBaseService = new ServiceBaseService();
fHandleOnDrop = async files => {
const oResponse = await this.mBaseService.fpPost('/reports', {
oDataToPost: JSON.stringify(files),
// TODO: if valid csv then parse and chart the data
files: this.state.files.concat(files),
fClearFiles = () => {
files: [],
render() {
return (
<Layout {...this.props} navmenu={false} container={false}>
{!this.state.files.length && (
<DefaultHomeView {...this.props} fHandleOnDrop={this.fHandleOnDrop} files={this.state.files} />
{this.state.files.length && <EteeReport {...this.props} {...this.state} fClearFiles={this.fClearFiles} />}
This problem is likely specific to how the code is transpiled with Babel. As explained in this related answer, class fields (arrow methods) are transpiled to constructor code and this is replaced with _this, _this2, etc. temporary variables where needed to mimic the behaviour of lexical this in arrows.
A property may not be available on this in debugger but on temporary _this? variable which is considered proper context in original code.
In this specific case this is caused by the fact that fHandleOnDrop is passed as callback:
<DefaultHomeView {...this.props} fHandleOnDrop={this.fHandleOnDrop} files={this.state.files} />
This means this.props.fHandleOnDrop() has been dereferenced and is being called with wrong this , while the function uses _this? variable internally to refer to proper context:
fHandleOnDrop = async files => {
console.log(this.mBaseService) // should be ok
eval('console.log(this.mBaseService)') // should fail
This likely wouldn't be the case if Babel was configured to not transpile arrows to ES5 target by not using es2015 preset.
Regardless of these concerns, there is always a chance that this behaviour is specific to particular development tools.

How to test decorated React component with shallow rendering

I am following this tutorial:
Trying to learn how "shallow rendering" works.
I have a higher order component:
import React from 'react';
function withMUI(ComposedComponent) {
return class withMUI {
render() {
return <ComposedComponent {...this.props}/>;
and a component:
class PlayerProfile extends React.Component {
render() {
const { name, avatar } = this.props;
return (
<div className="player-profile">
<div className='profile-name'>{name}</div>
<Avatar src={avatar}/>
and a test:
describe('PlayerProfile component - testing with shallow rendering', () => {
beforeEach(function() {
let {TestUtils} = React.addons;
this.TestUtils = TestUtils;
this.renderer = TestUtils.createRenderer();
this.renderer.render(<PlayerProfile name='user'
it('renders an Avatar', function() {
let result = this.renderer.getRenderOutput();
The result variable holds this.renderer.getRenderOutput()
In the tutorial the result.type is tested like:
in my case, if I log the result it is:
LOG: Object{type: function PlayerProfile() {..}, .. }
so I changed my test like:
now it gives me this error:
Assertion Error: expected [Function: PlayerProfile] to equal [Function: withMUI]
So PlayerProfile's type is the higher order function withMUI.
PlayerProfile decorated with withMUI, using shallow rendering, only the PlayerProfile component is rendered and not it's children. So shallow rendering wouldn't work with decorated components I assume.
My question is:
Why in the tutorial result.type is expected to be a div, but in my case isn't.
How can I test a React component decorated with higher order component using shallow rendering?
You can't. First let's slightly desugar the decorator:
let PlayerProfile = withMUI(
class PlayerProfile extends React.Component {
// ...
withMUI returns a different class, so the PlayerProfile class only exists in withMUI's closure.
This is here's a simplified version:
var withMUI = function(arg){ return null };
var PlayerProfile = withMUI({functionIWantToTest: ...});
You pass the value to the function, it doesn't give it back, you don't have the value.
The solution? Hold a reference to it.
// no decorator here
class PlayerProfile extends React.Component {
// ...
Then we can export both the wrapped and unwrapped versions of the component:
// this must be after the class is declared, unfortunately
export default withMUI(PlayerProfile);
export let undecorated = PlayerProfile;
The normal code using this component doesn't change, but your tests will use this:
import {undecorated as PlayerProfile} from '../src/PlayerProfile';
The alternative is to mock the withMUI function to be (x) => x (the identity function). This may cause weird side effects and needs to be done from the testing side, so your tests and source could fall out of sync as decorators are added.
Not using decorators seems like the safe option here.
Use Enzyme to test higher order / decorators with Shallow
with a method called dive()
Follow this link, to see how dive works
So you can shallow the component with higher order and then dive inside.
In the above example :
const wrapper=shallow(<PlayerProfile name={name} avatar={}/>)
Similarly you can access the properties and test it.
You can use 'babel-plugin-remove-decorators' plugin. This solution will let you write your components normally without exporting decorated and un-decorated components.
Install the plugin first, then create a file with the following content, let us call it 'babelTestingHook.js'
'stage': 2,
'optional': [
// or Whatever configs you have
'plugins': ['babel-plugin-remove-decorators:before']
and running your tests like below will ignore the decorators and you will be able to test the components normally
mocha ./tests/**/*.spec.js --require ./babelTestingHook.js --recursive
I think the above example is confusing because the decorator concept is used interchangeably with idea of a "higher order component". I generally use them in combination which will make testing/rewire/mocking easier.
I would use decorator to:
Provide props to a child component, generally to bind/listen to a flux store
Where as I would use a higher order component
to bind context in a more declarative way
The problem with rewiring is I don't think you can rewire anything that is applied outside of the exported function/class, which is the case for a decorator.
If you wanted to use a combo of decorators and higher order components you could do something like the following:
function withMUI(ComposedComponent) {
return class withMUI extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
store1: ///bind here based on some getter
render() {
return <ComposedComponent {...this.props} {...this.state} {...this.context} />;
export default function(ChildComp) {
#withMui //provide store bindings
return class HOC extends Component {
static childContextTypes = {
getAvatar: PropTypes.func
getChildContext() {
let {store1} = this.props;
return {
getAvatar: (id) => ({ avatar: store1[id] });
export default Child extends Component {
static contextTypes = {
getAvatar: PropTypes.func.isRequired
handleClick(id, e) {
let {getAvatar} = this.context;
render() {
let buttons = [1,2,3].map((id) => {
return <button type="text" onClick={this.handleClick.bind(this, id)}>Click Me</button>
return <div>{buttons}</div>;
import HOC from './higher-order';
import Child from './child';
let MyComponent = HOC(Child);
React.render(<MyComponent {...anyProps} />, document.body);
Then when you want to test you can easily "rewire" your stores supplied from the decorator because the decorator is inside of the exported higher order component;
import HOC from 'higher-order-component';
import Child from 'child';
describe('rewire the state', () => {
let mockedMuiDecorator = function withMUI(ComposedComponent) {
return class withMUI extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
store1: ///mock that state here to be passed as props
render() {
HOC.__Rewire__('withMui', mockedMuiDecorator);
let MyComponent = HOC(Child);
let child = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<MyComponent {...mockedProps} />
let childElem = React.findDOMNode(child);
let buttons = childElem.querySelectorAll('button');
it('Should render 3 buttons', () => {
I'm pretty sure this doesn't really answer your original question but I think you are having problems reconciling when to use decorators vs.higher order components.
some good resources are here:
In my case decorators are very useful and I dont want to get rid of them (or return wrapped and unwrapped versions) im my application.
The best way to do this in my opinion is to use the babel-plugin-remove-decorators (which can be used to remove them in tests) has Qusai says, but I wrote the pre-processor differently like below:
'use strict';
var babel = require('babel-core');
module.exports = {
process: function(src, filename) {
// Ignore files other than .js, .es, .jsx or .es6
if (!babel.canCompile(filename)) {
return '';
if (filename.indexOf('node_modules') === -1) {
return babel.transform(src, {
filename: filename,
plugins: ['babel-plugin-remove-decorators:before']
return src;
Take notice of the babel.transform call that im passing the babel-plugin-remove-decorators:before element as an array value, see:
To hook this up with Jest (which is what I used), you can do it with settings like below in your package.json:
"jest": {
"rootDir": "./src",
"scriptPreprocessor": "../preprocessor.js",
"unmockedModulePathPatterns": [
Where preprocessor.js is the name of the preprocessor.

