Have a function from a module be exported in another module? - javascript

I have a fairly large function in my module (./myMainModule.js) that I would like to be packaged in a separate module (./mySubModule. I'm trying to figure out how to require(mySubModule) and then have a function from mySubModule be used as a function in myMainModule.
I've tried to export
mainFunction: mySubModule.subFunction(params),
but it's saying the params are not defined.
const mySubModule = require("./mySubModule)
module.exports = {
mainFunction: mySubModule.subFunction(params),
module.exports {
subFunction: function(params) {
I'm getting params is not defined when assigning the function in myMainModule.

const subModule = require("./subModule");
module.exports = {
mainFunction: subModule.subFunction,
// This works ^^
//mainFunction : subModule.subFunction(params),
// Not this ^^
My linter was complaining that my params were not defined. I was actually calling the function when I should have been just referencing it. I did not need to worry about the parameters.
I was actually calling the function and that's why my linter was saying my params were not defined.


Accept argument in node_module require

I am creating a node module and I am hoping to force the user to pass an argument during module require.
Like this:
const sample = require('sample-module')('username')
Inside my sample-module, I have declared the public functions like this (these are imports from other files):
module.exports = {
addNewFolder: folderHandler.addNewFolder,
printToFile: printHandler.printToFile,
deleteFolder: folderHandler.deleteFolder
// more functions
// Here I want to add a function that will accept the argument passed.
function setUserName(name) {
// some handling here, in this case, 'name' is 'username' as we passed in during require
How can I do this?
Lastly, I prefer to require using like this:
const sample = require('sample-module')('username')
Rather than:
const sample = require('sample-module')
Help anyone? Thanks!
You can change module.exports to function like this
const test = (arg) => {
module.exports = function (requireArg) {
return {
test: test(requireArg),
then require it
const { test } = require('./test')('apple');

Jest mock window object before importing a dependency

I need to have a value set in the window object before a dependency is imported. Say I have this code
// foo.test.js
import { dependency } from './foo'
describe('...', () => {
it('...', () => {
// use dependency
But for dependency to be imported I need to have a value defined in window.myValues
// foo.js
export const dependency = {
key: window.myValue.nestedValue
That code will give me an error when importing the file because window.myValue.nestedValue is trying to access the property nestedValue of undefined.
How can I get that done?
Following christianeide's answer below I get the following error
● Test suite failed to run
TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
2 | delete global.window.myValue
3 | global.window = Object.create(window)
> 4 | global.window.myValue = {
| ^
5 | nestedValue: 'someValue'
6 | }
7 | }
at module.exports (jest.setup.js:4:17)
at node_modules/#jest/core/build/runGlobalHook.js:82:17
at ScriptTransformer.requireAndTranspileModule (node_modules/#jest/transform/build/ScriptTransformer.js:684:24)
at node_modules/#jest/core/build/runGlobalHook.js:72:27
at pEachSeries (node_modules/p-each-series/index.js:8:9)
at async _default (node_modules/#jest/core/build/runGlobalHook.js:58:5)
at async runJest (node_modules/#jest/core/build/runJest.js:345:5)
es6 imports are "hoisted", meaning wherever you write them in the code, they'll get processed before the importing module is executed, so the imported module is always executed before the importing module. In your case, this means foo.js executes before foo.test.js, so even if you properly mock your property of window in your tests, foo.js will not see your mock.
You can get around this by using require in your tests to import foo.js after the property of window has been mocked.
// foo.test.js
window.myValue = { nestedValue: MOCK_NESTED_VALUE };
const { dependency } = require('./foo');
describe('...', () => {
it('...', () => {
// use dependency
As other answers have pointed out, if myValue is one of existing "sytem" properties of window such as window.location, you might have to delete it first. When deleting, don't forget to back it up so that you can restore it when cleaning up after your test.
Try assigning values to global.window.
Something like this:
delete global.window.myValue;
global.window = Object.create(window);
global.window.myValue = {
nestedValue: 'someValue',
This can be done inside jest.setup.js, but you could also probably define the values inside foo.test.js
I was able to append properties on the window object by creating a setup.js:
global.propertyA = () => {};
global.nestedPropertyB = {
propertyC: () => {}
And setting the file in setupFilesAfterEnv in my jest.config.js file:
module.exports = {
setupFilesAfterEnv: ['<rootDir>/tests/js/setup.js']
I have solved such an issue with jest.mock: as it's hoisted above import statements, it's possible to execute any code before and after importing an actual module.
In my case I needed to test some functionality and set node env to a value, different from 'test', and, as I needed this substitution only for the time of import, I set its value back to 'test' before returning the actual module. Of course, it may vary depending on use cases - it's just an example of executing code before and after importing is done. Also i tried to use a getter for a particular module field, and it also worked.
import ApiBase from "../ApiBase";
jest.mock('../ApiBase', () => {
process.env.NODE_ENV = '';
const actual = jest.requireActual('../ApiBase');
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test';
return actual;

Using a function defined inside an exports function, from another file

I have some code like this in a file helperFunctions.js:
exports helperFunctions = () => {
const functionA = async(args) => {
const functionB = async(args) => {
How can I call functionA and functionB from a separate file altogether, say, main.js?
I've tried:
import { helperFunctions } from './helperFunctions';
//...some code
// OR
The specific error is:
TypeError: _helperFunctions.helperFunctions.functionA is not a function
and when trying the second solution, it's:
ReferenceError: functionA is not defined
I'm trying to avoid importing literally every single function I'm using (by way of exporting every single function I'm using). I'd like to do something like helperFunctions.function for the functions I need.
It really need to be a function? You could export an Object:
// helperFunctions.js
let helperFunctions = {
functionA: async (args) => {
functionB: async (args) => {
exports helperFunctions;

Mocking a function jest but jest calling original function

I have a function that returns true or false, lets call it myFunc
myFunc (){
if(something){return true}
else{return false}
that's what it does for sake of arg
I then call it somewhere else
when I log it out, it continually comes out as false. however, when i have mocked it in my test like so:
const myMock = (myModule.myFunc = jest.fn())
so why is it still coming back as false when I log it from the index file? or is that not quite how mocking works?
I'm guessing that myModule is the object you imported, and then you set the mock function on that object. But in the myModule file you are referencing that function directly, not through a module reference, right?
The proper way would probably be to move myFunc out of myModule. But if you want to keep it there, then you are going to have to partially mock myModule:
jest.mock('./myModule', () => {
return {
myFunc: jest.fn()
But seriously consider moving myFunc out of myModule, because partial mocking is difficult and confusing.
One way I found to solve my issue was to use a class instead.
Here is a sudo example:
export class Location {
getLocation() {
const environment = this.getEnvironmentVariable();
return environment === "1" ? "USA" : "GLOBAL";
getEnvironmentVariable() {
return process.env.REACT_APP_LOCATION;
import { Location } from "./config";
test('location', () => {
const config = new Location();
jest.spyOn(config, "getEnvironmentVariable").mockReturnValue("1")
const location = config.getLocation();

Node JS call a "local" function within module.exports

How do you call a function from within another function in a module.exports declaration?
I have MVC structure node js project and a controller called TestController.js. I want to access method within controller, but using this keyword gives below error:
cannot call method getName of undefined
"use strict"
module.exports = {
myName : function(req, res, next) {
// accessing method within controller
getName : function(data) {
// code
How do I access methods within controller?
I found the solution :-)
"use strict"
var self = module.exports = {
myName : function(req, res, next) {
// accessing method within controller
getName : function(data) {
// code
You can access the getName function trough module.exports. Like so:
"use strict"
module.exports = {
myName : function(req, res, next) {
// accessing method within controller
getName : function(data) {
// code
Maybe you could do it like this. It reduce nesting. And all your export is done at the end of your file.
"use strict";
var _getName = function() {
return 'john';
var _myName = function() {
return _getName();
module.exports = {
getName : _getName,
myName : _myName
If you want to use the function locally AND in other files...
function myFunc(){
return 'got it'
module.exports.myFunc = myFunc;
I know the answer is already accepted, but I feel the need to add my two cents on the issue.
Node modules have a "Singletonic" nature, when inside the module, you are the module.
In my opinion, at least design pattern wise, inner module methods can be accessed more cleanly, without the need for this or a copy of self for that matter.
Using this, could be dangerous, if one happens to send the separate methods around and forgets to use .bind.
Using a copy of self, is redundant, we already are inside a Singleton behaving module, why keep a reference to yourself when you can avoid that?
Consider these instead:
Option 1
// using "exports."
exports.utilityMethod = (..args) => {
// do stuff with args
exports.doSomething = (someParam) => {
// this always refers to the module
// no matter what context you are in
Option 2
// using module.exports
const utility = (..args) => {
// do stuff with args
const doSomething = (someParam) => {
// Inside the module, the utility method is available
// to all members
// either this
module.exports = {
// or
module.exports = {
customNameForUtility: utility,
customNameForDoSomething: doSomething
This works the same for es6 modules:
Option 1 (ES6)
export const utilityMethod = (..args) => {
// do stuff with args
export const doSomething = (someParam) => {
// this always refers to the module
// no matter what context you are in
Option 2 (ES6)
const utility = (..args) => {
// do stuff with args
const doSomething = (someParam) => {
// Inside the module, the utility method is available
// to all members
export default {
// or
export {
Again, this is just an opinion, but it looks cleaner, and is more consistent across different implementations, and not a single this/self is used.

