'Argument expression expected' error during ajax call in rxjs - javascript

I am getting this error after using api call. I am trying to fetch data from myjson api. Am i doing something wrong with the current implementation or Is there any better way to call the same api.
import { createAction, handleActions } from 'redux-actions'
import { PLUGIN_NAME, STORE_MOUNT_POINT } from '../constants'
import { Epic,ofType } from 'redux-observable'
import { Store } from '../Store'
import { defer, of } from 'rxjs'
import { mergeMap } from 'rxjs/operators'
import { ajax } from '../util'
const fetchReportTemplate$: Epic<Store.IFSA> = (action$, state$) =>
return ajax(
url: 'https://api.myjson.com/bins/15dcd9',
body: ''
).map(({ response: { data } }) => {
return of(clearAllHttpErrors(), receiveReportsTemplateRows(data))

Yes, it's syntax error in your code.
// here, floating return without function
return ajax(


Create T3 App Redirect inside a TRPC middleware if user is not signed

How can I trigger a redirect on the server side if a signed in user has not completed their profile page
const enforceUserIsAuthed = t.middleware(({ ctx, next }) => {
if (!ctx.session || !ctx.session.user) {
throw new TRPCError({ code: "UNAUTHORIZED" });
// redirect to profile page if user has not completed profile
return next({
ctx: {
// infers the `session` as non-nullable
session: { ...ctx.session, user: ctx.session.user },
This is not currently possible in the way you are describing to the best of my knowledge.
Here are some alternatives that might be helpful:
In getServerSideProps
this only works if you want to redirect before the initial page load. You could also create a wrapper around gSSP to make this more DRY if you're going to use it on a lot of pages.
import { type GetServerSidePropsContext } from "next";
import { getServerAuthSession } from "../server/auth";
export async function getServerSideProps(ctx: GetServerSidePropsContext) {
const session = await getServerAuthSession(ctx);
if (!session) {
return {
redirect: {
destination: "/",
permanent: false,
return {
props: {},
export default function AuthedPage() {
return <div>Authed</div>;
As part of a query or mutation clientside
this is useful for a query or mutation that is only fired after the page has loaded. Again this is a very simple example and could be DRYed, probably the easiest way would be to extract into a custom hook.
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { api } from "../utils/api";
export default function AuthedPage() {
const router = useRouter();
// `authedHello` is the example Create T3 App "hello" procedure
// but as a protectedProcedure, ie throws "UNAUTHORIZED" if no session.
// Replace this with a middleware that throws on whatever condition you need it to.
const authedHello = api.example.protectedHello.useQuery(
{ text: "world" },
retry: (_count, err) => {
// `onError` only runs once React Query stops retrying
if (err.data?.code === "UNAUTHORIZED") {
return false;
return true;
onError: (err) => {
if (err.data?.code === "UNAUTHORIZED") {
void router.push("/");
return (
<h1>Authed Page</h1>
Using Next.js middleware
This is easy to apply to a bunch of routes using the matcher, but it falls a bit outside of T3 conventions.
// pages/middleware.ts
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import { getServerSession } from "next-auth";
import { authOptions } from "../server/auth";
import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next";
export async function middleware(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
const session = await getServerSession(req, res, authOptions);
if (!session?.user) {
return NextResponse.redirect(new URL("/", req.url));
export const config = {
matcher: ["/protectedPage", "/anotherProtectedPage"],
Using require in next-auth's useSession
this is useful if you want to guard a page but can't use getServerSideProps. It doesn't quite solve your specific problem, but might be useful to other people who find this. See: https://next-auth.js.org/getting-started/client#require-session

Type error with react-query and UseQueryResult

I am using react-query in my TS project:
import { getToken } from '../../tokens/getToken';
import { basePath } from '../../config/basePath';
import { getTokenAuthHeaders } from '../../functions/sharedHeaders';
import { useQuery } from 'react-query';
async function getOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID: string) {
const token = await getToken();
const response = await fetch(`${basePath}/lists/${listID}/order_items/`, {
method: 'GET',
headers: getTokenAuthHeaders(token)
return response.json();
export default function useOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID: string) {
if (listID != null) {
return useQuery(['list', listID], () => {
return getOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID);
I use my query result over here:
import { useCardsForList } from '../../hooks/Cards/useCardsForList';
import useOrderItemsForCardsInList from '../../hooks/Lists/useOrderItemsForCardsInList';
import usePaginateCardsInList from '../../hooks/Cards/usePaginateCardsInList';
export default function CardsListFetch({ listID }: { listID: string }) {
const { isLoading, isError, error, data } = useCardsForList(listID);
const { orderItems } = useOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID);
const pagesArray = usePaginateCardsInList(orderItems, data);
return (
However, on my const { orderItems } = useOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID); line, I get the following error:
Property 'orderItems' does not exist on type 'UseQueryResult<any, unknown> | undefined'.
How can I resolve this? I don't really know how to consume the result of my query on Typescript, any help is be appreciated
The property on useQuery that you need to consume where you find your data is called data, so it should be:
const { data } = useOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID);
if that data has a property called orderItems, you can access it from there.
However, two things I'm seeing in your code:
a conditional hook call of useQuery (which is forbidden in React)
your queryFn returns any because fetch is untyped, so even though you are using TypeScript, you won't get any typesafety that way.
If you are using React with react-query, I suggest you install this devDependency called: "#types/react-query". When using VS Code or any other smart text editor that will help, because it will help you with type suggestions.
npm i --save-dev #types/react-query
Then go to your code and fix couple things:
remove condition from useOrderItemsForCardsInList(). Don’t call React Hooks inside loops, conditions, or nested functions. See React hooks rules.
import UseCategoryResult and define interface for your return object. You can call it OrderItemsResult or similar. Add type OrderType with the fields of the order object or just use orderItems: any for now.
Add return type UseQueryResult<OrderItemsResult> to useOrderItemsForCardsInList() function.
Fix return value of getOrderItemsForCardsInList(), it should not be response.json() because that would be Promise, not actual data. Instead use await response.json().
So your function useOrderItemsForCardsInList() will return UseQueryResult which has properties like isLoading, error and data. In your second code snipper, you already use data in one place, so instead rename data to orderData and make sure you define default orderItems to empty array to avoid issues: data: orderData = {orderItems: []}
import { getToken } from '../../tokens/getToken';
import { basePath } from '../../config/basePath';
import { getTokenAuthHeaders } from '../../functions/sharedHeaders';
import { useQuery, UseCategoryResult } from 'react-query';
type OrderType = {
id: string;
name: string;
// whatever fields you have.
interface OrderItemsResult {
orderItems: OrderType[],
async function getOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID: string) {
const token = await getToken();
const response = await fetch(`${basePath}/lists/${listID}/order_items/`, {
method: 'GET',
headers: getTokenAuthHeaders(token)
const data = await response.json();
return data;
export default function useOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID: string): UseQueryResult<OrderItemsResult> {
return useQuery(['list', listID], () => {
return getOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID);
Use your query result:
import { useCardsForList } from '../../hooks/Cards/useCardsForList';
import useOrderItemsForCardsInList from '../../hooks/Lists/useOrderItemsForCardsInList';
import usePaginateCardsInList from '../../hooks/Cards/usePaginateCardsInList';
export default function CardsListFetch({ listID }: { listID: string }) {
const { isLoading, isError, error, data } = useCardsForList(listID);
const { data: orderData = { orderItems: []}} = useOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID);
const pagesArray = usePaginateCardsInList(orderItems, data);
return (

Cannot read property of undefined, Typescript

I'm having issues with creating a class function with optional parameters. I'm plagued with the following error and since I'm a new comer to typescript I'm not really sure as to what I have to change in my code to fix it. This code works perfectly fine in an earlier project written in JS only.
It specifically highlights the getRequestOptions, when I go check it in base-service.ts in the browser error.
08:32:12.755 client.ts:22 [vite] connecting...
08:32:13.067 client.ts:52 [vite] connected.
08:32:17.043 locales-service.ts:7 getting locales
08:32:17.048 base-service.ts:19 get /Api/GetLocales/ undefined undefined undefined
08:32:17.288 base-service.ts:21 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getRequestOptions')
at request (base-service.ts:21)
at getLocales (locales-service.ts:9)
at setup (locale-selector.vue:22)
at callWithErrorHandling (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:6737)
at setupStatefulComponent (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:6346)
at setupComponent (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:6302)
at mountComponent (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:4224)
at processComponent (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:4199)
at patch (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:3791)
at mountChildren (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:3987)
And my code
import axios from '#/plugins/axios'
export default class BaseService {
getRequestOptions(url:any, method:any, data?:any, params?:any , customHeaders?:any) {
const headers = {
return {
data: data,
params: params,
headers: headers,
async request(method:any, url:any, data?:any, params?:any, headers?:any) {
const options = this.getRequestOptions(method, url, data, params, headers)
try {
const response = await axios(options)
console.log("Getting response from api")
if (response.status === 200) {
return response.data
} catch (error) {
import BaseService from '../base-service'
//?Import models in the future
//import { } from '#/common/models'
class LocaleServ extends BaseService {
async getLocales() {
console.log("getting locales")
let result = await super.request(
return result
export const LocaleService = new LocaleServ()
Any help would be greatly appreciated
<script lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import CountryFlag from 'vue-country-flag-next'
import { LocaleService } from '#/services'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'LocaleSelector',
components: {
setup () {
const { getLocales } = LocaleService
const data = getLocales()
return {
And then in the component I call it with {{data}}
The issue lied in the way I called the destructured getLocales() method from LocaleService in locale-service.vue
I noticed that this was undefined after attaching a debugger. According to this article, destructuring it caused it to lose it's context. Therefore when I called getLocales() in base-service.ts, this was undefined.
Simple work around to fix the, caused due to inexperience, problem was to turn.
const { getLocales } = LocaleService
const data = getLocales()
const data = LocaleService.getLocales()

Create Nuxt.js list with async data & axios

I try to load data from Json to vue component using this tutorial:
This is my code:
<li class="item" v-for="post in posts" v-bind:key="post.id">
<nuxt-link :to="....">
{{post.id}}. {{post.title}}
import axios from "axios";
export default {
async data () {
let { data } = await axios.get(`http://jsonplaceholder/`)
return { posts: data } // Console: property post is not defined
Tell me please, what's wrong?
You can do this based on Nuxt asyncData and the context guide, i.e.:
export default {
async asyncData(context) {
let response = await context.app.$axios.$get(`http://jsonplaceholder/`)
return { posts: response }
according to nuxtjs document
async asyncData ({ params }) {
let { data } = await axios.get(`https://my-api/posts/${params.id}`)
return { title: data.title }
in your case this should be
async asyncData () {
let { data } = await axios.get(`http://jsonplaceholder/`)
return { posts: data } // Console: property post is not defined
Explaining more sid heart's reply:
Function name is "asyncData" not async data. You are using async await you can use like this:
import axios from "axios";
export default {
// Also define data function and define posts property
data() {
return {
posts: {}
async asyncData () {
let { data } = await axios.get(`http://jsonplaceholder/`)
return { posts: data } // Console: property post is not defined

javascript - call exported function from another class

Here's the scenario: There is a file called api.js which has method api() to make api calls. There is another class called AutoLogout which has functionality to show autologout modal and logging out user after certain time in case of no activity. These works fine.
index.js in ../services
export { default as api } from './api';
// export { api, onResponse } from './api'; tried this as well
export { default as userService } from './userService';
import userService from './userService';
export function onResponse(response) {
// returns response to calling function
return response;
async function api(options) {
const settings = Object.assign(
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json',
'x-correlation-id': Math.random()
mode: 'cors',
credentials: 'include',
body: options.json != null ? JSON.stringify(options.json) : undefined,
const response = await window.fetch(`/api/v0${options.endpoint}`, settings);
// calling onResponse() to send the response
if (response.status === 403) return userService.logout();
if (response.status > 299) throw new Error();
if (response.status === 204) return true;
return response.json ? response.json() : false;
export default api;
Now, in response header I've "x-expires-at" and I want to use it in autologout. So, that if api call is made the user token resets.
import { userService, api } from '../services';
// import { userService, api, onResponse } from '../services'; tried this as well
export default class AutoLogout {
constructor() {
if (!userService.getUser()) userService.logout();
// here I am not able to call onResponse() from api.js
// getting response received from onResponse()
api.onResponse((resp) => { console.log(resp.headers.get('x-expires-at'))});
Trying to implement as an example given in this article:
Here I cannot use export { api, onResponse }; as api is already being used at multiple places in whole project.
How do I call onResponse function in one js file from another class in another js file ? Am I using callback correctly here ? If not, how to use callback correctly in such scenario ?
Here I cannot use export { api, onResponse }; as api is already being used at multiple places in whole project.
The correct import/export syntax for your project would be
// api.js
export function onResponse() { … }
export default function api() { … }
// index.js
export { default as userService } from './userService';
export { default as api, onResponse } from './api';
// elsewhere
import { userService, api, onResponse } from '../services';
// use these three
Am I using callback correctly here?
No, not at all. onResponse should not be a function declared in your api.js file, and it should not be exported from there - sparing you all the above hassle.
If not, how to use callback correctly in such scenario?
Make the callback a parameter of the function that uses it:
export default async function api(options, onResponse) {
// ^^^^^^^^^^
const settings = Object.assign(…);
const response = await window.fetch(`/api/v0${options.endpoint}`, settings);
Then at the call of the api function, pass your callback as an argument:
api(options, resp => {

