React Native alternative for reCaptcha - javascript

First of all, I already check this lib and other similar one which basically wrap everything inside a WebView, that's not useful. Also this one is only for Android based on safetynet. afaik there is no native solution for using reCaptcha for ios. I was wondering what is the alternative solution for avoiding users to spam in our forms inside a React Native mobile app?
I used invisible google reCaptcha for my web app which works fine, but now I making a native app, but couldn't find a solution for this, anyone have a spugestion?
I wondering if somehow we can verify the client by iOS/Android device identifier maybe?


How to call a native mobile app that read barcode and return it's data to HTML

There're couple of possibilities which completely not solved my problem yet.
First I tried to use PhoneGap but I can't use it anymore because of IndexedDB issues currently it has.
Then I switched to the option to call a native mobile application from a web page that can read a barcode.
Eventually this native application has to return barcode data it's
read, in order to make use of it within web app.
I couldn't figure it out properly and appreciate if someone can explain this if it's possible. Some of the questions I looked at as of now;
barcode scanning in web apps for smartphone/tablet browsers
How to open a native iOS app from a web app
Since commentator not answered even it's the real answer, I'm answering my own question to be shared openly.
Even it's possible to call another application to read barcode, it's not possible to turn back to the same app with this 3rd party app if it's not also managed by you directly.
So the alternatives may vary depending upon the specific situation but I had to let user make the 3rd party app to read barcode, and then wait user to turn back to my originated application after getting these results linked to my website.

Web scraping in react-native ios?

I am building an iOS app with react-native and looking to do some web scraping. From my understanding traditional npm packages don't work because they rely on Node.js. I know there are Objective-C/Swift libraries for web scraping but I don't understand how I would integrate those into a react-native component.
Anyone have any ideas on how to get information from a website (web scraping) in react-native?
Interesting question. Architecturally, it might be a good idea to consider building a service which can provide the scraped data via an API. The more processing power the client requires (the heavier the client-side code), the more likely you are to run into lagging / stuttering issues in the app. Phones have come a long way, but still can't match a server's power.
If you want to press ahead, I would advise using the browserified version of Cheerio.js. Basically, browserify lets you take code written for node, and use it in a browser environment. You would need to test it in JS Core on IOS, but there's a good chance everything will work.
One other option is using jQuery's load function or the fetch api included in React Native to make the call to the site (you don't have to worry about CORS), and parse the result manually.

Application Craft, PhoneGap and Parse - A match made in heaven?

If I wanted to design apps that required data storage and were targeted for multiple mobile platform's, would using Application Craft to create the UI, Parse to store the data and PhoneGap to wrap it all up for the relevant target device be a potential way of approaching this?
Sorry for the generic question, black and white answers are ok in return.
What would be the biggest limitation to this approach?
To keep it simple, lets say the app is to capture images and text input from multiple users, store it and then display it in some form of activity feed.
I'm not very familiar with Application Craft, but it seems to be a paid version of PhoneGap -- meaning that they each seem to accomplish the same thing so use one or the other (unless I'm missing something...). PhoneGap can use jQueryMobile (or other frameworks) to help with the UI.
If you're going to use Parse within PhoneGap then you will need to find a PhoneGap plugin that allows Parse to work cross-platform. There likely are some, but if not you'll have to develop a separate plugin for each platform.

How to put my app to run "Always On Top" using Phonegap?

I need to run my app always on top of the android system, while the user will be able to exit the app only with his own password. I was told that in order to do that i need to setup and run a Service of my own.
My question is can and how it is done using Phonegap and Jquery. How do i define and run my own service? Thanks for your help.
First, don't do that. I know that doesn't sound like an answer, but trust me, it actually is the answer. What I mean is, no, you don't want your app to be "always on top of the android system." Use the actual Android lifecycle and participate as a good citizen, don't abuse it and try to keep your app always running. I know you may have a use case that makes you think you need to do that, but you most likely don't.
Second, you can write a native service (not JS) and keep it running in the background. This is a a standard Android service. You'll need to create a PhoneGap plugin to hook into your app via the service (or you can create this yourself outside PhoneGap, either way). Then you can either do work in the background, or bring your app to the foreground via the service.
This answer may help: Creating an Android Service with Phonegap? (Have phonegap app run even when closed)
Third, again, don't do that. Most long running services are a bad idea (not all mind you, some use cases require it, a music player, etc, but most do not). It's a much better idea to create an IntentService and schedule an alarm (via AlarmManager) to launch it in the background periodically if you just need to do some occasional background work (fetch data, etc). Regardless of the use case though, a long running background service will consume a lot of resources and make users justifiably wary of your app.
I don't think Phonegap will let you create a service solely in javascript. To be able to make a service, you will have to write at least some native code. See
I've never used Phonegap, but I think you can create a native plugin to talk to the javascript. See
See Android documentation on services at

Use phonegap js to access native functionality without compiling an app?

Does anyone know if it is possible to use phonegap.js to access native functionality like the camera without compiling a mobile app? I would like to use it on a mobile-site and was curious if anyone knew of a way to do this?
If you take a look at the PhoneGap Docs for each OS it says you need to compile in order to work, so no, you cannot use it on a website to access native functionality. The camera cannot be accessed from a website, it needs to be a native app.
See this SO post for a possible workaround. I haven't tested it though. And yes, it still does require a native app to be built.
That isn't possible through any JavaScript interface.
PhoneGap is a JavaScript to native wrapper that maps JavaScript/HTML/css to the mobile platform's native SDK. Since PhoneGap is only a wrapper, a compilation step is required

