Is React compatible with Odoo? - javascript

I want to use my component library written in react JS in my Odoo website. Is it possible, compatible? if not is there a way to overcome this issue?


How to download component as JPEG/PNG without using html2canvas dependency

I want solution on how to download a component as JPEG/PNG without using html2canvas dependency, any javascript library available for that. Please help me in this.
I have tried with all react dependencies related to that functionality but every dependency is related to html2canvas, but I need to try this functionality without using react dependency. I only want Javascript library which gives me a solution.

Integration of Vue and Vanilla UI-Kit

I want to integrate UI-kit completely into my VueJS app without the use of Vui-Kit framework. My css works correctly but the javascript does not work properly (for example data-src attribute is not recognised). I integrated it inside main.js like this.
import 'uikit/dist/css/uikit.css'
import 'uikit/dist/js/uikit.js'
Can somebody help me with the correct integration?

How to provide solutions to both React and non-React consumers?

I am developing a reusable set of UI React components using JSS, which are available in both ES5/ES6 modules. Is there a generator or pre-processor that can transform React/JSX into raw HTML and JSS into CSS?
Try React Studio, it allows you write design/code in React style (e.g State/Props/Components/Flows/etc...) and much more features on their website...
Although it does not compile to "pure" HTML/CSS like you asked, but it can be used as a prototype/design tool with a good integration with Sketch, so any other developer/designer can also use it even if they don't understand React
Follow this issue regarding static extraction from JSS if thats what you need

Build a react widget in js file and reuse in asp .net mvc project

I want to know if it is possible to make a widget using React library and then build it to a single js file to re-use in any non react app (preferably in asp .net)
Yes it is, but it will bloat your js code, as react and react dom has to be packaged into this library. For only one widget, this seems to be too much overhead for me.

Searching for a ReactJS Runtime Plugin Concept

does ReactJS support some plugin loading at runtime?
I have developed a client app based on ReactJS. It should be possible for other users of my software to extend the Web UI by writing custom extension.
My ReactJS Base application is already transpiled (webpack + babel) to a build.js file.
Other user should create there own .js file which are loaded by the browser separately. At runtime browser should check for custom extension add these to the application.
Does anyone has a hint how to do this with ReactJS?
You can implement a custom javascript function on your main component to add extensions, i.e.:
I've done this for a react component to be mount on a specific node only, but I think this approach should work in your case as well.

