localstorage and setInterval() with multiple tabs - javascript

We have some data stored in localstorage and we are using window.setInterval() to regularly update it every minute. In this interval we are continuously reading and writing the data.
Is it possible that concurrency issues can occur because we're using setInterval(), as multiple tabs can modify the data in localstorage simultaneously?
Edit 1: Explaining the scenario in detail:
Each tab is writing some data to localstorage against a key (say xyz) and also setInterval(), present in the running javascript, continuously checks the xyz key data. If some data exists against the key, then the setInterval callback sends it to the back end. Each tab running the same script will read the xyz key and append some data to the existing value after performing some logic.
I doubt that a concurrency issue may occur, like one tab may be reading the xyz key and adding data to the local storage and another tab might be doing the same thing at the same time. Now both will try to send the data at the same time, hence I may receive the same data 2 times in the back end.

Is it possible that concurrency issues can occur because we're using SetInterval() as multiple tabs can modify the data in local storage simultaneously?
There are two aspects to this:
Are getItem/setItem (and their accessor equivalents) atomic?
Can different tabs/windows doing a series of getItem/setItem calls have those calls interleaved?
On #1, surprisingly, the storage specification seems not to address this head-on. In a "Note" it says:
This specification does not require that the above methods wait until the data has been physically written to disk. Only consistency in what different scripts accessing the same underlying list of key/value pairs see is required.
...which suggests to me that getItem/setItem will be atomic — that is, the datum you're getting/setting won't get corrupted if two threads call getItem/setItem at literally the same time.
Re #2, I don't think there are any guarantees, no. If each tab/window has its own thread, then in theory two of those threads could simultaneously enter the block of code doing these updates. Sometimes, tabs/windows share a single thread, in which case you'd be safe, but...
I would avoid having lots of different entries in localStorage that need to be updated in a coordinated way. Instead, I'd use a single entry with a structure. I usually use JSON for that. So getting the data looks like this:
let data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("the-data")) || {/*...default structure here...*/};
and saving it looks like this:
localStorage.setItem("the-data", JSON.stringify(data));
so you could do
let data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("the-data")) || {/*...default structure here...*/};
// ...modify the various parts of `data`...
localStorage.setItem("the-data", JSON.stringify(data));
then you're left with a simple race between the threads (the last one to write wins), but the stored data will be consistent.

In my opinion, it really depends on what you consider be "concurrency issues".
For the case of writing, I don't believe that you will have any issue, the browser will manage well what and when should write to localstorage. Your data will not be corrupted in the process.
For the case of reading, I believe that you will have problems when you are reading from the Tab1 but the last write was from the Tab2.

Added after Edit: There is one more possibility, you can try to find out which page/tab of yours is active (of your page) and then activate the timer only at active tabs, then lowering chance of occuring concurrency.
Here is https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Page_Visibility_API api for visibility checks.


Add/Delete object while offline triggers cloud function when going online. How to avoid cloud function to add data on empty path?

When I'm offline, if I add an object to a path where a cloud function is listening, and then I delete it while still offline, when going online, Firebase servers will receive the object creation, then right after its deletion.
The problem is that it will trigger, on creation, a cloud function. This cloud function will catch some data at another path and will add that data in the object that was created. But because the object was deleted while offline, it ends up being deleted. But the cloud function will recreate it (partially) when adding the data it went to grab somewhere else.
Because I don't want to have to track every single object I create/delete, I thought about checking if the object would still exist right before saving that data. The problem is that when I do so, the object still exist but by the time I save the data into it, it doesn't exist anymore.
What are my options? I thought about adding a 0.5s sleep but I don't think it's the best practice.
First of all, there's not much you can do on the client app to help this situation. Everything you do to compensate for this will be in Cloud Functions.
Second of all, you have to assume that events could be delivered out of order. Deletes could be processed by Cloud Functions before creates. If your code does not handle this case, you can expect inconsistency.
You said "I don't want to have to track every single object I create/delete", but the fact of the matter is that this is the best option if you want consistent handling of events that could happen out of order. There is no easy way out of this situation if you're using Cloud Functions. On top of that, your functions should be idempotent, so they can handle events that could be delivered more than once.
One alternative is to avoid making changes to documents, and instead push "command" objects to Cloud Functions that tell it the things that should change. This might help slightly, but you should also assume that these commands could arrive out of order.
This is all part of the downside of serverless backends. The upside is that you don't have to set up, manage, and deallocate server instances. But your code has to be resilient to these issues.

REST API Ajax simultaneously requests

Is it wrong to make multiple ajax simultaneously requests to different endpoints of a REST API that end up modifying the same resource?
Note: each endpoint will modify different properties.
For example, let's assume that one endpoint modifies some properties for an order, like order_date and amount and another endpoint set's the link between the same order and a customer by changing the customer_id value from the orders table (I know that maybe this is not the best example, all these updates can be done with one endpoint).
Thanks in advance!
This is totally a requirements based question. It is generally a bad idea to have a single resource be changed by multiple processes, but this ONLY matters if there is a consistency relationship between the data. Consider some of the following questions:
If one or more of the AJAX calls fails does will that break your application? If it will, then yes, this is a bad idea. Will your application carry on regardless of what data you have at any given time? If so, then no this doesn't matter.
Take some time to figure out what dependencies you have between your data calls and you will get your answer.
what you are describing is not a shared resource even if it is stored in the same object because you are modifying different properties however take great care when using same object. if your requests to the server depends on the properties that are modified by the other request.
in general its not a good idea to use the same object to store data that is modified by more than one asynchronous function even if the properties are different. it makes your code confusing and harder to maintain since you have to manually coordinate your function calls to prevent race condition.
there are better ways to manage your asynchronous code using Promises or Observables
It's a bad idea in general. But if your code is small and you can manage it then you can do it though its not recommended.
In the long run, it will cause you many problems confusion, maintaining code, consistency etc.
And if in any case another developer has to manage your code, It will be more confusing and tough for him.
In programming always keep things flexible and think in long run. Your requirements can change in future , what will you do then? write the whole program again? This is one thing , you also want to avoid.

How to avoid dog-pile effect at Node.js & MongoDB & Redis stack?

When some cached value is expired or new cache will be generated for any reason and we have a huge traffic at the time of no cache exists, there will be a heavy load on MongoDB and response time significantly increases. This is typically called "Dog-pile effect". Everything works well after cache is created.
I know that it's a very common problem which applies to all web applications using a database & cache system.
What should one do to avoid dog-pile effect at a Node.js & MongoDB & Redis stack? What are best practices and common mistakes?
One fairly proven way to keep the dogs from piling up is to keep a "lock" (e.g. in Redis) that prevents the cache populating logic from firing up more than once. The first time that the fetcher is called (for a given piece of content), the lock is acquired (for it) and set to expire (e.g. with SET ... NX EX 60). Any subsequent invocation of the fetcher for that content will fail on getting the lock thus only one dog gets to the pile.
The other thing you may want to put into place is some kind of rate limiting on the fetcher, regardless the content. That's also quite easily doable with Redis - feel free to look it up or ask another question :)
Id just serve expired content until new content is done caching so that database wont get stampede.

Is it okay to use data-attributes to store Javascript 'state'

I often use data-attributes to store configuration that I can't semantically markup so that the JS will behave in a certain way for those elements. Now this is fine for pages where the server renders them (dutifully filling out the data-attributes).
However, I've seen examples where the javascript writes data-attributes to save bits of data it may need later. For example, posting some data to the server. If it fails to send then storing the data in a data-attribute and providing a retry button. When the retry button is clicked it finds the appropriate data-attribute and tries again.
To me this feels dirty and expensive as I have to delve into the DOM to then dig this bit of data out, but it's also very easy for me to do.
I can see 2 alternative approaches:
One would be to either take advantage of the scoping of an anonymous Javascript function to keep a handle on the original bit of data, although this may not be possible and could perhaps lead to too much "magic".
Two, keep an object lying around that keeps a track of these things. Instead of asking the DOM for the contents of a certain data-attribute I just query my object.
I guess my assumptions are that the DOM should not be used to store arbitrary bits of state, and instead we should use simpler objects that have a single purpose. On top of that I assume that accessing the DOM is more expensive than a simpler, but specific object to keep track of things.
What do other people think with regards to, performance, clarity and ease of execution?
Your assumptions are very good! Although it's allowed and perfectly valid, it's not a good practice to store data in the DOM. Sure, it's fine if you only have one input field, but, but as the application grows, you end up with a jumbled mess of data everywhere...and as you mentioned, the DOM is SLOW.
The bigger the app, the more essential it is to separate your interests:
DOM Events -> trigger JS functions -> access Data (JS object, JS API, or AJAX API) -> process results (API call or DOM Change)
I'm a big fan of creating an API to access JS data, so you can also trigger new events upon add, delete, get, change.

Save or destroy data/DOM elements? Which takes more resources?

I've been getting more and more into high-level application development with JavaScript/jQuery. I've been trying to learn more about the JavaScript language and dive into some of the more advanced features. I was just reading an article on memory leaks when i read this section of the article.
JavaScript is a garbage collected language, meaning that memory is allocated to objects upon their creation and reclaimed by the browser when there are no more references to them. While there is nothing wrong with JavaScript's garbage collection mechanism, it is at odds with the way some browsers handle the allocation and recovery of memory for DOM objects.
This got me thinking about some of my coding habits. For some time now I have been very focused on minimizing the number of requests I send to the server, which I feel is just a good practice. But I'm wondering if sometimes I don't go too far. I am very unaware of any kind of efficiency issues/bottlenecks that come with the JavaScript language.
I recently built an impound management application for a towing company. I used the jQuery UI dialog widget and populated a datagrid with specific ticket data. Now, this sounds very simple at the surface... but their is a LOT of data being passed around here.
(and now for the question... drumroll please...)
I'm wondering what the pros/cons are for each of the following options.
1) Make only one request for a given ticket and store it permanently in the DOM. Simply showing/hiding the modal window, this means only one request is sent out per ticket.
2) Make a request every time a ticket is open and destroy it when it's closed.
My natural inclination was to store the tickets in the DOM - but i'm concerned that this will eventually start to hog a ton of memory if the application goes a long time without being reset (which it will be).
I'm really just looking for pros/cons for both of those two options (or something neat I haven't even heard of =P).
The solution here depends on the specifics of your problem, as the 'right' answer will vary based on length of time the page is left open, size of DOM elements, and request latency. Here are a few more things to consider:
Keep only the newest n items in the cache. This works well if you are only likely to redisplay items in a short period of time.
Store the data for each element instead of the DOM element, and reconstruct the DOM on each display.
Use HTML5 Storage to store the data instead of DOM or variable storage. This has the added advantage that data can be stored across page requests.
Any caching strategy will need to consider when to invalidate the cache and re-request updated data. Depending on your strategy, you will need to handle conflicts that result from multiple editors.
The best way is to get started using the simplest method, and add complexity to improve speed only where necessary.
The third path would be to store the data associated with a ticket in JS, and create and destroy DOM nodes as the modal window is summoned/dismissed (jQuery templates might be a natural solution here.)
That said, the primary reason you avoid network traffic seems to be user experience (the network is slower than RAM, always). But that experience might not actually be degraded by making a request every time, if it's something the user intuits involves loading data.
I would say number 2 would be best. Because that way if the ticket changes after you open it, that change will appear the second time the ticket is opened.
One important factor in the number of redraws/reflows that are triggered for DOM manipulation. It's much more efficient to build up your content changes and insert them in one go than do do it incrementally, since each increment causes a redraw/reflow.
See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKZ2fj8155I to better understand this.

