Passing array of complex objects from view to controller using Ajax - javascript

In the controller I need to receive two parameters (detail and test), one is a List of a custom objects, the other is a string, I'm able two pass only one parameter (list of objects) when pass both I receive null values in the controller.
Resulting Json to controller:
"detail": [{
"tag": "PIC330_620%2F_.PV_Out%23Value",
"color": "%2331c63e"
}, {
"tag": "A330_10%2F_.FbkFwdOut%23Value",
"color": "%238edeed"
}, {
"tag": "TIC330_603%2F_.PV_Out%23Value",
"color": "%23e8ea62"
}, {
"tag": "TI330_600%2F_.PV_Out%23Value",
"color": "%23f7cbb4"
}, {
"tag": "TIC311_602%2F_.MV%23Value",
"color": "%23ef935d"
}, {
"tag": "TIC311_602%2F_.PV_Out%23Value",
"color": "%23f28a9b"
}, {
"tag": "TIC310_600%2F_.MV%23Value",
"color": "%2385f968"
}, {
"tag": "TIC310_605%2F_.PV_Out%23Value",
"color": "%2308d687"
"test": "lolo"
//Generate list of objects
function getViewDetail() {
var details = [];
var tag;
var color;
var detail;
$('.tagContainer').each(function (i, obj) {
tag = $(this).find('.tag_label').text();
color = $(this).children('.colorpicker').val();
detail = { tag: encodeURIComponent(tag), color: encodeURIComponent(color) };
return details;
// Call Ajax
function sendParameters(){
var details = getViewDetail();
var list = [];
list.push({ detail: details, test: 'lolo' });
list = JSON.stringify(list);
url: '#Url.Action("SaveView", "Batch")',
async: false,
data: list,
contentType: 'application/json',
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
success: function (result) {
if (!result.success) {
showErrorMessage(result.title, result.message);
else {
showSuccessMessage(result.title, result.message);
//In the controller (abbreviated)
public JsonResult SaveView(IEnumerable<Detail> detail, string test)
public class Detail
string _tag;
string _color;
public string tag { get => _tag; set => _tag = value; }
public string color { get => _color; set => _color = value; }

Try this:
data = { detail: details, test: 'lolo' };
data = JSON.stringify(data);
And send it through ajax:
data: data,
Your action's signature is expecting two parameters, detail and test. What you were passing was a list of object with two properties detail and test on it. Got the difference ? In short your posting object should be like:
"detail": [...],
"test": "lolo"


How to hide object property to display using angular ng-model?

I want to hide _id to display on UI using ng-model , I see alot of examples of filtering data using ng-repeat but i did not find angular solution to achieve this task using ng-model.How can hide _id property to display ?
<div ng-jsoneditor="onLoad" ng-model="" options="obj.options" ></div>
$ = {
"_id": "58a3322bac70c63254ba2a9c",
"name": "MailClass",
"id": "MailTask_1",
"createdBy": "tyuru",
"__v": 0,
"properties": [{
"label": "Java Package Name",
"type": "String",
"editable": true,
"binding": {
"type": "property",
"name": "camunda:class"
"$$hashKey": "object:29"
"appliesTo": [
var json = {};
function loadCurrentUserAndTemplate() {
.then(function(resp) {
$scope.currentUser =;
// console.log($scope.currentUser);
$scope.obj = {
data: json,
options: {
mode: 'tree'
var privateFields = removePrivateFields($, ['_id', '__v']);
// add private fields back to $ before POST
var modifiedData = Object.assign({}, $, privateFields);
function removePrivateFields(obj, props) {
var output = {};
props.forEach(function(prop) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
output[prop] = obj[prop];
delete obj[prop];
return output;
function userTemplate(user) {
// console.log('inside template',$scope.currentUser);
.then(function(response) {
// console.log('userTemplate',;
// console.log(;
$scope.displayedTemplates =;
if ( !== 0 && !== null) {
$ =[0];
you can create a function like removePrivateFields to strip the private fields from original object and attach them back to the modified object before submitting to server
// for testing
var $scope = { obj: {} };
var jsonData = {
"_id": "58a3322bac70c63254ba2a9c",
"name": "MailClass",
"id": "MailTask_1",
"createdBy": "tyuru",
"__v": 0,
"properties": [{
"label": "Java Package Name",
"type": "String",
"editable": true,
"binding": {
"type": "property",
"name": "camunda:class"
"$$hashKey": "object:29"
"appliesTo": [
var privateFields = removePrivateFields(jsonData, ['_id', '__v']);
// private fields got removed form actual jsonData
$ = jsonData;
// once edit
// add private fields back to $ before POST
var modifiedData = Object.assign({}, $, privateFields);
function removePrivateFields(obj, props) {
var output = {};
props.forEach(function(prop) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
output[prop] = obj[prop];
delete obj[prop];
return output;
It would be both more performant and along Angular best practices to instead delegate this functionality into your controller or the service fetching the object.
Ideally, you want to perform any object manipulation or formatting within an Angular service, but you could also do it within your controller (probably fine if you're just instantiating your JSON editor with mock data).

Unable to bind json data (api result) to dropdown using jquery/js in MVC

I want to bind json data returned by API to dropdownlist.
but unable to fetch value id and name.
Json Format :
"categories": [
"categories": {
"id": 1,
"name": "CatOne"
"categories": {
"id": 2,
"name": "CatTwo"
I am returning JsonResult, using
return Json(responseData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
and in Jquery call ,I am using
type: "POST",
url: "/Home/City",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
global: false,
async: false,
dataType: "json",
success: function (jsonObj) {
var listItems = "";
//here I want to get id and name
You can populate dropdown from your json like following.
var json = {
"categories": [
{ "categories": { "id": 1, "name": "CatOne" } },
{ "categories": { "id": 2, "name": "CatTwo" } }
$.each(json.categories, function () {
$('select').append('<option value="' + + '">' + + '</option>')
<script src=""></script>
You can just stick a break point (or debugger; statement) inside your success callback. Then you can inspect your jsonObj and it'll tell you exactly what you need to know.
In this case, you should be able to iterate on jsonObj.categories, and your id and name properties will be accessible via jsonObject.categories[i] and jsonObject.categories[i]
So your success method will look something like:
for(var i = 0; i < jsonObj.categories.length; i++) {
var category = jsonObj.categories[i].categories;
var id =;
var name =;
I would also suggest formatting your json differently, as other answers have suggested.

Shopify Ajax API is not accepting properties

I am trying to pass three products through the shopify ajax api. It sends over the variant id and quantity but not the properties. the code is below. if I add to the Shopify.addItem function it stops after one item and gives me a pop saying that one item has been added to the cart. It does not add the other two items nor does it redirect. If I remove from the Shopify.addItem function it adds all three items to the cart but with no properties.
FINAL CODE Revised from #miglio code
var FreeTrial={
addItem:function(qty,id,properties,callback) {
var params = {quantity:qty,id:id};
if(properties != false){ = properties;
type: 'POST',
url: '/cart/add.js',
dataType: 'json',
data: params,
success: function(){
if(typeof callback === 'function'){
error: function(){}
FreeTrial.ini += 1;
if(FreeTrial.ini <{
//return false;
document.location.href = '/cart';
/* SET YOUR ARRAY QTY's' ID's*/ = [
"qty": '1',
"properties": false
"qty": '1',
"properties": false
"qty": '1',
"properties": false
"qty": '1',
"properties": false
"qty": '1',
"properties": {
"recurring_price": "200.00",
"shipping_interval_frequency": "30",
"shipping_interval_unit_type": "days",
"subscription_id": "12599"
]; =;
To add properties I use this function and work fine for me.
addItem=function(qty,id,properties,callback) {
var params = {quantity:qty,id:id};
if(properties != false){ = properties;
type: 'POST',
url: '/cart/add.js',
dataType: 'json',
data: params,
success: function(){
if(typeof callback === 'function'){
error: function(){}
//Example :
var qty = 1;
var id = 123456;//variant_id
var properties: {
"recurring_price": "12",
"shipping_interval_frequency": "34",
"shipping_interval_unit_type": "56",
"subscription_id": "78"
Well, I did this code for multiple items and a save in a gist:
multiple add to cart
Any POST to the endpoint url: '/cart/add.js', can include properties. If the properties are setup correctly, it works like a charm. You can assign as many properties to a variant as you want. Has been working for what, 5 years now? This function has been working for that long at least... no trouble.
addItemWithProperties: function(variant_id, quantity, properties, callback) {
var quantity = quantity || 1;
if(properties) {
var data = properties.join("&")+"&quantity="+quantity+"&id="+variant_id;
} else {
var data = "quantity="+quantity+"&id="+variant_id;
var params = {
type: "POST",
url: "/cart/add.js",
data: data,
dataType: "json",
success: function(line_item) {
if((typeof callback) === "function") {
} else {
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
Shopify.api.onError(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus)
edit. I guess you could do the call manually
add to cart
Considering the Shopify.addItem() function is, straight off their API I'm not sure you can simply add a parameter like that.
My guess is that the extra parameter has the effect that the function doesn't run.

Constructing payload in AngularJs POST calls

In my application, I need to make POST requests with this information:
"data": [
"type": "Search",
"thing": "{"Table":"Movie","Field":"Title","Type":"String","Value": "INPUT VALUE GOES HERE"}"
"type": "Search",
"thing": "{"Table":"Movie","Field":"Director","Type":"String","Value": "INPUT VALUE GOES HERE"}"
"type": "Search",
"thing": "{"Table":"Movie","Field":"Year","Type":"String","Value": "INPUT VALUE GOES HERE"}"
I have directives that are simply input elements that will get the data to be placed in the "INPUT VALUE GOES HERE" spots.
My question is, can I pre-pend all of this information into the ng-model of my directives so that when I submit my POST request, I can do something like this:
function submitRequest(input){
var dataToSend = [ input.movieTitle, input.movieDirector, input.movieYear];
return $http({
method: 'POST',
data: dataToSend
The input is a $scope variable that holds the form data collected by all three different directives
I am just unsure how to go about building long query strings like these.
You can set dataToSend to be that data array and just have the values be the appropriate input values. See the code below:
function submitRequest(input){
var dataToSend = [
"type": "Search",
"thing": "{"Table":"Movie","Field":"Title","Type":"String","Value": input.movieTitle}"
"type": "Search",
"thing": "{"Table":"Movie","Field":"Director","Type":"String","Value": input.movieDirector}"
"type": "Search",
"thing": "{"Table":"Movie","Field":"Year","Type":"String","Value": input.movieYear}"
return $http({
method: 'POST',
data: dataToSend
So I ended up doing what rkho suggested and did this:
var query = {
requestId: "xxxx",
method: "search",
include: "title, director, year"
function submitRequest(data) { = [];
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var queryData = {
data: {
table: data[i].table || "default",
field: data[i].field || "default",
type: data[i].type || "default",
value: data[i].value
queryData["data"] = angular.toJson(queryData["data"]);;
return $http({
method: 'POST',
data: query
This way, it's a little more dynamic.

Starting at a specific index in each function

Please take a look at this fiddle
How can I use slice in the loop to make it return results starting from a specific index?
The JSON file:
"title": "A",
"link": "",
"image": "",
"price": "$1295.00",
"brand": "ABC",
"color": "Black",
"material": "Rubber"
I want it to return results starting from brand:
brand - ABC
color - Black
material - Rubber
I don't know where to put .slice(4) in the loop. I got undefined error using
$.each(value.slice(4),function(key, value)
Here's the code:
url: "*",
success: function (data) {
var item_html="";
$(data.query.results.json).each(function(key, value) {
$.each(value,function(key, value){
item_html += '<h3>'+key+' - '+value+'</h3>';
Use a separate array of property names, so you can slice it and get the names in a guaranteed order.
var props = [
url: "*",
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
var item_html="";
var propslice = props.slice(4);
$.each(data.query.results.json, function(i, obj) {
$.each(propslice, function(i, key) {
value = obj[key];
item_html += '<h3>'+key+' - '+value+'</h3>';
If there are a small number of properties you want to skip, you can make a list of them in an object, and test against that list:
var excluded_props = {
title: true,
link: true,
image: true,
price: true
url: "*",
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
var item_html="";
$.each(data.query.results.json, function(i, obj) {
$.each(obj, function(key, value) {
if (!excluded_props[key]) {
value = obj[key];
item_html += '<h3>'+key+' - '+value+'</h3>';
What you're asking for isn't possible with an object. Objects in Javascript are not ordered, only arrays. You have a few options:
Refactor your object to be an array
Refactor your object so that each key has a new key for order*
loop through each property of the object, placing it into an array (no guaranteed order!) and then looping through the array.
"title": {
"value" : "A",
"order" : 4
"link": {
"value" : "",
"order" : 5

