Get filtered elements from an Object - javascript

I want to get the value associated with the condition "Color" defined in var A.
I'm getting the keys of the object, but I want to get the value associated with the condition "Color"
function TestOBJ(){
var A = [
[['sky', 'deep sea'],'blue'],
var dataOBJ={};
for(var j=0;j<A.length;j++){
dataOBJ[j]= {
CONTENT: A[j][0],
COR: A[j][1]
const filtered = Object.keys(dataOBJ)
.filter(function esSuficientementeGrande(elemento) {
if( dataOBJ[elemento].COR == 'red'){
return JSON.stringify(dataOBJ[elemento]);
For example:
I expect the results:
tomatoes, strawberry

You want to retrieve the values by the condition of the color.
For example, when you give red as the condition, you want to retrieve apple tomatoes, strawberry.
In this case, I thought that you might need "apple", "tomatoes", "strawberry".
You want to achieve this using Google Apps Script.
If my understanding is correct, how about this modification? Please think of this as just one of several answers.
Modified script 1:
If your script is modified, how about this modification?
function TestOBJ(){
var A = [
[['sky', 'deep sea'],'blue'],
var dataOBJ={};
for(var j=0;j<A.length;j++){
dataOBJ[j]= {
CONTENT: A[j][0],
COR: A[j][1]
const filtered = Object.keys(dataOBJ)
.reduce(function(ar, elemento) {
if (dataOBJ[elemento].COR == 'red') ar = ar.concat(dataOBJ[elemento].CONTENT);
return ar;
}, []);
Modified script 2:
As other pattern, how about this?
function TestOBJ(){
var A = [
[['sky', 'deep sea'],'blue'],
// I modified below script.
var color = "red";
var res = A.reduce(function(ar, e) {
if (e[1] === color) ar = ar.concat(e[0]);
return ar;
}, []);
If I misunderstood your question and this was not the result you want, I apologize.


Functions Invoking other Functions exercise I'm stumped on

First-time poster here and have run into a speed bump in my pre-work for a 6-month full-stack boot camp I'm enrolled in for November.
I'm working on some exercises on and this one is on javascript functions. You're told to write 3 functions called mealMaker, slice, and cook.
You're given an empty array and are told to fill it with objects like so:
const arrayOfFoodObjects = [
"food": "beef",
"type": "meat"
"food": "zucchini",
"type": "vegetable"
"food": "bacon",
"type": "meat"
"food": "okra",
"type": "vegetable"
They want you to have the cook function take all the objects that have "type": "meat" and return a string that says "Cooked ("food": value)" (e.g. "Cooked beef") and similarly with the slice function for "type": "vegetable" they want "("food": value) slices" (e.g. "Okra slices").
Then the mealMaker function takes what those functions spit out and creates an array as such: ["Cooked beef", "Okra slices" ...].
Where I'm stuck is I wrote a .filter() function that just returns a filtered array of those objects which I soon realized wouldn't serve its purpose. I guess I'm trying to figure out how to write a function so I can filter the meat and vegetables separately and then have them spit out the required string.
What's confusing me is how to target the "food" value and plug it into a certain string after filtering with the "type" value.
This is the rest of the code I have written so far which may or may not help.
var redMeat = arrayOfFoodObjects.filter(function(cook) {
return cook.type == "meat";
var veggies = arrayOfFoodObjects.filter(function(slice) {
return slice.type == "vegetable";
console.log(veggies, redMeat)
With the console just looking like:
[ { food: 'zucchini', type: 'vegetable' },
{ food: 'okra', type: 'vegetable' } ] [ { food: 'beef', type: 'meat' },
{ food: 'bacon', type: 'meat' } ]
I'm probably not tackling this the right way as I've spent a good amount of time trying different things I had found on Google and applying them as best I could but this was the closest I managed to get. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.
PS I'm not super familiar with this format of a function as I came up with this through some searches on Google. If someone wouldn't mind explaining how this may differ from the function format I'm used to seeing, that'd be awesome. I'm not sure about which part of it is the "name" of the function. The functions I've worked with so far typically look like:
function nameOfFunction(value(s)) {
You are not doing what they ask.
They want a cook function and a slice function:
function cook(arr){
//for each element of the array, return its mapped value (they ask a string)
return function(foodObject){
return `Cooked ${}`
function slice(arr){
//do it
let cooks = cook(arrayOfFoodObjects)
let slices = slice(arrayOfFoodObjects)
then feed what the function spit out to mealMaker (as instructed):
function mealMaker(cooks, slices){
return function(cook, idxCook){
let slice = slices[idxCook];
//guess what to do with cook and slice
mealMaker(cooks, slices)
I think something alone these lines is requested:
const cook = product => "cooked " +;
const slice = product => + " slices";
const mealMaker = (products) => {
const meatProducts = products.filter(product => product.type === "meat");
const veggieProducts = products.filter(product => product.type === "vegetable");
return [
Notice the fat arrow syntax for writing functions. How it is different compared to regular functions, is explained here on Mozilla.
Welcome holdenprkr!
I think you are on the right track! For now, we have a way to get an array of veggies and another one for meats:
var redMeat = arrayOfFoodObjects.filter(function(cook) {
return cook.type == "meat";
var veggies = arrayOfFoodObjects.filter(function(slice) {
return slice.type == "vegetable";
So far so good, now we want a cook function that takes our readMeat array, and converts it to a array of strings. So, something in the lines of:
function cook(readMeatsArray) {
// convert readMeatsArray to cookedMeatsArray
// [{'food': 'beef', 'type': 'meat'}, ...]
// to
// ['Cooked beef', ...]
And then a slice function for the veggies:
function slice(veggiesArray) {
// convert veggiesArray to slicedVeggiesArray
// [{'food': 'okra', 'type': 'vegetable'}, ...]
// to
// ['Okra slices', ...]
So, if we combine this in an mealMaker function we now have:
function mealMaker() {
// First we get our arrays
var redMeat = arrayOfFoodObjects.filter(function(cook) {
return cook.type == "meat";
var veggies = arrayOfFoodObjects.filter(function(slice) {
return slice.type == "vegetable";
// Then we convert our object arrays to string arrays
var cookedMeats = cook(redMeat);
var slicedVeggies = slice(veggies);
// Now we combine the resulting arrays and return it
var mealArray = cookedMeats.concat(slicedVeggies);
return mealArray;
This would be one approach, hope it helps.
PD: I left the functions cook and slice empty on purpose, you can get some inspiration from user753642's answer ;)

Preventing duplicate objects from being added to array?

I am building a little shop for a client and storing the information as an array of objects. But I want to ensure that I am not creating "duplicate" objects. I have seen similar solutions, but perhaps it is my "newness" to coding preventing me from getting the gist of them to implement in my own code, so I'd like some advice specific to what I have done.
I have tried putting my code in an if look, and if no "part", my variable looking for part number, exists in the code, then add the part, and could not get it to function.
Here is the function I am working on:
function submitButton(something) {
window.scroll(0, 0);
cartData = ($(this).attr("data").split(','));
part: cartData[0],
description: cartData[1]
arrObj is defined as a global variable, and is what I am working with here, with a "part" and a "description", which is the data I am trying to save from elsewhere and output to my "#cart". I have that part working, I just want to ensure that the user cannot add the same item twice. (or more times.)
Sorry if my code is shoddy or I look ignorant; I am currently a student trying to figure these things out so most of JS and Jquery is completely new to me. Thank you.
You can create a proxy and use Map to hold and access values, something like this
let cart = new Map([{ id: 1, title: "Dog toy" }, { id: 2, title: "Best of Stackoverflow 2018" }].map(v=>[,v]));
let handler = {
set: function(target,prop, value, reciver){
console.log('already available')
} else{
get: function(target,prop){
return target.get(prop)
let proxied = new Proxy(cart, handler)
proxied['1'] = {id:1,title:'Dog toy'}
proxied['3'] = {id:3,title:'Dog toy new value'}
Assuming the 'part' property is unique on every cartData, I did checking only based on it.
function submitButton(something) {
window.scroll(0, 0);
cartData = ($(this).attr("data").split(','));
part: cartData[0],
description: cartData[1]
const isDuplicate = (arr) => {
for(obj of arrObj){
if(arr[0] === obj.part)
return true;
return false;
If you want to do the checking on both 'part' and 'description' properties, you may replace the if statement with if(arr[0] === obj.part && arr[1] === obj.description).
Thanks everyone for their suggestions. Using this and help from a friend, this is the solution that worked:
function submitButton(something) {
cartData = ($(this).attr("data").split(','));
let cartObj = {
part: cartData[0],
description: cartData[1],
quantity: 1
match = false
if (cartObject.part == cartData[0]) {
match = true;
if (!match) {
Okay, you have multiple possible approaches to this. All of them need you to specify some kind of identifier on the items which the user can add. Usually, this is just an ID integer.
So, if you have that integer you can do the following check to make sure it's not in the array of objects:
let cart = [{ id: 1, title: "Dog toy" }, { id: 2, title: "Best of Stackoverflow 2018" }];
function isInCart(id) {
return cart.some(obj => === id);
Another approach is saving the items by their id in an object:
let cart = { 1: { title: "Dog toy" }, 2: { title: "Best of Stackoverflow 2018" } };
function isInCart(id) {
if(cart[id]) return true;
return false;
Try to use indexOf to check if the object exists, for example:
var beasts = ['ant', 'bison', 'camel', 'duck', 'bison'];
// expected output: -1

JAVASCRIPT object to array conversion

I search on stackoverflow before post my question, but I didn't find any solution. I have an object like this :
{"05. Juridique":
[{"res_id":100,"type_label":"Plainte","subject":"test23","doctypes_first_level_label":"COURRIERS","doctypes_second_level_label":"05. Juridique","folder_level":2}]
And I need to access it like an array, in order to get the information like res_id etc..
How can I do this ?
Thanks in advance
Assuming that you won't have more than one object/array in each layer, this should get you what you need.
let obj = {
"05. Juridique": [{
"res_id": 100,
"type_label": "Plainte",
"subject": "test23",
"doctypes_first_level_label": "COURRIERS",
"doctypes_second_level_label": "05. Juridique",
"folder_level": 2
let folder = Object.keys(obj)[0]
let type = Object.keys(obj[folder])[0]
let result = obj[folder][type][0]
You can gain access to the data in multiple ways. The following below will help clarify some of the way you can access some of the data.
myObj.type = "Dot syntax";
myObj.type = "Dot syntax";
myObj["date created"] = "String with space";
myObj[str] = "String value";
myObj[rand] = "Random Number";
myObj[obj] = "Object";
myObj[""] = "Even an empty string";
For your problem you can use the following
var x = {
"05. Juridique":[
"doctypes_second_level_label":"05. Juridique",
console.log(x['COURRIERS']['05. Juridique'][0].res_id)
Something like that ?
(I insert the data inside a variable and print the wanted result with key index)
let obj = {
"05. Juridique":[
"doctypes_second_level_label":"05. Juridique",
console.log(obj["COURRIERS"]["05. Juridique"][0]["res_id"]);
You want to acess it with variable.
For avoid bug, I strong recommend you to check if the variable value key exist in the array/object like :
let folder = 'COURRIERS';
if(folder.indexOf(data) >= 0) { // folder.indexOf(data) = 0
// ... finish the job here :)
// indexOf return -1 if the value is not found

JS converting an array to a json linked list?

I am new to JS and the concepts of organising data elude me a little, trying to take data from a specific array format (as this is what I have to work with) and output it into another specific JSON format.
This is to pass data to the D3 sankey module
I can't figure out is how to add the index of the node into the links, rather than the name.
Really I am just totally lost with it!
I made a fiddle here:
Below is an example of the data and the output required
var data= [
{"source":"Agricultural 'waste'","target":"Bio-conversion","value":"124.2729"},
{"source":"Bio-conversion","target":"Electricity grid","value":"0.597"},
var output= {
{"name":"Agricultural 'waste'"},
{"name":"Electricity grid"},
Here is my code from the fiddle thusfar
var data=[{"source":"Agricultural 'waste'","target":"Bio-conversion","value":"124.2729"},
{"source":"Bio-conversion","target":"Electricity grid","value":"0.597"},
var sourceArray=[];
for (var i=0; i <data.length; i++ ) {
var node= {"name":data[i].source};
var found = jQuery.inArray(node, sourceArray);
if (found < 0) {
// Element was not found, add it.
In javascript:
[ ] annotations are used to describe an Array, like:
var names=["John","Lisa"]
{ } Its are used to describe an Object
var person = {"name" : "John", "age" : 23}
You can use them inside one another
var people=[{"name" : "John", "age" : 23},{"name" : "Lisa", "age" : 44}]
Try this:
var data=[{"source":"Agricultural 'waste'","target":"Bio-conversion","value":"124.2729"},
{"source":"Bio-conversion","target":"Electricity grid","value":"0.597"},
var sourceArray=[];
var linkArray=[];
for (var i=0; i <data.length; i++ ) {
var node= {"name":data[i].source,};
var link= {
var found = jQuery.inArray(node, sourceArray);
if (found >= 0) {
// Element was found, remove it.
sourceArray.splice(found, 1);
linkArray.splice(found, 1);
} else {
// Element was not found, add it.
finalArray={"nodes": sourceArray,"links": linkArray}
Array.reduce() is perfect for this use case ;)
Take a look.
var data=[{"source":"Agricultural 'waste'","target":"Bio-conversion","value":"124.2729"},
{"source":"Bio-conversion","target":"Electricity grid","value":"0.597"},
var output = data.reduce(function(result, item){
for(key in search = ['source','target']) {
var value = item[search[key]];
if(! result.index.hasOwnProperty(value)){
result.index[value] = Object.keys(result.index).length;
result.nodes.push({name: value});
source: result.index[item.source],
target: result.index[],
value: Number(item.value)
return result;
}, {nodes: [], links: [], index: {}});
delete output.index;

How to get JSON Data depending on other data values in JavaScript

My Json is like this:
{"isoCode":"BW","name":"Botswana ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"","MMT":null},
{"isoCode":"BR","name":"Brazil ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"Y","MMT":null},
{"isoCode":"BG","name":"Bulgaria ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"Y","MMT":"Y"},
{"isoCode":"BF","name":"Burkina Faso","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"","MMT":null},
I want all the names which have BankOut value as "Y" into an array using JavaScript, in order to use those names in my protractor automation.
You need to use filter method of array. It takes function as it argument. And runs it against each element of array. If function returns true (or other truthy value) then that element stays in newly created array.
var list =[ {"isoCode":"BW","name":"Botswana ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"","MMT":null},
{"isoCode":"BR","name":"Brazil ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"Y","MMT":null},
{"isoCode":"BG","name":"Bulgaria ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"Y","MMT":"Y"},
{"isoCode":"BF","name":"Burkina Faso ", "CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"","MMT":null},
var onlyBankOutY = list.filter(function (item) {
return item.BankOut === 'Y';
document.body.innerHTML = (item) {
return JSON.stringify(item);
var list =[
{"isoCode":"BW","name":"Botswana ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"","MMT":null},
{"isoCode":"BR","name":"Brazil ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"Y","MMT":null},
{"isoCode":"BG","name":"Bulgaria ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"Y","MMT":"Y"},
{"isoCode":"BF","name":"Burkina Faso ", "CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"","MMT":null}, {"isoCode":"BI","name":"Burundi","CashOut":"","BankOut":"","MMT":"Y"},
var names = [];
list.forEach(function(el) {
if (el.BankOut === 'Y') {

