How to get CandidateID from SuccessFactors Career (recruitment) site? - javascript

I'm trying to build a Fiori application (sapui5) and it is deployed, working through link. My problem is: I have to put it on a recruitment site, the Career Opportunities site (it is somehow connected to SAP Successfactors), and I am supposed to know the person's CandidateID because my app is based on that.
So when somebody applying for a job in Career Opportunities site, and clicks on "Next" (after filling in the fields), they get to a site where there are some information and my link. When they click on the link, I should get their candidateId to my link.
How could I get that? Is there any way?

The Information of all candidates can be retrieved via OData API.
The site you are referring to is probably a career site builder page. Within SFSF this pages can be adapted with standard elements how the page should look like.
One element is the custom Javascript plugin where you are quite free in what you are doing.
Unfortunately I doubt that you can compose a link containing the candidate ID without doing some heavy stuff you should NOT do like reading the URL and extracting the candidate ID or something like this.
Long answer short: it might be possible technically but you really should avoid it, also in terms of security - it also sounds like you do not really know the system where your link magically appears. So: don’t do it :)


Creating a website for a blogger and give admin rights

I want to create a website (using HTML, CSS and JavaScript/Jquery) for a blogger. However, she intends to change the content and color of the page pretty frequently, without asking for my help everytime.
I know how to create Login credentials to allow a specific user to modify the page (background or innerHTML), but I do not know how to upload these changes to the server directly from the website page.
Any help would be great.
It might be worth looking into getting a content management system like Wordpress (PHP) or Umbraco (, you can code the site design then she can log in and change the content. You will have to code in functionality to change colours and whatever else she needs.
The best way to go about this would probably be to use an existing CMS (Content Management System), like Wordpress or Joomla. You will have to research the options yourself.
Even this might be overkill if all she wants is a blogging tool, it all depends on the requirements (maybe a custom theme for a bogging site would do). In any case, while it is certainly not as much fun as building something new, the existing CMS tools and blogging tools have been around for a long time and has been meeting the needs of bloggers and people who need to update websites without technical skill for a very long time.
So, my recommendation is to find a good tool, get yourself acquainted with it and learn how to customize it to fit your clients' needs, then use that.

How to embed a self updating photo album that fetches images from Google Drive

So first of pardon me for being really noobish at this. I'm trying to build a site from an HTML5 template for a small music company I work with for fun and educational reasons. I have very limited knowledge of Web development, but I am able to edit the template and have done quite a bit of reading to try to understand how everything works. I find that it's much easier to do so than having to build it from scratch, which could take months to do so properly. (Not to say I don't want to learn, but I'd like to get this done quickly if I can).
So let me get right to it, and I'll try to be short. The company is a music promotion company. They need the following pages: about, team, in-house musician bios, blog, contact form and events. I have pretty much everything figured out (the blog and musicians currently need to be properly finished in terms of content and CSS), except for the events page.
Currently its a static album that pulls images link by link from a Google Drive folder instead of the Web server (For ease of access). The issue with this is that every time an event is outdated or new ones need to be added, I have to manually update the index file and change the links, which is time consuming and unnecessary. I want this site to be fairly autonomous, so that I don't have to log into the server every few days and change the index file over and over. I hope you understand where I am coming from.
So, my idea is to use the same Drive folder, but have the site automatically pull the images, properly resize them (if possible) and show them on the page. I haven't found an easy solution to this yet, and with my lack of web experience, I don't think I can write this myself. I know self updating albums that pull form the server exist and can be found online, but those still require FTP access, which is not bad, but can be improved on.
So the process I think is as follows
Fetch images from shared drive folder via Drive API
Fetch individual image link
Insert each link dynamically into an array/table.
Have individual row/column resize the image.
Here is what the site I am working on currently looks like:
And here is their current site:
The culprit is in the idea of automatically fetching the images every time they get updated/removed from the Drive folder, without server access. Sort of reminds me of this:

Get number of online users from public website page

Say there is a website homepage that publicly displays stats like online users, page generation time, etc.
Is it possible to retrieve those specific values and display them on a piece of software, like for example a simple charting extension written in Javascript? Or does it depend on the software used to get them?
Just to be clear, I'm asking about a generic public webpage, not about my own website - i.e. I do not have any access to internal phps, codes, variables, etc. of the website/domain.
The method which you are looking for is web scraping. Basically it's the process of getting the required data which is already shown in that webpage. You can find tons of tutorial regarding this.
The server is the only thing that knows how many people are browsing. This is not obtainable from the front end unless the back end is providing it to you.

How to extend HTML of an existing site via JavaScript or similar

I want to add a bit of extra HTML to an existing site based on a REST API call response.
Specifically, lets you search for kids school books with an "AR" test. (My son has to read a certain number of books at a level.) It has a link to if you find a book you want to buy. However I would like to know if available for Kindle (most are not). Right now I have to click the Amazon link, check the page, go back and try next one - it can take 10 tries to find one available on the Kindle. Painful!
I was after ideas of the easiest way to do this. That is, without touching the web site, can I add some JavaScript (jQuery) to all the returned HTML pages. The JavaScript will look in the returned page for each book, fire off a Amazon ItemSearch query (?) to see if available on Kindle, then inject a HTML link to the Kindle book on Amazon. I can learn how to write the JavaScript - I am just after some pointers for the easiest way to augment the current site.
That way I can use the current site to find a book, but it is faster for me to identify which books are available on Kindle without manually trying each link by hand.
E.g. a web browser plugin that runs some javaScript on each returned page? A varnish proxy with some smart logic to fiddle pages on the way through? A PHP app acting like as a proxy server? Thanks!
Maybe you want to have something like the chrome extension Tampermonkey.
It allows to add and manage userscripts for websites. Means, a javascript "snippet" which is added to websites maching specific patterns.

How do I integrate user information into my Facebook application?

I wrote an application in Javascript that I put on facebook and would now like to integrate user information into the gameplay. I would like it to be similar to the way Words with Friends works, where the users' name and profile picture information are used to display the scores. To work best with the way my application works, being able to set the name and picture as variables seem to me to be the best way of doing this. Ideally I would also like to incorporate a way to select from a menu of the users friends which friend they want to challenge and send a request, and also record the users win/loss statistics. I have searched around and have not been able to find any guides on how to do this. If someone could point me to one or provide me with the code to do this that would be really great. I am somewhat new to programming and entirely new to Facebook applications.
Here is a link to what I have so far:
This is a big topic and requires you to dive in the graph API which I assume you've looked at. In case you haven't here is the link
Basically, you need to ask a facebook user for permission to do certain things. What you want to be able to do with their account will be in line with what your application does. When a user accepts these permissions, you will have an access token that you can then use in a query string to query the graph API for any data available about that person (limited by what permissions you asked for from them).
It's then up to your code to interpret that data (JSON or XML) and then display it, interact with it etc.
Be warned, the Facebook API documentation can be quite vague. It is also hard to find certain topics, and Facebook constantly deprecates things. When they deprecate things they do tend to give a good amount of leniency for developers to update their code however.
Best of luck.

