Adding two same rows in array than modifying only one of them - javascript

First, I am adding two same rows in array and later I need to modify only the last one, adding new property to it. The way I do that:
for(var index in arrayOne) {
var arrayOneItem = arrayOne[index];
var new_row = {
address: arrayOne[index].address,
date: arrayOne[index].date,
category: arrayOne[index].category,
if(arrayOne[index].refund_status == 'refunded') {
rows[rows.length - 1].refund_status = 'refunded';
But the problem is that the code inside if statement does not only modify last row, but also the one before it, so the refund_status = 'refunded' is added both to the last and one before last row. Why is this happening and is there a way to modify the last row only?

When you are using the same object twice it's best to create a copy (shallow in this case) using Object.assign(). This will avoid referencing the same object from multiple variables or array indexes in your case.
rows.push(Object.assign({}, new_row));

This is because the object you push into the array is passed by reference and not by value, thus when you change the original object you will change both references to it in the array, see example below:
let someArray = [];
let someObj = {foo: "bar"};
someArray[0].foo = "baz";
To avoid this, you would need to clone the values of the object to create a new one. This question has some ways to do so, using JSON.parse and JSON.stringify is the shortest way to deep-copy an object without an external library, see example below:
let someArray = [];
let someObj = {foo: "bar"};
let newObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(someObj));
someArray[0].foo = "baz";

Because you are changing property of an object, and object in javaScript is accessed through a link not a separate instance. In another words, you have the same object in memory and you change its property. It means, new_row is object you create and push it several times, and it's the same.
You can avoid it by copying it when pushing second times:
if(arrayOne[index].refund_status == 'refunded') {
rows.push({ ...new_row });
rows[rows.length - 1].refund_status = 'refunded';
where { ...new_row } basically creates new copy.
When you do rows[rows.length - 1].refund_status = 'refunded'; only second last will change.
Another solution i'd suggest is a bit more accurate:
const rows = []; // empty
const arrayOne = []; // SOME DATA HERE as I understand
const refundedStatus = ;
arrayOne.forEach(element=> {
if (value.refund_status === 'refunded') {
rows[rows.length].refund_status = 'refunded';
rows.push({ ...element});


Modifying an object causes the modifications to be reflected in a copy of that object previously pushed to an array

I have code similar to the following
var l_mattes_array = [];
var matte_array = [];
var mattes = [];
mattes[0] = "<test><imgsrc>test1</imgsrc></test>";
mattes[1] = "<test><imgsrc>test2</imgsrc></test>";
$(mattes).each(function(i, el)
matte_array.imgsrc = ($(el).find("imgsrc").first().text());
l_mattes_array[i] = matte_array;
The output I am getting is:
[imgsrc: "test1"]
[imgsrc: "test2"]
(2) [Array(0), Array(0)]
0:[imgsrc: "test2"]
1:[imgsrc: "test2"]
The output I want:
[imgsrc: "test1"]
[imgsrc: "test2"]
(2) [Array(0), Array(0)]
0:[imgsrc: "test1"]
1:[imgsrc: "test2"]
The problem is that matte_array is a reference type (all objects are, and arrays are objects, so yes). What this means is, when you say l_matte_array[i] = matte_array, you are actually setting that index of l_matte_array to a reference to the value of the array matte_array, and then when you modify the matte_array again in the second iteration, you are modifying the value referenced by matte_array, that value is the same value that you set l_matte_array[i] to refer to in the preceding iteration.
So all your l_matte_array indices are merely holding a reference to a single shared value, and you have modified that value to have its imgsrc property be equal to "test2".
Go read this MDN article, you will come out of it having a nice understanding of JavaScript datatypes.
Another problem with you code is, you are using an array as an object, which is inappropriate. Use an array if you want to take advantage of its functionality of having numerically indexed elements; if you want to group some properties and/or methods somewhere, just use a normal object (created with a literal: var obj = {}); if you want something to hold a single value, use a variable.
So, I solved your problem in the following way (I am not using a variable for imgsrc because I believe you are modifying the objects that hold imgsrc sometime later in your code, if you are not adding any properties/methods to the objects that you push to l_mattes_array, just replace my object with an imgsrc variable):
var l_mattes_array = [];
var mattes = [];
mattes[0] = "<test><imgsrc>test1</imgsrc></test>";
mattes[1] = "<test><imgsrc>test2</imgsrc></test>";
$(mattes).each(function(i, el) {
var matte_object = {};
matte_object.imgsrc = ($(el).find("imgsrc").first().text());
l_mattes_array[i] = matte_object;
<script src=""></script>
The problem is you're referencing the same object (matte_array), so you're changing the src property but the reference is still the same. What you could to is just initialize matte_array inside the cycle, so each time it becomes a new array, like this:
// ...
// var matte_array = []; // Should not be here
// ...
$(mattes).each(function(i, el)
var matte_array = []; // Should be here
// ...
// ...
Here you have a working example:
You can use and remove all html tags with the regular expression /<{1}[^<>]{1,}>{1}/g.
const mattes = ['<test><imgsrc>test1</imgsrc></test>', '<test><imgsrc>test2</imgsrc></test>'];
const l_mattes_array = => ({imgsrc: el.replace(/<{1}[^<>]{1,}>{1}/g, '')}));
I added
matte_array = [];
after adding to l_mattes_array and that fixed it

Named objects and collection of them

not sure how to ask tbh :)
I'm used of PHP's associative arrays so much that I struggle to understand how to create an "named array" of objects.
I have two arrays, two ints and one boolean. This represents one of my entities. I have multiple entities on which I'm doing some work.
In PHP I would write:
$entitites[$entitity_id]['items'][] = $item;
$entitites[$entitity_id]['items_status'][] = $item_status;
and so on..
How do I do this with objects in JS?
var entities = {items:[], items_status: [], items_count: 0};
How does one name his object for later access (via name or in my case, entity_id?)
This code doesnt work for me to this extend that my webpage goes blank without any errors produced :S
I also tried this:
var entities = {};
var entity = {items:[], items_status: [], items_count: 0};
but then I dont know how to always add values to already existing object in entities object and how to call that exact object via name eg. entity_id.
Halp :(
Keep entities as an object. Then you can just go ahead and add each entity_id as a key and an object which has all the details of that entity as the value.
var entities = {};
entities["1234"] = {
"items" : [],
"items_status" : [],
"items_count" : 0
There are 2 types involved here: Objects & Arrays.
Arrays are simple and you're probably familiar with them from any other language:
var myArray = []; // this is an empty array
myArray[0] = 1;
myArray[1] = 2;
myArray[2] = 3;
// you could also use "var myArray = [1, 2, 3];" instead
alert(myArray[1]); // alerts the value 2
Note: arrays are actually objects, and can have non-index properties as well
You can also use various array functions such as .push(), .pop(), .shift() and so on to mutate the array instead.
Objects share the square brackets notation, but the purpose is different:
var myObject = {}; // this is an empty object
myObject[0] = 1;
myObject[1] = 2;
myObject[2] = 3;
alert(myObject[1]); // alerts the value 2
// but also...
myObject['prop'] = 4;
alert(myObject['prop']); // alerts the value 4
// and
myObject.prop2 = 5;
alert(myObject.prop2); // alerts the value 5
// and lastly
alert(myObject.prop); // alerts the value 4
So while arrays are accessed by index, objects are accessed by property names.
As for your entities, it looks like an array of objects. Lets see how we can do that:
function Entity() {
this.items = [];
this.items_status = [];
this.items_count = 0;
var entitites = [];
entities.push(new Entity());
entities[0].items = [1, 2, 3];
entities[0].items_status = ['good', 'good', 'poor'];
entities[0].items_count = 3;
Or you can wrap insertion in a more elegant function:
Entity.prototype.insert(item, status) {
entities[0].insert(4, 'excellent!');
If you want to keep control of the indexes in your JS array you can do so by not using .push() :
var entities = [];
entities[5] = {items:[], items_status:[], items_count:0};
Just replace 5 by your integer entity_id variable, and there you go.
You can use a regular javascript object to create the associative array you're looking for.
Actually it's PHP's implementation that's abit off but all they do is call it different (associative array) to most other language that simply refer to it as an object or hash.
You can use numeric keys in JS and still access them with the [] square brackets.
It works like this:
var my_obj = {};
my_obj[5] = 'any value';
console.log(my_obj); // {5: 'any value'}
JS will not add any redundant undefined to missing indexes either so when looping over the collection you won't loop over undefined.
Also, I can access the object by using the key as a string or as number so you won't have to check if the key is the right type. Taken from the above example:
console.log(my_obj['5']); // 'any value'
console.log(my_obj[5]); // 'any value'
JS Objects are the equivelant of PHP assoc arrays except JS objects are much more flexible than PHP's associative arrays.
The only downside to this is that you can't have duplicate keys.
No two keys may exist that share the same name, in an array if you .push(an_item) it will create a new index making even a duplicate data entry unique but when overwriting a key with a new value only the last value will persist, mind that :)

Removing an object from a javascript list of objects

I currently have a list of objects in javascript indexed by a key:
var list = [];
list['a'] = [];
list['a'].push({obj: 'test'});
list['a'].push({obj: 'test2'});
list['b'] = [];
list['b'].push({obj: 'test'});
list['b'].push({obj: 'test2'});
I would list to remove the entry based on the key (a/b)
I have tried the following:
for(var x in list) { delete list[x]; }
that works but it actually leaves an undefined entry in the list.
I have also tried splicing the array, but that does not seems to work in this case.
Any thoughts on how to remove the entry in javascript or jQuery?
The Fix:
After reading some of the comments, i was able to better understand what my list is consistent of. Therefor, i was able to do the removal by doing the following:
delete list.b;
I'm not sure if my list is best way to organize my structure, but doing a delete on the list and treating it like an object property did the trick.
Thanks for all the feedback.
I'll assume list is an object, not an array.
If you want to reset a or (or b it's done the same way)
list.a.length = 0;
If you want to delete an element from a at a known index (let index)
list.a.splice(index, 1);
You're attempting to add the elements to the array object as object properties and not as array elements. You can verify this by inspecting the value of list.length (will be 0).
So when doing something such as the following:
function removeProperty(id) {
if (list.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
delete list[id];
it's really the same as:
delete list.a;
which is why you think it leaves an undefined 'entry' in the 'list'.
You'll need to use a literal object instead:
var list = {};
list['a'] = [];
list['b' = [];
which would allow you to use delete and have it behave as you expect. Of course you'll lose the .length property on the array but you never had that anyway.
Create a simple prototype for the Array class
Array.prototype.remove = function() {
// Helper function to remove a single element from a list if exists
item = arguments[0]
if (this.includes(item)) {
index = this.indexOf(item)
this.splice(index, 1)
// Now we can call
The above code will add the remove method to all your lists, so this will help you not just for objects but also strings, integers, or any data type
var list = {1: [{},{}], 2: [{},{}]};
function removeProperty(obj, prop){
delete obj[prop];
If this quote:
I would list to remove the entry based on the key (a/b)
means you would like to select the list to consider based off the key (a/b), then remove elements in the list (or all of them), you can try this:
var list = [];
list['a'] = [];
list['a'].push({obj: 'test4'});
list['a'].push({obj: 'test5'});
list['b'] = [];
list['b'].push({obj: 'test'});
list['b'].push({obj: 'test2'});
var toRemove = 'test4';
var removeFrom = "a";
var consideredList;
for (var prop in list) {
if (prop == removeFrom) {
consideredList = list[prop];
//Remove everything from the considered list
consideredList.splice(0, consideredList.length);
//Remove based off value, if you know the property name
// for(var pos in consideredList) {
// if(consideredList[pos].obj == toRemove) {
// consideredList.splice(pos, 1);
// }
// }
I made a Plunker of a few different cases (check the script.js file). There seems to be a bit of confusion on what you are after and hopefully this is helpful to you somehow. Good luck.

Getting Length of Object in Javascript / jQuery

I am trying to set up an array in jQuery and I then need to do a for loop on it. But it seems that I cant use an associative array for some reason?
var items = new Array();
items['foo'] = 123456;
items['bar'] = 789012;
items['baz'] = 345678;
items['bat'] = 901234;
This is just a test, but it return 0?
You can't make associative array in JavaScript like what you want, instead you can use Object.
For example:
var items = {
foo : 123456,
bar : 789012,
baz : 345678,
bat : 901234
And to calculate the length you can do:
var getObjectSize = function(obj) {
var len = 0, key;
for (key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) len++;
return len;
Use: getObjectSize(items); // output: 4
For more see here.
Another one is:
But not supported by all browsers.
var items = new Array();
items['foo'] = 123456;
The problem lies in the very first line. You believe that you are adding an item to the array at the index foo, but you are actually adding a property to the items variable with a key foo and value 123456. If you were to type it would give you back your 123456.
The problem with this approach is that adding a property to an array does not magically increase it's length.
If you want to have non-numeric indexes, you need to use an object instead of an array:
var items = {
foo: 123456,
bar: 789012,
baz: 345678,
bat: 901234
Another approach might be to set up two different arrays, which you construct in parallel:
var items = [], items2 = [];
// etc.
The efficiency of this approach depends on how you'll use it. If you're only going to loop through the list of items and do something to each of them, this approach may be more efficient. But if you need to use it like an associative array (items['foo']), then you're better off building an object.
The .length property returns the highest numerical index of the array. Thus, in your case, there is no numerical index and it returns 0. Try
items[98] = "something";
items.length will be 98..! Use the .length property with caution, and if you also want to count the non-numerical indici, loop over the Object (an Array is also an Object) and count its ownProperties.

Copying of an array of objects to another Array without object reference in javascript(Deep copy)

I have a scenario where i need to copy the array of Objects(Main array) to another Temp array which should not have object reference basically if i make any modification to Main array it should not reflect in the Temp array so that i will preserve the copy independently.
I have used one of the code snippet from stack overflow this one does partially like if i delete all objects from the Main array the temp array still hold the value but when i do some modifications in main array and click cancel button iam removing all objects from the main array using array.Removeall(); but the modification still exist in Temp array so which means that object having a reference.
clone: function (existingArray) {
var newObj = (existingArray instanceof Array) ? [] : {};
console.debug('newObj value is ' + newObj);
for (i in existingArray) {
console.debug('i value is' + i);
if (i == 'clone') continue;
console.debug('existingArray[i] value ' + existingArray[i]);
if (existingArray[i] && typeof existingArray[i] == "object") {
newObj[i] = this.clone(existingArray[i]);
} else {
console.debug('in else part ' + existingArray[i]);
newObj[i] = existingArray[i];
return newObj;
my object structure is like
iam using knockout framework.
newObjectCreation = function (localIp, RemoteIp, areaId) {
this.localIP = ko.observable(localIp);
this.remoteIP = ko.observable(RemoteIp);
this.areaId = ko.observable(areaId);
template.ProtocolArray.push(new newObjectCreation('', '', '')); // to create default row
Let me understand: you don't want just have a new array, but you want to create a new instance for all objects are present in the array itself? So if you modify one of the objects in the temp array, that changes is not propagated to the main array?
If it's the case, it depends by the values you're keeping in the main array. If these objects are simple objects, and they can be serialized in JSON, then the quickest way is:
var tempArray = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mainArray));
If you have more complex objects (like instances created by some your own constructors, html nodes, etc) then you need an approach ad hoc.
If you don't have any methods on your newObjectCreation, you could use JSON, however the constructor won't be the same. Otherwise you have to do the copy manually:
var tempArray = [];
for (var i = 0, item; item = mainArray[i++];) {
tempArray[i] = new newObjectCreation(item.localIP, item.remoteIP, item.areaId);
For some other people with the same question. You could also do it this way.
Using the new es6 features you could create a copy of an array (without reference) and a copy of every object without one level of references.
const copy = => ({ ...object }))
It's much more functional and idiomatic IMHO
Note: Spread syntax effectively goes one level deep while copying an array. Therefore, it may be unsuitable for copying multidimensional arrays as the following example shows (it's the same with Object.assign() and spread syntax).
More info:
So basically if your objects doesn't have objects as properties. This syntax is everything you need. Unfortunately there is not "out of the box" deep clone feature on the spec but you can always use a library if that's what you need
Browser Compatibility Warning: I think it is part of the specification of Ecma now, but some browsers doesn't have full support of spread syntax jet. But using one of the popular transpilers out there you will be fine
Lodash can be used for deep copying objects _.cloneDeep(value)
var objects = [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }];
var deep = _.cloneDeep(objects);
console.log(deep[0] === objects[0]);
// → false
To copy the values of an array without copying the reference of the array, you can simply do:
const tempArray = [...mainArray];
This is the recommended solution for AirBnb's JS Style Guide:
However, this will not create new referenes for the objects inside the array. To create a new reference for the array and the objects inside, you can do:
So you want a deep copy without object reference? Sure, use .slice().
var mainArr = [],
tmpArr = []
tmpArr = mainArr.slice(0) // Shallow copy, no reference used.
PS: I don't think double-JSON parsing is performance wise.
You can use Angular's copy: angular.copy();
On nested array you can do:
const origin = [{ cat: 'Bengal', dog: 'Birman' }, { cat: 'Abyssinian', dog: 'Bombay' }];
const clone = [];
origin.forEach(v=> clone.push(Object.assign({}, v)));
Use angular.copy. But not for the whole array (because it would pass array items by reference), but iterate it and use angular.copy on its members.
var newArray = [];
for (var i = 0, item; item = mainArray[i];) {
newArray[i] = angular.copy(item);
Use this function
let deepClonedArrayOfObjects = structuredClone(originalArrayOfObjects);

