Split a string and get the second last comma - javascript

I have a string "Fred/Jim/Rob/"
What I needed is I need the split the string till last and also avoid the last /.
I have tried with:
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
var input = ["Fred/Jim/Rob/"]
var X = input.split("/",);
----some other code---
In that case, my loop is running till last /, So I want to just avoid last /.

Consider using .match instead - match non-/ characters with a regular expression:
const str = "Fred/Jim/Rob/";
const result = str.match(/[^/]+/g);

You might also split on a forward slash / and filter the empty entries afterwards using Boolean.
const input = "Fred/Jim/Rob/";
const result = input.split("/");

You can simply remove the last / and split,
let str = "Fred/Jim/Rob/"
let str2 = "Fred/Jim/Rob"
let newStr =(str)=> (str.endsWith('/') ? str.substr(0,str.length-1) : str).split('/')

You can try following :
words = "Fred/Jim/Rob/".split('/');

It is possible to use split method:
let input = "Fred/Jim/Rob/";
let [fred, jim, Rob] = input.split(/[ / ]/);
console.log([fred, jim, Rob]);

try something like this:
var input = ["Fred/Jim/Rob/"];
var slices = input.split("/");


Javascript get only matched text in regex

I have string like below
I want to convert the string to 13-FEB-31200-ce
so I tried below code
But its returning whole string
Two capture groups is probably the way to go. Now you have two options to use it. One is match which requires you to put the two pieces together
var str = 'BANKNIFTY-13-FEB-2020-31200-ce'
var match = str.match(/[^-]+-(\d{2}-[A-Z]{3}-)\d{4}-(.*)/)
// just reference the two groups
// or you can remove the match and join the remaining
Or just string replace which you do the concatenation of the two capture groups in one line.
var str = 'BANKNIFTY-13-FEB-2020-31200-ce'
var match = str.replace(/[^-]+-(\d{2}-[A-Z]{3}-)\d{4}-(.*)/, '$1$2')
Regex doesn't seem to be the most appropriate tool here. Why not use simple .split?
let str = 'BANKNIFTY-13-FEB-2020-31200-ce';
let splits = str.split('-');
let out = [splits[1], splits[2], splits[4], splits[5]].join('-');
If you really want to use regexp,
let str = 'BANKNIFTY-13-FEB-2020-31200-ce';
let splits = str.match(/[^-]+/g);
let out = [splits[1], splits[2], splits[4], splits[5]].join('-');
I would not use Regex at all if you know exact positions. Using regex is expensive and should be done differently if there is way. (https://blog.codinghorror.com/regular-expressions-now-you-have-two-problems/)
const strArr = "BANKNIFTY-13-FEB-2020-31200-ce".split("-"); // creates array
strArr.splice(0,1); // remove first item
strArr.splice(2,1); // remove 2020
const finalStr = strArr.join("-");
If the pattern doesn't need to be too specific.
Then just keep it simple and only capture what's needed.
Then glue the captured groups together.
let str = 'BANKNIFTY-13-FEB-2020-31200-ce';
let m = str.match(/^\w+-(\d{1,2}-[A-Z]{3})-\d+-(.*)$/)
let result = m ? m[1]+'-'+m[2] : undefined;
In this regex, ^ is the start of the string and $ the end of the string.
You can have something like this by capturing groups with regex:
const regex = /(\d{2}\-\w{3})(\-\d{4})(\-\d{5}\-\w{2})/
const text = "BANKNIFTY-13-FEB-2020-31200-ce"
const [, a, b, c] = text.match(regex);

Javascript regex capture giving unexpected results

I am trying to capture all data before the first _. What I have so far is
const regex = /(.*)(?=_)/g;
var s = "Mike_Jones_Jr";
The output is an array Array ["Mike_Jones","" ]
What I was expecting was Mike
Use /^[^_]*/
^ looks from the beginning of the string
[^_] negates the _
* gives any number of characters
const regex = /^[^_]*/;
var s = "Mike_Jones_Jr";
var s = "Mike_Jones_Jr";
Create a capture group ((something between parentheses)) that starts at the beginning of the line (^) and is lazy (.*?), then grab the second item in the matching array.
const regex = /(^.*?)_/s
console.log('Mike_Jones_Jr'.match(regex)[1] || '')
_Jones_Jr`.match(regex)[1] || '')
You can simply use split,
Note:- Second parameter is to limit the number of elements in final outptut
var s = "Mike_Jones_Jr";
console.log( s.split('_', 1) );
If you want to do using regex, you can drop the g flag
const regex = /^[^_]*(?=_)/;
var s = "Mike_Jones_Jr";
console.log("_ melpomene is awesome".match(regex));

add hyphen after every fourth character in a string seperated by comma

I have a string as 1111111111,2222222222,333333333,....
I want to modify it as 1111-111111,2222-222222,3333-33333,....
the regex I am using is this..
var num = '1111111111,2222222222,333333333,....';
var newNum = num.toString().match(/.{4}/g).join('-');
this add hyphen after every fourth character but I am unable to reset when comma is found.
You can use the following regex:
with replacement $&-
var num = '1111111111,2222222222,333333333,....';
console.log(num.replace(/\b\d{4}/g, "$&-"));
Try following
let str = '1111111111,2222222222,333333333';
let res = str.split(",").map(s => s.slice(0,4) + "-" + s.slice(4, s.length-1)).join(",");
You can also use split() and substr() to get that:
var str = '1111111111,2222222222,333333333';
var res =[];

replace a string partially with something else

lets say I have this image address like
how is it possible to replace FILE_NAME.jpg with THUMB_FILE_NAME.jpg
Note: FILE_NAME and THUMB_FILE_NAME are not static and fix.
the FILE_NAME is not fixed and I can't use string.replace method.
eventually I don't know the File_Name
Use replace
.replace(/(?<=\/)[^\/]*(?=(.jpg))/g, "THUMB_FILE_NAME")
or if you want to support multiple formats
.replace(/(?<=\/)[^\/]*(?=(.(jpg|png|jpeg)))/g, "THUMB_FILE_NAME")
var output = "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/myproj-d.appspot.com/o/FILE_NAME.jpg?alt=media&token=124bb2bf-c6ef-432b-92c7-7032563ba31b".replace(/(?<=\/)[^\/]*(?=(.jpg))/g, "THUMB_FILE_NAME");
console.log( output );
(?<=\/) matches / but doesn't remember the match
[^\/]* matches till you find next /
(?=(.jpg) ensures that match ends with .jpg
To match the FILE_NAME, use
var pattern = /[\w-]+\.(jpg|png|txt)/
var c = 'https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/myproj-d.appspot.com/o/FILE_NAME.jpg?alt=media&token=124bb2bf-c6ef-432b-92c7-7032563ba31b
c.replace(pattern, 'YOUR_FILE_NAME.jpg')
you can add any format in the pipe operator
You can use the String's replace method.
var a = "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/myproj-d.appspot.com/o/FILE_NAME.jpg?alt=media&token=124bb2bf-c6ef-432b-92c7-7032563ba31b";
a = a.replace('FILE_NAME', 'THUMB_FILE_NAME');
If you know the format, you can use the split and join to replace the FILE_NAME.
let str = "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/myproj-d.appspot.com/o/FILE_NAME.jpg?alt=media&token=124bb2bf-c6ef-432b-92c7-7032563ba31b";
let str_pieces = str.split('/');
let str_last = str_pieces[str_pieces.length - 1];
let str_last_pieces = str_last.split('?');
str_last_pieces[0] = 'THUMB_' + str_last_pieces[0];
str_last = str_last_pieces.join('?');
str_pieces[str_pieces.length - 1] = str_last;
str = str_pieces.join('/');

Javascript get query string values using non-capturing group

Given this query string:
How can I extract the values from only these param types 'product_cat, product_tag, attr_color, attr_size' returning only 'mens-jeans,shirts,fall,classic-style,charcoal,brown,large,x-small?
I tried using a non-capturing group for the param types and capturing group for just the values, but its returning both.
You can collect tha values using
Mind that a character class ([\w,-]+) is much more efficient than a list of alternatives ((\w|,|-)*), and we avoid the issue of capturing just the last single character.
Here is a code sample:
var re = /(?:product_cats|product_tags|attr\w+)=([\w,-]+)/g;
var str = '?cgan=1&product_cats=mens-jeans,shirts&product_tags=fall,classic-style&attr_color=charcoal,brown&attr_size=large,x-small&cnep=0';
var res = [];
while ((m = re.exec(str)) !== null) {
document.getElementById("res").innerHTML = res.join(",");
<div id="res"/>
You can always use a jQuery method param.
You can use following simple regex :
You need to return the result of capture group and split them with ,.
var mystr="?cgan=1&product_cats=mens-jeans,shirts&product_tags=fall,classic-style&attr_color=charcoal,brown&attr_size=large,x-small&cnep=0
var myStringArray = mystr.match(/&\w+=([\w,-]+)/g);
var arrayLength = myStringArray.length-1; //-1 is because of that the last match is 0
var indices = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
Something like
(?:product_cats|product_tag|attr_color|attr_size) will match product_cats or product_tag or attr_color or attr_size)
= Matches an equals
[^,] Negated character class matches anything other than a ,. Basically it matches till the next ,
Regex Demo
string = "?cgan=1&product_cats=mens-jeans,shirts&product_tags=fall,classic-style&attr_color=charcoal,brown&attr_size=large,x-small&cnep=0";
matched = string.match(/(product_cats|product_tag|attr_color|attr_size)=[^,]+/g);
for (i in matched)
will produce output as
There is no need for regular expressions. just use splits and joins.
var s = '?cgan=1&product_cats=mens-jeans,shirts&product_tags=fall,classic-style&attr_color=charcoal,brown&attr_size=large,x-small&cnep=0';
var query = s.split('?')[1],
pairs = query.split('&'),
allowed = ['product_cats', 'product_tags', 'attr_color', 'attr_size'],
results = [];
$.each(pairs, function(i, pair) {
var key_value = pair.split('='),
key = key_value[0],
value = key_value[1];
if (allowed.indexOf(key) > -1) {
($.each is from jQuery, but can easily be replaced if jQuery is not around)

