How to setup the DfxParser in Angular - javascript

I want to use in my project. When i import in like:
import { DxfParser } from 'dxf-parser';
and than call:
new DxfParser()
i get an error:
TypeError: dxf_parser__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ is not a
What would be the correct way to use the DxfParser in angular? I want to do the same in angular as the jaascript example on projects site:
var parser = new DxfParser();
try {
var dxf = parser.parseSync(fileText);
}catch(err) {
return console.error(err.stack);
thanks a lot!

Like the readme of the github states, did you install DxfParser?
npm install dxf-parser
You might also need to install the types for typescript like so:
npm install #types/dxf-parser
Since installing does not seem to be the problem I tried it myself. Doing the import like you did does not work. I looked into the code and it seems that DxfParser is a default export. So if you do:
import DxfParser from "dxf-parser";
It should be working.
More information on exports can be found here


Cannot use newly installed plugins (node modules) in Nuxt pages/components

First off, I'm a beginner with NuxtJS and front-end development in general, so it might be that I'm missing something - though I do believe I went through all the options before posting here. Apologies in advance if that is not the case.
I've been having trouble using installed modules that I've registered as plugins. For example, take mapbox-sdk.
After installing it with npm install #mapbox/mapbox-sdk, which correctly creates #mapbox/mapbox-sdk in node_modules, I register it in nuxt.config.js:
plugins: [
Of course, I also create the mapbox-sdk.js file in plugins/, containing:
import "#mapbox/mapbox-sdk";
Then, in a page (say, myMap.vue), when I try:
var mapboxClient = mapboxSdk({ accessToken: MY_ACCESS_TOKEN });
which is the basic usage example in the documentation, I get:
mapboxSdk is not defined
in the console. This behavior extends to every single module I installed today, but is not the case for modules I had previously installed.
The reason why you're getting the error mapboxSdk is not defined is because there are a few issues with the way you've set up this plugin.
Docs here, they have some useful diagrams.
There are a couple of ways you can use this package.
// ~/plugins/mapbox-sdk.js
import mapboxSdk from '#mapbox/mapbox-sdk'
export default (_ctx, inject) => {
// Exposing the mapboxSdk to your Nuxt app as $mapBox.
inject('mapBox', mapboxSdk)
Then in nuxt.config.js, same as you've already done.
plugins: [
Then in your component myMap.vue
var mapboxClient = this.$mapBox({ accessToken: MY_ACCESS_TOKEN });
Directly in the component:
If you don't wish to use a plugin, the way that #kissu mentioned above will also work.
Try adding this after the import to let Vue know that this method exists (in the same .vue file) at first
import mapboxSdk from '#mapbox/mapbox-sdk'
export default {
methods: {
mounted() {
console.log('mapbox function >>', mapboxSdk)
Do you have it working in a .vue component at first ?

How to import npm module in JavaScript stimulus

I want to use imageToZ64() from zpl-image module
I have installed it using: npm install zpl-image
and then I import it: import './../../../node_modules/zpl-image';
but when I use the fucntion like this let res = imageToZ64(canvas);
i'm getting : Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: imageToZ64 is not defined
I tried to import it like this: import { imageToZ64 } from './../../../node_modules/zpl-image/zpl-image';
but the problem is this function uses other functions from pako.js which is another js file in the zpl-image.
my question is how to import the module in a way that I can be able to access all the functions?
I highly recommend you read the README here : zpl-image repo GitHub
In order to use this with Node.js :
const imageToZ64 = require("zpl-image").imageToZ64;
Or :
const { imageToZ64, rgbaToZ64 } = require("zpl-image");
If you are trying to use it in the browser read generic browser usage
since you already installed it via npm there is a demo file in node_modules/zpl-image/zpl-image.html ,you can open it in the browser, read its content, and understand how the code works which is the purpose of the demo file.

How do I manually include "#material/drawer" into my component?

I am trying to manually include the #material/drawer npm package into my Ember app. I tried following this guide but I'm running into some weird errors in my Chrome dev console:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token *
Uncaught ReferenceError: define is not defined
The first is from the imported node_modules/#material/drawer/index.js file and the second is from my generated shim.
My component code:
import Component from '#ember/component';
import { MDCTemporaryDrawer, MDCTemporaryDrawerFoundation, util } from '#material/drawer';
export default Component.extend({
init() {
const drawer = new MDCTemporaryDrawer(document.querySelector('.mdc-drawer--temporary'));
document.querySelector('.menu').addEventListener('click', () => = true);
In my ember-cli-build.js:
My generated shim:
(function() {
function vendorModule() {
'use strict';
return {
'default': self['#material/drawer'],
__esModule: true,
define('#material/drawer', [], vendorModule);
What exactly am I doing wrong? It almost seems as though raw ES6 code got imported rather than compiled into my JS build output.
I also read this SO post but there are too many answers and I'm not sure which to do. It seems this specific answer is what I'm trying to do but not verbatim enough.
Creating a shim only ensures that ember-cli gets an AMD module, which you then can import in your app files.
If the npm package needs a build or transpiling step beforhand, this won't work.
You need a way to get the package build within the ember-cli build pipeline.
Luckily there are addons which can take care of this for you: ember-auto-import and ember-cli-cjs-transform.
You may have also heard of ember-browserify, which does the same thing, but it's deprectaed in favor of ember-auto-import.
I'd suggest you try ember-auto-import:
ember install ember-auto-import
You then should be able to import as you tried:
import { MDCTemporaryDrawer, MDCTemporaryDrawerFoundation, util } from '#material/drawer';
No shim or app.import needed, as ember-auto-import will take care of this for you.

How to get pixi-filters working?

I have imported both pixi and pixi-filters like so:
import 'pixi.js';
import 'pixi-filters';
However, after running the code:
const outlineFilterRed = new PIXI.filters.GlowFilter(15, 2, 1, 0xff9999, 0.5);
Following error is thrown:
Property 'GlowFilter' does not exist on type 'typeof filters'.
What am I doing wrong?
I'm following this example:
Seems like every filter needs to be imported individually, like it's written in the GlowFilter's on Github.
npm install #pixi/filter-glow
import { GlowFilter } from '#pixi/filter-glow';
According to the definitions file, the GlowFilter (And other filters) do not exit. And according to the original js library they should exist.
This simply means that the definitions files are out-dated.
You have two options:
Add a local definitions to the PIXI.filters.
Create a PR to the definitions repository. (BEST)

Mocha keeps bombing due to absolute paths

I'm having a great deal of trouble using Enzyme and Mocha to test my React project. I have a test like this:
import React from 'react';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import { ChipInput} from '../client/components/Chips';
describe('<ChipInput />', _ => {
it('rocks', done => {
And when ChipInput gets imported, that file imports something with an absolute path, e.g. /lib/collections/tags, and then Mocha errors out because it apparently only does relative paths. How do I get this working?
The actual error:
Error: Cannot find module '/lib/collections/tags'
This happens because /tests/ChipInput-test.js imports the ChipInput component from /client/components/Chips/index.js, which has the following lines:
import React from 'react';
import {
MapsLocalOffer as TagIcon,
ImageRemoveRedEye as InsightIcon,
EditorInsertChart as TestIcon,
SocialPerson as UserIcon,
} from 'material-ui/svg-icons';
import { Tag } from '/lib/collections/tags'; // error thrown here
import { Insight } from '/lib/collections/insights';
// import { Test } from '/lib/collections/tests';
import Chip from './Chip';
import ChipDisplay from './ChipDisplay';
import ChipInput from './ChipInput';
import * as chipTypes from './chip-types';
To anyone hitting here from google, while ffxsam's answer will work, there are many ways to accomplish this. Node's require allows for a base to be set either via environment variable or programmatically, allowing for simple absolute paths that don't require the leading slash (require("my/module"); vs require("/my/module");).
I use gulp as a taskrunner, so my preferred technique is to use app-module-path to do the following at the top of my gulpfile (this will work anywhere, so long as you haven't encountered any absolute requires yet):
require('babel-core/register'); //for mocha to use es6
require('app-module-path').addPath(__dirname + '/src'); //set root path
//I also use webpack to pull in other extensions, so I
//want mocha to noop out on them
require.extensions['.css'] = _.noop;
require.extensions['.scss'] = _.noop;
require.extensions['.png'] = _.noop;
require.extensions['.jpg'] = _.noop;
require.extensions['.jpeg'] = _.noop;
require.extensions['.gif'] = _.noop;
For a more complete rundown, check out this gist by github user branneman:
This has been awhile, but I want to share my solution here, just in case, all solutions above don't work in your specific situation. I was looking for a solution to fix our unit test, which failed "Error: Cannot find module 'components/shared/xyz', our 'components' folder is under 'client/src' folder, so I came up with the following solution which works for us.
npm install babel-plugin-module-resolver --save-dev
'plugins': [
{ 'root': ['client/src'] }
Here's the solution, nice and simple!
Basically, install said package:
npm install babel-root-slash-import --save-dev
Add the plugin to .babelrc:
"plugins": [
And it's good to go.

