How to show table rows between two days? - javascript

I have a table. I want to show only table rows which match between two days
<table id ="Table">
<td> 20-06-2019</td>
<td> Payment </td>
<td >ajay </td>
<td>By cash</td>
<td> Payment </td>
<td>By Cash</td>
<td>Payment </td>
<td>ajay </td>
<td> Payment </td>
<td class="table_account capitalize">ajay </td>
<td>By cash</td>
I want to show rows between date 20-6-2019 to 22-6-2019.
20-6-2019 |Payment | Ajay | By cash|
21-6-2019 |Payment | Ajay |By cash |
22-6-2019 |Payment | Ajay |Tran |

As your data is getting from server , you should hidden table first by css . Then get data and send to javascript function as param I test with displayInterval as below
function displayInterval(from, to) {
$("#Table tbody tr td:first-child").each(function() {
var curDate = setJsDate($(this).html());
var froms =setJsDate(from);
var tos = setJsDate(to);
if(curDate >= froms && curDate <= tos) {
} else {
$("#Table tbody").show();
function setJsDate(d) {
if(typeof d == "number" || typeof d == "undefined") return;
var pattern = d.split('-');
var dt = new Date(pattern[2]+"-"+pattern[1] + "-"+pattern[0]);
return dt.getTime();
#Table tbody {
display : none;
<script src=""></script>
<table id ="Table">
<td> Payment </td>
<td >ajay </td>
<td>By cash</td>
<td> Payment </td>
<td>By Cash</td>
<td>Payment </td>
<td>ajay </td>
<td> Payment </td>
<td class="table_account capitalize">ajay </td>
<td>By cash</td>

<table id ="Table">
<td> 20-06-2019</td>
<td> Payment </td>
<td >ajay </td>
<td>By cash</td>
<td> Payment </td>
<td>By Cash</td>
<td>Payment </td>
<td>ajay </td>


Transfer variables between tables

On my html I have multiple tables, which are for different valuations. The results of those valuations are supposed to be in another table. The text of valuation_all in the tables.taglist should be transferred into another table. I'm really lost here. Newby with this topic so I'll appreciate every help!
Table for summary results
<table id="results" class="summary">
Tables of valuation
<table id="results1" class="taglist">
<td class="valuation">FAIL</td>
<td rowspan=2 class="valuation_all">FAIL</td>
<td class="valuation">PASS</td>
<table id="results2" class="taglist">
<td class="valuation">x</td>
<td class="valuation_all" rowspan=2>OPEN</td>
<td class="valuation">x</td>
Assuming your results list tables are ordered the same way you ordered rows in your global results table, you can perform a forEach on all .valuation_all, and then mirror each text on the global results table:
const resTables = document.querySelectorAll('.valuation_all')
const results = document.querySelectorAll('#results tr > td + td')
resTables.forEach( function(el, i) {
results[i].textContent = el.textContent
<table id="results" class="summary">
<table id="results1" class="taglist">
<td class="valuation">FAIL</td><td rowspan="2" class="valuation_all">FAIL</td>
<td class="valuation">PASS</td>
<table id="results2" class="taglist">
<td class="valuation">x</td><td class="valuation_all" rowspan="2">OPEN</td>
<td class="valuation">x</td>
Please consider using data attributes for better matching.

Problem with Expanding and shrinking Table on load

I am revising the code to better match the HTML table that mplungjan created below. However I am keeping the FOR loops as this is how I am generating the tables.
<th style="text-align:center">Expand</th>
{% for supply in supplylist %}
<td data-toggle="toggle">
Here is problem I am trying to solve:
When clicking the link above, I want to write either a + or - to this variable below supply[0]
When loading the form, I want to read the value from this same variable and either shrink or expand the specific row based on whether its value is '+' or '-'
Is there a Java Script that I can use to read this variable on load and either shrink or expand the row as applicable.
And is there a Java Script that I can use to write either a + or - to this variable whenever the user clicks the link.
<td style="display:none"><input name="expand" value="{{supply[0]}}"></td>
<tbody class="hideTr">
{% for number in supply[5] %}
<td>To be hidden {{number}}</td>
<td>To be hidden</td>
<td>To be hidden</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
I am revising the Script to use mplungjan's example below as well, since this script also works and is more modern.
const toggleTbody = function() {
const $tbodyToToggle = $(this).closest('tbody').next(".hideTr");
const visible = $":visible")
$(this).text(visible ? '-' : '+')
$(document).ready(function() {
.each(function() {
if ($(this).text() === "+") $(this).click()
Lacking the expected example HTML, I produced my own
I added a tbody to the toggle rows
You can now set the plus or minus on the server and I use localStorage to not have to store the settings in a session
IDs need to be unique so I removed the ID and just use the class
Here is a version with localStorage - I use try/catch to run on SO because localStorage is sandboxed
$(document).ready(function() {
const $plusMinuses = $('.plusminusexpands'); // all the plusminusexpands
let savedPlusMinuses; // this will be the array we use
try { // stacksnippets do not like localStorage
savedPlusMinuses = localStorage.getItem("savedPlusMinuses");
savedPlusMinuses = savedPlusMinuses ? JSON.parse(savedPlusMinuses) : [];
catch {
console.log("no localStorage available");
savedPlusMinuses = []; // set to empty array
// here we gather default values in case of first visit
if (savedPlusMinuses.length === 0) savedPlusMinuses = $ {
return this.textContent.trim()
}).get(); // get the current set of plusminus
const toggleTbody = function() {
const $tbodyToToggle = $(this).closest('tbody').next(".hideTr");
const visible = $":visible")
$(this).text(visible ? '-' : '+')
savedPlusMinuses[$(this).data("idx")] = $(this).text()
console.log(savedPlusMinuses.join("")); // debugging
// localStorage.setItem("savedPlusMinuses",JSON.stringify(savedPlusMinuses)); // uncomment
// set the event handler on the plusminues and then loop to initialise the DOM
.on('click', toggleTbody)
.each(function(i) { // looping all the plus/minuses to set the state
$(this).text(savedPlusMinuses[i]) // initialise with saved values
.data("idx", i); // set a data-attribute to find it quickly when saving
if ($(this).text() === "+") $(this).click()
.plusminusexpands {
text-decoration: none;
font-size: x-large
<script src=""></script>
<th style="text-align:center">Expand</th>
<td data-toggle="toggle">
<td style="display:none"><input name="expand" value="{{supply[0]}}"></td>
<tbody class="hideTr">
<td>To be hidden 1</td>
<td>To be hidden</td>
<td>To be hidden</td>
<td data-toggle="toggle">
<td style="display:none"><input name="expand" value="{{supply[0]}}"></td>
<tbody class="hideTr">
<td>To be hidden 2</td>
<td>To be hidden</td>
<td>To be hidden</td>
<td data-toggle="toggle">
<td style="display:none"><input name="expand" value="{{supply[0]}}"></td>
<tbody class="hideTr">
<td>To be hidden 3</td>
<td>To be hidden</td>
<td>To be hidden</td>
Here is a version which would need to save the plusminusses using Ajax to the server
const toggleTbody = function() {
const $tbodyToToggle = $(this).closest('tbody').next(".hideTr");
const visible = $":visible")
$(this).text(visible ? '-' : '+')
$(document).ready(function() {
.each(function() { // looping all the plus/minuses to set the state
if ($(this).text() === "+") $(this).click()
.plusminusexpands { text-decoration:none; font-size: x-large }
<script src=""></script>
<th style="text-align:center">Expand</th>
<td data-toggle="toggle">
<td style="display:none"><input name="expand" value="{{supply[0]}}"></td>
<tbody class="hideTr">
<td>To be hidden 1</td>
<td>To be hidden</td>
<td>To be hidden</td>
<td data-toggle="toggle">
<td style="display:none"><input name="expand" value="{{supply[0]}}"></td>
<tbody class="hideTr">
<td>To be hidden 2</td>
<td>To be hidden</td>
<td>To be hidden</td>
<td data-toggle="toggle">
<td style="display:none"><input name="expand" value="{{supply[0]}}"></td>
<tbody class="hideTr">
<td>To be hidden 3</td>
<td>To be hidden</td>
<td>To be hidden</td>

JS loop through table and print text in column based on condition

I have a simple table, and I need to print a text in a certain column based on condition over hidden columns. There are multiple rows as a record which have same TD ID. What I need to do is, to go through each row of table and check status1 (gv-field-15-139), status2 (gv-field-15-140) and status3 (gv-field-15-141). If one of this status (gv-field-15-150) is 'Completed' I want to print Completed in Status column. is it possible?
if(($('td#gv-field-15-139').text() == 'Completed') || ($('td#gv-field-15-
140').text() == 'Completed') || ($('td#gv-field-15-141').text() == 'Completed') ) {
<th>Student Name</th>
<td id="gv-field-15-1">Student A</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-90">India</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td id="gv-field-15-139">Completed</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-1">Student B</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-90">China</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td id="gv-field-15-139">Completed</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
This only works for 1 row and when it becomes 2 row or more it doesn't work. Could you please show me a way to achieve this.
Loop your tr except the first tr which has th and check td. Though you can achieve the solution to your problem with ids, its recommended to use class instead of ids.
$(document).ready(function() {
var trs = $('tr').not(':eq(0)');
$.each(trs, function() {
var $this = $(this);
if (($this.find('>td#gv-field-15-139').text() == 'Completed') || ($this.find('>td#gv-field-15-140').text() == 'Completed') || ($this.find('>td#gv-field-15-141').text() == 'Completed')) {
<script src=""></script>
<th>Student Name</th>
<td id="gv-field-15-1">Student A</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-90">India</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td id="gv-field-15-139">Completed</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-1">Student B</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-90">China</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td id="gv-field-15-139">Completed</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-1">Student B</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-90">China</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td id="gv-field-15-139">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
Do not use duplicate id's, you can use the index of the cells intead:
const table = document.querySelector('table');
//take all rows except the header
const rows = Array.from(table.querySelectorAll('tr')).slice(
rows.forEach((row) => {
const cells = Array.from(
//get the 3rd cell
const [, , toSet] = cells;
//all values after 3rd cell
const [, , ,...values] =
(cell) => cell.innerText.trim()//map to the innerText of the cell
toSet.innerHTML = 'Completed'
<th>Student Name</th>
<td>Student A</td>
<td>Student B</td>
<td>Student C</td>
<td>Not Completed</td>
This solution is so simplistic it doesn't even have a need for jQuery, I also thought that it might be nicer to read if you broke the logic up a bit, i.e. rather than having an ugly & long looking if statement, I've implemented the isComplete function.
FYI. ID's are meant to be unique throughout the entire page, it may be a better idea to change them to classes if you can.
After having looked at the beautiful solution produced by #HMR I thought I'd include some of the elegant code that was implemented into this solution, I can't take all the credit there!
// Just short hand.
const $e = queryString => document.querySelectorAll(queryString);
const term = 'Completed';
// Returns a boolean.
const isComplete = td => td.textContent.replace(/\ /, '') === term;
// Some fallback function.
const fallback = () => console.log('Next...');
// Render the update(s).
const render = (v, t) => v.includes(true) ? t.textContent = term : fallback();
// Updates the relevant td tags.
const update = tr => {
const tds = Array.from(tr.querySelectorAll('td'));
const [, , , ...values] = => isComplete(td));
const [, , td] = tds;
render(values, td);
// Iterate over the relevant tr tags.
const loop = () => Array.from($e("table tr")).splice(1, ).forEach(tr => update(tr));
// Start the process.
<th>Student Name</th>
<td id="gv-field-15-1">Student A</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-90">India</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td id="gv-field-15-139">Completed</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-1">Student B</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-90">China</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td id="gv-field-15-139">Completed</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-1">Student C</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-90">China</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td id="gv-field-15-139">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
There are couple of issues:
You have duplicate IDs. ID must be unique. In your current code, you will always get first element with necessary ID. So you should use classes instead
You are not looping. Since its a table and you have to handle each row, you have to loop over all rows and based on current row, you have to check/update necessary column's value.
$(document).ready(function() {
var $tr = $('table tr');
$.each($tr, function(index, tr) {
if (
($('.gv-field-15-139', tr).text() == 'Completed') ||
($('.gv-field-15- 140', tr).text() == 'Completed') ||
($('.gv-field-15-141', tr).text() == 'Completed')
) {
$(".gv-field-15-150", tr).text('Completed');
<script src=""></script>
<th>Student Name</th>
<td class="gv-field-15-1">Student A</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-90">India</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td class="gv-field-15-139">Completed</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-1">Student B</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-90">China</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td class="gv-field-15-139">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
Loop through all the rows in the table except the first row(and hence => $('tr').length-1).
.eq() function is used to access each element/text by index..
$(document).ready(function () {
if( ($('td#gv-field-15-139').eq(i).text() == 'Completed') || ($('td#gv-field-15-140').eq(i).text() == 'Completed') || ($('td#gv - field - 15 - 141').eq(i).text() == 'Completed') ) {
#IDs Must Always be Unique
Having duplicated #ids makes HTML invalid, more importantly it cripples JS/jQ because it is expected that #ids are unique so once found, no efforts are made to continue for second occurrence of an #id.
All #ids have been changed to .classes
The last 3 <td> of each row have a shared class: .status
The 3rd <td> of each row has a new class: .primary
Three lines of code...that's all you need.
$('.status').each(function() {
if ($(this).text() === 'Completed') {
<th>Student Name</th>
<td class="gv-field-15-1">Student A</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-90">India</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-150 primary"> </td>
<td class="gv-field-15-139 status">Completed</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-140 status">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-141 status">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-1">Student B</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-90">China</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-150 primary"> </td>
<td class="gv-field-15-139 status">Completed</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-140 status">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-141 status">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-1">Student C</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-90">USA</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-150 primary"> </td>
<td class="gv-field-15-139 status">ERROR</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-140 status">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-141 status">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-1">Student D</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-90">France</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-150 primary"> </td>
<td class="gv-field-15-139 status">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-140 status">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-141 status">Completed</td>
<script src=""></script>

jquery sorting with each element of itsown

So here is my Concern. I am trying to sort the data i have in the following format so that every parent elemnts has child elments and when the sort is selected for that, it should only sort its childrens
The Code for this is:
<!--- first list --->
<td colspan="2"><li class="childrens" data-id="99" style="list-style:none;margin-left:0px;"> <strong style="font-size:16px;">Information</strong> [Desc] </li></td>
<td colspan="2"><li data-id="81" style="margin-left:20px;"> Running </li></td>
<td colspan="2"><li data-id="113" style="margin-left:40px;"> Coping</li></td>
<td colspan="2"><li data-id="71" style="margin-left:40px;"> Printing </li></td>
<td colspan="2"><li data-id="65" style="margin-left:20px;"> references </li></td>
<!--- Second List --->
<td colspan="2"><li class="childrens" data-id="85" style="list-style:none;margin-left:0px;"> <strong style="font-size:16px;">Papers</strong> [Desc] </li></td>
<td colspan="2"><li data-id="116" style="margin-left:20px;"> Opening </li></td>
<td colspan="2"><li data-id="109" style="margin-left:20px;"> Closng </li></td>
what i am trying is: when i click the desc of the first list, it should only the elements which are under the first list using data-id
same for second list ..
both lists should work independently and sorting should be on heir own, i gave a shot but not successful
here is my code
function sortdesc(){
return parseInt(a.getAttribute('data-id'),10)-parseInt(b.getAttribute('data-id'),10)
$(document).on('click',".sort",function(e) {
tried here in fiddle but no luck [updated to add table to each li]
According to this answer:
function sortdesc(elem) {
// get the table of the clicked link, find its tbody
var $tbody = $(elem).closest('table').find('tbody');
// sort the tr of this tbody
.sort(function(a, b) {
var a = $(a).find('li'); // get the li of a tr
var b = $(b).find('li'); // get the li of b tr
return'id') <'id') ? -1 : 1; // compare and return the result
.appendTo($tbody); // to make the sort
$(document).on('click', ".sort", function(e) {
// pass the link that was clicked to the function:
<script src=""></script>
<!--- first list --->
<td colspan="2">
<li class="childrens" data-id="99" style="list-style:none;margin-left:0px;"> <strong style="font-size:16px;">Information</strong> [Desc]
<td colspan="2">
<li data-id="81" style="margin-left:20px;">Running</li>
<td colspan="2">
<li data-id="113" style="margin-left:40px;">Coping</li>
<td colspan="2">
<li data-id="71" style="margin-left:40px;">Printing</li>
<td colspan="2">
<li data-id="65" style="margin-left:20px;">references</li>
<!--- Second List --->
<td colspan="2">
<li class="childrens" data-id="85" style="list-style:none;margin-left:0px;"> <strong style="font-size:16px;">Papers</strong> [Desc]
<td colspan="2">
<li data-id="116" style="margin-left:20px;">Opening</li>
<td colspan="2">
<li data-id="109" style="margin-left:20px;">Closng</li>

Adding Image on html table dynamically using JQuery

I am trying to adding image on html table dynamically using JQuery, but I am confusing how to find out a table 2,3..etc tr with in first td to add image.
My table structure has no id or class how to find, but before table have some text as below.
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5">
<tr valign="top">
<td colspan="2"><b>Order Details:</b><br> <br>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
<b>Grand Total</b>
<td>Product 1<br></td>
₹ 50.00
₹ 250.00
<td>Product 2<br></td>
₹ 50.00
<td>₹ 250.00
<td colspan="5"> </td>
<td colspan="3"> </td>
<td align="right"> Subtotal: </td>
<td>₹ 250.00</td>
<td colspan="3"> </td>
<td align="right"> Tax: </td>
<td>₹ 0.00</td>
<td colspan="3"> </td>
<td align="right"> Shipping Cost: </td>
<td>₹ 0.00</td>
<td colspan="3"> </td>
<td align="right"> Grand Total: </td>
<td>₹ 250.00</td>
How to Add product Image before of the SKU.
Any help plz..?
As you don't have a thead or even use th for the headers, you'll have to skip the first row, you can use ">" to specify the direct hierarchy, eg:
$("table>tbody>tr>td>table>tbody>tr:not(:first-child)").each(function() {
var codecell = $(this).find("td:eq(0)");
var img = "/pathtoimage/" + codecell.text() + ".jpg"
codecell.after("<td><img src='" + img + '/></td>");
Updated: Fixed typo for ("td:eq(0)") vs ("td").eq(0) vs ("td")[0]

