Regex for numbers, commas and whitespaces - javascript

I need a RegEx that allow the strings that start with numbers separated by comma, finishes with a number (or withspaces after the number) and allow also whitespaces between the number and the comma.
E.g. var str= '1 , 8,9, 88' has to be accetpted while var str2="1 2, 5" has not to be accetped. I tried with var regEx= "^[0-9\,\s]+$"but doing like this it accepts the strings that end with a comma and the strings that have two numbers not separated by comma. Any ideas?
Example of string accepted:
str1= "1,2,3,4"
str2= "1 , 2,3,9"
str3= " 8 , 44, 3 , 11"
Example of string to be discarded:
str4="1, 2,"
str5=", 1,2,"
str6="1,2 3,4"

You could account for the spaces before and after the comma using \s (or just match a space only because \s also matches a newline) to match a whitespace character and use a repeating pattern to match a comma and 1+ digits:
^ Start of string
\s*\d+ Match 0+ whitespace chars and 1+ digits
(?: Non capturing group
\s*,\s*\d+ Match 0+ whitespace chars, and comma, 0+ whitespace chars and 1+ digits
)* Close non capturing group and repeat 0+ times
\s*$ Match 1+ whitespace chars and assert end of string.
Regex demo


Regex Javascript Starts with AB 0-9 and then ends with A-Z as optional it could be AB00001 or AB00001A (as optional)

Javascript Regex Starts with AB 0-9 and then ends with A-Z as optional it could be AB00001 or AB00001A (as optional)
Strings which should work AB00001 , AB000001B , AB12122 , AB00001C with any capital letter as a n optional
The pattern that you tried ^AB+[0-9A-Z?]+$ matches:
Single A char
1+ times B char
1+ times any of the specified ranges 0-9 A-Z or a ? char.
It can match for example ABB???
You could write the pattern matching a single A and single B char, then 1+ digits and optionally match a char A-Z according to the example data.
See a regex demo

REGEX - For Alphanumeric/numeric with potential slash in between

I am trying to extract a alphanumeric value from a string array using RegEx. Examples:
Apartment 101/B First
Villa 3324/A Second
Milk 12MG/ML Third
Sodium 0.00205MG/ML Fourth
Water 0.00205MG Fifth
Eggs 100 Sixth
My aim is to extract values: 101/B, 3324/A, 12MG/ML, 0.00205MG/ML from the above string arrays. The RegEx I was able to get is something like this: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\.]*$ which is generic alphanumeric regex.
You can match digits followed by optional chars A-Z and then / and uppercase chars
\b A word boundary to prevent a partial match
\d+(?:\.\d+)? Match 1+ digits with an optional decimal part
[A-Z]* Match optional chars A-Z
\/[A-Z]+ Match / and 1+ chars A-Z
-\b A word boundary
Regex demo
const regex = /\b\d+(?:\.\d+)?[A-Z]*\/[A-Z]+\b/;
"Apartment 101/B First",
"Villa 3324/A Second",
"Milk 12MG/ML Third",
"Sodium 0.00205MG/ML Fourth",
].forEach(s => {
const m = s.match(regex);
if (m) {
For matching an optional forward slash and also only digit, you can make the part of the pattern optional.
\b A word boundary
\d+(?:\.\d+)? Match 1+ digits with an optional part
[A-Z]* Match optional uppercase chars A-Z
(?:\/[A-Z]+)? Optionally match / and 1+ uppercase chars A-Z
\b A word boundary
Regex demo

Regex to not allow special character without prefix or suffix

I was writing regex for the following validate a string. I wrote the following regex.
^[^\s]+[a-z]{0,}(?!.* {2})[ a-zA-z]{0,}$
it validates for
No space in beginning.
no two consecutive space allowed.
The problem is it allows a single special character. it should not allow a special character unless it is suffixed or prefixed with alpha-numeric character.
# -> not allowed.
#A or A# or A2 or 3A is allowed.
One option is to assert that the string does not contain a single "special" char or 2 special chars next to each other using a negative lookahead.
^(?!.*[^a-zA-Z0-9\s][^a-zA-Z0-9\s])(?!.*(?:^| )[^a-zA-Z0-9\s](?!\S))\S+(?: \S+)*$
^ Start of string
(?! Negative lookahead, assert that what is at the right does not contain
.*[^a-zA-Z0-9\s][^a-zA-Z0-9\s] match 2 chars other than a-zA-Z0-9 or a whitespace char next to each other
) Close lookahead
(?! Negative lookahead, assert that what is at the right does not contain
.*(?:^| )[^a-zA-Z0-9\s](?!\S) Match a single char other than a-zA-Z0-9 or a whitespace char
) Close lookahead
\S+(?: \S+)* Match 1+ non whitespace chars and optionally repeat a space and 1+ non whitespace chars
$ End of string
Regex demo
Please omit the '$' symbol from the regex because it represents the end of the sentence.
^[^\s]+[a-z]{0,}(?!.* {2})[ a-zA-z]{0,}
So when applying the above regex to the following, it finds only '# '.
#A A# A2 3A

Updating my regex to include dots and hyphens

My regex code [A-Z]{1,}\d{3,}\w? works fine returning strings like CX3623, M3326, Y2362 but I also want to be able to return strings which are in the following format:
What should I add to the regex?
For the first part, you could match the different formats using an alternation.
You could make the second part optional using an optional non capturing group (?:...)? and match either / or - optionally followed by chars A-Z and 1+ digits.
\b(?:[A-Z]+ )?(?:[A-Z]*\d{3,}|\d+(?:\.\d+)?[A-Z]+)(?:[\/-][A-Z]*\d+)?\b
\b Word boundary
(?:[A-Z]+ )? Optionally match 1+ chars A-Z followed by a space
(?: Non capture group
[A-Z]*\d{3,} Match 0+ times A-Z and 3 or more digits
| Or
\d+(?:\.\d+)?[A-Z]+ Match 1+ digits with an optional decimal part and 1+ times A-Z
) Close group
(?: Non capture group
[\/-][A-Z]*\d+ Match either / or -, 0+ times A-Z and 1+ digits
)? Close group and make optional
\b Word boundary
Regex demo

Regex to disallow certain characters in specific sequence

I have a regular expression that allows only letters, numbers, spaces or hyphens. However, I'd like to disallow the user to do the following:
hello--world Have more than one hyphen sitting next to each other
--hello Have a hyphen in the beginning. It must have a number or letter first
How do I accomplish this? My current regex looks like this:
let alphanumericTest = new RegExp("^\s*([0-9a-zA-Z- ]*)\s*$");
You can try this regex expression. ^\s*[0-9a-zA-Z](?:(?!--)[0-9a-zA-Z- ])*$
This is a demo.
You could make you match a bit more efficient without using a negative lookahead for matching non consecutive hyphens using repeating groups which can optionally start with an hyphen after the first word.
^[ ]*[0-9a-zA-Z]+(?:-[0-9a-zA-Z]+)*-?(?:[ ]+-?(?:[0-9a-zA-Z]+-?)*)*$
(Used [ ] to match a space for clarity)
^ Start of string
[ ]* Match 0+ spaces
[0-9a-zA-Z]+ Match 1+ times any of the listed
(?:-[0-9a-zA-Z]+)* Repeat 0+ times matching a hyphen and 1+ what is listed
-? Match optional hyphen
(?: Non capturing group
[ ]+-?(?:[0-9a-zA-Z]+-?)* Match 1+ spaces, optional hyphen, repeat 0+ times what is listed and optional hyphen
)* Close outer non capturing group and repeat 0+ times
$ End of string
Regex demo
let alphanumericTest = new RegExp("^(?!-)(?!.*--)[0-9a-zA-Z- ]+(?<!-)$");
This checks that the first character is not a - and that there are no consecutive --s anywhere in the string

