React Redux - Display string stored in Redux state within Input field - javascript

I have an input field that the user types into. This Input field looks like this:
// within React component render function:
// used to display user typed words in input field
// onchange is used to store value in redux store
In the above code, the 'ref' is for displaying the user typed letter in the input field. However, I also have Google Maps Autocomplete integrated into this input field. The Autocomplete feature works fine & when the user clicks on one of the autocomplete results, the input field is populated by that name & onChange handler stores the value within the redux store.
So far, so good. However, now, when the user navigates to another section of the site, how do I populate the input field with the value within the redux store. There is no 'value' attribute on the input field, & its using React's ref method.
Thank you

You can change/add value to input element using ref. ref will basically have the reference of actual dom node, so by changing this.refName.current.value will change the input value.
But you need to do it after initial rending, means after ref get the reference of input element.
Check this working example:
class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.a = React.createRef();
click = () => {
this.a.current.value = Math.floor(Math.random()*100);
render() {
return (
<input ref={this.a} placeholder="Number" />
<button onClick={}>Click here to change the input value</button>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id='app' />


How to replace text inside curly brackets when user types in input box react

The issue is i have a string that is suppose
My name is {{firstName}}.
and i have an input box what i want is whenever user types in the input box i want to replace the {{firstName}} with that input value and change it as user types.
The current problem is i am using replaceAll("{{firstName}}",inputValue);
inputValue is the state i am storing in react onChange.
but as soon as {{firstName}} is replaced with inputValue there is no way to update the value that is in place of {{firstName}}.
I am doing it dynamically in react. What i mean by this is i have array of variables for that i am creating input for all of them so whenever user types in any of the corresponding data changes in the string for ex
input for first name that changes. My name is {{firstName}}
input for last name that changes. My name is {{firstName}} {{lastName}}
input for email that changes. This is my {{email}} email.I tried replaceAll but i cannot think of a way that will keep track of that changed value as i have alot of inputs i cannot maintain state for all of them.
Here is the example screenshot
the variable 1 will update {{1}} on the right side and variable 2 will {{2}}.
i think you can use onchange and useState for example like this :
function MyApp() {
const [name , setName] = useState('')
function handleChange(event) {
return (
<input name="name" onChange={handleChange} />
<p>dynamic name {name}</p>

React text form fields without onChange

Is there any way (please provide an example) in React / React Native to have a component render a timer with milliseconds, a submit button, and a text input field where the following conditions are met?
The user can type in the input field and see what he is typing.
No event handlers are assigned to the input field
When the submit button is clicked the program displays an alert() with the text typed by the user.
The component has an initial state value that is initially displayed in the input field.
The user does not experience unexpected behaviors while typing.
A previous question about this subject lead me to this more specific question about the matter (I hope you can see how it is related).
The most commonly accepted pattern in React to implement input fields suggest to always use an onChange event (see the docs), but I think this leads to repetition and noise in the code, so I´m looking for a better pattern where the developer doesn´t have to think about the onChange behavior when all he needs is an input form field.
Extra Note 1: An "state value" is a value in the component's state. i.e. "constructor(){ this.state = {value:'Initial Value'} };".
Extra Note 2: The purpose of the timer is to make sure you're triggering a render() periodically, which makes it a challenge to display the initial "state value", and allow the user to type normally without an onChange handler to update the state accordingly.
What are you looking for is called Uncontrolled Components.
Take a look here:
Your conditions will be met with this refs-based pattern ?
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.textInput = null;
handleSubmit = () => alert(this.textInput.getDOMNode().value);
render() {
return (
ref={el => this.textInput = el}
My initial value
<button onClick={this.handleSubmit}type="button">Submit</button>
React.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));
<div id="app"></div>
Working codepen:
Because conditions are about only input field and not timers I've not included a timer in the example.

Updating state in Reactjs?

I am trying to update my state in ReactJS. To do this I have an input field in a Reactjs class. The field is automatically filled in with data from a parent class. The field looks like this:
onChange={e =>}
The addLego function is designed to update my state and is in a MobX store. It looks like this:
addLego = action("addLego", e => {
this[] =;
However, I can't actually edit the input field! Nothing changes in the field when I type! Thanks for your help!
If you set a value attribute to an <input> field that field becomes a controlled input. This means that whatever gets passed to value is rendered on the screen. In your case, if you are not updating this.props.row.original.piece the <input> field will never get a new value. I'll suggest to read this bit of React's documentation
It is basically suggesting to keep the new value somewhere (in the component's state for example) and set it back as a value to the field.
Follow this tutorial here will solve your problem. It's a good read too for handling single or multiple inputs
Basically, you'll need a state in the constructor
this.state = {value: ''};
Event handler to set the value every onchange
handleChange(event) {
And the setup for input
<input type="text" value={this.state.value} onChange={this.handleChange} />

How do I programatically fill input field value with React?

I have a modal with some input fields. I can easily pass the data automatically with the user typing an input, using onChange function in the input field, as
<Input onChange={} type="text" />
and .. (Using a mobx store, irellevant though)
#observable categoryValue;
#action handleCategoryChange = (e, data) => {
this.categoryValue = data.value;
However, I want to add a function where the user can pre-fill this with information elsewhere in the application. I have the data to pre-fill the input fields with, but I can't figure out how do actually input it programatically, without the user doing it?
I need to invoke the above handleCategoryChange function. But my variable would be equal to data.value .. Which presents a problem! Invoking this function by myself isn't possible, because I won't have the event e nor a value called data.value as I will "just" pass in a variable by itself.
What's the right way to programatically fill an input field automatically in React, using variables elsewhere? I need to invoke the onChange function somehow, but the input values will be different..
Use controlled component for this situation, define a value property of input element like this:
<Input value={variable_name} ....
Whenever you will update that variable, automatically that value will get populated in input element.
Now you can populate some default value by assigning a value to variable_name and user can update that value by onChange function.
As per DOC:
An input form element whose value is controlled by React in this way
is called a "controlled component".
Pass in the value property for input:
<input type="text" value={this.state.value} onChange={(e) => {this.setState({value: })}/>
you can use the controlled component and pass the value to it.
<input type="text" value{this.state.value}
onChange={()=> {this.setState({ })}}
Good question. I'm having the same issue, and just found a solution.
The problem is that:
You can't just use the default state of the modal component to set the initial input value, because the modal renders one time within the parent component (starting off invisible), so the default state of the Modal wont keep up with any changes to the 'pre-filled' info in the store that the inputs within the modal require access to.
You can't use the value attribute of the input to reference some redux store prop, since this is needed to reference the onChange function so the user can make changes to that pre-filled info.
And, you can't use the onChange function to set the initial value, because it is required to update the local state with the users changes - not set an initial value. Anyway, this requires the user to click on something, and you want the modal inputs to be pre-populated before the user does anything as soon as the modal opens...
So. What we need is to update these input fields every time the Modal attribute isModalOpen (or whatever you are using) changes.
(ie, pre-populate the fields when the Modal is opened).
Again, note that opening the Modal is not RENDERING the modal, it was already rendered, once, and has sat there being invisible until that isModalOpen attribute changed to true.
The Solution:
Step 1: make a handler function in the Modal component that prefills the inputdata by updating the local state of the Modal component. Mine looks like this :
handlePreFillModalInputsOnOpen = () => {
this.setState(() => ({
orthForm: this.props.matchLexUnit['orthForm'],
orthVar: this.props.matchLexUnit['orthVar'],
oldOrthForm: this.props.matchLexUnit['oldOrthForm'],
oldOrthVar: this.props.matchLexUnit['oldOrthVar'],
source: this.props.matchLexUnit['source'],
namedEntityCheck: this.props.matchLexUnit['namedEntityCheck'],
styleMarkingCheck: this.props.matchLexUnit['styleMarkingCheck'],
artificialCheck: this.props.matchLexUnit['artificialCheck'],
error: ''
Step 2: Make that function fire ONLY when the isOpen attribute of the modal changes from false to true.
(This is the meat of your problem I think).
Use the lifecycle method componentDidUpdate. This will execute every time the props of the modal change.
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (this.props.isModalOpen === true && prevProps.isModalOpen === false) {
Watch out
make sure that you have a conditional in componentDidUpdate, otherwise you can run into infinite-loop/performance issues
if you have the possibility of null values icoming in as the prefilled input info, make a null-check so that they will not be passed into the local state.
Hope this helps :)
How to Programmatically Prefill, Fill or Update input fields value in React or useState Hooks?
Firstly - Get and define the data from database
const **yourData** = isDataFromDatabase;
or if the data is stored in Redux, then...
const **yourData** = useSelector(isDataFromDatabase);
Secondly - append it as the default value of a useState hook
const [isDataValue, setIsDataValue] = useState(**yourData**);
Thirdly - create a function to watch and Update the changes made by the user to your data value and set it to the useState hook created above
/** handles Your Data Value */
const handleDataValue = (text) => {
Lastly - in your input tag, use the useState State as the "Value" parameter so it can be updated with the onChange function
onChange={(e) => handleDataValue(}
Now when you load the component, the prefilled value will be shown and can be updated in the HTML Input field.
That's All.

What is the purpose of passing props to a React search bar?

I'm learning to Think in React, but don't understand why the SearchBar in the example needs to have value={this.props.filterText} and checked={this.props.inStockOnly}, the jsFiddle still works without them and it doesn't make sense for props to be passed to the SearchBar as the Search is the one handling user input and making changes to the state. The user input will be reflected in the value of the input without it being set to this.props.filterText so why is it there?
var SearchBar = React.createClass({
handleChange: function() {
render: function() {
return (
{' '}
Only show products in stock
React has concept of controlled components. A controlled component means its value is set by state (And not the other way around i.e. State being set by value of component).
Consider the following example:
class SearchBar extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {term : ''};
render() {
return (
<input value={this.state.term} onChange = {event => this.setState({term :}) }/>
In above example <SearchBar /> is a Controlled Component.
Following will be sequence of events:
You type 'abc' in input field.
At this time value of input field does not change. Rather the State of component is changing because of our code in onChange Event.
As the state of component changes, the component is rendered again. And now the value of component becomes 'abc'.
This concept becomes more important when we use redux, Actions etc.
Because you will be needing the inputted value from the search bar to the upper component. For instance, if you need to filter a collection based on the given value (through search bar), then the filtering will happen on the upper component, not on the search bar. Search bar is only for the input. We put the value of the search bar from the props to make sure that the values are aligned.
The example here depicts the use of controlled input from the parent component. As you see
Here the value of input box is set to {this.props.value} and in the handlechange function you are the onUserInput function which you check is again passed as a prop to the Searchbar. This calls the handleUserInput function ni the FilterableProductTable component and it sets the states filterText, inStockOnly and only these are passed as props to the Searchbar component. So although you can do without it, but controlled input is the way to go in most cases since we are accepting the value provided by the user and updating the value prop of the <input> component. This pattern makes it easy to implement interfaces that respond to or validate user interactions. i.e. if you want to validate an input field or put restrictions on the input value its easier to do with controlled input

