Returning inner $http promise - javascript

I have two services:
And a Controller:
ShoppingController needs to download the cart from the server. In order for CartService to do this, ProductService must first download the products.
ProductService.DownloadProducts = function(){
return {
success: function (fn) {
if(getProductsPromise== null){
getProductsPromise= $"Api/GetProducts")
return getProductsPromise;
CartService.DownloadCart = function(){
//Dont need to go to server
return {
success: function (fn) {
if(getCartPromise == null){
getCartPromise = $"Api/GetCart")
return getCartPromise; //<= The promise I actually want to return
This approach works nicely so far, because if the ProductService has already been called on a different page, I don't need to go back to the server. Same for cart service.The issue is I currently can't return the getCartPromise as it hasn't been created until the async GetProducts has returned
Is it possible to structure this so I can return the inner promise to ShoppingController while keeping the nice .success() syntax?

My way is similar to yours, but instead of saving some alreadyHaveDownloadedCart (boolean flag), i'm caching the promise it self, and then returns it.
I'm caching the promise for the data on the service class, and then returning it if it is exists otherwise initialize a server call.
Something like that:
class ProductService {
constructor() {
this.productsPromise = null;
DownloadProducts() {
if(!this.productsPromise) {
this.productsPromise = $'Api/GetProducts');
this.productsPromise.then(products => this.products = products);
return this.productsPromise.then(() => this.products);
class CartService {
constructor(ProductService) {
this.ProductService = ProductService;
this.cartPromise = null;
DownloadCart() {
return this.ProductService.DownloadProducts().success(() => {
if (!this.cartPromise) {
this.cartPromise = $'Api/GetCart');
this.cartPromise.then((cart) => {
this.cart = cart;
return this.cartPromise.then(() => this.cart);


How to get data value in regular js file from vue component?

I have component MyComponent.vue where I have data value that constantly changes. I want to pass this value to javascript file(js file should know about changes of value everytime)
Why do I do that? Because my regular js file is a service layer for axios methods. I can import this file in many other components. The file contains axios methods and urls are dynamic.
I want those urls depend on data variable. This data variable comes from MyComponent.js
So the main goal is to make dynamic urls of axios that depend on data variable
I tried some code but it doesn't work, because js file(CategoryService.js) know nothing about this.categoryNumber.
export default {
data() {
return {
categoryNumber: 1
import http from "../../../http-common";
let category = "category1";
if (this.categoryNumber === 1) {
category = "category1";
} if (this.categoryNumber === 2) {
category = "category2";
class CategoryService {
get(id) {
return http.get(`/${category}/${id}`);
update(id, data) {
return http.put(`/${category}/${id}`, data);
create(data) {
return`/${category}`, data);
delete(id) {
return http.delete(`/${category}/${id}`);
getAll() {
return http.get(`/${category}/all`);
export default new CategoryService();
So with a bit of refactoring, you could easily get this working.
First of all, I would put the if/else logic of your class into it.
For convenience and scalability, I would use a Vuex store that will keep track of your categoryNumber and share it accross all your components.
Then I would bind my service to my Vue instance so I can easily access it in all my components as well as the store and I would pass the latter to my class as a parameter.
For the last part, I don't know the logic in the http-common file so the code I will show you is a bit nasty. But depending on wether or not you bound 'http' to axios, you could make use of axios interceptors to call the getCategoryNumber() method in every request.
Here's an idea of the implementation I would go for:
const CategoryService = class CategoryService {
constructor(store) {
this._store = store;
this.category = "category1";
getCategoryNumber() {
if (this._store.state.categoryNumber === 1) {
this.category = "category1";
if (this._store.state.categoryNumber === 2) {
this.category = "category2";
console.log(this.category); // for demo puprose
get(id) {
this.getCategoryNumber(); // We could use axios request interceptor instead of calling that in every route, but that works !
return http.get(`/${this.category}/${id}`);
update(id, data) {
return http.put(`/${this.category}/${id}`, data);
create(data) {
return`/${this.category}`, data);
delete(id) {
return http.delete(`/${this.category}/${id}`);
getAll() {
return http.get(`/${this.category}/all`);
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
categoryNumber: 1
mutations: {
setCategoryNumber(state, payload) {
state.categoryNumber = payload;
// Bind your service to the Vue prototype so you can easily use it in any component with 'this.$service'
// pass it the store instance as parameter
Vue.prototype.$service = new CategoryService(store);
new Vue({
el: "#app",
store, // dont forget to bind your store to your Vue instance
methods: {
updateCategoryNumber() {
// Put here any logic to update the number
this.categoryNumber = this.categoryNumber === 1 ? 2 : 1;
checkServiceCategoryValue() {
// for demonstration purpose
computed: {
// Look for the store value and update it
categoryNumber: {
get() {
return this.$store.state.categoryNumber;
set(value) {
this.$store.commit("setCategoryNumber", value);
<div id="app">
<h2>number: {{ categoryNumber }}</h2>
<button type="button" #click="updateCategoryNumber()">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Thanks to #Solar
I just added one more parameter for all urls and put the number of category to it
class CategoryOneService {
get(id, category) {
return http.get(`/${category}/${id}`);
getAll(category) {
return http.get(`/${category}/all`);
let catNum = "";
function getQuestion() {
if (this.categoryNumber === 1) {
catNum = "category1";
if (this.categoryNumber === 2) {
catNum = "category2";
let questionId = this.questionNumber;
CategoryOneService.get(questionId, catNum)
.then(response => {
this.question =;
this.answer =;
.catch(error => {

Angular function in controller not getting called after promise

I am building an Angular 1.5 app using the component structure. After the promise comes back from the $http call in the service, I am trying to call another function to filter the dataset before it is displayed on the UI.
However, the filterApps function is not getting called. the filterApps function I am trying to compare to arrays of objects and return back the ones that have the same name. Is this the best way to go about this or is there a cleaner way?
Controller :
import allApps from '../../resources/data/application_data.js';
class HomeController {
constructor(ItemsService) {
this.itemsService = ItemsService;
this.displayApps = [];
$onInit() {
.success((apps) => this.filterApps(apps));
filterApps(siteApps) {
this.displayApps = allApps.applications.filter((app) => { => {
if( === {
return app;
export default HomeController;
I don't see any reason that filterApps method isn't geting call(as you already commented that success function is getting called). I guess you're just checking nothing has been carried in displayApps variable. The real problem is you have not return internal map function result to filter. So that's why nothing gets return.
filterApps(siteApps) {
this.displayApps = allApps.applications.filter((app) => {
//returning map function result.
return => {
if( === {
return app;

Angular 2 ES6/7 Eventemitter update other Component

i want to share data between components, so im implemented a Service which has an EventEmitter.
My Service looks like this:
export class LanguageService {
constructor() {
this.languageEventEmitter = new EventEmitter();
this.languages = [];
setLanguages() {
var self = this;
axios.get('/api/' + api.version + '/' + api.language)
.then(function (response) {
_.each(, function (language) {
language.selected = false;
.catch(function (response) {
getLanguages() {
return this.languages;
toggleSelection(language) {
var self = this;
language.selected = !language.selected;
I have to components, which are subscribing to the service like this:
self.languageService.languageEventEmitter.subscribe((newLanguages) => {
_.each(newLanguages, function (language) {
When both components are loaded, the language arrays get filled as i wish.
This is the first component:
export class LanguageComponent {
static get parameters() {
return [[LanguageService]];
constructor(languageService) {
var self = this;
this.languageService = languageService;
this.languages = [];
setLanguages() {
var self = this;
self.languageService.languageEventEmitter.subscribe((newLanguages) => {
_.each(newLanguages, function (language) {
updateLanguages(newLanguage) {
var self = this;
if (!newLanguage) {
var match = _.find(self.languages, function (language) {
return newLanguage._id === language._id;
if (!match) {
else {
_.forOwn(newLanguage, function (value, key) {
match[key] = value;
toggleLanguageSelection(language) {
var self = this;
When LanguageComponent executes the function toggleLanguageSelection() which triggered by a click event, the other component, which subscribes like this:
self.languageService.languageEventEmitter.subscribe((newLanguages) => {
_.each(newLanguages, function (language) {
doesn't get notfiefied of the change. I think this happens because both component get a different instance of my LanguageService, but i'm not sure about that. I also tried to create a singleton, but angular'2 di doesn't work then anymore. What is the reason for this issue and how can i solve this ?
You need to define your shared service when bootstrapping your application:
bootstrap(AppComponent, [ SharedService ]);
and not defining it again within the providers attribute of your components. This way you will have a single instance of the service for the whole application. Components can leverage it to communicate together.
This is because of the "hierarchical injectors" feature of Angular2. For more details, see this question:
What's the best way to inject one service into another in angular 2 (Beta)?

Generate Routes in .run() with config from service Angularjs

I am building routes/states and the menu based on what the user is authorized to see. I've looked around and tried a few different things, but i'm hitting a brick wall. The SessionService object in the RoleService Factory is empty whenever RoleService.validateRole() is called. No route is added and the app is effectively dead. Why is the injected factory empty and the methods undefined.
Here is a simplified layout of the app starting in order of dependencies.
In, I am adding the states to the app instead of doing it in the config.
$stateProviderRef.state(value.stateName, state);
The states come from (a factory) AppConfig.getStates(), which returns an array.
var states = AppConfig.getStates();
In getStates() we validate each route's role.
The RoleService depends on the SessionService and the validateRole function does this check:
if(SessionService.currentUser.role === role)
The SessionService depends on the AuthenticationService which is just a factory that returns a promise using $http (the user object). The SessionService.currentUser is a function that .then()s the returned promise from the AuthenticationService.
return {
currentUser: function(){
return result;
I'm not sure of a better way to explain the code without including the entire files.
Based on the plunker (mentioned in comment), I updated/cloned it to another, which is working
I. simple - when static data are returned (no $http)
Because the service SessonService was defined like this:
return {
currentUser: function() {
we cannot call it as a property:
return {
validateRoleAdmin: function () {
if (SessionService.currentUser.role === 'admin') {
validateRole: function (role) {
if(SessionService.currentUser.role === role){
it is a function it must be called as a function currentUser():
return {
validateRoleAdmin: function () {
if (SessionService.currentUser().role === 'admin') {
validateRole: function (role) {
if(SessionService.currentUser().role === role){
II. waiting for async calls
The adjusted example
Next, if we in example create a static result of the service AuthenticationService:
function() {
return {"idsid": "ad_jdschuma","role": "user","id": "33333"}
we cannot expect there will be some then method:
currentUser: function() {
//AuthenticationService.then(function(result) {
// return result;
return AuthenticationService;
And to make it really async we can replace it with this:
['$timeout', function($timeout) {
return {
getData: function() {
return $timeout(function() {
return {
"idsid": "ad_jdschuma",
"role": "user",
"id": "33333"
And then use even the .then() - Session service:
angular.module('daedalus').factory('SessionService', ['AuthenticationService',
function(AuthenticationService) {
return {
currentUser: function(){
return AuthenticationService
return result;
And the RoleService:
return {
validateRole: function(route) {
console.log('SessionService currentUser: ' + JSON.stringify(SessionService))
return SessionService
.then(function(userRole) {
if (userRole.role === route.role) {
return route;
} else {
return null;
And with this in place in appConfig
getStates: function(){
var items = [];
var deffered = $q.defer();
var validatedCount = routes.length;
for(var i=0,len=routes.length; i<len; i++){
var route = routes[i];
if(route) {
if(--validatedCount === 0 ){ // all processed
return deffered.promise;
We can do that in run:
.then(function(states) {console.log(states)
angular.forEach(states, function(value, key) {
var state = {
"url": value.url,
"templateUrl": value.templateUrl,
"controller": value.controller
$stateProviderRef.state(value.stateName, state);
// Configures $urlRouter's listener *after* your custom listener
Check it here
The concept of the second solution (async) is too .thenified(). I just intended to show that all is working. Better approach how to get security data is completely covered here:
Confusing $locationChangeSuccess and $stateChangeStart

how to return a promise when waiting for another promise before that

My view-model gives a call to a service A and that service A needs to call another service B. the B will return some value that is required by service A. But this seems not working.
Here is my code.
class BillingService {
rest: BaseRest;
baseUrl: string;
configurationService: ConfigurationService;
constructor() {
this.configurationService = new ConfigurationService(); = new BaseRest({ basePath: this.baseUrl, isExternal: true });
getClaimsSummary() {
this.configurationService.getBillingConfiguration().then((data: BillingConfigurationModel) => {
this.baseUrl = data.billingBaseUrl;
return<ClaimSummaryModel>("claims/GetClaimsHistory", {});
getClaimsSummary is being called by view model
this.billingService.getClaimsSummary().then((data: ClaimSummaryModel) => {
//push to array
getClaimsSummary depends on a value (baseUrl) that is returned by configurationService.getBillingConfiguration() . i am trying to understand how to return getClaimsSummary so that is it acceptable by viewmodel as a promise.
Please note that rest is using "bluebird" promise library.
then() already yields that promise. All you have to do is return it from your method:
getClaimsSummary() {
return this.configurationService.getBillingConfiguration().then((data: BillingConfigurationModel) => {
// ^^^^^^
this.baseUrl = data.billingBaseUrl;
return<ClaimSummaryModel>("claims/GetClaimsHistory", {});

