multiple items inside the rightIconButton of a MaterialUI ListItem - javascript

I want to attach multiple items to the rightIconButton inside a ListItem.
I'm using Material UI v0.20 and React#15.6.2
<RaisedButton />
<TrashIcon />
How can i wrap the items to avoid the warning?
Warning: Unknown prop onKeyboardFocus on span tag. Remove this prop from the element.

Try using HOC:
function Single() {
return (
function App() {
return (
<ListItem rightIconButton={<Single />} />

A custom component will help to remove the warning:
function GroupedButtons(props) {
return (
function App() {
<GroupedButtons />
Working example:


React table rowProps prop doesnt log anything

[Basically, we're using this from one of our libraries. But the thing is while using it through our package the rowProps prop doesn't work]
import { AdvancedTable } from "ims-ui-kit";
function Table(props) {
return <AdvancedTable {...props} />;
export default Table;
Here is another screenshot of the prop passing through the table we are using. It doesn't log anything.
[enter image description here]
<div className="content">
// hasBulkActions={true}
className="-striped -highlight"
rowProps={(row) => {
onclick = () => {
console.log("hello", row);
<Modal title="Risk management">
<RiskDetail isModalOpen={isOpen} />

Create custom TabPane using react-bootstrap

I would create custom Tab Form from JSON, using React and boostrap. Using this function my code work correctly.
function DisplayForm(props) {
<div className="row">
<Tabs className="mb-3">
{Array.from(new Map(Object.entries(json))).map((data) => (
<Tab eventKey={data[0]} title={data[0]}> </Tab>
data[0] is the tabName.
Now, I would create custom tab, based on json value. For example, something, like this:
function DisplayCustomTab(props) {
<div className="row">
<TabContainer className="mb-3">
{Array.from(new Map(Object.entries(json))).map((data) => (
{(() => {
if(myCondition ) {
<CreateTAB data={data[0]} />
function CreateTAB(props) {
console.log("tab name: " +; // this line works
<TabPane eventKey={} title={}> </TabPane>
I using TabPane, TabContent and TabContainer because using Tab and Tabs I get following error:
component is not meant to be rendered! It's an abstract component that is only valid as a direct Child of the `Tabs` Component. For custom tabs components use TabPane and TabsContainer directly
Anyone can explain where I'm wrong? Thank you

Dynamic nested accordion with nested children

I am trying to build a reusable accordion, i was able to create an accordion with one level, but here i am stuck to have the nested accordion.
What i have tried so far
import "./styles.css";
import Accordion from "./Accordion";
import LIST from './Constants';
const listMaker = (item) => {
let faqItem;
if (item.children.length === 0) {
faqItem = (
<Accordion title={}></Accordion> <hr />
} else {
let faqItemChildren = => {
let faqItem = listMaker(item);
return (
<hr />
faqItem = <Accordion title={}>{faqItemChildren}</Accordion>;
return faqItem;
let listItems = => {
let menuItem = listMaker(item);
return menuItem;
export default function App() {
return listItems;
have added codesandbox
I am new tor react, Any help is appreciated
Instead of using dangerouslySetInnerHTML you can use the children, as you need is a spread of React.ReactChildren. That would be just calling the {children} from props instead of the dangerouslySetInnerHTML
<div className="accordion__section">
<button className={`accordion ${setActive}`} onClick={toggleAccordion}>
<p className="accordion__title">{title}</p>
<Chevron className={`${setRotate}`} width={10} fill={"#777"} />
style={{ maxHeight: `${setHeight}` }}
Here is a forked solution of your codesandbox.
Also, Instead of setting the DOM to a variable, as its a conditional scenario, you can use the ternary operator, which helps in better readability.
const listMaker = (item) => {
return (
{item.children.length === 0 ? (
<Accordion title={} />
) : (
<Accordion title={}>
{ => {
return listMaker(childItem);
dangerouslySetInnerHTML is to use with strings. You shouldn't give an array of components to it. Yet you don't send any prop called content anyway. I think you meant children prop there. Just render children instead of using dangerouslySetInnerHTML
In your Accordion component replace this:
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: props.content }}
With this:
<div className="accordion__text">
{ props.children }

React function to wrap a jsx element

I'm trying to create a function that will return a jsx element wrapped with and elements. How to do this?
In my code, I have a lot of the following:
<Top />
<Home />
<Bottom />
<Top />
<About />
<Bottom />
<Top />
<Contact />
<Bottom />
<Top />
<Blog />
<Bottom />
<Top />
<API />
<Bottom />
How can I make a function which takes say <Home /> as an input parameter and returns a wrapped jsx element?
I've tried:
function wrap(???){
return (
<Top />
//what goes here????
<Bottom />
I'm afraid I'm still getting used to the syntax and can't figure it out
first, you need to wrapp the return with a root element, a div for exp, or a Fragment which is released in React 16.2, in this exp i used a div:
function wrap(Wrapped) {
return (
<Top />
<Wrapped />
<Bottom />
Edited: you could use the render children method also:
const WrapperExp = props => {
return (
const App = () => (
take a look at this codesandbox exp.
The correct syntax should be
function wrap(component) {
return (
<Top />
<Bottom />
and maybe if you use wrap in a render method
render() {
const aComponent = (<Home/>);
return (

Nice way in React to Map an array data to Card Decks

I have an array of objects. And I can't figure out how do I create multiple card decks with 3 cards in each one, as on the image:
An example is below:
import { Card, Button, ... CardBlock } from 'reactstrap';
export default const Example = (props) => {
return (<div>
<CardImg top width="100%" src="https://..." />
If your question is about how to iterate over your array then you can use for it.
An example from the react docs with map() call using an arrow function:
By saving the components in a temporary variable:
function NumberList(props) {
const numbers = props.numbers;
const listItems = =>
<ListItem key={number.toString()}
value={number} />
return (
By using map() inline:
function NumberList(props) {
const numbers = props.numbers;
return (
{ =>
<ListItem key={number.toString()}
value={number} />
Do not render multiple <CardDeck> components. Instead adapt your css so that a <Card> will wrap into the next row when there are more that three. Then you only have to map the data inside your array once and not for every <CardDeck> again.

