how many items inside list contains a word - javascript

let list: Array<string> = ['abc', 'efg', 'abcde', 'eefg'];
I wonder how can I check how many items inside list contains abc (a count).
I know that I can use indexOf inside loop but I wonder if there any other, easier, convenient way.

Here'a solution with reduce()
const list = ['abc', 'efg', 'abcde', 'eefg']
const countReduce = list.reduce((count, item) => {
return count += item.includes('abc') ? 1 : 0
}, 0)
console.log('reduce:', countReduce)
And here's one with regexp:
const list = ['abc', 'efg', 'abcde', 'eefg']
const count = (list.join(',').match(/abc/g) || []).length;
And still a string concatenation style:
const list = ['abc', 'efg', 'abcde', 'eefg']
const count = list.join(',').split('abc').length - 1
A bit more complicated one - treating the string as an array (and NOT using indexOf... :) )
const list = ['abc', 'efg', 'abcdeabc', 'eefg']
let count = 0
for (let item of list) {
let onlyOnce = 0 // guarding that the string is counted inly once/item
const length = item.length
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (item[i] + item[i + 1] + item[i + 2] == 'abc' && !onlyOnce) {

A simple way is to filter the list and get the length:
let count = list.filter(s => s.includes(word)).length;
Using indexOf:
let count = list.filter(s => s.indexOf(word) > -1).length;

Try this
function isEqualTo(value) {
return value.includes("abc"); // or return value == "abc"; // whatever you want
var words = list.filter(isEqualTo).length


create array of objects from an array of string ids with 1st object having first value with second, second with third and so on

I have an array of strings e.g. const array1 = ["124542", "112244", "112245", "112246"];
I want to create below results:
const array2 = [
"comparableId": "124542",
"comparatorId": "112244"
"comparableId": "112244",
"comparatorId": "112245"
"comparableId": "112245",
"comparatorId": "112246"
In this array2, 1st index value from array1 is with 2nd value, 2nd value with 3rd and 3rd with 4th and so on. This array1 is dynamic and can have just 1 value e.g. const array1 = ["124542"]; and can have any number of values.
I have tried using Ecma Script reduce and map methods.
const array2 =, index) => {
return {
comparableId: value,
comparatorId: array1[index + 1] || '',
Is there some other good way to do it ?
Using a for loop is probably the easiest here.
const array1 = ["124542", "112244", "112245", "112246"];
const transform = (array) => {
const result = [];
for (let i = 0; i === 0 || i < array.length - 1; ++i) {
comparableId: array[i],
comparatorId: array[i + 1] ?? "",
return result;
Fully declarative, no mutations solution.
array1 = ["124542", "112244", "112245", "112246"],
array2 = [...Array(Math.ceil(array1.length / 2))].map((_, i) =>
({comparableId: array1[i * 2], comparatorId: array1[i * 2 + 1] ?? ""})
const array1 = ["124542", "112244", "112245", "112246"];
let array2 = [];, index) =>{
array2.push({comparableId: item, comparatorId: array1[index+1] || ""})
A loop is the best option.
const array1 = ["124542", "112244", "112245", "112246"]
let array2 = [];
for (let i = 0; i < array1.length; i + 2) {
array2[i] = {
"comparableId": array2[i],
"comparatorId": array2[i + 1]
array2 won't be a const variable as it is going to be modified each loop. If you really need it to be a constant then you'll have to define a new constant like so: const array3 = array2; at the end of your code.

Splitting string into array based on first and last

I have this array :-
var a = [' DL1,C1,C5,C6','M4,DL3-7,B1-5']
And I want to split them like
So that DL3-7 or DL3-DL7 this Split like this DL3,DL4,DL5,DL6,DL7
Reason why I am doing this, is because I want to block duplicate entry like DL3 should not come anywhere else, I am trying for loops to do this, just want to know if there is any simpler way to do it, and check for duplicacy afterwards.
You have to break down your problems into three parts:
getting comma delimited values into different array items
resolving "DL3-7" to "DL3", "DL4"...
removing duplicates
Once you break down the problem, it is much easier to handle them one by one. The code is pretty readable, let me know if there is anything difficult to understand what's going on.
const a = ['DL1,C1,C5,C6', 'M4,DL3-7,B1-5']
//this will split all comma delimited values
const commaDelimit = => item.split(',')).flat();
console.log("Separate values by comma: ")
//this will turn the ranges into individual items
//this does not account for if the number is bigger than 9.
//you can try doing this part yourself if you need to, should be a good learning exercise.
const resolveRange = => {
if (item.includes('-')) {
const pos = item.indexOf('-');
const beginning = Number(item.charAt(pos - 1));
const end = Number(item.charAt(pos + 1)) + 1;
const toReturn = [];
const prependString = item.substring(0, pos - 1);
for (let i = beginning; i < end; i++) {
return toReturn;
return item;
console.log("Change 'DL3-7' to DL3, DL4 and so on: ")
//this will get rid of duplicates
const uniques = [ Set(resolveRange)];
console.log("Remove duplicates: ")
Create an Array with that length, iterate and transform,
I've just wrote the most challenged part:
function splitRange(range) {
let a = range.split('-');
if (a.length < 2) return [range];
const baseString = (a[0].match(/[a-z A-Z]/g))?.join('');
const baseNumber = +((a[0].match(/\d+/))?.shift());
return Array.from({length: +a.pop().match(/\d+/) - baseNumber + 1}).map((_,i)=>`${baseString}${i+baseNumber}`);
const s='DL1,C1,C5,C6,M4,DL3-7,B1-5';
Basically, #cSharp has explained the concept of data transformation to the desired output.
Split by comma.
Work with regex to transform the range value and append it to the array. Regex pattern & test data
Distinct the array value.
var a = [' DL1,C1,C5,C6','M4,DL3-7,B1-5'];
var formatteds = a.reduce((previous, current) => {
var splits = current.trim().split(',');
var rangedSplits = splits.reduce((prev, cur) => {
var pattern = new RegExp(/([A-Z]*)(\d)-[A-Z]*(\d)/);
var match = pattern.exec(cur);
if (match) {
// Pattern 1: ['DL3-7', 'DL', '3', '7']
// Pattern 2: ['DL3-DL7', 'DL', '3', '7']
var startIndex = parseInt(match[2].toString());
var endIndex = parseInt(match[3].toString());
var arr = [];
for (let i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
arr.push(match[1].toString() + i);
prev = prev.concat(arr);
} else {
prev = prev.concat([cur]);
return prev;
}, []);
previous = previous.concat(rangedSplits);
return previous;
}, []);
var result = formatteds.filter((x, i, array) => array.indexOf(x) === i);

Can I have an object key as part of an array?

I am trying to sort some numbers, and I want to count the number of times that an array has a certain number.
My question is more about the structure of an the array than the counting the number part. I would like to build an array that looks like this below.
let numbers = [1,2,3,4,4,4,5,5,6];
How could I make the data structure below?
numbers[3].count // this will be equal to 3 after I loop through;
How do I make each part of the array have an object parameter?
Do I just loop through like so?
for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++){
numbers[i] = {
count: 0
I understand this wont give me the right count, but I don't care about that part of the problem. I would like to solve that on my own. I just need to be sure that this is the correct way to add the object parameters.
I would build these functions on my own. Something like this
You can copy and paste this in the console of your browser.
// my numbers list
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6];
// reduced to unique entries
const uniques = [ Set(numbers)];
// function to count occurrences in my list of number
const count = (n) => numbers.filter((num) => num === n).length;
// you can test here
console.log(`counting ${uniques[4]}s`, count(uniques[4]));
// get these as object
console.log( => ({[unique]: count(unique)})))
Simplest way to achieve this by using Array.forEach().
let numbers = [1,2,3,4,4,4,5,5,6];
const obj = {};
numbers.forEach((item) => {
obj[item] = (obj[item] || 0) + 1;
const numbers = [1,2,3,4,4,4,5,5,6];
const counts = {};
numbers.forEach((x) => counts[x] = (counts[x] || 0) + 1);
You can use the Array#reduce() method to group elements together into sub arrays. Since arrays have a length property that gives the the number of elements this can be applied to each group of like elements. We do not need to create a new count property.
let numbers = [1,2,3,4,4,4,5,5,6];
const freq = numbers.reduce(
(acc,cur) => ({...acc,[cur]:(acc[cur] || []).concat(cur)})
console.log( freq[4] );
console.log( freq[4].length );
Alternatively, you can put the numbers in an object and get all the unique elements, then for each unique element define a get property that groups like elements together using the Array#filter() method. Again, the length array property can be used to return the number of elements for each unique element.
const o = {numbers: [1,2,3,4,4,4,5,5,6]};
o.uniq = [ Set(o.numbers)];
o.uniq.forEach(n => Object.defineProperty(
o,n,{get:() => o.numbers.filter(num => num === n)}
console.log( o[5] );
console.log( o[5].length );
Reduce is perfect for these kinds of problems.
const numbers = [1,2,3,4,4,4,5,5,6];
const countedObject = numbers.reduce((tmpObj, number) => {
if (!tmpObj[number]) {
tmpObj[number] = 1;
} else {
tmpObj[number] += 1;
return tmpObj
}, {});
if you feel the need to nest it further you can of course do this.
But if count is the only property you need, I'd suggest sticking to the first version.
const numbers = [1,2,3,4,4,4,5,5,6];
const countedObject = numbers.reduce((tmpObj, number) => {
if (!tmpObj[number]) {
tmpObj[number] = {count: 1};
} else {
tmpObj[number].count += 1;
return tmpObj
}, {});

Delete an object within an array, within another array [duplicate]

var listToDelete = ['abc', 'efg'];
var arrayOfObjects = [{id:'abc',name:'oh'}, // delete me
{id:'efg',name:'em'}, // delete me
{id:'hij',name:'ge'}] // all that should remain
How do I remove an object from the array by matching object property?
Only native JavaScript please.
I am having trouble using splice because length diminishes with each deletion.
Using clone and splicing on orignal index still leaves you with the problem of diminishing length.
I assume you used splice something like this?
for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfObjects.length; i++) {
var obj = arrayOfObjects[i];
if (listToDelete.indexOf( !== -1) {
arrayOfObjects.splice(i, 1);
All you need to do to fix the bug is decrement i for the next time around, then (and looping backwards is also an option):
for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfObjects.length; i++) {
var obj = arrayOfObjects[i];
if (listToDelete.indexOf( !== -1) {
arrayOfObjects.splice(i, 1);
To avoid linear-time deletions, you can write array elements you want to keep over the array:
var end = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfObjects.length; i++) {
var obj = arrayOfObjects[i];
if (listToDelete.indexOf( === -1) {
arrayOfObjects[end++] = obj;
arrayOfObjects.length = end;
and to avoid linear-time lookups in a modern runtime, you can use a hash set:
const setToDelete = new Set(listToDelete);
let end = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arrayOfObjects.length; i++) {
const obj = arrayOfObjects[i];
if (setToDelete.has( {
arrayOfObjects[end++] = obj;
arrayOfObjects.length = end;
which can be wrapped up in a nice function:
const filterInPlace = (array, predicate) => {
let end = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
const obj = array[i];
if (predicate(obj)) {
array[end++] = obj;
array.length = end;
const toDelete = new Set(['abc', 'efg']);
const arrayOfObjects = [{id: 'abc', name: 'oh'},
{id: 'efg', name: 'em'},
{id: 'hij', name: 'ge'}];
filterInPlace(arrayOfObjects, obj => !toDelete.has(;
If you don’t need to do it in place, that’s Array#filter:
const toDelete = new Set(['abc', 'efg']);
const newArray = arrayOfObjects.filter(obj => !toDelete.has(;
You can remove an item by one of its properties without using any 3rd party libs like this:
var removeIndex = =>"abc");
~removeIndex && array.splice(removeIndex, 1);
With lodash/underscore:
If you want to modify the existing array itself, then we have to use splice. Here is the little better/readable way using findWhere of underscore/lodash:
var items= [{id:'abc',name:'oh'}, // delete me
items.splice(_.indexOf(items, _.findWhere(items, { id : "abc"})), 1);
With ES5 or higher
(without lodash/underscore)
With ES5 onwards we have findIndex method on array, so its easier without lodash/underscore
return === "abc";
}), 1);
(ES5 is supported in almost all morden browsers)
About findIndex, and its Browser compatibility
To delete an object by it's id in given array;
const hero = [{'id' : 1, 'name' : 'hero1'}, {'id': 2, 'name' : 'hero2'}];
//remove hero1
const updatedHero = hero.filter(item => !== 1);
findIndex works for modern browsers:
var myArr = [{id:'a'},{id:'myid'},{id:'c'}];
var index = myArr.findIndex(function(o){
return === 'myid';
if (index !== -1) myArr.splice(index, 1);
Check this out using Set and ES5 filter.
let result = arrayOfObjects.filter( el => (-1 == listToDelete.indexOf( );
Here is JsFiddle:
If you just want to remove it from the existing array and not create a new one, try:
var items = [{Id: 1},{Id: 2},{Id: 3}];
items.splice(_.indexOf(items, _.find(items, function (item) { return item.Id === 2; })), 1);
Loop in reverse by decrementing i to avoid the problem:
for (var i = arrayOfObjects.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var obj = arrayOfObjects[i];
if (listToDelete.indexOf( !== -1) {
arrayOfObjects.splice(i, 1);
Or use filter:
var newArray = arrayOfObjects.filter(function(obj) {
return listToDelete.indexOf( === -1;
Only native JavaScript please.
As an alternative, more "functional" solution, working on ECMAScript 5, you could use:
var listToDelete = ['abc', 'efg'];
var arrayOfObjects = [{id:'abc',name:'oh'}, // delete me
{id:'efg',name:'em'}, // delete me
{id:'hij',name:'ge'}]; // all that should remain
arrayOfObjects.reduceRight(function(acc, obj, idx) {
if (listToDelete.indexOf( > -1)
}, 0); // initial value set to avoid issues with the first item and
// when the array is empty.
[ { id: 'hij', name: 'ge' } ]
According to the definition of 'Array.prototype.reduceRight' in ECMA-262:
reduceRight does not directly mutate the object on which it is called but the object may be mutated by the calls to callbackfn.
So this is a valid usage of reduceRight.
var arrayOfObjects = [{id:'abc',name:'oh'}, // delete me
{id:'efg',name:'em'}, // delete me
{id:'hij',name:'ge'}] // all that should remain
as per your answer will be like this. when you click some particular object send the index in the param for the delete me function. This simple code will work like charm.
function deleteme(i){
if (i > -1) {
arrayOfObjects.splice(i, 1);
If you like short and self descriptive parameters or if you don't want to use splice and go with a straight forward filter or if you are simply a SQL person like me:
function removeFromArrayOfHash(p_array_of_hash, p_key, p_value_to_remove){
return p_array_of_hash.filter((l_cur_row) => {return l_cur_row[p_key] != p_value_to_remove});
And a sample usage:
l_test_arr =
post_id: 1,
post_content: "Hey I am the first hash with id 1"
post_id: 2,
post_content: "This is item 2"
post_id: 1,
post_content: "And I am the second hash with id 1"
post_id: 3,
post_content: "This is item 3"
l_test_arr = removeFromArrayOfHash(l_test_arr, "post_id", 2); // gives both of the post_id 1 hashes and the post_id 3
l_test_arr = removeFromArrayOfHash(l_test_arr, "post_id", 1); // gives only post_id 3 (since 1 was removed in previous line)
with filter & indexOf
withLodash = _.filter(arrayOfObjects, (obj) => (listToDelete.indexOf( === -1));
withoutLodash = arrayOfObjects.filter(obj => listToDelete.indexOf( === -1);
with filter & includes
withLodash = _.filter(arrayOfObjects, (obj) => (!listToDelete.includes(
withoutLodash = arrayOfObjects.filter(obj => !listToDelete.includes(;
You can use filter. This method always returns the element if the condition is true. So if you want to remove by id you must keep all the element that doesn't match with the given id. Here is an example:
arrayOfObjects = arrayOfObjects.filter(obj => != idToRemove)
Incorrect way
First of all, any answer that suggests to use filter does not actually remove the item. Here is a quick test:
var numbers = [1, 2, 2, 3];
numbers.filter(x => x === 2);
In the above, the numbers array will stay intact (nothing will be removed). The filter method returns a new array with all the elements that satisfy the condition x === 2 but the original array is left intact.
Sure you can do this:
var numbers = [1, 2, 2, 3];
numbers = numbers.filter(x => x === 2);
But that is simply assigning a new array to numbers.
Correct way to remove items from array
One of the correct ways, there are more than 1, is to do it as following. Please keep in mind, the example here intentionally has duplicated items so the removal of duplicates can be taken into consideration.
var numbers = [1, 2, 2, 3];
// Find all items you wish to remove
// If array has objects, then change condition to x.someProperty === someValue
var numbersToRemove = numbers.filter(x => x === 2);
// Now remove them
numbersToRemove.forEach(x => numbers.splice(numbers.findIndex(n => n === x), 1));
// Now check (this is obviously just to test)
Now you will notice length returns 2 indicating only numbers 1 and 3 are remaining in the array.
In your case
To specifically answer your question which is this:
var listToDelete = ['abc', 'efg'];
var arrayOfObjects = [{id:'abc',name:'oh'}, // delete me
{id:'efg',name:'em'}, // delete me
{id:'hij',name:'ge'}] // all that should remain
Here is the answer:
listToDelete.forEach(x => arrayOfObjects.splice(arrayOfObjects.findIndex(n => === x), 1));
var listToDelete = ['abc', 'efg'];
var arrayOfObjects = [{id:'abc',name:'oh'}, // delete me
{id:'efg',name:'em'}, // delete me
{id:'hij',name:'ge'}] // all that should remain
var result = arrayOfObjects.filter(object => !listToDelete.some(toDelete => toDelete ===;

remove objects from array by object property

var listToDelete = ['abc', 'efg'];
var arrayOfObjects = [{id:'abc',name:'oh'}, // delete me
{id:'efg',name:'em'}, // delete me
{id:'hij',name:'ge'}] // all that should remain
How do I remove an object from the array by matching object property?
Only native JavaScript please.
I am having trouble using splice because length diminishes with each deletion.
Using clone and splicing on orignal index still leaves you with the problem of diminishing length.
I assume you used splice something like this?
for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfObjects.length; i++) {
var obj = arrayOfObjects[i];
if (listToDelete.indexOf( !== -1) {
arrayOfObjects.splice(i, 1);
All you need to do to fix the bug is decrement i for the next time around, then (and looping backwards is also an option):
for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfObjects.length; i++) {
var obj = arrayOfObjects[i];
if (listToDelete.indexOf( !== -1) {
arrayOfObjects.splice(i, 1);
To avoid linear-time deletions, you can write array elements you want to keep over the array:
var end = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfObjects.length; i++) {
var obj = arrayOfObjects[i];
if (listToDelete.indexOf( === -1) {
arrayOfObjects[end++] = obj;
arrayOfObjects.length = end;
and to avoid linear-time lookups in a modern runtime, you can use a hash set:
const setToDelete = new Set(listToDelete);
let end = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arrayOfObjects.length; i++) {
const obj = arrayOfObjects[i];
if (setToDelete.has( {
arrayOfObjects[end++] = obj;
arrayOfObjects.length = end;
which can be wrapped up in a nice function:
const filterInPlace = (array, predicate) => {
let end = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
const obj = array[i];
if (predicate(obj)) {
array[end++] = obj;
array.length = end;
const toDelete = new Set(['abc', 'efg']);
const arrayOfObjects = [{id: 'abc', name: 'oh'},
{id: 'efg', name: 'em'},
{id: 'hij', name: 'ge'}];
filterInPlace(arrayOfObjects, obj => !toDelete.has(;
If you don’t need to do it in place, that’s Array#filter:
const toDelete = new Set(['abc', 'efg']);
const newArray = arrayOfObjects.filter(obj => !toDelete.has(;
You can remove an item by one of its properties without using any 3rd party libs like this:
var removeIndex = =>"abc");
~removeIndex && array.splice(removeIndex, 1);
With lodash/underscore:
If you want to modify the existing array itself, then we have to use splice. Here is the little better/readable way using findWhere of underscore/lodash:
var items= [{id:'abc',name:'oh'}, // delete me
items.splice(_.indexOf(items, _.findWhere(items, { id : "abc"})), 1);
With ES5 or higher
(without lodash/underscore)
With ES5 onwards we have findIndex method on array, so its easier without lodash/underscore
return === "abc";
}), 1);
(ES5 is supported in almost all morden browsers)
About findIndex, and its Browser compatibility
To delete an object by it's id in given array;
const hero = [{'id' : 1, 'name' : 'hero1'}, {'id': 2, 'name' : 'hero2'}];
//remove hero1
const updatedHero = hero.filter(item => !== 1);
findIndex works for modern browsers:
var myArr = [{id:'a'},{id:'myid'},{id:'c'}];
var index = myArr.findIndex(function(o){
return === 'myid';
if (index !== -1) myArr.splice(index, 1);
Check this out using Set and ES5 filter.
let result = arrayOfObjects.filter( el => (-1 == listToDelete.indexOf( );
Here is JsFiddle:
If you just want to remove it from the existing array and not create a new one, try:
var items = [{Id: 1},{Id: 2},{Id: 3}];
items.splice(_.indexOf(items, _.find(items, function (item) { return item.Id === 2; })), 1);
Loop in reverse by decrementing i to avoid the problem:
for (var i = arrayOfObjects.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var obj = arrayOfObjects[i];
if (listToDelete.indexOf( !== -1) {
arrayOfObjects.splice(i, 1);
Or use filter:
var newArray = arrayOfObjects.filter(function(obj) {
return listToDelete.indexOf( === -1;
Only native JavaScript please.
As an alternative, more "functional" solution, working on ECMAScript 5, you could use:
var listToDelete = ['abc', 'efg'];
var arrayOfObjects = [{id:'abc',name:'oh'}, // delete me
{id:'efg',name:'em'}, // delete me
{id:'hij',name:'ge'}]; // all that should remain
arrayOfObjects.reduceRight(function(acc, obj, idx) {
if (listToDelete.indexOf( > -1)
}, 0); // initial value set to avoid issues with the first item and
// when the array is empty.
[ { id: 'hij', name: 'ge' } ]
According to the definition of 'Array.prototype.reduceRight' in ECMA-262:
reduceRight does not directly mutate the object on which it is called but the object may be mutated by the calls to callbackfn.
So this is a valid usage of reduceRight.
var arrayOfObjects = [{id:'abc',name:'oh'}, // delete me
{id:'efg',name:'em'}, // delete me
{id:'hij',name:'ge'}] // all that should remain
as per your answer will be like this. when you click some particular object send the index in the param for the delete me function. This simple code will work like charm.
function deleteme(i){
if (i > -1) {
arrayOfObjects.splice(i, 1);
If you like short and self descriptive parameters or if you don't want to use splice and go with a straight forward filter or if you are simply a SQL person like me:
function removeFromArrayOfHash(p_array_of_hash, p_key, p_value_to_remove){
return p_array_of_hash.filter((l_cur_row) => {return l_cur_row[p_key] != p_value_to_remove});
And a sample usage:
l_test_arr =
post_id: 1,
post_content: "Hey I am the first hash with id 1"
post_id: 2,
post_content: "This is item 2"
post_id: 1,
post_content: "And I am the second hash with id 1"
post_id: 3,
post_content: "This is item 3"
l_test_arr = removeFromArrayOfHash(l_test_arr, "post_id", 2); // gives both of the post_id 1 hashes and the post_id 3
l_test_arr = removeFromArrayOfHash(l_test_arr, "post_id", 1); // gives only post_id 3 (since 1 was removed in previous line)
with filter & indexOf
withLodash = _.filter(arrayOfObjects, (obj) => (listToDelete.indexOf( === -1));
withoutLodash = arrayOfObjects.filter(obj => listToDelete.indexOf( === -1);
with filter & includes
withLodash = _.filter(arrayOfObjects, (obj) => (!listToDelete.includes(
withoutLodash = arrayOfObjects.filter(obj => !listToDelete.includes(;
You can use filter. This method always returns the element if the condition is true. So if you want to remove by id you must keep all the element that doesn't match with the given id. Here is an example:
arrayOfObjects = arrayOfObjects.filter(obj => != idToRemove)
Incorrect way
First of all, any answer that suggests to use filter does not actually remove the item. Here is a quick test:
var numbers = [1, 2, 2, 3];
numbers.filter(x => x === 2);
In the above, the numbers array will stay intact (nothing will be removed). The filter method returns a new array with all the elements that satisfy the condition x === 2 but the original array is left intact.
Sure you can do this:
var numbers = [1, 2, 2, 3];
numbers = numbers.filter(x => x === 2);
But that is simply assigning a new array to numbers.
Correct way to remove items from array
One of the correct ways, there are more than 1, is to do it as following. Please keep in mind, the example here intentionally has duplicated items so the removal of duplicates can be taken into consideration.
var numbers = [1, 2, 2, 3];
// Find all items you wish to remove
// If array has objects, then change condition to x.someProperty === someValue
var numbersToRemove = numbers.filter(x => x === 2);
// Now remove them
numbersToRemove.forEach(x => numbers.splice(numbers.findIndex(n => n === x), 1));
// Now check (this is obviously just to test)
Now you will notice length returns 2 indicating only numbers 1 and 3 are remaining in the array.
In your case
To specifically answer your question which is this:
var listToDelete = ['abc', 'efg'];
var arrayOfObjects = [{id:'abc',name:'oh'}, // delete me
{id:'efg',name:'em'}, // delete me
{id:'hij',name:'ge'}] // all that should remain
Here is the answer:
listToDelete.forEach(x => arrayOfObjects.splice(arrayOfObjects.findIndex(n => === x), 1));
var listToDelete = ['abc', 'efg'];
var arrayOfObjects = [{id:'abc',name:'oh'}, // delete me
{id:'efg',name:'em'}, // delete me
{id:'hij',name:'ge'}] // all that should remain
var result = arrayOfObjects.filter(object => !listToDelete.some(toDelete => toDelete ===;

