How to delete a value from the CSV json object? - javascript

I have a JSON response as :
xxx: ["fsd,das"]
So I need to delete the value "fsd" from the json object but the problem is the response inside json is not the array , it is csv , so how do I delete it.
If anyone can come with the response.

You can flatten, split and join the array with a comma, and splice out the value you don't want using indexOf():
var obj = {xxx: ["a,b","c,d","e","f,g,h","i,j,k"]}
var letter = prompt() =',').split(',')
var index =, 1)

I can see, inside the json object it is an array of string.
Take that string use str.replace() to delete that part from it and put it back.


Remove multiple square brackets using replace() - javascript

I have a response from the server that is like this:
users: ["beautykarttworld","sbdanwar","haiirfavs","show__tanz","kinjal_suhagiya_9999","_adultmafia_"]
It's a string not an array like it appear, since I need an array to work on, how I can remove the square backets and then the commas to obtain a normal array?
I've tried in this way:
var data = ["beautykarttworld","sbdanwar","haiirfavs","show__tanz","kinjal_suhagiya_9999","_adultmafia_"]
data.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(',');
but chaining two .replace() functions and a split() isn't the best solution. Can anyone halp me?
In your example data is an array.
However, if data was a string you would convert it to an array like this:
var arr = JSON.parse(data);
In short,
Here you have provided data in normal string formate not in JSON string formate
var data = 'users: ["beautykarttworld","sbdanwar","haiirfavs","show__tanz","kinjal_suhagiya_9999","_adultmafia_"]'
var squareBracketData = data.substr(data.indexOf("["))
var array = JSON.parse(squareBracketData)
Some personal advice, Try to send JSON stringify data from the
server so it will make your life easy
var users =["beautykarttworld","sbdanwar","haiirfavs","show__tanz","kinjal_suhagiya_9999","_adultmafia_"]
// Stringify data
var data = JSON.stringify({users})
// retrieve data from string
var parsedData = JSON.parse(data)
var parsedUsers = parsedData.users

How to remove double quotes from outside of an Array?

I am taking data from the multiple select that gives me an array data. The data that I am getting is
{provinces: "["1","2"]"}
and when I stringify this data I got
But what I really want is
is there any way ?
use the JSON.parse
var obj = {"provinces":"[\"1\",\"2\"]"}
obj.provinces = JSON.parse(obj.provinces);

how to make a string which showed like an array return to array when add to an object in Javascript

i got a string which was actually an array as I got it from database.
when i add it to an object, it becomes a string with quotation mark "" , but i want it to be array, what should I do?
temp = [{"abc"=123},{"bcd"="234},...] //this is actually a string
helloObj = {items:temp};
consol.log(helloObj); //will become items: "[{"abc"=123},{"bcd"="234},...]"
//I want it become items: [{"abc"=123},{"bcd"="234},...]
//I have tried below, not work:
temp = [temp];
helloObj = {items:temp};
consol.log(helloObj); //will become items: ["[{"abc"=123},{"bcd"="234},...]"
What you have is a JSON string. You need to parse it from the JSON notation which will convert it to an object (array in this case).
var aray = JSON.parse('[{"abc"=123},{"bcd"="234},...]');
So you're getting JSON back from your database. Simply run JSON.parse(str) where str is your string and it will convert it back to an array.

Adding an Individual JSON Object to an Array to Parse and Process

I have the following json object samples, i.e.:
{"id":"value1" , "time":"valuetime1"}
{"id":"value2" , "time":"valuetime2"}
{"id":"value3" , "time":"valuetime3"}
{"id":"value4" , "time":"valuetime4"}
{"id":"value5" , "time":"valuetime5"}
{"id":"value6" , "time":"valuetime6"}
{"id":"value7" , "time":"valuetime7"}
{"id":"value8" , "time":"valuetime8"}
Based on the above, I would like to add all these json objects to an array, where I can then process and access the array for each json object and extract id1 value together with time1 value and so forth.
I believe I have to use JSON.parse but unsure of how to firstly add these objects to an array and then be able to also parse and access each object's data.
Think of each row above as a separate JSON object which I would like added to an array that is parsed.
Read the file line by line (each line is a separate json)
Parse the line json text to JavaScript object
Put/push/append JavaScript object into a JavaScript array
This is not valid JSON, so JSON.parse would not work, but assuming you have the text in a string variable, you can convert it to JSON with something like:
data = "[" + data.replace(/\}/g, "},").replace(/,$/,"") + "]";
and then parse it.
var array = [];
// for each input line
var obj = JSON.parse(line);
var id =;
var time = obj.time;
Appreciate the responses but I believe I have managed to solve my own question.
Furthermore, as #Mr. White mentioned above, I did have my property names in error which I have now sorted - thanks.
Using the data above, all I was after was the following:
var s = '{"id":"value1","time":"valuetime1"},{"id":"value2","time":"valuetime2"},{"id":"value3","time":"valuetime3"},{"id":"value4","time":"valuetime4"},{"id":"value5","time":"valuetime5"}, {"id":"value6","time":"valuetime6"},{"id":"value7","time":"valuetime7"},{"id":"value8","time":"valuetime8"}';
var a = JSON.parse('[' + s + ']');
console.log( + ' - '+ item.time);
Thanks for the heads up #torazaburo - have updated my answer which I should've done much earlier.

How can I properly use the javascript function JSON.parse()?

I have an array that is printed in JSON
[{"Name":"John Ranniel","Age":"19","City":"Manila"},{"Contact":"09197875656","Relation":"Sister"}]
For some reason, I divided the JSON into two parts.
In javascript I used JSON.parse() to decode the JSON above.
for example:
var arr = JSON.parse(response); //The response variable contains the above JSON
alert(arr[0].Name) //Still it outputs John Ranniel, but If i change the content of the alert box on the second part of the JSON,
alert(arr[1].Contact) // It has no output, I don't know if there is a problem with the index of the array.
Make sure your JSON is a string type:
'[{"Name":"John Ranniel","Age":"19","City":"Manila"},{"Emergency Contact":"09197875656","Relation":"Sister"}]'
and then, you can use,
var arr = JSON.parse(response); //The response variable contains the above JSON
console.log(arr[1]['Emergency Contact']); // There is no 'Contact' property iun your object, and you should use this when there's a space in the name of the property.
var response = '[{"Name":"John Ranniel","Age":"19","City":"Manila"},{"Emergency Contact":"09197875656","Relation":"Sister"}]';
var arr = JSON.parse(response);
console.log(arr[1]['Emergency Contact']); // There is no 'Contact' property iun your object, and you should use this when there's a space in the name of the property.
You are trying to parse something which is already a JavaScript object, and does not need to be parsed. You need to parse JSON strings. This is not a JSON string. It's a JavaScript object.
Consider the following:
This will coerce the array [1,2] into the string "1,2". JSON.parse will then choke on the ,, since it doesn't belong there in a valid JSON string.
In your case the object will be coerced to the string
"[object Object],[object Object]"
JSON.parse will accept the leading [ as the beginning of the array, then throw on the following character, the o, since it does not belong there in a proper JSON string.
But you say that the JSON.parse worked and resulted in arr. In other words, the parameter you fed to JSON.parse apparently was a string, and was parsed correctly. In that case, the alerts will work fine.
Your JSON structure is array, must be parse to JSON,use JSON.stringify parse this to JSON:
var json = [{"Name":"John Ranniel","Age":"19","City":"Manila"},{"Contact":"09197875656","Relation":"Sister"}];
var str = JSON.stringify(json);
var arr = JSON.parse(str);
alert(arr[0].Name) //Still it outputs John Ranniel, but If i change the content of the alert box on the second part of the JSON,
alert(arr[1].Contact) // It has no output, I don't know if there is a problem with the index of the array.
Demo: Link
This JSON is array, you can use directly:
var json = [{"Name":"John Ranniel","Age":"19","City":"Manila"},{"Contact":"09197875656","Relation":"Sister"}];

