how to check equality between and array and html table value - javascript

I check the equality between an array value and html table cell value both are same but how can i check this. I try this but it wont work properly. it always return true if there are same value. check this out.......
function addOrder() {
var bookid = document.getElementById("book_id").value;
var qty = document.getElementById("qty").value;
var price = document.getElementById("unit_price").value;
var total = document.getElementById("dts_total_price").value;
var table = document.getElementById("results");
var tableData = new Array();
$('#results tr').each(function() {
var row = $(this);
var check;
for (var i = 0; i <= tableData.length; i++) {
var booksId = tableData[i];
if (bookid === booksId) {
check = false;
} else {
check = true;
var table_len = (table.rows.length);
var row = table.insertRow(table_len).outerHTML = "<tr id='row" + table_len + "'>" +
"<td id='book_row" + table_len + "'>" + bookid + "</td>" +
"<td id='qty_row" + table_len + "'>" + qty + "</td>" +
"<td id='price_row" + table_len + "'>" + price + "</td>" +
"<td id='total_row" + table_len + "'>" + total + "</td>" +
"<td><input type='button' id='edit_button" + table_len + "' value='Edit' class='edit' onclick='edit_row(" + table_len + ")'>" +
" <input type='button' id='save_button" + table_len + "' value='Save' class='save' onclick='save_row(" + table_len + ")'> " +
"<input type='button' value='Delete' class='delete' onclick='delete_row(" + table_len + ")'></td></tr>";
document.getElementById("qty").value = "";
document.getElementById("unit_price").value = "";
document.getElementById("dts_total_price").value = "";


How to disable checkbox if condition is true using jQuery?

I have tried to disable checkbox like
var t8 =283.50;
var t9 = 283.50;
if (t8 == t9) {
$('.checkBoxClass:input([value=' + t11 + ')').attr('disabled', true);
Condition is working but the checkbox is not getting disabled.
trtoggle +=
"<tr><td class='invoicedate_check'>" + t6 +
"</td><td class='invoiceno_check'>" + t7 +
"</td><td style='text-align: right;' class='invoiceamt_check'>" + t8 +
"</td><td style='text-align: right;' class=''>" + t9 +
"</td><td style='text-align: right;' class=''>" + balance +
"</td><td class='checkBoxtd" + t11 +
"'><input type='checkbox' class='checkBoxClass checkBoxClassse" + t11 +
"' id='checkbox"+t11+"' name='myTextEditBox[]' value='" + t11 +
"'/> Select</td></tr>";
Here is my full function code:
$('#projectname_add').on('change', function() {
$(".projectname_add_TextBox").val($(".projectname_add option:selected").html());
var projectname_add = $('.projectname_add').val();
var getID_comp = $('#getID_comp').val();
if(projectname_add !== "list_all_projects"){
url: base_url + "index.php/welcome/list_a_projects_invoice/",
// url: base_url + "index.php/welcome/invoice_allList/",
type: "POST",
data: {
"id": projectname_add
success: function(data) {
var new_data = JSON.parse(data);
if(new_data == "No Records Found"){ //no invoice for this project
for (var i = 0; i < new_data.projectinvoicesection.length; i++) {
var sl = i +1;
var t1 = new_data.projectinvoicesection[i]['parent'].project_amount;
var t2 = new_data.projectinvoicesection[i]['parent'].particulars;
var t3 = new_data.projectinvoicesection[i]['parent'].project_ID;
var t4 = new_data.projectinvoicesection[i]['parent'].project_title;
var t5 = new_data.projectinvoicesection[i]['parent'].type;
var t56 = new_data.projectinvoicesection[i]['parent'].period_type;
var object = new_data.projectinvoicesection[i]['child'];
var tr = "<tr data-toggle='collapse' data-target='#demo" + t3 + "' style='background-color: #BBDDDD;color: black;' class='accordion-toggle'><td>"+ sl+"</td><td>"+ t4+"</td><td style='text-align: right;'>"+t1+"</td><td style='white-space: nowrap;'>" + t5 + " " + t56 + "</td><td><button class='open-button-project-edit btn' data-toggle='modal' data-backdrop='static' data-keyboard='false' data-target='#exampleModal_2' onclick='openForm3(" + t3 + ")' style='color: #fff;background-color: #398439;border-color: #255625;'>EDIT</button></td></tr><tr><td colspan='6' class='hiddenRow'><div class='accordian-bodyproj collapse' id='demo" + t3 + "'> <table id='tableinvoice_proj' class='tableinvoice_proj' style='font-size: 14px; border-collapse:collapse;width: 745px; table-layout: fixed;'><thead style='background-color: #86af49;'><tr><th>Invoice Date</th><th>Invoice Number</th><th>Invoice Amount</th><th>Received Amount</th><th>Balance</th><th>Generate Receipt</th></tr></thead><tbody></tbody></table>";
if( !object || object.length < 1)
var trtoggle = `<tr ><td style='text-align:center;' colspan='6' > No records found!</td></tr>`;
} else
var trtoggle = '';
for (var property in object) {
var t6 = format(object[property].invoice_date);
var t7 = object[property].invoice_no;
var t8 = object[property].invoice_amount;
//var t9 = object[property].received_Amt;
var t9 = object[property].totalreceiptamt; //received amount
var t11 = object[property].invoice_ID;
var t10 = object[property].proje_ID; //invoice table's project id
if (t9 == '0.00'){
var receiveornot = 'Yet to receive';
var balance = object[property].invoice_amount;
var receiveornot = object[property].totalreceiptamt;
var balance = parseFloat(object[property].invoice_amount - object[property].totalreceiptamt).toFixed(2);
// trtoggle += "<tr><td class='invoicedate_check'>" + t6 + "</td><td class='invoiceno_check'>" + t7 + "</td><td style='text-align: right;' class='invoiceamt_check'>" + t8 + "</td><td style='text-align: right;' class=''>" + t9 + "</td><td style='text-align: right;' class=''>" + balance + "</td><td class='checkBoxtd" + t11 + "'><input type='checkbox' class='checkBoxClass checkBoxClassse" + t11 + "' id='checkbox"+t11+"' name='myTextEditBox[]' value='" + t11 + "'/> Select</td></tr>";
trtoggle +=
"<tr><td class='invoicedate_check'>" + t6 +
"</td><td class='invoiceno_check'>" + t7 +
"</td><td style='text-align: right;' class='invoiceamt_check'>" + t8 +
"</td><td style='text-align: right;' class=''>" + t9 +
"</td><td style='text-align: right;' class=''>" + balance +
"</td><td class='checkBoxtd" + t11 +
"'><input type='checkbox' class='checkBoxClass checkBoxClassse" + t11 +
"' id='checkbox"+t11+"' name='myTextEditBox[]' value='" + t11 +
"'/> Select</td></tr>";
if (t8 == t9) {
// console.log($('.checkBoxClass:input([value=' + t11 + '])'));
$('.checkBoxClass:input([value=' + t11 + '])').prop('disabled', true);
The above is the code when dropdown option changed, two tables are table for project details inside project details invoice html table will come.Here i need to disable the checkbox based on the if condition
you can add attribute in html like this because you are appending html after your jquery code
$('#projectname_add').on('change', function() {
$(".projectname_add_TextBox").val($(".projectname_add option:selected").html());
var projectname_add = $('.projectname_add').val();
var getID_comp = $('#getID_comp').val();
if(projectname_add !== "list_all_projects"){
url: base_url + "index.php/welcome/list_a_projects_invoice/",
// url: base_url + "index.php/welcome/invoice_allList/",
type: "POST",
data: {
"id": projectname_add
success: function(data) {
var new_data = JSON.parse(data);
if(new_data == "No Records Found"){ //no invoice for this project
for (var i = 0; i < new_data.projectinvoicesection.length; i++) {
var sl = i +1;
var t1 = new_data.projectinvoicesection[i]['parent'].project_amount;
var t2 = new_data.projectinvoicesection[i]['parent'].particulars;
var t3 = new_data.projectinvoicesection[i]['parent'].project_ID;
var t4 = new_data.projectinvoicesection[i]['parent'].project_title;
var t5 = new_data.projectinvoicesection[i]['parent'].type;
var t56 = new_data.projectinvoicesection[i]['parent'].period_type;
var object = new_data.projectinvoicesection[i]['child'];
var tr = "<tr data-toggle='collapse' data-target='#demo" + t3 + "' style='background-color: #BBDDDD;color: black;' class='accordion-toggle'><td>"+ sl+"</td><td>"+ t4+"</td><td style='text-align: right;'>"+t1+"</td><td style='white-space: nowrap;'>" + t5 + " " + t56 + "</td><td><button class='open-button-project-edit btn' data-toggle='modal' data-backdrop='static' data-keyboard='false' data-target='#exampleModal_2' onclick='openForm3(" + t3 + ")' style='color: #fff;background-color: #398439;border-color: #255625;'>EDIT</button></td></tr><tr><td colspan='6' class='hiddenRow'><div class='accordian-bodyproj collapse' id='demo" + t3 + "'> <table id='tableinvoice_proj' class='tableinvoice_proj' style='font-size: 14px; border-collapse:collapse;width: 745px; table-layout: fixed;'><thead style='background-color: #86af49;'><tr><th>Invoice Date</th><th>Invoice Number</th><th>Invoice Amount</th><th>Received Amount</th><th>Balance</th><th>Generate Receipt</th></tr></thead><tbody></tbody></table>";
if( !object || object.length < 1)
var trtoggle = `<tr ><td style='text-align:center;' colspan='6' > No records found!</td></tr>`;
} else
var trtoggle = '';
for (var property in object) {
var t6 = format(object[property].invoice_date);
var t7 = object[property].invoice_no;
var t8 = object[property].invoice_amount;
//var t9 = object[property].received_Amt;
var t9 = object[property].totalreceiptamt; //received amount
var t11 = object[property].invoice_ID;
var t10 = object[property].proje_ID; //invoice table's project id
if (t9 == '0.00'){
var receiveornot = 'Yet to receive';
var balance = object[property].invoice_amount;
var receiveornot = object[property].totalreceiptamt;
var balance = parseFloat(object[property].invoice_amount - object[property].totalreceiptamt).toFixed(2);
// trtoggle += "<tr><td class='invoicedate_check'>" + t6 + "</td><td class='invoiceno_check'>" + t7 + "</td><td style='text-align: right;' class='invoiceamt_check'>" + t8 + "</td><td style='text-align: right;' class=''>" + t9 + "</td><td style='text-align: right;' class=''>" + balance + "</td><td class='checkBoxtd" + t11 + "'><input type='checkbox' class='checkBoxClass checkBoxClassse" + t11 + "' id='checkbox"+t11+"' name='myTextEditBox[]' value='" + t11 + "'/> Select</td></tr>";
var disabled = "";
if (t8 == t9) {
disabled = "disabled";
trtoggle += "<tr><td class='invoicedate_check'>" + t6 + "</td><td class='invoiceno_check'>" + t7 + "</td><td style='text-align: right;' class='invoiceamt_check'>" + t8 + "</td><td style='text-align: right;' class=''>" + receiveornot + "</td><td style='text-align: right;' class=''>" + balance + "</td><td class='checkBoxtd" + t11 + "'><input type='checkbox' class='checkBoxClass checkBoxClassse" + t11 + "' id='checkbox"+t11+"' name='myTextEditBox[]' "+disabled+" value='" + t11 + "'/> Select</td></tr>";

How can I get text value from modal with javascript?

I'm fetching the values from my table in ajax.
$(data.mesIzinTanimList).each(function (index, element) {
if (element.izinTanimiVarmi == 'yok')
tr = "<tr class='bg-warning text-warning-50' row='" + element.userId + "' >";
tr = "<tr class='bg-light text-white-50 ' row='" + element.userId + "' >";
tr += "<td>" + element.sicilNo + "</td>";
tr += "<td>" + element.adSoyad + "</td>";
tr += "<td>" + element.bagliOlduguKisi + "</td>";
tr += "<td>" + element.bagliOlduguKisiSicilNo + "</td>";
tr += "<td style='display:none'>" + element.bagliOlduguKisiId + "</td>";
tr += "<td> <button onclick= 'tanimlaBtn(" + element.userId + " , " + element.adiSoyadi + " ," + element.bagliOlduguKisiId + ", " + element.bagliOlduguKisi + ")' type='button' class ='btn btn-info'> Tanımla </button></td>";
tr += "</tr>";
I open a modal with the define Btn onclick feature.
function tanimlaBtn(userId, adSoyad, bagliOlduguKisiId, bagliOlduguKisi) {
document.getElementById('userId').value = userId;
document.getElementById('bagliOlduguKisiId').value = bagliOlduguKisiId;
document.getElementById('bagliOlduguKisi').value = bagliOlduguKisi;
document.getElementById('adSoyad').value = adSoyad;
The adSoyad and bagliOlduguKisi information appears as undefined. They should be string values.
How can I solve this?
The parameters for the function should be wrapped in doubles quotes and escaped e.g \"
Try replacing:
<button onclick= 'tanimlaBtn(" + element.userId + " , " + element.adiSoyadi + " ," + element.bagliOlduguKisiId + ", " + element.bagliOlduguKisi + ")'
<button onclick='tanimlaBtn(" + element.userId + " , " + element.adiSoyadi + " ,\"" + element.bagliOlduguKisiId + "\", \"" + element.bagliOlduguKisi + "\")'

How can I add javascript touch spin to html when call javascript function

I have button to add new row(s) to table.
In the table row have a column with touch spin.
I want to loop through Array(Items). to make a rows. But below code make a Error Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function at function tp0
function showtable() {
for(var i in Items) {
var no = parseInt($('#tb tr').length) - 1;
var data = "<tr role='row' class='filter' >"
+ "<td>" + no
+ "</td>"
+ "<td>"
+ "<div class='form-group'>"
+ "<input id='touch" + i + "' type='text' value='1' name='touch" + i + "' /> "
+ "<script>"
+ "function tp" + i + " () {$(\"input[name=\'touch" + i + "\']\").TouchSpin(); alert('ttt');}"
+ "</scr" + "ipt>"
+ "</div>"
+ "</td>"
+ "</tr>";
var method_name = "tp";
window[method_name + i]();
Have any ideas thanks
Instead of adding functions like that with each row, you should just pass the row number as a variable to a predefined function:
function tp(index) {
$("input[name='touch" + index + "']").TouchSpin();
function showtable() {
for (var i in Items) {
var no = parseInt($('#tb tr').length) - 1;
var data = "<tr role='row' class='filter' >"
+ "<td>" + no
+ "</td>"
+ "<td>"
+ "<div class='form-group'>"
+ "<input id='touch"+i+"' type='text' value='1' name='touch"+i+"' /> "
+ "</div>"
+ "</td>"
+ "</tr>";

Move Table Rows

I have my table like this, I want to move up and down these rows on click these arrows can anybody help me out ......
function MoveRowDown(tableId, index)
var rows = $("#" + tableId + " tr");
rows.eq(index).insertAfter(rows.eq(index + 1));
function MoveRowUp(tableId, index)
var rows = $("#" + tableId + " tr");
rows.eq(index).insertBefore(rows.eq(index - 1));
int ItemSetupID = EBusiness.GetCommonSetupID(this.Data.WFID, EBusiness.CommonSetupID.ItemSetup);
MModules objItemSetupModules = new MModules();
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(4000);
ret.Append("<table class=\"box-table-a\"><tr><td><img id=\"left\" src=\"../../images/downarrow.png\" onclick=\"MoveRowDown(tableId,index);\"></td></tr><tr><td>");
ret.Append("<table id=\"tableId\" class=\"box-table-a\"><tr><th>Items</th></tr>");
int index = 0;
foreach (MModule module in objItemSetupModules.Modules)
ret.Append("<tr><td><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Items" + module.ModuleID + "\" id=\"Items" + module.ModuleID + "\" />");
ret.Append("<tr><td><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"index" + index + "\" id=\"index" + index + "\" />");
ret.Append("<a href=\"#\" class=\"lnkShowFilter\" onclick=\"$('#index" + index + "').val('#index" + index + "'); $('.lnkShowFilter').css('color', '#000000');'#FF0000';ShowFilterSaleMargin('" + module.TableName + "', '" + module.Title + "', 'divFilter" + module.ModuleID + "')\">");
ret.Append("" + module.Title + "</a> ");
ret.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"hidShowFilter" + module.Title + "\" value=\"false\" />");
ret.Append("<div id=\"divFilter" + module.ModuleID + "\" style=\"text-align:left;border:1px SOLID #333333;background-color:White;display:none;position:absolute;\">");
ret.Append("<div id=\"sdivFilter" + module.ModuleID + "\" style=\"border:1px SOLID #EEEEEE;background-color:#AAAABB; width:150px;height:100px;overflow-y:auto;\"></div>");
ret.Append("<input type=\"button\" value=\" OK \" class=\"button\" onclick=\"$('#' + openedDivID).hide();GetItemData('" + module.ModuleID + "', '" + module.Title + "');\" />");
ret.Append("<table class=\"box-table-a\"><tr><th>Data</th></tr>");
foreach (MModule module in objItemSetupModules.Modules)
ret.Append("<tr id=\"tdModule" + module.ModuleID + "\"><td ></td></tr>");
ret.Append("</table></td></tr><tr><td><img id=\"left\" src=\"../../images/uparrow.png\" onclick=\"MoveRowUp(tableId, index);\"></td></tr></table>");
this.Output = ret.ToString();
We have to use insertBefore and insertAfter methods of jQuery to insert before and after the dom element respectively.
The sample code is like:
if( == "Up") {
if(index != 0) {
currRow.insertBefore($("tr:eq(" + (index-1) + ")"));
} else if( == "Down") {
if(index != (totalTrs-1)) {
currRow.insertAfter($("tr:eq(" + (index+1) + ")"));
Working DEMO
Insert After jQuery
Insert Before jQuery
JavaScript-Move Up and Down HTML Table Row: Working Code
function MoveRowDown(tableId)
var index=parseInt(document.getElementById("HiddRowindex").value);
var rows = $("#" + tableId + " tr");
table= document.getElementById(tableId);
rowCount = table.rows.length;
rows.eq(parseInt(index)).insertAfter(rows.eq(index + 1));
function MoveRowUp(tableId)
var index=parseInt(document.getElementById("HiddRowindex").value);
var rows = $("#" + tableId + " tr");
table= document.getElementById(tableId);
rowCount = table.rows.length;
rows.eq(index).insertBefore(rows.eq(index - 1));
///////////////////////////End JavaScript///////////////////////////////
int ItemSetupID = EBusiness.GetCommonSetupID(this.Data.WFID,
MModules objItemSetupModules = new MModules();
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(4000);
ret.Append("<table class=\"box-table-a\"><tr><td><img id=\"left\" src=\"../../images/downarrow.png\" onclick=\"MoveRowDown('tableId');\"></td></tr><tr><td>");
ret.Append("<table id=\"tableId\" class=\"box-table-a\"><tr><th>Items</th><th>Data</th></tr><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"HiddRowindex\" id=\"HiddRowindex\" value=\"\" />");
int index = 1;
foreach (MModule module in objItemSetupModules.Modules)
ret.Append("<tr><td><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Items" + module.ModuleID + "\" id=\"Items" + module.ModuleID + "\" />");
ret.Append("<a href=\"#\" class=\"lnkShowFilter\" onclick=\"$('#HiddRowindex').val($(this).closest('td').parent()[0].sectionRowIndex); $('.lnkShowFilter').css('color', '#000000');'#FF0000';ShowFilterSaleMargin('" + module.TableName + "', '" + module.Title + "', 'divFilter" + module.ModuleID + "')\">");
ret.Append("" + module.Title + "</a> ");
ret.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"hidShowFilter" + module.Title + "\" value=\"false\" />");
ret.Append("<div id=\"divFilter" + module.ModuleID + "\" style=\"text-align:left;border:1px SOLID #333333;background-color:White;display:none;position:absolute;\">");
ret.Append("<div id=\"sdivFilter" + module.ModuleID + "\" style=\"border:1px SOLID #EEEEEE;background-color:#AAAABB; width:150px;height:100px;overflow-y:auto;\"></div>");
ret.Append("<input type=\"button\" value=\" OK \" class=\"button\" onclick=\"$('#' + openedDivID).hide();GetItemData('" + module.ModuleID + "', '" + module.Title + "');\" />");
ret.Append("<td id=\"tdModule" + module.ModuleID + "\"></td>");
ret.Append("</tr><tr><td><img id=\"left\" src=\"../../images/uparrow.png\" onclick=\"MoveRowUp('tableId');\"></td></tr></table>");
this.Output = ret.ToString();

How to validate text boxes with in a div javascript or jQuery

how do I integrate a type of validation in my JavaScript to the idea of If value of var firstName is = to null do NOT append the var sHtml and summaryHtml and change the class to change the textbox border and clear the field
firstName = must contain at least 1 letter and no more than 15 letters
lastName = must contain at least 1 letter and no more than 15 letters
jobTitle = must contain something other than an option value of "" (in the html option tag)
eSculation = must contain something other than an option value of "" (in the html option tag)
mobilePhone = must contain 9 numbers. This field has a mask attached: (999) 999-99999
officePhone = = must contain 9 numbers. This field has a mask attached: (999) 999-99999
eMail = Must contain the following symbol: an # sign and a . to represent
The JavaScript I am using to submit to a table is below:
newRow = 1;
currentRow = -1;
function CompanyContacts() {
var rowID = parseInt(document.getElementById("ContactsRowCount").value, 10);
if (currentRow > 0) {
} else {
var firstName = $("#ccFirst").val();
var lastName = $("#ccLast").val();
var jobTitle = $("#ccjTitle").val();
var eSculation = $("#ccEsculation").val();
var mobilePhone = $("#ccMobile").val();
var officePhone = $("#ccOffice").val();
var eMail = $("#ccEmail").val();
var sHtml = "<tr id='row" + rowID + "'>" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wlb' id=\"ccFirst" + rowID + "\">" + firstName + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + firstName + "\" name=\"cFirst" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wl' id=\"ccLast" + rowID + "\">" + lastName + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + lastName + "\" name=\"cLast" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wlb' id=\"ccjTitle" + rowID + "\">" + jobTitle + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + jobTitle + "\" name=\"cJobTitle" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wl' id=\"ccEsculation" + rowID + "\">" + eSculation + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + eSculation + "\" name=\"cContactPoint" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wlb' id=\"ccMobile" + rowID + "\">" + mobilePhone + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + mobilePhone + "\" name=\"cMobilePhone" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wl' id=\"ccOffice" + rowID + "\">" + officePhone + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + officePhone + "\" name=\"cOfficePhone" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wlb' id=\"ccEmail" + rowID + "\">" + eMail + "</td>" +
"<input type='hidden' value='" + eMail + "' name='cEmail" + rowID + "' />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wl' ><button type='button' class='XsmallButtons' onclick='editRow(" + rowID + ")'>Edit</button>" +
"</td><td class='tblStyle68wlb' ><button type='button' class='XsmallButtons' onclick='deleteRow(" + rowID + ")'>Delete</button>" +
var summaryHtml = "<tr id='SummaryRow" + rowID + "'>" +
"<td id='ccFirst" + rowID + "'>" + firstName + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccLast" + rowID + "'>" + lastName + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccjTitle" + rowID + "'>" + jobTitle + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccEsculation" + rowID + "'>" + eSculation + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccMobile" + rowID + "'>" + mobilePhone + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccOffice" + rowID + "'>" + officePhone + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccEmail" + rowID + "'>" + eMail + "</td>" +
document.getElementById("ContactsRowCount").value = rowID;
function editRow(rowID) {
$('#ccFirst').val($('#ccFirst' + rowID).html());
$('#ccLast').val($('#ccLast' + rowID).html());
$('#ccjTitle').val($('#ccjTitle' + rowID).html());
$('#ccEsculation').val($('#ccEsculation' + rowID).html());
$('#ccMobile').val($('#ccMobile' + rowID).html());
$('#ccOffice').val($('#ccOffice' + rowID).html());
$('#ccEmail').val($('#ccEmail' + rowID).html());
currentRow = rowID;
function saveEdits() {
$('#ccFirst' + currentRow).html($('#ccFirst').val());
$('#ccLast' + currentRow).html($('#ccLast').val());
$('#ccjTitle' + currentRow).html($('#ccjTitle').val());
$('#ccEsculation' + currentRow).html($('#ccEsculation').val());
$('#ccMobile' + currentRow).html($('#ccMobile').val());
$('#ccOffice' + currentRow).html($('#ccOffice').val());
$('#ccEmail' + currentRow).html($('#ccEmail').val());
currentRow = -1;
function deleteRow(rowID) {
$('#row' + rowID).remove();
$('#SummaryRow' + rowID).remove();
var rowCount = parseInt(document.getElementById("ContactsRowCount").value, 10);
document.getElementById("ContactsRowCount").value = rowCount;
function ccClear() {
Add a validation="regex here" to the input tags first of all to give them an easy visual notification. Beyond if you want to validate with jQuery, you can check each value and not send out an ajax request if any are invalid, using something like this to verify that ( string in this case ) values are correct $(your_element_here).val().match(your_regex_here)
Perhaps an if ($(#id).val().match(some_verification_regex) == null){ return false }
only letters: /^[A-z]+$/
phone number like you mentioned above: /^\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}$/
What i would suggest is a validation jQuery plugin and you can find many of them and choose what suites your needs from bellow:
jzae fferer-jquery-validation
Or you search on site to get many jquery compatible validation plugins.
But if you don't want to use any plugin then you have to write your own validation code.
Email and other fields validation functions:
function emailValidate(e){
var p = new RegExp(/^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))#((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?$/i);
return p.test(e);
function validate(val, min, max){
return (val.length < min || val.length > max?false:true);
vfirstName = validate(firstName,1,15);//if between 1 and 15 will return true
vlastName = validate(lastName ,1,15);//if between 1 and 15 will return true
vjobTitle = validate(jobTitle ,1,50);//if between 1 and 15 will return true
veSculation = validate(eSculation ,1,50);//if between 1 and 15 will return true
vmobilePhone = validate(eSculation ,1,50);//if between 1 and 15 will return true
vofficePhone = validate(officePhone,12,12);//because `(999) 999-99999` length is 12
veMail = emailValidate(eMail);//also will return false if wrong email format
if(vfirstName && vlastName && vjobTitle && veSculation && vmobilePhone && vofficePhone && veMail)
var errors = false;
var errors = true;
Then before appending the generated row you can add some condition like:
// of your code
alert('please correct the fields');//or any other event

