How to have a radio checked on page load - javascript

I have a donation page using Liquid Shopify. I CANNOT change name="donation[amount_option]" (I do not have access to that file) so I need code that allows this to stay.
I want to have $250 automatically checked on load
My code
document.querySelector('input[name="donation[amount_option]"][value=250]').checked = true;
<div class="radio-inline donation-v2-amounts padbottommore">
<input id="donation_amount_25" type="radio" name="donation[amount_option]" class="donation_amount_option" value="25">
<label for="donation_amount_25" class="radio">$25</label>
<input id="donation_amount_250" type="radio" name="donation[amount_option]" class="donation_amount_option" value="250">
<label for="donation_amount_250" class="radio">$250</label>
<input id="donation_amount_1000" type="radio" name="donation[amount_option]" class="donation_amount_option" value="1000">
<label for="donation_amount_1000" class="radio">$1,000</label>


If you need a pure js alternative (in addition to the answer above). You can select by value:
document.querySelector('input[value="250"]').checked = true;
In case it isn't clear, you can use any valid selector such as the id, i.e.:
document.querySelector('#donation_amount_25').checked = true;.

Just add the "checked" keyword to the end of the input.
<input id="donation_amount_250" type="radio" name="donation[amount_option]" class="donation_amount_option" value="250" checked>


radiobuttons and conditional checkbox

I have 2 radio-buttons and a checkbox.
When the first option is "personalized" the checkbox "hidden" should be automatically checked.
<div class="field-type-list-text field-name-field-main-download-category field-widget-options-buttons form-wrapper" id="edit-field-main-download-category"><div class="form-item form-type-radios form-item-field-main-download-category-und">
<label for="edit-field-main-download-category-und">Main Download Category </label>
<div id="edit-field-main-download-category-und" class="form-radios"><div class="form-item form-type-radio form-item-field-main-download-category-und">
<input type="radio" id="edit-field-main-download-category-und-general" name="field_main_download_category[und]" value="general" class="form-radio" /> <label class="option" for="edit-field-main-download-category-und-general">General </label>
<div class="form-item form-type-radio form-item-field-main-download-category-und">
<input type="radio" id="edit-field-main-download-category-und-personalized" name="field_main_download_category[und]" value="personalized" class="form-radio" /> <label class="option" for="edit-field-main-download-category-und-personalized">Personalized </label>
</div><div class="field-type-list-boolean field-name-field-hidden field-widget-options-onoff form-wrapper" id="edit-field-hidden"><div class="form-item form-type-checkbox form-item-field-hidden-und">
<input type="checkbox" id="edit-field-hidden-und" name="field_hidden[und]" value="1" class="form-checkbox" /> <label class="option" for="edit-field-hidden-und">Hidden </label>
I've made this script, but it is not working:
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
if ( $('.personalized input').val() = "personalized" ) {
$('.checkbox input').attr('checked');
You have few problems. As others already pointed out, you are checking document.ready instead of onChange event. So it checks on page load, instead of checking on radio button state change.
Another problem is that you are checking $('.personalized input') value, but you do not have personalized class in your html.
Your radio buttons have common class form-radio. So you can use it as a selector.
$('.form-radio').on("change", function(){
if ( $(this).val() == "personalized" ) {
$('.form-checkbox').prop('checked', true);
$('.form-checkbox').prop('checked', false);
<script src=""></script>
<div class="field-type-list-text field-name-field-main-download-category field-widget-options-buttons form-wrapper" id="edit-field-main-download-category"><div class="form-item form-type-radios form-item-field-main-download-category-und">
<label for="edit-field-main-download-category-und">Main Download Category </label>
<div id="edit-field-main-download-category-und" class="form-radios"><div class="form-item form-type-radio form-item-field-main-download-category-und">
<input type="radio" id="edit-field-main-download-category-und-general" name="field_main_download_category[und]" value="general" class="form-radio" /> <label class="option" for="edit-field-main-download-category-und-general">General </label>
<div class="form-item form-type-radio form-item-field-main-download-category-und">
<input type="radio" id="edit-field-main-download-category-und-personalized" name="field_main_download_category[und]" value="personalized" class="form-radio" /> <label class="option" for="edit-field-main-download-category-und-personalized">Personalized </label>
</div><div class="field-type-list-boolean field-name-field-hidden field-widget-options-onoff form-wrapper" id="edit-field-hidden"><div class="form-item form-type-checkbox form-item-field-hidden-und">
<input type="checkbox" id="edit-field-hidden-und" name="field_hidden[und]" value="1" class="form-checkbox" /> <label class="option" for="edit-field-hidden-und">Hidden </label>
This part:
$('.form-checkbox').prop('checked', false);
you only need if you want to un-check if not personalized.
Also take care of .prop() which is used for jQuery 1.6+. For lower versions use .attr()
You have to specify when do you want the script to check if the radio is checked or not. If you use just document.ready() function, it will check it only once, when the site is loaded and since it's not checked - the checkbox won't be checked neither.
You can use following approach: check it with every click event on the radio button.
$('.personalized').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('.checkbox').attr('checked', 'checked');
<script src=""></script>
<input type='radio' class='personalized'>
<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox'>
Simply you need to do it in ready function
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
if ($(".personalized").is(":checked") ) {
$('.checkbox').attr('checked', 'checked');
if you want them to apply on page load.
You have several problems here:
The code as written only runs on page load. Since you said you want the checkbox to be "automatically" checked, you should attach a change handler to the radio array.
.val() called on a radio array returns the value of the first element in the selected set, regardless of which one is checked. You need to add :checked to your selector to filter down to the one selected radio element.
Your single equals sign is the assignment operator and should be replaced with ===.
.attr('checked') returns the value of the checked attribute. There are actually two problems here: attr only looks at the attribute initially assigned to the element; you need to use prop instead to update the checked property. The second problem is that the one-parameter attr function is used to read the attribute. You want the two-parameter function to set it.
Here's a working example:
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
if ( $('input[name="radio"]:checked').val() === "personalized" ) {
} else {
<script src=""></script>
<input type="radio" name="radio" id="personalized" value="personalized"/><label for="personalized">personalized</label><br/>
<input type="radio" name="radio" id="general" value="general"/><label for="general">general</label><br/>
<input type="checkbox" id="hidden" name="hidden"/><label for="hidden">hidden</label>

Can't get select radio button on form submit

I'm having problems getting the radio button value when the form is submitted. I thought that when the form is submitted it would get the final selection that user made but it appears it doesn't recognize which one is selected.
On initial load: This is inside my form
<div id="question1">
<label> Do you shop mostly on-line or at physical stores? </label>
<div class="radioButtons">
Mostly on-line stores
<input name="question1" value="on-line" type="radio">
mostly physical stores
<input name="question1" value="physical" type="radio">
About both equaly
<input name="question1" value="both" type="radio">
in my submit handler
$(".aboutmeQuestions").on("submit", function(e){
var values = {};
var $inputs = $(".aboutmeQuestions :input").not(":submit");
values[] = {answer : $(this).val()};
//I thought the above would get the radio buttons but I think it got the last choice as the selected one no matter what was chosen. so I tried below because I thought that the checked attribute would change automatically.
console.log("this ",this);
values[] = {answer : $(this).val()};
In my EJS:
<div id="question1">
<label> <%=aboutUser.question1.question%> </label>
<div class = "radioButtons">
<span>Mostly on-line stores <input type="radio" name="<>" value="on-line" <% if(aboutUser.question1.answer == "on-line"){%> checked <%}%>> </span>
<span>mostly physical stores <input type="radio" name="<>" value="physical" <% if(aboutUser.question1.answer == "physical"){%> checked <%}%>> </span>
<span> About both equaly <input type="radio" name="<>" value="both" <% if(aboutUser.question1.answer == "both"){%> checked <%}%> ></span>
I tested it out. After clicking on nothing and pressing the submit button I get for values object, question5[answer]: maybe" question1[answer]: "both" that should of been equal to nothing. It is always like that no matter what I click. I don't like that pleas help me fix it. I didn't think I have to use a change method.
Ps I save this data to DB and the inputs should be populated with answers so when I reload the page <span>
About both equaly<input name="question1" value="both" checked="" type="radio">
</span>. it shouldn't have been checked since I didn't select anything.
First, remove the checked attribute from all the checkboxes unless there is ONE that you want to be pre-selected and in that case add it to just that ONE.
There is no need to loop through the radio buttons to see which was checked. Just use the :checked pseudo-class. Change this:
console.log("this ",this);
values[] = {answer : $(this).val()};
to this:
var checkedRad = $("input[type='radio']:checked");
values[] = {answer : checkRad.value};
or, if you don't need a reference to the checked radio button after getting its value::
values[] = {answer : $("input[type='radio']:checked")};
$("input[type=radio]").on("click", function(e){
<script src=""></script>
<div id="question1">
<label> Do you shop mostly on-line or at physical stores? </label>
<div class="radioButtons">
Mostly on-line stores
<input name="question1" value="on-line" type="radio">
mostly physical stores
<input name="question1" value="physical" type="radio">
About both equaly
<input name="question1" value="both" type="radio">

How to do toggle two mutually exclusive radio buttons in HTML

I have two radio buttons. When I click on one, the other should become unchecked, and vice versa.
The code I've produced so far is not working:
<input type="radio" id="rbdemail" onclick="chekrbdclick()" checked="checked" />
<input type="radio" id="rbdsitelnk" onclick="chekrbdclick()" />
function chekrbdclick()
// How to manage here?
Simple, just use a 'name' property with the same value for both elements:
<input type="radio" name="size" value="small" checked> Small
<input type="radio" name="size" value="large"> Large
hope it helps
<input type="radio" name="size" value="small" checked> Small
<input type="radio" name="size" value="large"> Large
Give them a name attribute with common value like size, and it will work. For best practice, you can place your input tag inside a label tag, so that, even if your user clicks on the text beside the button (ie on "Small" or "Large"), the respective radio button gets selected.
The perfect answer is above answered ,but I wanna share you how it can work by javascript ,this is javascript work (not standard answer) ....
<input type="radio" id="rbdemail" onclick="chekrbdclick(0)" checked="checked" value="Small" />Small<br>
<input type="radio" id="rbdsitelnk" onclick="chekrbdclick(1)" value="Large" />Large
function chekrbdclick(n)
var small = document.getElementById('rbdemail');
var large = document.getElementById('rbdsitelnk');
if(n === 0){
small.checked = true;
large.checked = false;
else {
small.checked = false;
large.checked = true;

How to output a total price when clicking the radio button?

I have checked the following question : How to output the price when clicking the radio button?
But it didn't help me with solution, that's why I am posting similar question.
I have two radio check boxes. One offers Silver plan and the other Gold plan. If the user clicks Silver Plan that the Total price will be $499.
I don't understand how to best achieve it.
<div class="plan-wrapper">
<label id="silver-plan"><input class="btn-checkbox" type="radio" name="groupnine" onclick="calculate(this);" value="$699"/> Silver Plan</label>
<label id="silver-plan-price">$699</label>
<label id="gold-plan"><input class="btn-checkbox" type="radio" name="groupnine" onclick="calculate(this);" value="$999"/> Gold Plan</label>
<label id="gold-plan-price">$999</label>
<div class="wrapper-b">
<span id="total">Total</span>
<output type="number" name="price" id="output"></output>
<!--<span id="total-price"></span>-->
function calculate(obj) {
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = obj.value;
You need to add value to your inputs...
<input class="btn-checkbox" type="radio" name="groupnine" onclick="calculate(this);" **value="$699"**/>
<input class="btn-checkbox" type="radio" name="groupnine" onclick="calculate(this);" **value="$999"**/>
First of all you must to set values to your radio.
Then set class or names and grab elements. It could be done using jQuery
All the job could be done too using AngularJs, if you want to use output.
So if I got your question this is the code:
$(document).on("click", ".planClass", function(e){
see at JSfeedle
First of all, your radio buttons does not have the value attribute, so obj.value won't work.
Take a look here: Get Radio Button Value with Javascript
i think you missed the value for each input:
function calculate(obj) {
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = obj.value;
<div class="plan-wrapper">
<label id="silver-plan"><input class="btn-checkbox" type="radio" name="groupnine" onclick="calculate(this);" value="699"/> Silver Plan</label>
<label id="silver-plan-price">$699</label>
<label id="gold-plan"><input class="btn-checkbox" type="radio" name="groupnine" onclick="calculate(this);" value="999"/> Gold Plan</label>
<label id="gold-plan-price">$999</label>
<div class="wrapper-b">
<span id="total">Total</span>
<output type="number" name="price" id="output"></output>
<!--<span id="total-price"></span>-->

Delete drop down when it is blank using Javascript or Jquery

Is it possible to write a Javascript function to delete a drop down when it is blank?
<form name="myform" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" id="myform">
<label id="question1">1) Draw recognizable shapes</label>
<br />
<input type="radio" value="Yes" id="question1_0" name="question1_0" />
<input type="radio" value="No" id="question1_1" name="question1_1" />
<label id="question2">2) Competently cut paper </label>
<br />
<input type="radio" value="Yes" id="question2_0" name="question2_0" />
<input type="radio" value="No" id="question2_1" name="question2_1" />
<label id="question3">3) Hold a pencil</label>
<br />
<input type="radio" value="Yes" id="question3_0" name="question3_0" />
<input type="radio" value="No" id="question3_1" name="question3_1" />
<input type="submit" value="Delete Drop Down" onclick="return checkanddelete"/>
If somebody does not select question 2 for example, it deletes question 2 label and the drop down.
Assuming you actually meant radio button groups (and not drop down lists) then firstly your HTML is incorrect, you need to set the name values of each group of radio buttons to be the same:
<input type="radio" value="Yes" id="question1_0" name="question1" /> Yes
<input type="radio" value="No" id="question1_1" name="question1" /> No
Then you need to loop through the list of radio buttons, if none in the group are selected then delete the parent div:
$('input[type=submit]').on('click', function() {
var radioArr = [];
var radName =;
if($.inArray(radName, radioArr) < 0 && $(':radio[name='+radName+']:checked').length == 0)
return false; //to stop the form submitting for testing purposes
While you are there, you might want to add some <label for=""> tags around your text.
Here is a jsFiddle of the solution.
If your dropdown has an id of DropDown, and you are looking to hide the dropdon on submit click:
function checkanddelete()
if ( $('#question2_0.=:checked, #question2_1:checked').length )
$('#dropdown').hide() // Or $('#dropdown').remove() if you do not plan on showing it again.
return false; // if you plan on not submitting the form..
Optimization for use in a module for a page include adding appropriate ids and classes to the divs, which I'm assuming that in full code are there, but if you are planning on making UI adjustments I would advise against using a submit button in the mix..
I don't know, what do you mean under "dropdown menu", but here some info, that can help you.
You can set a class name for the all Objects, you want to delete. E.g.
<label class='question2' id="question2">2) Competently cut paper </label>
<br />
<input class='question2' type="radio" value="Yes" id="question2_0" name="question2_0" />
<input class='question2' type="radio" value="No" id="question2_1" name="question2_1" />
As an another solution you can set an ID for the DIV Tag above all of this elements
<div id='block_to_remove'>
<label id="question2">2) Competently cut paper </label>
<br />
<input type="radio" value="Yes" id="question2_0" name="question2_0" />
<input type="radio" value="No" id="question2_1" name="question2_1" />
And then remove it in JS

