Infinite-Loop GoogleAppScript - javascript

How can i create an infinite loop that changes a cell value repeatedly in Google-app-script?
function doTest() {
if(x>=360) x = 0;
x = x+1;
I would like it to increment a cell value until it reaches 360 and then start from 0.

An infinite loop will eventually crash your app. But assuming that's what you're going for, here's one way to do it:
function iterate() {
var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('a13');
var i = 0;
while(true) {
i = (++i) % 361;

You want to count up the value of number of cell "A13" on the active Spreadsheet every 0.5 seconds.
You want to loop the number from 0 to 360.
You want to loop this cycle as the infinite loop.
If my understanding is correct, how about this sample script? I think that there are several answers for your situation. So please think of this as just one of them. In this sample script, I used a sidebar. Namely, I used Javascript and Google Apps Script. I thought that the infinite loop might be able to be achieved by running Google Apps Script from the sidebar. I could confirm that in my environment, this count could be run more than the maximum execution time of 6 minutes of Google Apps Script.
When you use this script, please do the following flow.
Copy and paste the following script to the script editor (the container-bound script of Spreadsheet).
Run the function of run().
By this, a sidebar is opened on the Spreadsheet.
When you click a button of "start", the number is put to the cell "A13" of the active sheet, and the value is counted up every 0.5 seconds. The number loops the cycle from 0 to 360.
If you want to stop the count, please click "stop" button.
Sample script:
function setValue(v) {
function run() {
var str = '<input type="button" value="start" onclick="start()"><input type="button" id="stop" value="stop" onclick="stop=false"><script>var stop=false; function work(v){return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>> resolve()).setValue(v));}async function start(){stop=true; var i=0; while(stop){await work(i); i=(++i) % 361;}}</script>';
var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(str);
Expanded HTML:
At above sample script, HTML is minified. Below script is the expanded HTML.
This is only for confirming HTML. So you are not required to copy and paste this.
<input type="button" value="start" onclick="start()">
<input type="button" id="stop" value="stop" onclick="stop=false">
var stop = false;
function work(v) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => => resolve()).setValue(v));
async function start() {
stop = true;
var i = 0;
while(stop) {
await work(i);
i = (++i) % 361; // This is from Dimu Designs's answer.
I used the loop process by Dimu Designs's answer.
Class Ui
If this method was not the direction of your goal, I apologize.

The following do the job !
Note the call to flush, this ensures the spreadsheet will be refreshed at each iteration.
Otherwise you won't see the cell update in realtime.
Enjoy ;-)
function doIncrease() {
for(var x=0;;x++){
//Set value
//Flush changes to spreadsheet
//Wait as long as desired
//Reboot the Endless loop from 0 to 360
if(x==360) x=0;


Click event doesn't produce any result

total noob here.
I'm writing a countdown timer that starts clicking on a "Start" button. No matter what I do, the timer always starts at the load of the page. And I mean that, when using live server on VS Code, every time I give the page a save, the timer starts.
No error appears in the console.
Probably I'm missing something really basilar, but I would love some help!
const btnStart = document.querySelector('.start');
const startTimer = function() {
let time = 10;
const timer = setInterval(function() {
const min = String(Math.trunc(time/60));
const sec = String(time%60);
time --;
input.value = `${min.length <= 9 ? min.padStart(2, 0) : min}:${sec.length <= 9 ?sec.padStart (2, 0) : sec}`;
if(time == 0){
startTimer();}, 1000)
}, 1000)
btnStart.addEventListener('click', startTimer);
Html elements part:
<div class="main-container">
<input type="text" class="input" placeholder="MM:SS">
<div class="buttons-container">
<button class="start">START</button>
You new edit to the question answered the question.
You're using VSCode LiveShare. When you save, it doesn't actually reload the page, it just loads the changes.
Since you're recursively calling startTimer(); (it's calling itself inside a setTimeout), it will never stop since it's not a full reload.
The easiest way to fix this is to reload your page manually (Ctrl+r or Command+r)
The harder way you could solve this is to store timer as a global variable, and on load, if timer exists, run clearInterval(timer)

Create for loop with changing image

I haven't been able to find my specific case on here yet so I thought I'd ask. I'm trying to make a very simple Tamagotchi in Javascript for a school project. Musts are that I apply DOM manipulation, use a loop, use an array(or an object), and use a function.
My idea was to make an array with all the 'emotions' as images and then a for loop to slowly count them down. Giving the impression that the mood of the Tamagotchi gets worse as time passes.
This is the code I have so far, it's not a lot:
var imgArray = ["super.png", "blij.png", "neutraal.png", "meh.png", "verdrietig.png", "dood.png"] //Array with the images
for (var i = 0; i < imgArray.length; i++)
//for loop that counts down array
//Here I want a function that changes the image according to the array number
Sorry for the bad formatting, this is my first time on here :)
This is what I have in the body:
<button id="feed">Give food</button>
<button id="play">Entertain</button>
<button id="walk">Walk</button>
<div id="tamagotchi"></div>
I'd also then like the buttons that you see above to add points to make the Tamagotchi feel better (so in the for loop the array automatically keeps ++i but I'd like the button to --i, so subtract one point) imgArray[0] is the happiest and imageArray[5] is the saddest.
I hope this wasn't too vague, please let me know if I need to better explain anything!
Here is some draft so you can start from something. I've created a function allowing you to improve the state of the tamagoshi.
For you now :
Making a function to decrease it
Make them to be displayed as image and not strings
Make it prettier using css rules
If you get trouble with the code, Stack Overflow will help. SO is not made to write code from scratch, but to fix bug and coding issues.
// Array with the images
const imgArray = [
let tamagoshiState;
// Pointer to the div where you are going to insert the picture
const tamagoshiFeel = document.getElementById('tamagotchi');
// Function that can change the state of the tamagoshi
function setTamagoshiState(i) {
tamagoshiState = i;
tamagoshiFeel.innerHTML = imgArray[i];
// Change the tamagoshi state in a positive way
function improveTamagoshiState() {
// Tamagoshi can't be happier
if (tamagoshiState === 0) {
setTamagoshiState(tamagoshiState - 1);
// Initialize the tamagoshi state at very sad
setTamagoshiState(imgArray.length - 1);
#tamagotchi {
margin-top: 2em;
<button id="feed" onclick="improveTamagoshiState()">Give food</button>
<button id="play" onclick="improveTamagoshiState()">Entertain</button>
<button id="walk" onclick="improveTamagoshiState()">Walk</button>
<!-- How the tamagochi feels -->
<div id="tamagotchi">

Do I need to create multiple functions for multiple actions or can they all be housed in the same function?

I'm working on a script to simulate a page change in a Questionnaire I'm building. I figured maybe I could use a bunch of "if" statements to house all the logic but it's not working right, before I go and create separate functions I'd like to know if it's possible to put them all in one single function.
So far this is the script
function pageChange(){
var chng1 = document.getElementById("p1next");
var chng2a = document.getElementById("p2back");
var chng2b = document.getElementById("p2next");
var chng3a = document.getElementById("p3back");
var chng3b = document.getElementById("p3next");
var pg1 = document.getElementById("page01");
var pg2 = document.getElementById("page02");
var pg3 = document.getElementById("page03");
if ({"none";"block";
if ({"block";"none";
the "p1next, p2back, p2next etc." are IDs I gave the buttons on the pages, which I have in DIVs that I respectively named "page01, page02, page03 etc."
Without the 2nd if statement the script works exactly how I want it, it changes the display for "page01" to none and the div for "page02" to block. When I add the second if statement it doesn't work.
The reason I want to do it like this rather than making actual pages is because I don't want the data to get lost when they load another page. Am I on the right track or do I need to create a new function for each page?
Not exactly on the right track, you should use onclick events, instead of if ( like this:
var chng1 = document.getElementById("p1next");
var pg1 = document.getElementById("page01");
var pg2 = document.getElementById("page02");
// Events
chng1.onclick = function(){"none";"block";
This will save your function until the element is clicked and then execute that function. In your case, it is executed on page load, and at that moment the user is not clicking anything.
Why not try something like this:
<div class="page" data-pg="1">...</div>
<div class="page" data-pg="2">...</div>
<div class="page" data-pg="3">...</div>
<input id="btnPrev" type="button" value="Prev" />
<input id="btnNext" type="button" value="Next" />
var pageNum = 1;
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#btnPrev").on("click", function () { ChangePage(-1); });
$("#btnNext").on("click", function () { ChangePage(1); });
function ChangePage(p) {
pageNum += p;
$(".page[data-pg='" + p + "']").show();
if (pageNum === 1) $("#btnPrev").attr("disabled", "disabled");
if (pageNum === $(".page").length) $("#btnNext").attr("disabled", "disabled");
That way you can easily grow your number of pages without changing the script. My apologies by the way for doing this in jQuery.
Have a lot of time on my hands today and have not coded for while using vanilla Javascript. Here's the version of the code using plain js:

How Can I Insert My Javascript Into My Drupal Site/Node

I'm trying to insert a cookie that is provided by a video host that will resume a video where the user left off. They have an example that obviously works. When trying to insert this into my Drupal site, the cookie won't work. The video just starts back at the beginning.
I have enabled "PHP input filter", as I read that I needed to do that for drupal to insert the script. Please see the code that is in my node below.
Can anyone help me figure out why this isn't working, how to get it to work, or a better way of doing this with Drupal?
Thank you,
<script type="text/javascript">
wistiaEmbed.ready( function() {
var all_cookies = document.cookie.split(';'), // gets the value of the cookies on the page
cookie_str = "resume_video=",
resume_cookie = does_resume_cookie_exist(all_cookies);
function does_resume_cookie_exist(cookie_arr) {
var i, curr_string, found;
for (i = 0; i < cookie_arr.length; i++) {
curr_string = cookie_arr[i];
if (curr_string.substring(0,5) === cookie_str.substring(0,5)) {
// we've found it!
found = curr_string;
return found;
function set_cookie_time(t) {
document.cookie = cookie_str + t.toString(); // this takes the time (t) and sets the cookie with that time
if (resume_cookie) {
num = resume_cookie.split('=')[1];
start_time = parseInt(num);
wistiaEmbed.time(start_time).play(); // plays the video at the specific time defined in the cookie upon return to the page
} else {
set_cookie_time(0); // places a cookie on the visitor; // starts the video from the beginning
wistiaEmbed.bind("timechange", function(t) { // on timechange, reset cookie
wistiaEmbed.bind("end", function() { // if person has watched the entire video, sets the video to beginning upon retun
<div id="wistia_npcc5k96s9" class="wistia_embed" style="width:640px;height:508px;"> </div>
<script charset="ISO-8859-1" src=""> </script>
wistiaEmbed = Wistia.embed("npcc5k96s9");
</script>**strong text**
What version of drupal are you using? Does the code that you gave actually output in your request response?
There are several solutions to this (IMO).
If the code is showing up in the response, it could be some other javascript error that preventing your code from executing.
If that snippet of code is applicable to all nodes of that type you can use the node_view hook in order to inject your code on that node type, for example (I am assuming D7):
function mymodule_node_view($node, $view_mode)
if($node->type =='video_page')
drupal_add_js('resume_video.js'); // this js holds your code snippet
Here's a reference that could help you out
You can similarly inject that snippet of code at the theme layer using a theme hook, probably hook_preprocess!system!theme.api.php/function/hook_preprocess/7
Hope that helps.

javascript for the variant of calculator

I am working on the project to create one variant of calculator. Basically, I am storing all the user clicks (which may be number and operator like +,-) in an array and handing the array to the another function when user clicks "=". I am using javascript for this. The below is my code:
var arr=[]; //array of every input from the user interface stored
var i=0; //number of input clicks from the user
var opPos=[]; //position of the operator as given by the user
var operAnd=[];//operands as given by the user
var disp='';
function clearval() {
// This function clears all the values stored in related array when C or CE is pressed
//This Function get the value and supplies the array to calculating function
function getval(inp){
disp=disp+inp;//for display in the screen of the output screen
if (typeof inp!="number"){
var newInput=assembler(arr,opPos,operAnd);
//<!------This Function calculates based on array, operator position and operands------!>
function assembler(num_array,opPos,operAnd){
var num='';
var numCollect=[];
var posCount=0;
for(var j=0;j<num_array.length;j++){
if (j==opPos[posCount]) {
else if (j>posCount) {
//document.getElementById("op").value= numCollect;
var newInput=calculator(numCollect,operAnd);
return newInput;
function calculator(target_num,operAnd) {
// Not the nice solution but straightforward nonetheless
var result='';
for (var l=0;l<operAnd.length;l++) {
document.getElementById("op").value=result + '=' + eval(result) ;
return eval(result);
I have html which has buttons like this:
<button class="num" onclick="getval(0)">0</button>
<button class="num" onclick="getval(1)">1</button>
<button class="num" onclick="getval(2)" >2</button>
<button class="num" onclick="getval(3)" >3</button>
......................... and so on
For the basic math, this code works fine and is not a problem. However, here is my problem from where I have hard time on thinking how to implement this. Say for example, I have a following button like this.
<button class='extra' onclick="Regression()"> Find Regression </button>
Now, I will have regression function which will ask user to input the regression type (1-linear, 2-quadratic and so on...this is just an example).
function regression(){
document.getElementById("op").value=" Enter the degree of regression:";
which is basically asking user to enter the number and click '=' to enter into the program.
Now you can see my dilemma. Anything user inputs will be firstly processed by getval() which will pass the array to another function when user clicks '=', which is not what I will want in this case. To be clear, for this kind of case which I will have many such as std. dev or some kind of functions like this, I want the keypad to behave as normal keypad and pass the value to another function without doing normal calculator stuff as it was supposed to do.
Am I thinking this straight? Any suggestions?
I think you could solve this by adding another function called passval(), which will contain much of the same logic as getval() in terms of parsing the input into a float, etc., but which doesn't ever push values onto your operand stack or call the assembler function. It simply returns the button pushed as a nice float value to the .extra function that called it.
Then, as part of the logic in your .extra functions like Regression(), you would initially swap the onclick function for all of your buttons from getval() to passval(). When the regression or other special function is complete, swap the buttons back to their default behavior.
Well, this is what I would do(if I undestood right):
Change you button layout to this:
<input type="button" class="num" value="0" /> Removing the onclick event
Always better to use input type="button" than <button>.
Create a function to bind events to the buttons:
function bindButtonEvent(func) {
var buttons; // Here some way to get the button in a collection from the DOM tree
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
buttons[i].onclick = function() { func(buttons[i]); }
With this you will got a function to change the click event of all your buttons. This will make your engine more flexible.
You will have to change your getval function a little to get the value by itself:
function getval(el){
var inp = el.value;
So on the calculator load, you set the click function:
When you want to call a custom behaviour function, you call the binding again:
function regression() {
bindButtonEvent(function(el) {
value = el.value;
// Do things
// When done, take bindings back.
document.getElementById("op").value=" Enter the degree of regression:";
NOTE: That is an ideia. I didn't tested the code. If you're interested on this and have errors on implementation, let me know, and we'll going fixing them.

