How to set img src dynamically with a function - javascript

I want to set img src=" " with a function in javascript that changes the picture upon a variable and checks values:
javascript file code:
function myFunctionstatus(){
var ledactual=document.getElementById("ledonof").value
var image = document.getElementById('ledPic');
if (ledactual==ledon) {
image.src = "
if (ledactual==ledoff){
image.src = "
} };
img src in html file:
<img id="ledPic" [src]="myFunctionstatus()" >
but it didn't work with me and the picture didn't appear! the script is working, I tested with a button:
<input type="button" id="ledonof" onclick="myFunction();myFunctionstatus();" class="ledonoff" value="<?phpinclude ('ledstatus.php'); ?>">
how can I set img src with a function?

I can't comment on the php that you're using to get the status, but the below is a working javascript example:
function myFunctionstatus(){
var input = document.getElementById("ledonof");
var image = document.getElementById('ledPic');
if (input.value == "on") {
image.src = "";
input.value = "off"
} else if (input.value == "off"){
image.src = "";
input.value = "on"
<img id="ledPic" />
<input type="button" id="ledonof" onclick="myFunctionstatus();" class="ledonoff" value="on">
As noted by others, src doesn't support function calls (and you don't even return anything from your function call), so you need to run the function once at the start to set the image to the initial status.

You need to set an initial state manually
function switchStatus() {
let switchButton = document.getElementById('ledonof');
let img = document.getElementById('ledPic');
if(switchButton.value == "ledon") {
img.src = "";
switchButton.value = "ledoff";
} else {
img.src = "";
switchButton.value = "ledon";
<img id="ledPic" src="" > <input type="button" id="ledonof" onclick="switchStatus();" value="ledoff">

img src attr does not support function call. Whatever you pass in the src will be considered as url(relative or otherwise).
Please refer
So what you need to do is call the function before/loading your element and change the src then. The simplest form would be following
(function() {
// your page initialization code here
// the DOM will be available here
// call the function here

You can't do this. The src attribute of an image element can't be interpreted as javascript when the HTML is interpreted.
initially, you need to set src, and on button click, you can toggle image by changing image src.


Toggle image source with jQuery

I want to do something interesting, so for example i have an image on my website and i want to change it when a button is triggered, but then i want to revert it back to the original when the button is clicked again (or add the same img to it) and repeat this all the time when the event is clicked. How can I achieve this ?
Here is my current Jquery but only that works for one time click
'click': function () {
$('#div1').attr('src', 'images/card-light.png');
Html code
<button id="menu-btn">click me</button>
<img id="div1" src="./images/card-dark.png">
On document load, store the image source in a variable. In our case, it's called prev.
Inside the toggle function, we check whether the source of the image is equal to the source when it was loaded. If it was, we change the source to another image. When the source is changed and we call the toggle function again, we know that the source is different from the previous one, so we revert it back to the original source.
$(document).ready(function() {
var img = $('#img');
var prev = img[0].src;
function toggle(img) {
let src = img.src;
if (src == prev) {
img.src = "";
} else {
img.src = prev;
$('button').on('click', function() {
<script src="" height="48"></script>
<img id="img" src="">
We can take it a step further by using data attributes to store the two sources so you can easily extend this for multiple images.
$(document).ready(function() {
var img = $('#img');
var prev = img[0].src;
function toggle(i) {
let src = i[0].src;
let dsrc ='switch-with');
$('button').on('click', function() {
<script src="" height="48"></script>
<img id="img" src="" data-switch-with="">

Src attribute switch with JavaScript

I want to make a simple switch of <img src="..."> depending on the present src with JavaScript. So if the image #plus_1 is clicked, the script should check if the string 'plus' is in the src attribute, and if yes, the src attribute should change.
Not sure what mistake I made, help would be very much appreciated!
function ek_ak(id) {
var ement = document.getElementById(id);
if (ement.img.src.includes("plus") == true) {
ement.img.src == "minusred.png";}
<img src="plusred.png" id="plus_1" onclick="ek_ak('plus_1')"/>
A few pointers:
ement is already a DOM element: it has no img property but you can access src on it directly;
Regular expressions can be used instead of String#includes;
You should use = as the assignment operator, instead of == (loose comparison).
function ek_ak (id) {
var ement = document.getElementById(id);
if (/plus/.test(ement.src)) {
ement.src = "minusred.png"
<img src="plusred.png" id="plus_1" onclick="ek_ak('plus_1')" />
You can directly send the element to the function using onclick="ek_ak(this). This will avoid the unnecessary call to retrieve the element.
To get the src you can simply call element.src. The element is your img
The call .includes(..) is returning a boolean value. You do not need to add == true.
You were using element.src == "minusred.png. == is used to compare elements not to assign. You should use =
function ek_ak(element) {
console.log("Current src = " + element.src);
if (element.src.includes("plus")) {
element.src = "minusred.png";
console.log("Next src = " + element.src);
<img src="plusred.png" id="plus_1" onclick="ek_ak(this)" />

Adding different images to a form according to name using if/else

I am trying to insert image values into the html to replace the src according to the name so if the name for the templateName = Javascript I can make the src value = something like say ( and do that for other categories as well using an if/else statement in javascript.
my script look like this but it has a few errors with the syntax
var imageChoosernator = function () {
if (#templateName == "Javascript")
img = <img src="htp://">;
` }
Can someone guide me toward the proper solution?
# in #templateName is wrong. Know your allowed variable characters.
img = <img the <img is an unstarted String. Know how to enclose values into String.
` <<< you cannot have such character floating around your code (hopefully just an edit typo).
Since you didn't showed most of your code, a fix would be something like:
var img = "";
var templateName = "Javascript";
function imageChoosernator () {
if (templateName === "Javascript") { // remove unallowed #
img = '<img src="js.png">'; // enclose into String
} else {
img = '<img src="someting.png">';
// Finally append img to element #imgContainer
document.querySelector("#imgContainer").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", img );
imageChoosernator(); // Do the magic
You can use jQuery .prepend() method to replace the image src on loading the query into the page.
If in html you have given the id name as 'JavaScript' like-
div id="JavaScript"><img id="imgNew1" src="oldImg1.png" />
div id="templateName2"><img id="imgNew2" src="oldImg2.png" />
To change the image source following can be used-
$('#templateName1').prepend('<img id="imgNew" src="newImg1.png" />')
$('#templateName2').prepend('<img id="imgNew" src="newImg2.png" />')
You need to read the documentation here
To automatize the src change while creating intances of the same will go like-
<script type="text/javascript">
var slideimages = new Array() // create new array to preload images
slideimages[0] = new Image() // create new instance of image object
slideimages[0].src = "firstImg.png" // set image object src property to an image's src, preloading that image in the process
slideimages[1] = new Image()
slideimages[1].src = "secondcarImg.png"
slideimages[2] = new Image()
slideimages[2].src = "thirdImg.png"
<img src="firstImg.img" id="slide" width=100 height=56 />
<script type="text/javascript">
//variable that will increment through the images
var step = 0
var whichimage = 0
function slideit(){
//if browser does not support the image object, exit.
if (!document.images)
document.getElementById('slide').src = slideimages[step].src
whichimage = step
if (step<2)

Javascript slideshow with caption issues

So I am having issues with captioning my slide show using a javascript, can somebody let me know as to where I am going wrong. My code stands as this:
JavaScript Document
var index = 0;
var titles=[1,2,3,4,5];
var img = document.getElementById("img1");
function moveToNextSlide()
if (index >= 5){index = 0}
var img = document.getElementById("img1");
var slideName = "movieImages/img" + titles[index++] + ".jpg";
function CaptionSlide()
if( img.attr("src") == "movieImages/img1.jpg")
else if(img.attr("src") == "movieImages/img2.jpg")
document.getElementById("captionbar").innerHTML="Monsters Inc";
else if(img.attr("src") == "movieImages/img3.jpg")
else if(img.attr("src") == "movieImages/img4.jpg")
document.getElementById("captionbar").innerHTML="Finding Nemo";
else if(img.attr("src") == "movieImages/img5.jpg")
document.getElementById("captionbar").innerHTML="Ice Age";
HTML document
<div class="slides">
<img id="img1" src="">
<input type="image" src="images/Next.png" id="button" onClick="javascript:moveToNextSlide()" title="Next" >
<div id ="captionbar"></div>
Also to note, that I get this error within the "inspect element":
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'attr' of null
var index = 0;
var titles=[1,2,3,4,5];
var img = document.getElementById("img1");
function moveToNextSlide()
if (index >= 5){index = 0}
img = document.getElementById("img1");
var slideName = "movieImages/img" + titles[index++] + ".jpg";
function CaptionSlide()
window.onload = function(){
if( img.src === "movieImages/img1.jpg")
else if(img.src === "movieImages/img2.jpg")
document.getElementById("captionbar").innerHTML="Monsters Inc";
else if(img.src === "movieImages/img3.jpg")
else if(img.src === "movieImages/img4.jpg")
document.getElementById("captionbar").innerHTML="Finding Nemo";
else if(img.src === "movieImages/img5.jpg")
document.getElementById("captionbar").innerHTML="Ice Age";
The HTML Remains the same as before.
No error references however function does not write the text whatsoever.
Replace all img.attr('src') by img.src=="your image name".
For example:
As you are using pure JavaScript,you cannot use attr() which is method of JQuery.
attr() is a method brought by JQuery. If you are not using JQuery, you should keep using img.src. Another thing I noticed that might cause trouble : when you read .src from your image, you get the full path as a return (including your domain).
Your conditions would then become :
img.src === ""
( And I just checked to be sure : mentions that the return value of img.src includes protocol and domain )
Also I think you should either define your function CaptionSlide inside moveToNextSlide so that it gains access to the updated img variable or not declare your img variable inside the moveToNextSlide function (so that the global variable gets updated instead)
Another point : you should make sure the DOM is loaded before querying elements from it (such as img) . To do so, wrap your code in a function, and assign it to the window.onload event :
window.onload = function() {
var index = 0;
var titles=[1,2,3,4,5];
var img = document.getElementById("img1");
function moveToNextSlide()
function CaptionSlide()
if( ... )
document.getElementById("button").addEventListener('click', moveToNextSlide);
and HTML for button :
<input type="image" src="images/Next.png" id="button" title="Next" />

Condition to display image in Javascript

I'm looking for create a small javascript code to display images if their src is valid.
I have to separate the script to the html page for better organisation.
Here is what I did :
<img id="thmb" src= "" width="50px" height="50px" alt="" ;>
var thumbnail = document.images.thmb;
thumbnail.src = "";
{ = "none";
Bu it doesn't work, when I empty the src code in HTML, the border of the image still in the page. And if I write a wrong URL, we can't see the image set in the JavaScript.
Here is the JSFiddle to experiment it.
I'm a beginner in JavaScript.
Thank you !
You are too late with the test.
Try this
Live Demo
window.onload=function() {
var thumbContainer = document.getElementById("thmbDiv");
var thumbnail = document.createElement("img");
thumbnail.onload=function() {
thumbnail.src = "";
Now replace your image with a div with id thmbDiv
if you put placeholders or hide all images you want to test, you can get the src from a data attribute.
Live Demo
window.onload=function() {
var imgs = document.images; // or document.getElementsByClassName("testImage");
for (var i=0, n=imgs.length;i<n;i++) {
var theImage = imgs[i];
var src = theImage.getAttribute("data-src");
if (src) {
theImage.onerror=function() {"none"; // or this.parentNode.removeChild(this);
A neat inline solution would be this
<img src="rando/path" id="image" onerror="'none';"/>
You can use an ajax call to check if the image file exists
error: function()
//file does not exist
success: function()
//file exists do something here
As you can see in the demo, the second image is not loaded and presented as a broken image as it does not exist.
A non jQuery version would be
var img = document.getElementById("myImg");
img.onerror = function () { = "none";
Your code now tests for thumbnail.src, which means that you are testing for the existence of an src propery, which always exists for a syntactically valid img element. Then you test for the existence of an onerror event handler, and since there is none, you take a branch that does nothing.
A way that works is to use an onerror attribute in the img element and make it remove the element (or remove it from rendering, but actually removing the element is more logical, and safer):
<img id="thmb" src= ""
width="50" height="50" alt="" onerror="rm(this)">
function rm(elem) {
elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem); }
Unfortunately, you can’t do this so with a loop that traverses through all img elements. If you try that, your code will run only after the image loading has been performed, so it would be too late to try to set onerror handlers on them.
I just found a little trick to make it possible. That doesn't follow the convention but it works. I just use the "alt" image keyword as the "src" keyword, and the JavaScript gives the src equals to alt attribute found in the html.
<img id="thmb" width="50px" height="50px" alt="" ;>
Javascript :
var img = document.getElementById("thmb");
img.src= img.alt;
img.onerror = function () { = "none";
To more, because I have to use a function to return all the final html code, I did this :
display: function (data) {
var pid = data.record.project_id;
var thb = data.record.Thumbnail;
var base_url = "<?php echo base_url('project');?>/";
function checkImg(){
var thumbnail = document.createElement("img");
thumbnail.src = thb;
} catch(err) {
if(thumbnail.height > 0){
var result = 'src="' + thb + '"';
var result = 'style="display:none;"';
return result;
return '<img id="thumbnail" ' + checkImg() + '" width="50px" height="50px" >';
I have to thank you for all your answers which permit me to find a good way to do it !
If you have comments to do, don't hesitate ! ;)

