Problem comparing input to array using slice function - javascript

I am creating a search bar, that filters an array with French city names that match the input value with each keyup. I am getting some results back (using the console log), but the results are not what I expect and the IF condition I am using doesn't seem to be functioning...
Based in JavaScript and a little jQuery to get my list of cities from a text file, I've tried using indexOf and match function, but using slice() seems to have got me the furthest. I'm missing something somewhere to push the matched results into a new variable/array.
var cityArray = [];
$.get("liste.txt", function (data) {
cityArray = data.split("\n").sort();
$("#myInput").keyup(function () {
var searchedWord = $(this).val();
var counter = searchedWord.length;
var result = [];
// console.log(typeof searchedWord);
// console.log(counter);
var matchedCities = 0;
if (counter < 3) {
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
var city = cityArray.slice(0, cityArray.length);
console.log(city[i].slice(0, searchedWord.length));
if (city[i].slice(0, searchedWord.length) == searchedWord) {
if (matchedCities > 5) {
So I am expecting to see matched cities with the input, in the console log. BUT, the function seems to break down before then as the result and matchedCities variables don't seem to change even when I know I have typed a city that is in the list.

You can use Array.filter and Array.includes to do your search. Something like this:
$("#myInput").keyup(function () {
var searchedWord = $(this).val();
var result = cityArray.filter(c => c.toLowerCase().includes(searchedWord.toLowerCase()))
You can add the rest of the code you need but the idea is to "search" in this fashion.


Updating the value of an object inside a loop using javascript

I'm currently facing a difficulty in my codes.
First i have an array of objects like this [{Id:1, Name:"AML", allowedToView:"1,2"}, {Id:2, Name:"Res", allowedToView:"1"}...] which came from my service
I assign it in variable $scope.listofResource
Then inside of one of my objects I have that allowedToView key which is a collection of Id's of users that I separate by comma.
Then I have this code...
$scope.listofResource =
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
First I run a for loop so I can separate the Id's of every user in allowedToView key
var allowed =[i].allowedToView.split(",");
var x = [];
Then I create a variable x so I can push a new object to it with a keys of allowedId that basically the Id of the users and resId which is the Id of the resource
for (var a = 0; a < allowed.length; a++) {
x.push({ allowedId: allowed[a], resId:[i].Id });
Then I put it in Promise.all because I have to get the Name of that "allowed users" base on their Id's using a service
Promise.all( (prop) {
var d = {
allowedId: parseInt(prop.allowedId)
return ResourceService.getAllowedUsers(d).then(function (msg1) {[0].resId = prop.resId;
Here it returns the Id and Name of the allowed user. I have to insert the resId so it can pass to the return object and it will be displayed in .then() below
})).then(function (result) {
I got the result that I want but here is now my problem
angular.forEach(result, function (val) {
angular.forEach($scope.listofResource, function (vv) {
vv.allowedToView1 = [];
if (val.resId === vv.Id) {
I want to update $scope.listofResource.allowedToView1 which should hold an array of objects and it is basically the info of the allowed users. But whenever I push a value here vv.allowedToView1.push(val); It always updates the last object of the array.
So the result of my code is always like this
[{Id:1, Name:"AML", allowedToView:"1,2", allowedToView:[]}, {Id:2, Name:"Res", allowedToView:"1", allowedToView:[{Id:1, Name:" John Doe"}]}...]
The first result is always blank. Can anyone help me?
Here is the plunker of it... Plunkr
Link to the solution - Plunkr
for (var i = 0; i < msg.length; i++) {
var allowed = msg[i].allowedToView.split(",");
msg[i].allowedToView1 = [];
var x = [];
Like Aleksey Solovey correctly pointed out, the initialization of the allowedToView1 array is happening at the wrong place. It should be shifted to a place where it is called once for the msg. I've shifted it to after allowedToView.split in the first loop as that seemed a appropriate location to initialize it.

TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object in Javascript

I have a piece of Javascript code that assigns string of values to a string array.
Unfortunately if I try to add more than one string to the array, my UI simulator(which runs on JS code) closes unexpectedly. I have tried debugging but I cannot find anything. I am attaching that piece of code where the issue is. may be you guys could find some flaw? On the pop up button click the values I selcted on the UI should get stored in the array and I have a corressponding variable on the server side to handle this string array.
_popupButtonClick: function (button) {
var solutions = this._stateModel.get('solutionName');
var i;
var solutionsLength = solutions.length;
var selectedSolution = [solutionsLength];
if (button.position === StatusViewModel.ResponseType.Ok) {
selectedSolution[i] = this._list.listItems[i].options.value;
selectedsolutions: selectedSolution,
viewResponse: StatusViewModel.ResponseType.Ok
} else {{
viewResponse: StatusViewModel.ResponseType.Cancel
var selectedSolution = [solutionsLength];
var selectedSolution = [];
This makes your array have an extra item that might be causing a crash.
you have an
selectedSolution[i] = this._list.listItems[i].options.value;
But no corresponding else, so your array has undefined values for i which are not entering the if.
Maybe adding an empty string might solve it:
selectedSolution[i] = this._list.listItems[i].options.value;
selectedSolution[i] = "";
The code is looking fine but there seems to be a piece of code which can cause error. For example, you are assigning var selectedSolution = [solutionsLength]; and for example solutionsLength is 5 then your loop runs for 5 times
for(i=0;i<solutionsLength;i++) // runs for 5 times
// but selectedSolution = [5]; which is on 0th index and from 1st to 4th index it is undefined
selectedSolution[i] = this._list.listItems[i].options.value;
So you can try to use push() like
and on initialization change it like,
var selectedSolution = [];
Hopefully this will solve your problem.
var selectedSolution = [solutionsLength];
keeps the value in the selectedSolution variable.
var selectedSolution = [3];
selectedSolution[0] gives the values as 3
So make it simple
var selectedSolution = [];

Loop, get unique values and update

I am doing the below to get certain nodes from a treeview followed by getting text from those nodes, filtering text to remove unique and then appending custom image to the duplicate nodes.
For this I am having to loop 4 times. Is there is a simpler way of doing this? I am worried about it's performance for large amount of data.
//Append duplicate item nodes with custom icon
function addRemoveForDuplicateItems() {
var treeView = $('#MyTree').data('t-TreeView li.t-item');
var myNodes = $("", treeView);
var myNames = [];
$(myNodes).each(function () {
var duplicateItems = getDuplicateItems(myNames);
$(myNodes).each(function () {
if (duplicateItems.indexOf($(this).text()) > -1) {
$(this).parent().append(("<span class='remove'></span>"));
//Get all duplicate items removing unique ones
//Input [1,2,3,3,2,2,4,5,6,7,7,7,7] output [2,3,3,2,2,7,7,7,7]
function getDuplicateItems(myNames) {
var duplicateItems = [], itemOccurance = {};
for (var i = 0; i < myNames.length; i++) {
var dept = myNames[i];
itemOccurance[dept] = itemOccurance[dept] >= 1 ? itemOccurance[dept] + 1 : 1;
for (var item in itemOccurance) {
if (itemOccurance[item] > 1)
return duplicateItems;
If I understand correctly, the whole point here is simply to mark duplicates, right? You ought to be able to do this in two simpler passes:
var seen = {};
var SEEN_ONCE = 1;
var SEEN_DUPE = 2;
// First pass, build object
myNodes.each(function () {
var name = $(this).text();
var seen = seen[name];
seen[name] = seen ? SEEN_DUPE : SEEN_ONCE;
// Second pass, append node
myNodes.each(function () {
var name = $(this).text();
if (seen[name] === SEEN_DUPE) {
$(this).parent().append("<span class='remove'></span>");
If you're actually concerned about performance, note that iterating over DOM elements is much more of a performance concern than iterating over an in-memory array. The $(myNodes).each(...) calls are likely significantly more expensive than iteration over a comparable array of the same length. You can gain some efficiencies from this, by running the second pass over an array and only accessing DOM nodes as necessary:
var names = [];
var seen = {};
var SEEN_ONCE = 1;
var SEEN_DUPE = 2;
// First pass, build object
myNodes.each(function () {
var name = $(this).text();
var seen = seen[name];
seen[name] = seen ? SEEN_DUPE : SEEN_ONCE;
// Second pass, append node only for dupes
names.forEach(function(name, index) {
if (seen[name] === SEEN_DUPE) {
.append("<span class='remove'></span>");
The approach of this code is to go through the list, using the property name to indicate whether the value is in the array. After execution, itemOccurance will have a list of all the names, no duplicates.
var i, dept, itemOccurance = {};
for (i = 0; i < myNames.length; i++) {
dept = myNames[i];
if (typeof itemOccurance[dept] == undefined) {
itemOccurance[dept] = true;
If you must keep getDuplicateItems() as a separate, generic function, then the first loop (from myNodes to myNames) and last loop (iterate myNodes again to add the span) would be unavoidable. But I am curious. According to your code, duplicateItems can just be a set! This would help simplify the 2 loops inside getDuplicateItems(). #user2182349's answer just needs one modification: add a return, e.g. return Object.keys(itemOccurance).
If you're only concerned with ascertaining duplication and not particularly concerned about the exact number of occurrences then you could consider refactoring your getDuplicateItems() function like so:
function getDuplicateItems(myNames) {
var duplicateItems = [], clonedArray = myNames.concat(), i, dept;
dept = clonedArray[i];
if(clonedArray.indexOf(dept) !== clonedArray.lastIndexOf(dept)){
if(duplicateItems.indexOf(dept) === -1){
/* Remove duplicate found by lastIndexOf, since we've already established that it's a duplicate */
clonedArray.splice(clonedArray.lastIndexOf(dept), 1);
return duplicateItems;

Sorting an array of divs by their ID values

I have a list of divs that I would like to sort by their ID values. The problem is that the IDs are values like this: "indexNumber123".
I would like to sort them "numerically" as in "indexNumber1","indexNumber2","indexNumber3" to reorder them before displaying their HTML.
The code base for this application is a sloppy mess so I thought I could just get away with doing this via DOM manipulation with jquery and just be done with it.
I tried to do this by getting an array of the divs and then passing a compare function to the sort method of the array. I thought I could parse the ID values in the compare method and compare the numeric values, but this is not sorting them correctly.
function compare(a,b) {
var aId = parseInt( /^\D+/g, ''));
var bId = parseInt( /^\D+/g, ''));
if (aId < bId)
return -1;
if (aId > bId)
return 1;
return 0;
//fired on a button click
function sortNumeric() {
var arrDivs = [];
function() {
var sortedDivs = arrDivs.sort(compare);
function compare(a,b) {
var aId = parseInt( /^\D+/g, ''));
var bId = parseInt( /^\D+/g, ''));
return +aId - +bId
//fired on a button click
function sortNumeric() {
var arrDivs = $('[id^="indexNumber"]'),
sortedDivs = arrDivs.sort(compare);
Try this. you probably need to convert "stringID" to NumberID

Dynamically create a two dimensional Javascript Array

Can someone show me the javascript I need to use to dynamically create a two dimensional Javascript Array like below?
desired array contents:
current invalid output from alert(outterArray):
JavaScript code:
var outterArray = new Array();
var innerArray = new Array();
var outterCount=0;
$something.each(function () {
var innerCount = 0;//should reset the inner array and overwrite previous values?
$something.somethingElse.each(function () {
innerArray[innerCount] = $(this).text();
outterArray[outterCount] = innerArray;
This is pretty cut and dry, just set up a nested loop:
var count = 1;
var twoDimensionalArray =[];
for (var i=0;i<2;i++)
var data = [];
for (var j=0;j<5;j++)
data.push("Test" + count);
It sounds like you want to map the array of text for each $something element into an outer jagged array. If so then try the following
var outterArray = [];
$something.each(function () {
var innerArray = [];
$(this).somethingElse.each(function () {
A more flexible approach is to use raw objects, they are used in a similar way than dictionaries. Dynamically expendables and with more options to define the index (as string).
Here you have an example:
var myArray = {};
myArray[13]={}; //here another dimension is created
myArray[13][55]="This is the second dimension";
You don't need to keep track of array lengths yourself; the runtime maintains the ".length" property for you. On top of that, there's the .push() method to add an element to the end of an array.
// ...
// ...
To make a new array, just use []:
innerArray = []; // new array for this row
Also "outer" has only one "t" :-)
[SEE IT IN ACTION ON JSFIDDLE] If that $something variable is a jQuery search, you can use .map() function like this:
var outterArray = [];
var outterArray = $('.something').map(function() {
// find .somethingElse inside current element
return [$(this).find('.somethingElse').map(function() {
return $(this).text();
}).get()]; // return an array of texts ['text1', 'text2','text3']
}).get(); // use .get() to get values only, as .map() normally returns jQuery wrapped array
// notice that this alert text1,text2,text3,text4,text5,text6
// even when the array is two dimensional as you can do this:
<div class="something">
<span class="somethingElse">test1</span>
<span class="somethingElse">test2</span>
<span class="somethingElse">test3</span>
<div class="something">
<span class="somethingElse">test4</span>
<span class="somethingElse">test5</span>
<span class="somethingElse">test6</span>
Here you can see it working in a jsFiddle with your expected result:
I had a similar issue recently while working on a Google Spreadsheet and came up with an answer similar to BrianV's:
// 1st nest to handle number of columns I'm formatting, 2nd nest to build 2d array
for (var i = 1; i <= 2; i++) {
tmpRange = sheet.getRange(Row + 1, Col + i, numCells2Format); // pass/fail cells
var d2Arr = [];
for (var j = 0; j < numCells2Format; j++) {
// 1st column of cells I'm formatting
if ( 1 == i) {
d2Arr[j] = ["center"];
// 2nd column of cells I'm formatting
} else if ( 2 == i ) {
d2Arr[j] = ["left"];
tmpRange.setHorizontalAlignments( d2Arr );
So, basically, I had to make the assignment d2Arr[index]=["some string"] in order to build the multidimensional array I was looking for. Since the number of cells I wanted to format can change from sheet to sheet, I wanted it generalized. The case I was working out required a 15-dimension array. Assigning a 1-D array to elements in a 1-D array ended up making the 15-D array I needed.
you can use Array.apply
Array.apply(0, Array(ARRAY_SIZE)).map((row, rowIndex) => {
return Array.apply(0, Array(ARRAY_SIZE)).map((column, columnIndex) => {
return null;

