reexport all files from a folder webpack - javascript

We're using a folder structure like this
| Button.js
| Nav.js
| ...etc
| index.js
in the inderx file we're importing every component and reexporting it like this
// index.js
import Button from './Button'
import Nav from './Nav'
export {Button, Nav}
this way we can import many components into a file like this
// somefile.js
import {Button, Nav} from '../components'
Maintaining that index file is a bit of a pain though and discourages flexible use of components. I know that Webpack can import many files with a syntax like this
function requireAll(r) { r.keys().forEach(r); }
requireAll(require.context('./components/', true, /\.js$/));
however, I didn't yet find a way to reexport all of these components to use them like above.
The desired outcome is to replace the index.js file with something that automates the process of bundling all the files from a folder without having to add every file manually.

I think getting rid of the file index will not be the best solution and may cause questions from other developers. But I can offer a slightly more simplified way:
export * from './some-component1.js';
export * from './some-component2.js';
export {SomeComponent1};
export {SomeComponent2};


Globally importing ReactJS components in all files

In React when you wanna import components from other files we use:
import ComponentName from 'somePlace';
That works fine, but I wanna know if there is a way to import the content of a file instead of the exports. I wanna put all import statements for components in a single file (e.g. imports.js) and have a statement like:
import './import.js' to all documents;
so all my components are automatically imported everywhere.
Is there a way to do that?
Globally import modules? Not really, no. And neither should you need to.
A hacky "solution" would be assigning all imports to the global context (e.g. window in the browser) so it's accessible that way. That's possible, but definitely not recommended. It'll also prevent your bundler (most likely Webpack) from optimizing a lot of code.
Apart from the technical aspect, there are other reasons not to do so. If you specify the imports in each file, you know exactly what imports that file needs and under what variables it is imported as for that file.
If you still want to simplify importing the same components over and over again, you can have this setup:
// For default exports
import ComponentA from 'wherever';
export { ComponentA };
// For regular exports
//import { ComponentB } from 'wherever';
export { ComponentB } from 'wherever';
// For whole modules
//import * as wherever from 'wherever';
export * as wherever from 'wherever';
// Either import as a namespace
import * as Imports from './imports';
// Or partial import
import { ComponentA, ComponentB } from './imports';

Export JS module without importing it first

I have the following structure for my JS components:
The idea being we can have a folder for each component that can contain a test (and possible other files) and then if we just want to import the component we can rely on the use of the index.js to handle the directory import without having to reference the class inside the folder direct.
So for example:
class Menu extends Component {
// ... more code ..
export default Menu;
export default from './Menu';
And then it can be used like:
import Menu from './components/Menu';
However I found that this didn't work and it couldn't find the module...
So to fix this I had to import Menu into the index.js before export:
import Menu from './Menu';
export default Menu;
But having looked at how other projects have structured their code, I have seen that they are using the former without having to import again...
For example:
See how they have exported from the Breadcrumb without having to do the import first... how have they achieved this?
If you check the provided example, you will see they use
this babel plugin.
So you can add one to your babel plugin stack.
Alternatively, you can look into using just export {default} from "./destination"; form which works as is.

What does import * do in Javascript?

I was browsing through this repo on Github and was trying to comprehend the working of the code
Here, the author (or programmer) have mentioned import * at multiple places so I am trying to comprehend and understand how import * work?
First in Game.js file of his repo he have mentioned/written like this
import * as actions from '../actions';
In VS Code, when if I click on '../actions using command It is redirecting me to this file -> index.js
then in Index.js they have something like this
import * as ActionTypes from './action-types';
when I click on ./action-types it redirects me to here action-types.js
I went through firefox docs but I wasn't able to clearly make sense for the first example like for one, the action folder contains multiple files and how does import * as actions from '../actions'; mean index.js file
While i get he have called/referenced the functions using actions.functionName() or ActionType.TypeName
My Prime question remains
how does import * as actions from '../actions'; mean index.js file ?
The import * as name syntax imports all exported content of a javascript file.
For example, if you want to import an entire module's contents, then access the doAllTheAmazingThings() function
import * as myModule from '/modules/my-module.js';
From the docs
Import in js is new syntax of ES6 to import a module it has the same work of require but its easier to filter what do you want in a module
In your example you import * as actions from '../actions'; you import all function from ../actions file
its same to do const actions = require('../actions')
but its easier to manage what you want
this syntax is not work on all browser so be sure to use transpiler with babel or other
you can see this syntax in python too
When you reference a directory in an import statement, it looks and loads the index.js file in that directory. What I usually do there is export classes and functions under that directory in a grouped object, so they can be easily accessed:
For instance in index.js I export sth like:
where each is imported as such:
import Class1 from './Class1';
So they just group the classes/methods/... that are in files in the directory.
Then you can easily access it as such:
import { Class1, method1 } from './mymodule';
import Class1 from './mymodule/Class1';

How to import everything from a module in react using es6?

I am using brace which is a npm module for theming in ace editor.
Currently, I am importing each theme using
import 'brace/theme/solarized_dark';
How do I import all the themes as I need to give the user the option to pick any theme.
Create one brace/themes/index.js and export the things that you want to acess
export * as theme1 from './theme1';
export * as theme2 from './theme2';
Then import from that folder : (name is index.js so no need to give full path to the file)
import * as SolDark 'brace/themes'; // by default get index.js
Then you can access each method like :
I don't know how does your file structure look like, but lets assume it is something like that
| |---theme1
| |---theme2
| | ...
| |---solarized_dark
Then you could create index.js in the theme folder and inside it:
export {default as theme1} from './theme1';
export {default as theme2} from './theme2';
assuming you have default exports.
Then in other files you just simply do:
import {theme1, theme2} from 'someRelativePath/brace/theme/index'
import * as themes from 'someRelativePath/brace/theme/index'

ES6 modules import is undefined

I'm trying to figure out an issue I have with ES6 modules import.
This is a very simplified version of what I'm attempting to do. My current file structure is much more complicated with nested folders.
I have 2 ReactJS components:
My files look something like this:
I'm importing the MyComponent2 from the root index.js file which is the entry-point of my package.
import MyComponent2 from '../../';
export default () => (
<div><MyComponent2 /></div>
export default () => (
<div>Hello world</div>
My buttons/index.js and texts/index.js files export all components in their own folder:
export { default as MyComponent1 } from './MyComponent1';
export { default as MyComponent2 } from './MyComponent2';
And my root index.js export all my folders to make them publicly available. It's my entry-point:
export * from './buttons';
export * from './texts';
So when I import MyComponent2 in MyComponent1 from the root index.js file, it's undefined. When I import it from ./MyComponent2.js, it's defined. When I import the entire package in another project and import MyComponent2 from the root index.js file, it's defined.
It's mind-blowing and I don't understand why I can't import MyComponent2 from the root index.js file.
I need to do that because I have a set of hundred of components nested in different folder and I want to make them all available from this entry-point file.
Can someone tell me what is happening and how to make this possible?
Okay, took me a while to figure out what is happening. Please take a look at the sandbox i've setup -
I've tried to keep the folder/module structure similar to what you've described. Please look through how the folder/modules are structured before you continue reading.
When you run the code in the sandbox, take a look at the console. You'll see something like this -
So let me try to explain why what you're trying to do is not working
buttons/MyComponent is the first file to be "exported" (since its at the bottom of the dependency chain; Project/index -> components/index -> buttons/index -> buttons/MyComponent)
Note that components/index has not been exported yet, so it will return undefined
Then buttons/index is exported, followed by texts/index
Then buttons/MyComponent is rendered; just before it is rendered i manually require components/index and it is now defined so returns some defined value
In essence, when your MyComponent1 is trying to import MyComponent2 via the index file, the index file has not been exported yet so it returns undefined. To work around this, you have to require MyComponent2 from within MyComponent1's render method.
you can import all the components from the respective component files and then assign them to a variable in the root component and then export all of them as objects.
import MyComponent1 from './buttons/index'
import MyComponent2 from './texts/index'
export {MyComponent1, MyComponent2}
to import this components in another file or project. you could import only one them using object destructuring.
import {MyComponent1} from 'index.js'
import {MyComponent2} from 'index.js'
In my case, I had an old js file that the IDE imported instead of the updated ts file. so if your module file is module.js make sure there isn't a compiled old module.js in the same directory

