Loading styles from firebase firestore onto canvas error - javascript

I am trying to get data from my firestore database and use that data to create a canvas. My goal is to load a set of images and maps to return several canvases.
I am constantly getting this error:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'getContext' of null
I have tried using setTimeout()'s to delay the speed to help the data load quicker, but nothing seems to work.
var gImgObj;
var gMeme = [];
var gCtx;
var canvas;
function memeDivGet(theId){
db.collection("memeInfo").where("creator", "==", theId)
.then(function(querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.forEach(function(doc) {
.then(function(querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.forEach(function(doc) {
// alert("here")
for (var i = 0; i < doc.data().Coordinates.length; i++) {
// alert("here" + i)
line: "line",
size: doc.data().Coordinates[i].fontSize,
align: doc.data().Coordinates[i].align,
color: doc.data().Coordinates[i].color, // in color picker, if choosing color from platte notice it stays "solid".
fontFamily: doc.data().Coordinates[i].fontStyle,
lineWidth: 2, // outline width
x: doc.data().Coordinates[i].xPos,
y: doc.data().Coordinates[i].yPos,
text: doc.data().Text[i]
function initCanvas(link) {
var canvas = document.querySelector('#canvasImage');
gCtx = canvas.getContext('2d');
gImgObj = new Image();
// console.log(link)
gImgObj.src = link;
gImgObj.onload = function () {
canvas.width = gImgObj.width;
canvas.height = gImgObj.height;
function drawCanvas() {
gCtx.drawImage(gImgObj, 0, 0);
for (var i = 0; i < gMeme.length; i++) {
if(i > 1){
for (var i = 0; i < gMeme.length - 1; i++) {
drawTxt(gMeme[i + 1]);
// gMeme.txts.forEach(function (txt) {
// drawTxt(txt);
// });
function drawTxt(txt) {
gCtx.font = txt.size + 'px' + ' ' + txt.fontFamily;
gCtx.textAlign = txt.align;
gCtx.fillStyle = txt.color;
gCtx.fillText(txt.text, txt.x, txt.y);
What I want to return is a set of canvases with the parameters I want.
My database is set up in this way for this section of the code:
(fooIds meaning a random id set by firebase)
Collection 'MemeInfo'
Document (fooIds)
SubCollection 'MIMG'
Document 'A'
Inside Each fooId Document, there is a creatorId which helps the computer find who created this meme, I use this to locate the document I am supposed to use for this particular creator's account.
"gMeme" is an array containing information from the database.
An "A Document" has a BaseIMG (the background image), a coordinates array with maps inside (containing the size, color, fontFamily, and other parameters), and a text array with strings inside. There is an image of an "A Document" attached.
I understand that this is quite confusing so if you have any questions please ask them in the comments section.


pts.js 'NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: ' Error when trying to use an image for a particle

I'm wanting to load the same an image for particles in pts.js.
When I try to use a local image from my assets folder I get the error "NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE:" in the console.
I read somewhere this may be due to the image trying to be used before it has even been loaded in...
I've also tried using an external link to some other image rather than a local one and that works. So not sure what is happening with my local files.
I just tried this on chrome rather than firefox and I'm getting a new and more detailed error message.
"Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The HTMLImageElement provided is in the 'broken' state." in pts.min.js:6.
Still not sure exactly what is wrong.
Pts.quickStart('#hello', 'transparent')
var world
// Loading in image to be used
var myImg = new Image()
myImg.src = '/assets/img/myImage.png'
start: (bound, space) => {
// Create world and 100 random points
world = new World(space.innerBound, 1, 0)
let pts = Create.distributeRandom(space.innerBound, 20)
// Create particles and hit them with a random impulse
for (let i = 0, len = pts.length; i < len; i++) {
let p = new Particle(pts[i]).size(i === 0 ? 10 : 20)
p.hit(0, 0)
world.particle(0).lock = true
animate: (time, ftime) => {
world.drawParticles((p, i) => {
// Image variable for the particle to be drawn as
action: (type, px, py) => {
if (type == 'move') {
world.particle(0).position = new Pt(px, py)
resize: (bound, evt) => {
if (world) world.bound = space.innerBound
For drawing images on canvas, the image needs to be loaded first. You can keep track of it using myImg.addEventListener( 'load', ... ).
Once it's loaded, you can use it in form.image( myImg, ... ) in Pts' animate loop.
Here's a working example based on your code above:
Pts.quickStart( "#pt", "#123" );
//// Demo code starts (anonymous function wrapper is optional) ---
(function() {
var world;
var imgReady = false;
// Loading in image to be used
var myImg = new Image()
myImg.src = 'http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/icojoy/maneki-neko/256/cat-6-icon.png';
myImg.addEventListener('load', function() {
imgReady = true;
}, false);
space.add( {
start: (bound, space) => {
// Create world and 100 random points
world = new World( space.innerBound, 1, 0 );
let pts = Create.distributeRandom( space.innerBound, 100 );
// Create particles and hit them with a random impulse
for (let i=0, len=pts.length; i<len; i++) {
let p = new Particle( pts[i] ).size( (i===0) ? 30 : 3+Math.random()*space.size.x/50 );
p.hit( Num.randomRange(-50,50), Num.randomRange(-25, 25) );
world.add( p );
world.particle( 0 ).lock = true; // lock it to move it by pointer later on
animate: (time, ftime) => {
world.drawParticles( (p, i) => {
if (imgReady) {
console.log( p )
form.image(myImg, [p.$subtract( p.radius ), p.$add( p.radius )] );
world.update( ftime );
action:( type, px, py) => {
if (type == "move") {
world.particle( 0 ).position = new Pt(px, py);
resize: (bound, evt) => {
if (world) world.bound = space.innerBound;

Object instance is stripped of its methods [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
socket.io - emited objects from server lose their functions and name once received by client
(1 answer)
Socket.io passing javascript object
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
For an online board game I am making, I have defined a Tile class, whose instances I use to create a "map". The Tile class has several properties, and a method called show which displays the instance on the canvas.
All the scripts are passed on to the clients as static files via script tags in the index.html which is served by node.js. The instantiation of the Tile class worked properly before I introduced the server. Now it produces some very weird and interesting results.
The HexMap class, creates upon instantiation a 2d array of Tiles as follows:
function HexMap (width, height, image) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.contents = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.width; i++) {
this.contents[i] = [];
for (let j = 0; j < this.height; j++)
this.contents[i].push(new Tile(i, j, size, image, "SEA"));
The code for the Tile class is this:
var Tile = function (row, column, side, image, type) {
Vector.call(this, row, column);
this.unit = null;
this.canvas = null;
this.side = side;
this.type = type;
this.startingPoint = new Vector(this.x*Math.sqrt(3)*this.side + (this.y& 1) * this.side*Math.sqrt(3)/2, this.side*1.5*this.y);
this.middlePoint = new Vector(this.startingPoint.x + Math.sqrt(3)*this.side/2, this.startingPoint.y + this.side/2);
this.getOffset = function () {
return {
"SEA" : 0,
"PLAINS" : 120,
"MOUNTAINS" : 300,
"SWAMP" : 360,
"MARSH" : 420
this.getVector = function () {
return new Vector(this.x, this.y);
this.show = function (context) {
this.canvas = makeTemplate(side, this.type, image);
context.drawImage(this.canvas, this.startingPoint.x - this.getOffset(), this.startingPoint.y);
this.getPixelX = function () {
return this.x*Math.sqrt(3)*this.side + (this.y & 1) * this.side;
this.getPixelY = function () {
return this.side/2 + this.side*2*this.y;
this.setType = function (type){
this.type = type;
Printing a Tile object in the console would normally display something like this:
Tile {x: 0, y: 0, unit: null, canvas: canvas, side: 15, …}
I tried the same thing using the server this time, and the result is this:
{x: 0, y: 1, unit: null, canvas: null, side: 15, …}
Interestingly enough, the result is indeed an object, but not a Tile object. It has all the properties a Tile object has, but has none of its methods.
The error I end up getting is this:
tile.show is not a function
The map object is created and transferred to the server via socket.io sockets. The following piece of code runs on the client (the guest).
function selectGame(id) {
var hexmap = new HexMap(rowspan, colspan, spritesheet);
socket.emit('game-select', {id: id, hexmap: hexmap});
The server then receives the map:
socket.on('game-select', function (data) {
//The 2 sockets corresponding to the players join the same room
//The start-game event is emitted for just the sockets of the same room
io.to(games[socket.id].identifier).emit('start-game', {
map: data.hexmap
Then both the clients receive it again:
socket.on('start-game', function (data) {
let el = document.getElementById("wrapper");
hexmap = data.map;
contexts = setupCanvas();
displayMap(hexmap, contexts.mapContext);
What displayMap does is it iterates through the contents of the map, and displays each Tile using its show method.
I cannot pin down the problem no matter how hard i try... Any suggestion on how to solve this?

Type Error - Referencing Javascript Classes

Firstly a little elaboration of the project I'm working on. I have started building a 'map maker' for a 2d game I am working on. The project is just for fun and has proven so far to be a great way to learn new things.
I recently showed my working map maker code to a friend who suggested it would be much more re-usable if I restructured the project to be more OOR, which I am now attempting.
The problem I have is when I add a 'Guild' instance to my map, the first one works fine, but the second causes a type error that is giving me a headache!
I will post all of the relevant code from the different files below, but the overall structure is as follows:
Map.js = Map class file, container for setting the map overall size and iterating over (and placing) map objects.
MapObject.js = Class file for simple map objects such as walls, contains the position and icon properties.
Guild.js = Class file, extends MapObject.js, this is where my problem seems to be, adds an additional 'MapIcon' and will have other features such as levels and names etc.
map-maker.js = Main file for generating the map-maker page, utilises the above class files to create the map.
Below is the code used to create an instance of 'Guild' on my map:
map-maker.js (creating the map / map object / guild instances)
// Initialise a new instance of map class from Map.js using the user
provided values for #mapX and #mapY.
var currentMap = new Map(XY,40);
// Get the user box volume * map boxsize from Map.js
// Create a Map Object and push it to the currentMap with its position.
function createMapObject(x,y,floor){
currentMap.objects.push(new MapObject(x,y,floor));
// Create a Guild Object (extension of Map Object) and push it to the currentMap with its position.
function createGuildObject(x,y,floor){
currentMap.objects.push(new Guild(x,y,floor));
case 13: // Enter Key (Submit)
if(currentFloor != null){
currentFloor.hasFloor = true;
if(currentFloor.tileName == "Guild"){
}else {
console.log("Map object created at - X:"+currentFloor.position.x+" Y:"+currentFloor.position.y);
currentFloor = [];
Guild.js (constructor and assigning map icon)
class Guild extends MapObject {
constructor(x,y,floor) {
this.levels = [];
mapIcon() {
this.mapIcon = new Image();
this.mapIcon.src = "../images/mapSprites/obj-1.png"
return this.mapIcon;
MapObject.js (position setup and constructor)
class MapObject {
constructor(x,y,floor) {
this.position = {x, y};
this.icon = this.wallFloorIcons(floor);
wallFloorIcons(floor) {
this.img = new Image();
this.name = "";
this.name += (floor.wallNorth) ? 'n' : '';
this.name += (floor.wallEast) ? 'e' : '';
this.name += (floor.wallSouth) ? 's' : '';
this.name += (floor.wallWest) ? 'w' : '';
this.name = 'wall-'+this.name+'.png';
if(this.name == 'wall-.png'){
this.img.src = "../images/mapSprites/floor.png";
}else {
this.img.src = "../images/mapSprites/"+this.name;
return this.img;
getIcon() {
return this.img;
Map.js (processing the objects at a given location and drawing the canvas)
class Map {
// Map Width / Height and number of boxes. Used to generate map and zoom level.
constructor(wh, boxSize) {
this.size = wh;
this.width = wh[0];
this.height = wh[1];
this.boxSize = boxSize;
this.objects = [];
this.boxes = wh[0];
// Calculates the width and height * boxSize for rendering the canvas.
this.realX = Math.floor(this.width * this.boxSize);
this.realY = Math.floor(this.height * this.boxSize);
this.realX = parseInt(this.realX,10);
this.realY = parseInt(this.realY,10);
this.realXY = [
return this.realXY;
// Draws the canvas, grid and adds the objects that belong to the map.
var self = this;
self.canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
self.c = self.canvas.getContext("2d");
self.background = new Image();
self.background.src = "../images/mapSprites/oldPaperTexture.jpg";
// Make sure the image is loaded first otherwise nothing will draw.
self.background.onload = function(){
var self = this;
self.c.lineWidth = 1;
self.c.strokeStyle = 'black';
self.c.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)";
for (var row = 0; row < self.boxes; row++) {
for (var column = 0; column < self.boxes; column++) {
var x = column * self.boxSize;
var y = row * self.boxSize;
self.c.rect(x, y, self.boxSize, self.boxSize);
for (var i=0; i<self.objects.length; i++) {
var floor = self.objects[i];
if (floor.position.x == column && floor.position.y == row) {
if (self.objectsAtPosition({x:floor.position.x, y:floor.position.y}) != null) {
var mapObjects = self.objectsAtPosition({x:floor.position.x, y:floor.position.y})
for (var mapObject of mapObjects) {
this.c.drawImage(mapObject.getIcon(), x, y, self.boxSize, self.boxSize);
if(mapObject instanceof Guild){
this.c.drawImage(mapObject.mapIcon(), x, y, self.boxSize, self.boxSize);
for( var i = 0; i < this.objects.length; i++){
if(this.objects[i] == this.objs){
delete this.objects[i];
objectsAtPosition(position) {
var objs = [];
for (var o of this.objects) {
if (o.position.x == position.x && o.position.y == position.y) {
return objs;
When I run the code, this is my error:
Uncaught TypeError: mapObject.mapIcon is not a function
at Map.fillMap (Map.js:70)
at Image.self.background.onload (Map.js:39)
The error comes after I add 1 guild then try to add any other map object. Guild or otherwise.
Sorry if this question is a little vague, I'm still learning (as you can see :p).
Thanks for your time!
Earl Lemongrab
Got a solution from a friend in the end.
The issue was that I was reassigning this.mapIcon = new Image() so it exploded when it was called a second time.
Feel pretty silly for not spotting it.
Thanks for the help everyone.

Kineticjs Object Handling & Event Listener

I sell custom equipment and on my site, I have a flash tool where customers can assign colors to glove parts and see what it will look like.
I've been working on a HTML5 version of this tool, so the iPad crowd can do the same thing. Click here for what I've done,
I took kineticjs multiple picture loader and hacked it to load all the pics necessary to stage and the color buttons, which are multiple instances of the same image. In their example, it was only 2 images, so they var name each image, which were manipulative. My goal is to dynamically create variable, based on image name.
I'm using a for loop and if statements to position the parts according to their type. If the image being loaded is a button, the original instance is not added to the stage, but another for loop, with a counter, creates instances and put on the stage. The variable is part string+n (wht0). From here I initiate an eventlistener, when clicked is suppose to hide all glove parts pertaining to the option and show the appropriate color. That code I have already in my AS.
I created an eventlistener on the white buttons (first button) that when clicked, I set it to hide one of the white leather part of glove. But when I click the button, I get the error in console that the glove part (ex wlt_wht), I get an error stating that the object is not defined. But when the image was loaded the variable name came from the current array object being loaded.
I added another variable before the callback call, to convert the content of the array to a string and used the document.write to confirm that the object name is correct, but after creating the object its now [object object]. In flash, you manually assign the movie clip name and target.name is available if you call it.
How can I write the Image obj so I can control the object? In the doc there is a reference for id and name as properties of the object, but when I set these, it did not work with me. Sure, I could have manually created each Kinetic.Image(), but there's no fun in that.. especially with 191 images. Any tip on how I can get around this problem?
Checkout http://jsfiddle.net/jacobsultd/b2BwU/6/ to examine and test script.
function loadImages(sources, callback) {
var assetDir = 'http://dev.nystixs.com/test/inf/';
var fileExt = '.png';
var images = {};
var loadedImages = 0;
var numImages = 0;
for (var src in sources) {
for (var src in sources) {
images[src] = new Image();
images[src].onload = function () {
var db = sources[src].toString();
var dbname = db.slice(-0, -4);
if (++loadedImages >= numImages) {
callback(images, dbname);
images[src].src = assetDir + sources[src];
//images[src].src = assetDir+sources[src]+".png";
function initStage(images, db) {
var shapesLayer = new Kinetic.Layer();
var messageLayer = new Kinetic.Layer();
//Loading Images
var xpos = 0;
var ypos = 200;
for (var i in images) {
var glvP = i.slice(0, 3);
db = new Kinetic.Image({
image: images[i],
x: xpos,
y: ypos
if (glvP == "wlt") {
db.setPosition(186.95, 7.00);
} else if (glvP == "lin") {
db.setPosition(204.95, 205.00);
} else if (glvP == "plm") {
db.setPosition(311.95, 6.00);
} else if (glvP == "web") {
db.setPosition(315.95, 7.00);
} else if (glvP == "lce") {
db.setPosition(162.95, 3.00);
} else if (glvP == "thb") {
db.setPosition(63.00, 28.60);
} else if (glvP == "bfg") {
db.setPosition(167.95, 7.00);
} else if (glvP == "wst") {
db.setPosition(208.95, 234.00);
} else if (glvP == "fpd") {
db.setPosition(252.95, 82.00);
} else if (glvP == "bac") {
db.setPosition(0, 0);
} else if (glvP == "bnd") {
db.setPosition(196.95, 164.00);
} else {}
var rect = new Kinetic.Rect({
x: 710,
y: 6,
stroke: '#555',
strokeWidth: 5,
fill: '#ddd',
width: 200,
height: 325,
shadowColor: 'white',
shadowBlur: 10,
shadowOffset: [5, 5],
shadowOpacity: 0.2,
cornerRadius: 10
// End of Glove Parts Tabs
//Load Color Buttons
if (glvP == "wht") {
xpos = -5.00;
bpos = 375;
var zpos = -5.00;
var tpos = -5.00;
db.setPosition(xpos, bpos);
var n = 0;
for (n = 0; n < 12; n++) {
if (n < 4) {
var glvB = "wht" + n;
var btn = glvB;
glvB = new Kinetic.Image({
image: images[i],
width: 18,
height: 18,
id: 'wht0'
glvB.on('mouseout', function () {
glvB.on('mouseover', function () {
writeColors('White', btn);
glvB.on('click', function () {
console.log(glvB + " clicked");
glvB.setPosition((xpos + 20), bpos);
xpos = (xpos + 230);
You can use your .png image filenames to automate your color-button coding efforts.
No need to manually code 10 glove components X 21 colors per component (210 color buttons).
Assume you’ve split the each image URL (filename) to get the color and glove-type.
Then you can create all 210 color buttons with one piece of reusable code.
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/m1erickson/H5FDc/
Example Code:
// Usage:
// 1 function to add 210 color-buttons
function addColorButton(x,y,color,component){
// create this button
var button=new Kinetic.Image({
image: imageArray[ color+"-color-button" ],
// save the color as a property on this button
// save the glove component name as a property on this button
button.gloveComponent=component; // eg, "fingers"
// resuable click handler
// Will change the gloves "#fingers" to "red-fingers-image"
// eg. get the image "red-fingers-image"
var newImage = imageArray[this.gloveColor+"-"+this.gloveComponent+"-image"];
// eg. get the Kinetic.Image with id:”finger”
var glovePart = layer.find("#"+this.gloveComponent”][0];
// change the Kinetic id:finger’s image
// to the red-fingers-image

Javascript memory leak deleting Raphael path objects

I have a memory leak in my code and I cannot figure out what is causing it. I am receiving target data from a WebSocket which contains basically an ID and an X,Y coordinate. The data is passed to a HandleData function which creates a circle for each target and a line (which is updated) to show where the target has moved from/to.
If a target no longer appears in the WebSocket stream it is removed. On testing I have found the webpage quickly amasses hundreds of mb of data in spite of me removing these items. Upon using Chrome's memory profiler it seems Raphael (or something) is holding onto all the path information in spite of me deleting it.
If anyone can help me in anyway I would be very grateful. It does seem that Raphael is holding onto the data but there is every chance I have made a mistake somewhere in my code :)
var arrayColours = ["#f33", "#3f3", "#33f", "#f66", "#6f6", "#66f"];
var targetStructArray = [];
function HandleTargetData(data) {
//Go through all our existing targets and mark them as not updated
for (var i = 0; i < targetStructArray.length; i++) {
targetStructArray[i].updated = false;
for (var i = 0; i < data.targets.length; i++) {
var targetData = data.targets[i];
var targetStruct = undefined;
//find our targetStruct
for (var j = 0; j < targetStructArray.length; j++) {
if (targetStructArray[j].id == targetData.id) {
targetStruct = targetStructArray[j];
//If it doesnt exist, create it
if (!targetStruct) {
var path = paper.path();
path.attr({ "stroke-width": "2", "stroke": "#888" });
path.addPart(['M', targetData.x, targetData.y]);
var circle = paper.circle(targetData.x, targetData.y, 15, 15).attr({
stroke: "none",
fill: arrayColours[Math.floor(Math.random() * arrayColours.length)] //random colour
//Create our struct
targetStruct = {
circle: circle,
path: path,
id: targetData.id,
updated: false
else {
targetStruct.circle.attr({ cx: targetData.x, cy: targetData.y });
targetStruct.path.addPart(['L', targetData.x, targetData.y]);
//ensure we are set as updated
targetStruct.updated = true;
//Go through all our existing targets and delete any that werent updated
for (var i = targetStructArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!targetStructArray[i].updated) {
targetStructArray[i].circle = null;
targetStructArray[i].path = null;
targetStructArray[i] = null;
I use two functions not listed here which are John Resig's Array.Remove and a Raphael helper function from a different question

