How to find and update key data? - javascript

I have a document like this in mongo collection :
"_id" :"sdsfsfd323323323ssd",
"data" : {
"('State', 'Get-Alert', 'BLIST_1', 'MessageData')" : [
"('State', \"Get-Server -Server 'uds412'\"):[
and I need to update "uds412" to "newValue".
Someone please help , how to find and replace it ?

You can convert you valid JSON object into string and replace string to new value and again parse it into valid JSON object.
obj={ ...YOUR JSON OBJECT... }
newobj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj).replace('uds412','newValue'))

Finally , i solve it like this,
problem was , i need to find substring from key and update that key.
// first query the document
db.server_col.find().forEach(function (docs) {
var tempData = {};
var tempDataAr = [];
for (var key in docs["data"]) {
var find = /'uds412'/;
if (key.match(find)) {
tempDataAr = docs["data"][key]
key = key.replace('uds412', 'newValue');
tempData[key] = tempDataAr;
} else {
tempData[key] = docs["data"][key];
// then you can update it
db.server_col.update({ "_id" : ObjectId("sdfsfdafs")}, { $set: { 'data':tempData } }, { multi: true })


How can I merge individual object values?

I have the following problem:
I want to read out my table names from a SQL database and then make a comparison as to whether it already exists. I know there is the formula IF EXISTS ... but IF doesn't work .. So here's my previous variant:
First i extracted everything before the filename.csv (C:\Users\Frederic\Desktop\Drag&Drop...) and then the ".csv". Do not be surprised why 51;) The filename is so long
var filename = filePath.slice(51);
var richtigername = filename.replace(".csv","").toString();
here the result in the console:
for example: fxbewertung
As a second step I let me show the file names:
connection.query('Show tables from datein', function(err, datein) {
let string = JSON.stringify(datein);
let json = JSON.parse(string);
here the result in the console:
[ { Tables_in_datein: 'fxbewertung' },
{ Tables_in_datein: 'kontoauszug' },
{ Tables_in_datein: 'lsreport' } ]
Furthermore, I extracted the values (name of the SQL tables):
for (var k = 0; k < json.length; k++) {
var werte = Object.values(json[k])
here the result in the console:
[ 'fxbewertung' ]
[ 'kontoauszug' ]
[ 'lsreport' ]
Now I don't know how i can take the comparison that for example for the file fxbewertung exist a database ('fxbewertung').
My consideration is to somehow browse the individual arrays .. or merge and then browse. At the end should come out true or false
P.S .: it may well be complicated yet but I'm not a real programmer or something;)
Best regards
You can use some() method to check if a table exists for that filename.
var tableExists = tables.some(item => item['Tables_in_datein'] === filename);
Live Example:
var tables = [{
Tables_in_datein: 'fxbewertung'
Tables_in_datein: 'kontoauszug'
Tables_in_datein: 'lsreport'
var filename = 'fxbewertung';
var tableExists = tables.some(item => item['Tables_in_datein'] === filename);
if (!tableExists) {
// Table not found for filename.
} else {
// Table found. Do something.
Assuming you finished executing your query and stored the data as following:
const queryResult = [ { Tables_in_datein: 'fxbewertung' },
{ Tables_in_datein: 'kontoauszug' },
{ Tables_in_datein: 'lsreport' } ]
You'll then need to map this array to extract the values and store them in a single array like so:
const values =>e[Object.keys(e)[0]]) // ["fxbewertung", "kontoauszug", "lsreport"]
Since you're looking for a true/false result by giving a file name, you'll need to use indexOf to achieve that.
const valueExists = filename => values.indexOf(filename) !== -1
After that execute valueExists with the file name you're looking for:
valueExists("kontoauszug"); // true
valueExists("potato"); // false
Hope this helps!
An efficient solution could be to use Array.prototype.find(). Where it would return from the moment it finds a truthy value and would not iterate till the end (unless the match exists at the end).
Demo Code:
const tablesArr = [
Tables_in_datein: "fxbewertung"
Tables_in_datein: "kontoauszug"
Tables_in_datein: "lsreport"
const tabletoFind = "fxbewertung";
const tableFound = tablesArr.find(item => item["Tables_in_datein"] === tabletoFind) ? true: false;
//*yes table found*/
///*nope table not found*/

JS converting an array to a json linked list?

I am new to JS and the concepts of organising data elude me a little, trying to take data from a specific array format (as this is what I have to work with) and output it into another specific JSON format.
This is to pass data to the D3 sankey module
I can't figure out is how to add the index of the node into the links, rather than the name.
Really I am just totally lost with it!
I made a fiddle here:
Below is an example of the data and the output required
var data= [
{"source":"Agricultural 'waste'","target":"Bio-conversion","value":"124.2729"},
{"source":"Bio-conversion","target":"Electricity grid","value":"0.597"},
var output= {
{"name":"Agricultural 'waste'"},
{"name":"Electricity grid"},
Here is my code from the fiddle thusfar
var data=[{"source":"Agricultural 'waste'","target":"Bio-conversion","value":"124.2729"},
{"source":"Bio-conversion","target":"Electricity grid","value":"0.597"},
var sourceArray=[];
for (var i=0; i <data.length; i++ ) {
var node= {"name":data[i].source};
var found = jQuery.inArray(node, sourceArray);
if (found < 0) {
// Element was not found, add it.
In javascript:
[ ] annotations are used to describe an Array, like:
var names=["John","Lisa"]
{ } Its are used to describe an Object
var person = {"name" : "John", "age" : 23}
You can use them inside one another
var people=[{"name" : "John", "age" : 23},{"name" : "Lisa", "age" : 44}]
Try this:
var data=[{"source":"Agricultural 'waste'","target":"Bio-conversion","value":"124.2729"},
{"source":"Bio-conversion","target":"Electricity grid","value":"0.597"},
var sourceArray=[];
var linkArray=[];
for (var i=0; i <data.length; i++ ) {
var node= {"name":data[i].source,};
var link= {
var found = jQuery.inArray(node, sourceArray);
if (found >= 0) {
// Element was found, remove it.
sourceArray.splice(found, 1);
linkArray.splice(found, 1);
} else {
// Element was not found, add it.
finalArray={"nodes": sourceArray,"links": linkArray}
Array.reduce() is perfect for this use case ;)
Take a look.
var data=[{"source":"Agricultural 'waste'","target":"Bio-conversion","value":"124.2729"},
{"source":"Bio-conversion","target":"Electricity grid","value":"0.597"},
var output = data.reduce(function(result, item){
for(key in search = ['source','target']) {
var value = item[search[key]];
if(! result.index.hasOwnProperty(value)){
result.index[value] = Object.keys(result.index).length;
result.nodes.push({name: value});
source: result.index[item.source],
target: result.index[],
value: Number(item.value)
return result;
}, {nodes: [], links: [], index: {}});
delete output.index;

Store object inside object and update

I am trying to store an array inside and object like this:
var fieldData = {
checkedItem: {
fieldID : “1234”,
SelectedFields : []
checkedItem: {
fieldID : “12345”,
SelectedFields : []
I then want to also replace all selected fields to this object at a later stage.
I am a newbie to this so not sure how it would be done, I have tried everything I can think of!
The later changes to the object will referenced by fieldID.
I have tried stuff like:
fieldData["fieldID"] = selectedFieldSeq;
fieldData[selectedFieldSeq]["SelectedFields"] = $('#Tree').jqxTree('getCheckedItems');
returns an array of checked items on my tree.
This should do it:
'fieldID = $('#Tree').jqxTree('getCheckedItems');'
'fieldData.SelectedFields = fieldID'
There is a problem with this line :
fieldData[selectedFieldSeq] is not defined, so it's return undefined
You need to initialize it before using it :
if (!fieldData[selectedFieldSeq]) {
fieldData[selectedFieldSeq] = {
SelectedFields : []
After, you can assign some value to SelectedFields.
Or did you want to simply do this : fieldData.SelectedFields = ...; ?

Issue Pushing values in to objects Javascript

Have some issue with push the values in to the javascript array object. Please any one give me the perfect solution
Class code :
var myfuns = ( function(undefined) {
var myarr ={};
function _add(arrayparam){
if (myarr.current == undefined) {
myarr.current = [];
function _getList() {
return $.extend(true, {}, myarr);
return {
add : _add,
getList : _getList
Here am calling and manage the values and keys
function setmydetails(){
var my_param = {
current_info : {
pg : '#tset',
no : 12,
name : "john",
row : 0,
userprofile : [],
class : [],
marks : [],
games : []
Now i got the array
myfuns.getList() // GOT proper array what i passed in my_param
Question : How to modify the existing values from any one of the Inner array from the myarr Obj
Ex: Once First array created later have to modify some from "myarr.current" = > Change current_info.row to 2222
Similar i have to add some array in to " myarr.class " etc
I would like to say try this one not tested
function _add(arrayparam){
if (myarr.current == undefined) {
myarr.current = [];
$.extend( myarr.current, arrayparam);
proper source :

Regular expression for accessing map in java script

How to I fetch some rows of particular pattern ?
var list = {
kk_list_name : "jack",
kk_list_no : "123",
kk_first_name :"Reck",
kk_first_no : "5555"
Here I want a map with key starting with kk_list
I tried some thing like this, which obviously didnt work.
You can try something like this:
function filterArray( list, regex )
var outputArray = {};
for( var key in list )
if( key.match( regex ) )
outputArray[key] = list[key];
return outputArray;
var list = {
kk_list_name : "jack",
kk_list_no : "123",
kk_first_name :"Reck",
kk_first_no : "5555"
console.log( filterArray( list, /kk_list_\w+/ ) );
It uses a function to filter the array and make a new one with the regex-selected keys.
You can reduce the object to one with just the keys matching a specified regex using the following:
Object.prototype.reduce = function(regex) {
var newObj = {}, x;
for(x in this) if(this.hasOwnProperty(x) && (!regex || regex.test(x))) newObj[x] = this[x];
return newObj;
And then call it as list.reduce(/_first.*$/) => Object {kk_first_name: "Reck", kk_first_no: "5555"}
You can use the following code:
var list = {
kk_list_name : "jack",
kk_list_no : "123",
kk_first_name :"Reck",
kk_first_no : "5555"
var line=JSON.stringify(list);
var ar=line.match(/(kk_list[^" :]*)/g)

