LocalStorage isn't passing the number 9 - javascript

I'm am having problems with localStorage, my localStorage isn't passing the number 9. What can I do to resolve this problem?
I've tried so many things, but nothing works.
I am doing this:
if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") {
if (sessionStorage.pontos) {
sessionStorage.pontos = Number(sessionStorage.pontos) + 1;
} else {
sessionStorage.pontos = 1;
document.getElementById('pontos').innerHTML = "PONTOS: " + sessionStorage.pontos;
} else {
document.getElementById('pontos').innerHTML = "ERROR";
if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") {
if (sessionStorage.pontos > localStorage.Recpontos) {
localStorage.Recpontos = Number(localStorage.Recpontos) + 1;
This action happen when click in a button.
And I go to the browser console, and nothing, in the console show this:
> localStorage.Recpontos
> sessionStorage.pontos
And it was not to be happening this, because when the sessionStorage.pontos is greater than localStorage.Recpontos was for the two to be in the same value. And 9 has only one place, and 10 has two, I think this is the problem.
I expected the localStorage.Recpontos will be added 1 when the sessionStorage.point is larger than it.

You need to compare the values as numbers, not strings.
if (Number(sessionStorage.pontos) > Number(localStorage.Recpontos)) {
localStorage.Recpontos = Number(localStorage.Recpontos) + 1;
If you compare them as strings, it performs a lexicographic comparison, and "10" < "9" because "1" < "9".


What's a better way to initialize with zero or increment for objects?

I'm writing analytics and I have to initialize counter counts for (keys) hours, days, weeks, years so as to get frequency of user activity. I need to create a hit count for respective time and increment accordingly. Visits are fed via a loop.
I have this working but I'm not sure if the code below is ideal to do so.
if(!analytics.users[message.user].counts.hourly[hour]) {
analytics.users[message.user].counts.hourly[hour] = 0;
analytics.users[message.user].counts.hourly[hour] += 1;
if(!analytics.users[message.user].counts.daily[day]) {
analytics.users[message.user].counts.daily[day] = 0;
analytics.users[message.user].counts.daily[day] += 1;
I've tried the x = x + 1 || 0 method but that hasn't worked.
Also, is there a way I can set up a function for this?
You could use a function which take the object and the key and perfoms the check and update.
function increment(object, key) {
if (!object[key]) object[key] = 0;
Call with
increment(analytics.users[message.user].counts.hourly, hour);
I've tried the x = x + 1 || 0
You almost got it. It should either be:
x = x || 0;
x = x + 1 || 1;
So, change your code to:
analytics.users[message.user].counts.hourly[hour] =
(analytics.users[message.user].counts.hourly[hour] + 1) || 1
If analytics.users[message.user].counts.hourly[hour] is undefined, the increment operation returns NaN. This is a falsy value. So, it takes 1
You can create a simple increment function like the one below. It first checks for the key to be initialized and if not, it will initialize it to 0. The next line with the increment is safe to execute since the key was previously created.
let message = {
user: "user"
let analytics = {
users: {
"user": {
counts: {
function incrementAnalytics(analytics, period) {
analytics[period] = analytics[period] || 0;
let test = analytics.users[message.user].counts;
incrementAnalytics(test, "hourly");
incrementAnalytics(test, "hourly");
incrementAnalytics(test, "daily");

(FunctionReturn() - 1) fails but (-1 + FunctionReturn()) succeeds?

I have a getter/setter function that returns an absolute value. So I presumed that JavaScript would allow me to perform arithmetic with it. But it only works in a certain order...
NOTE: pos.get("log", pos.get("log") + 1) always returns 1 in these examples.
console.log("initial log: " + (-1 + pos.get("log", pos.get("log") + 1)));
// PSEUDO-CODE: -1 + (log += 1)
// RESULT: 0
The above code works as expected. But switch around the order and it all changes... Despite pos.get() always returning an absolute value of the same type. (Number)
console.log("initial log: " + (pos.get("log", pos.get("log") + 1) - 1));
// PSEUDO-CODE: (log += 1) - 1
// RESULT: 1
If log was equal to 0 from the beginning, the first console.log() prints 0. However, the second prints 1. I get no errors in the console whatsoever. Took me a while to figure out that the "- 1" was just being completely disregarded.
EDIT: Definition of pos.get()
get: function(str, val) {
switch(str) {
case "start": {
if(val != undefined) {
start = val;
return start;
case "log": {
if(val != undefined) {
log = val;
return log;
case "offset": {
if(val != undefined) {
offset = val;
return offset;
Be sure that your function returns a number (e.g. float), eventually with parseFloat(). Now, I think the js parser doesn't know.
With 1 - yourFunction() the js parser suggests that the return value of your function is numeric.

Assigning a variable = to any number between these two numbers

is there any way of assigning a variable lets say,
var between = any number between 5 and 10?
So when I call something like,
if(between === 6){
//do this
it ends up being true and running the code?
You would use two parts to a comparison. There is no single operand in Javascript that checks for "betweenness". You could build your own function to do that if you wanted. Here's an if statement that requires two conditions to be true before the statement is true:
if (val >= 5 && val <= 10) {
// val is between 5 and 10 (including both 5 and 10)
Or, you could build yourself a little function:
function isBetween(val, min, max) {
return val >= min && val <= max;
if (isBetween(val, 5, 10)) {
// val is between the two numbers
If you prefer jQuery and have between numbers in the array, one of the way to solve this kind of task is by using jQuery.inArray().
for example:
var between = [5,6,7,8,9,10];
if($.inArray(6, between)) {
// do somethings

screeps: conditions won't work - clueless

So i have been trying this to automatically spawn Creeps in percentage to total living creeps.
however when i run this, it just keeps on spawning harvesters, completely ignoring the conditions even though console.log returns the expected results .
and now i'm clueless about what is going wrong
//creepManager.creations() == counts total creeps and spawns creeps in function of total
var spawnCreep = require('spawnCreep');
var counter = require('counter');
if( counter.guardCount()/counter.totalCount()<0.5 && counter.harvesterCount()>1){
} else if (counter.harvesterCount()/counter.totalCount()<0.3){
} else if(counter.builderCount()/counter.totalCount()<0.2){
} else {
spawnCreep.guard(); //default
}; // 5guards, 3harvesters, 2 builder per 10CREEPS`
(spawnCreep is another module which keeps track of how the creepers are build)
I was doing something similar in my old code:
function allocateResources() {
var counts = {guard : 0, healer : 0}
for (var name in Game.creeps) {
if (name.indexOf("guard") > -1) {
} else if (name.indexOf("builder") > -1) {
// ...
if (counts["guard"] / (counts["total"] + 1) < 0.51) {
} else if (counts["builder"] / (counts["total"] + 1) < 0.34) {
// ...
You should make sure that you avoid division by zero, perhaps that's the bug for you.

Small Straight (Yahtzee) Algorithm

I have created a working javascript function to check an array of 5 numbers for a small straight, in a Yahtzee game I'm making. I've tested it to no end and I'm confident it works 100% of the time, but it is also probably the worst algorithm of all time in terms of being efficient. Here is what it looks like:
function calcSmstraight() {
var sum = 0;
var r = new Array();
var r2 = new Array();
var counter = 0;
var temp;
var bool = false;
var bool2 = false;
r[0] = document.getElementById('setKeep1').value;
r[1] = document.getElementById('setKeep2').value;
r[2] = document.getElementById('setKeep3').value;
r[3] = document.getElementById('setKeep4').value;
r[4] = document.getElementById('setKeep5').value;
// Move non-duplicates to new array
r2[0] = r[0];
for(var i=0; i<r.length; i++) {
for(var j=0; j<r2.length; j++) {
if(r[i] == r2[j]) {
bool2 = true; // Already in new list
// Add to new list if not already in it
if(!bool2) {
bool2 = false;
// Make sure list has at least 4 different numbers
if(r2.length >= 4) {
// Sort dice from least to greatest
while(counter < r2.length) {
if(r2[counter] > r2[counter+1]) {
temp = r2[counter];
r2[counter] = r2[counter+1];
r2[counter+1] = temp;
counter = 0;
} else {
// Check if the dice are in order
if(((r2[0] == (r2[1]-1)) && (r2[1] == (r2[2]-1)) && (r2[2] == (r2[3]-1)))
|| ((r2[1] == (r2[2]-1)) && (r2[2] == (r2[3]-1)) && (r2[3] == (r2[4]-1)))) {
bool = true;
if(bool) {
// If small straight give 30 points
sum = 30;
return sum;
My strategy is to:
1) Remove duplicates by adding numbers to a new array as they occur
2) Make sure the new array is at least 4 in length (4 different numbers)
3) Sort the array from least to greatest
4) Check if the first 4 OR last 4 (if 5 in length) numbers are in order
My question:
Does anyone know a way that I can improve this method? It seems ridiculously terrible to me but I can't think of a better way to do this and it at least works.
Given that you're implementing a Yahtzee game you presumably need to test for other patterns beyond just small straights, so it would be better to create the array of values before calling the function so that you can use them in all tests, rather than getting the values from the DOM elements inside the small straight test.
Anyway, here's the first way that came to my mind to test for a small straight within an array representing the values of five six-sided dice:
// assume r is an array with the values from the dice
if (/1234|2345|3456/.test(r.join("").replace(/(.)\1/,"$1") {
// is a small straight
Note that you can sort an array of numbers using this code:
r2.sort(function(a,b){return a-b;});
...but in your case the values in the array are strings because they came from the .value attribute of DOM elements, so a default string sort will work with r2.sort(). Either way you don't need your own sort routine, because JavaScript provides one.
EDIT: If you assume that you can just put the five values as a string as above you can implement tests for all possible combinations as a big if/else like this:
r = r.join("");
if (/(.)\1{4}/.test(r)) {
alert("Five of a Kind");
} else if (/(.)\1{3}/.test(r)) {
alert("Four of a Kind");
} else if (/(.)\1{2}(.)\2|(.)\3(.)\4{2}/.test(r)) {
alert("Full House");
} else if (/(.)\1{2}/.test(r)) {
alert("Three of a Kind");
} else if (/1234|2345|3456/.test( r.replace(/(.)\1/,"$1") ) {
alert("Small Straight");
} // etc.
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/4Qzfw/
Why don't you just have a six-element array of booleans indicating whether a number is present, then check 1-4, 2-5, and 3-6 for being all true? In pseudocode:
numFlags = array(6);
numFlags[die.value-1] = true;
if(numFlags[0] && numFlags[1] && numFlags[2] && numFlags[3]) return true
//Repeat for 1-4 and 2-5
return false
This wouldn't be a useful algorithm if you were using million-sided dice, but for six-siders there are only three possible small straights to check for, so it's simple and straightforward.
I do not play Yahtzee, but I do play cards, and it would appear the algorithm might be similar. This routine, written in ActionScript (my JavaScript is a bit rusty) has been compiled but not tested. It should accept 5 cards for input, and return a message for either straights greater than 3 cards or pairs or higher.
private function checkCards(card1:int,card2:int,card3:int,card4:int,card5:int):String
// Assumes that the 5 cards have a value between 0-12 (Ace-King)
//The key to the routine is using the card values as pointers into an array of possible card values.
var aryCardValues:Array = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
aryCardValues[card1] += 1;
aryCardValues[card1] += 1;
aryCardValues[card1] += 1;
aryCardValues[card1] += 1;
aryCardValues[card1] += 1;
var aryCardNames:Array = new Array("Ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King");
var strOutMessage:String;
var intCardCount:int = 0;
var strSeperator:String;
var strHighCard:String;
for (var i:int = 0;i < aryCardValues.length;i++)
//Check for runs of three of a kind or greater.
if (aryCardValues[i] >= 2)
strOutMessage = strOutMessage + strSeperator + i + "-" + aryCardNames[i] + "s";
strSeperator = " & ";
//Check for values in a straight.
if (aryCardValues[i] > 0)
if (intCardCount > 3)strHighCard = aryCardNames[i];
if (intCardCount < 3)intCardCount = 0;
if (intCardCount > 3) strOutMessage = intCardCount + " run " + strHighCard + " High."
return strOutMessage;
It may not be as concise as the regular expressions used above, but it might be more readable and easily modified. One change that could be made is to pass in an array of cards rather than discrete variables for each card.

