Add active class on a map items react - javascript

After map my array, I want to add an active css class if the user clicked on 1 element.
My map prototype :, i) => (
<div onClick={e => this.addActiveClass(i, e)} className=
{`${activeClasses[i] ? "active" : "inactive"} ${classes.modcontainer}
<p className={`${classes.menuitems} menuitems`}>
I have tried with a method called addActiveClass and a state :
this.state={activeClasses: [false, false, false, false]}
addActiveClass(index) {
const result = [...this.state.activeClasses.slice(0, index), !this.state.activeClasses[index], this.state.activeClasses.slice(index + 1)];
this.setState({activeClasses: result});
But that does not work.
Thank you in advance for your help

On the click of the element, you keep in your state the index of the selected item. In the item you can check if the index is the same as the index in the state and add the active class., i) => (
onClick={e => this.setState({activeIndex: i)}}
className= {`${i == this.state.activeIndex ? "active" : "inactive"}
Your default (or initial) value for activeIndex should be -1, then in the begging, no item will me active (if you want this).


Javascript splice array method is not working as expected

I was working out with splice methods of js , but as it may seem it was not working exactly as it should remove any element from an array .
Currently its only deleting the last element from array even after providing the index value for it to delete from the array. in console.log i get the perfect output after deleting anything , but in UI part it does not update as it should , its only removing the last element from array even if i click on delete other item . How can i resolve this ?
Here's what i've tried so far :
const add_actions_options = [
{value : "Postback" , label:intl.formatMessage({ id: 'POSTBACK' })},
{value : "Uri" , label:intl.formatMessage({ id: 'URI' })}
const [ actions , setActions ] = useState<any | undefined>([{type : add_actions_options[0].value , label : "" , data : ""}])
const [selectOptions, setSelectOptions] = useState<any>(add_actions_options);
function addAction(){
if(actions.length < 4 ){
setActions([...actions , {type : selectOptions[0].value , label : "" , data : ""}])
} else {
toast(intl.formatMessage({ id: 'MAX.ALLOWED.4' }), { type: "error" })
function deleteAction(index){
if(actions.length === 1 ){
toast(intl.formatMessage({ id: 'MIN.ALLOWED.1' }), { type: "error" })
} else {
const updatedFields = [...actions];
updatedFields.splice(index, 1);
console.log('index : ' , index)
console.log('updatedFields : ' , updatedFields)
<div className='row my-6'>
<div className='col-lg-3 py-2'>
<h4><label className="form-label">{intl.formatMessage({ id: 'ACTIONS' })}*</label></h4>
<button className='btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-block' onClick={() => addAction()}>
<KTSVG path='/media/icons/duotune/arrows/arr075.svg' className='svg-icon-2' />
{intl.formatMessage({id: 'ADD.ACTION'})}
<div className='row my-6 '>
{ , index) => {
<div key={index} className='row my-6'>
<div className='col-lg-4 py-2'>
<h4><label className="form-label">{intl.formatMessage({ id: 'TEMPLATE.TYPE' })}*</label></h4>
onChange={(value) => handleTypeChange(index, value)}
<div className='col-lg-3 py-2'>
<h4><label className="form-label">{intl.formatMessage({ id: 'TEMPLATE.LABEL' })}*</label></h4>
className="form-control form-control-lg form-control-solid"
onChange={(event) => handleLabelChange(index,}
onInvalid={(e) => checkLabelValidation(e)}
onInput={(e) => checkLabelValidation(e)}
<div className='col-lg-3 py-2'>
<h4><label className="form-label">{intl.formatMessage({ id: 'TEMPLATE.DATA' })}*</label></h4>
className="form-control form-control-lg form-control-solid"
onChange={(event) => { handleDataChange(index,; }}
onInvalid={(e) => checkDataValidation(e)}
onInput={(e) => checkDataValidation(e)}
<div className='col-lg-2 py-2 mt-10'>
delay={{ hide: 50, show: 50 }}
overlay={(props) => (
<Tooltip {...props}>
{intl.formatMessage({ id: 'DEL.ACTION' })}
style={{display: index === 0 ? 'none': 'inline-block'}}
className='btn btn-icon btn-md btn-bg-light btn-color-danger me-1'
onClick={() => deleteAction(index)}
<i className='fa fa-trash'></i>
I am able to receive exact index number perfect output from the logs below in deleteAction fields , but the view in browser deletes the last column(index) from the array of actions. :
console.log('index : ' , index)
console.log('updatedFields : ' , updatedFields)
can anyone help me with this ?
code sand box :
Thanks and Regards !
Whenever using the index as a key for an element. We have to ensure we are not modifying the state array to avoid bugs. If you are modifying as #Dave suggested use unique keys.
The problem here is using the index as key, When we remove an element from an array react compares the previous keys [0,1,2,3] with new keys [0,1,2].
If you notice closely, Even if we remove index (1) using splice(1,1) method. The elements which are rendered again have starting index of 0.
React compares keys previous keys [0,1,2,3] with new keys [0,1,2] and finds out that index 3 is removed hence it every time removes the 3rd element in the above example (or the last index) from DOM. However, your state is reflecting the correct array element.
To avoid this use a unique key.
Codesandbox for a working example.
If you are not having keys in objects, To generate unique keys we can use one of the following as per your use case:
crypto.randomUUID(); + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2)
We don’t recommend using indexes for keys if the order of items may change. This can negatively impact performance and may cause issues with component state.
When you do
{ , index) => {
<div key={index}
you are pretty much asking for issues with component state. When react is trying to determine which element in the UI to update, and it sees "the array with a length of 6 now has a length of 5, which element do I need to remove", it will find the one with a key that no longer exists, in this case the one at the end since you used index as key, and will remove it.
I would probably do
function randomId(){
const uint32 = window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0];
return uint32.toString(16);
const [ actions , setActions ] = useState<any | undefined>([{id: randomId(), type : add_actions_options[0].value , label : "" , data : ""}])
function addAction(){
if(actions.length < 4 ){
setActions([...actions , {id: randomId(), type : selectOptions[0].value , label : "" , data : ""}])
} else {
toast(intl.formatMessage({ id: 'MAX.ALLOWED.4' }), { type: "error" })
{ => {
<div key={}
where randomId can be anything that gives you a unique ID, or (even better) if there is an existing property on the actual data that uniquely identifies it, you could use that.

Change button caption by condition React jsx

There is a button on the notes page with a deactivation function,
there is a note object (todo) it has an is_active property with a value of False or True , this property changes when clicked
please tell me how to make it so that when the button is pressed, the inscription changes along with the value: "Open" : "Closed", how and where to write the condition correctly. I found an option, but for some reason it does not work. Here is my note code:
const TodoItem = ({todo, deleteTODO}) => {
// <div>if todo.is_active === 'True' ? button:'Open' : button:'Closed'</div>
return (
{todo.is_active === 'True' ?
<button onClick={() => deleteTODO(} type='button'>Open </button>:
<button onClick={() => deleteTODO(} type='button'>Closed </button>}
I'm assuming that you want to change the text of button based on the boolean value of is_active then this would work.
<button onClick={() => deleteTODO(}>
{ todo.is_active ? "Open" : "Close" }

select upto 3 in category list from array in list in react.js

I am working in react, fixed-sized array but I am not getting output when I am select up to 3 record but it show only 1 record select.
this.state = {
type: [3], //select upto 3 record(type select from category)
categoryList: null, // category-list
this.setState({type: o})
return <div key={index} className={"rounded " + (type==o.slug ?"selected" : '')} onClick={()=>this.changeCategory(o.slug)} style={{padding: "2px 5px"}}>{}</div>
type is a state array and you are comparing it like the value in the render method. In this way, you always have just one item selected instead of 3 items.
This code will help you to select 3 items
this.state = {
type: [],
// this will add selected item in `type` array if length not exceed
if(type.length !== 3){ // for limit of 3
const newType = [...this.state.type];
this.setState({type: newType});
{, index) => {
return (
"rounded " + (this.state.type.includes(o.slug) ? "selected" : "")
onClick={() => this.changeCategory(o.slug)}
style={{ padding: "2px 5px" }}

Expand/Collapse all data

I am making a Accordion and when we click each individual item then its opening or closing well.
Now I have implemented expand all or collapse all option to that to make all the accordions expand/collapse.
const accordionArray = [
{ heading: "Heading 1", text: "Text for Heading 1" },
{ heading: "Heading 2", text: "Text for Heading 2" },
{ heading: "Heading 3", text: "Text for Heading 3" }
{, index) => (
<div key={index}>
<div className="heading-box">
<h1 className="heading">{item.heading}</h1>
<Text expandAll={expandAll}>
<p className="text">{item.text}</p>
And text.js is a file where I am making the action to open any particular content of the accordion and the code as follows,
import React from "react";
class Text extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div style={{ }}>
{this.props.expandAll ? (
<div className={`content open`}>
{this.props.render && this.props.render(this.props.text)}
) : (
<div className={`content ${this.props.text ? "open" : ""}`}>
{this.props.text ? this.props.children : ""}
? this.props.render && this.props.render(this.props.text)
: ""}
export default Text;
Here via this.props.expandAll I am getting the value whether the expandAll is true or false. If it is true then all accordion will get the class className={`content open`} so all will gets opened.
The open class is applied but the inside text content is not rendered.
So this line doesn't work,
{this.props.render && this.props.render(this.props.text)}
If expand all/collapse all button is clicked then all the accordions should gets opened/closed respectively.
This should work irrespective of previously opened/closed accordion.. So if Expand all then it should open all the accordion or else needs to close all accordion even though it was opened/closed previously.
This is the link of the file where the props are actually gets passed down.
If I use {this.props.children} then every accordion gets opened.. No issues.
But if I open any accordion manually on click over particular item then If i click expand all then its expanded(expected) but If I click back Collapse all option then not all the accordions are closed.. The ones which we opened previously are still in open state.. But expected behavior here is that everything should gets closed.
In your file text.js
at line number 9. please replace the previous code by:
Tried in the sandbox and worked for me.
cant add a comment so editing the answer itself.
Accordian.js contains your hook expandAll and the heading boolean is already happening GetAccordian.js.
I suggest moving the expand all to GetAccordian.js so that you can control both values.
in this case this.props.render is not a function and this.props.text is undefined, try replacing this line
<div className={`content open`}>
{this.props.render && this.props.render(this.props.text)}
by this:
<div className={`content open`}>
EDIT: //
Other solution is to pass the expandAll property to the Accordion component
<Accordion expandAll={expandAll}>
<div className="heading-box">
<h1 className="heading">{item.heading}</h1>
<p className="text">{item.text}</p>
then in getAccordion.js
onShow = (i) => {
active: this.props.expandAll ? -1: i,
reserve: this.props.expandAll ? -1: i
if (this.state.reserve === i) {
active: -1,
reserve: -1
render() {
const children =, (child, i) => {
return React.cloneElement(child, {
heading: this.props.expandAll || === i,
text: this.props.expandAll || + stage === i,
onShow: () => this.onShow(i)
return <div className="accordion">{children}</div>;
Building off of #lissettdm answer, it's not clear to me why getAccordion and accordion are two separate entities. You might have a very valid reason for the separation, but the fact that the two components' states are interdependent hints that they might be better implemented as one component.
Accordion now controls the state of it's children directly, as before, but without using getAccordion. Toggling expandAll now resets the states of the individual items as well.
const NormalAccordion = () => {
const accordionArray = [ //... your data ];
const [state, setState] = useState({
expandAll: false, => false),
const handleExpandAll = () => {
setState((prevState) => ({
expandAll: !prevState.expandAll, => !prevState.expandAll),
const handleTextExpand = (id) => {
setState((prevState) => ({
[id]: !prevState[id]
return (
<div className="w-full text-right">
<button onClick={handleExpandAll}>
{state.expandAll ? `Collapse All` : `Expand All`}
<br />
{, index) => (
<div key={index}>
<div className="accordion">
<Heading handleTextExpand={handleTextExpand} id={index}>
<div className="heading-box">
<h1 className="heading">{item.heading}</h1>
<Text shouldExpand={state[index]}>
<p className="text">{item.text}</p>
Heading passes back the index so the parent component knows which item to turn off.
class Heading extends React.Component {
handleExpand = () => {
render() {
return (
style={ //... your styles}
Text only cares about one prop to determine if it should display the expand content.
class Text extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div style={{ }}>
className={`content ${this.props.shouldExpand ? "open" : ""}`}
{this.props.shouldExpand ? this.props.children : ""}

Switching between buttons

How can i make dynamic switching between buttons? For example if one button is active, then the rest is not active. For example:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
active: false,
notactive: false
checkActive = () => {
active: true,
notactive: false
checkNotactive = () => {
active: false,
notactive: true
But i want make it dynamic.
I mean that when I have, for example, 10 buttons, I will not set each state apart. If I add another button, it will work. Just like the radio button.
Instead of a boolean you could use an index to mark the active button.
this.state = {
activeButtonIndex: null
then when creating your buttons using a loop you can check
if (index === this.state.activeButtonIndex) { do something }
You would need to have a type property based on your buttons. If for example you need to make 3 buttons daily, weekly, monthly then you can have something like this.
return (
<div style={style.buttonContainer}>
<div className={ === "daily" ? "activeButton" : ""}>
<Button color="primary" onClick={this.handleClick("daily")}>
<div className={ === "weekly" ? "activeButton" : ""}>
<Button color="primary" onClick={this.handleClick("weekly")}>
<div className={ === "monthly" ? "activeButton" : ""}>
<Button color="primary" onClick={this.handleClick("monthly")}>
I have a property on parent's state active and based on that I will switch dynamically.

