Adding new elements in JSON - javascript

I'm trying to add a new element inside of my JSON, but I'm not getting this done right.
I'd already tried with a lot of ways and not sure What is going on.
"TimeStamp":"2019-04-25 15:19:45.0300000",
"TimeStamp":"2019-04-25 15:19:45.0300000",
"association": [
"event": "123",
"label": "",
"relation": "321"}
Code - Consider objectToJson as an array of input JSON and obj the input json mentioned before
objectToJson.forEach((obj: any) => {
const association: any = `"association": [{"event": 123, "label": "", "relation": "321"}]`;
const concatenatedObject: object = Object.assign(obj, association);
const concatEventsJson: any = JSON.stringify(concatenatedObject);

Just add the association property to the object - you'll need to make association a variable (and not a string) though:
const association: any = [{"event": 123, "label": "", "relation": "321"}];
const concatenatedObject: object = { ...obj, association };
const objectToJson = [{"UnitID":"1148","UNIT":"202B","Speed":"29.0","SpeedMeasureValue":"MPH","Direction":"212","LatitudeY":"42.0474150666667000","LongitudeX":"-88.2750256000000000","TimeStamp":"2019-04-25 15:19:45.0300000","Status":"Enroute","StatusID":"13","CallID":"841809","ORI":"IL0450600"}];
objectToJson.forEach((obj) => {
const association = [{"event": 123, "label": "", "relation": "321"}];
const concatenatedObject = { ...obj, association };
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Get values from nested object with dynamic ids - javascript

I'm recieving a payload from SlackAPI (block elements) and I can't get my head around oh how do I get data from it as ids and order always change.
I want to get protection_fee.value, legal_fee.value and repayment_date.selected_date
"state": {
"values": {
"CjV": {
"protection_fee": {
"type": "plain_text_input",
"value": "111"
"36tAM": {
"legal_fee": {
"type": "plain_text_input",
"value": "111"
"oH8": {
"repayment_date": {
"type": "datepicker",
"selected_date": "1990-04-18"
I tried Object.keys but obviously I failed as order changes.
current code:
const payload = JSON.parse(body);
const state = payload.state.values;
const first = Object.keys(state)[0];
const second = Object.keys(state)[1];
const repaymentDate = state[first].protection_fee.value;
const protectionFee = state[second].legal_fee.value;
I would suggest creating a function like findProperty() that will find the relevant object in the payload.
We'd call Object.entries() on the payload.state.values object and then using Array.find() on the entry key/value pairs to find an object with the desired property.
Once we have the property we can return it.
let payload = { "state": { "values": { "CjV": { "protection_fee": { "type": "plain_text_input", "value": "111" } }, "36tAM": { "legal_fee": { "type": "plain_text_input", "value": "111" } }, "oH8": { "repayment_date": { "type": "datepicker", "selected_date": "1990-04-18" } } } } }
function findProperty(obj, key) {
const [, value] = Object.entries(obj).find(([k,v]) => v[key]);
return value[key];
console.log('legal_fee:', findProperty(payload.state.values, 'legal_fee').value)
console.log('protection_fee:', findProperty(payload.state.values, 'protection_fee').value)
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Porblem on Getting Array Inside of Array

I have a problem on an object inside of an array and I wanted to display only that as an array.
const data1 = [
"id": "01",
"info": "fefef",
"sub": "hieei",
"details": {
"data": "fruits"
"id": "02",
"info": "fefef",
"sub": "hieei",
"details": {
"data": "things"
expected output
const final= [
"data": "fruits"
"data": "things"
const final = => {})
map over the array and return a new object using the details property. If you don't return a new object, your new array will still carry references to the objects in the original array. So if you change a value of a property in that original array, that change will be reflected in the new array too, and you probably don't want that to happen.
const data1=[{id:"01",info:"fefef",sub:"hieei",details:{data:"fruits"}},{id:"02",info:"fefef",sub:"hieei",details:{data:"things"}}];
// Make sure you return a copy of the
// details object otherwise if you change the details
// of the original objects in the array
// the new mapped array will carry those object changes
// because the array objects will simply references to the old objects
const out = => {
return { ...obj.details };
Map through the array and extract its details property:
const data1 = [
"id": "01",
"info": "fefef",
"sub": "hieei",
"details": {
"data": "fruits"
"id": "02",
"info": "fefef",
"sub": "hieei",
"details": {
"data": "things"
const res = => e.details)
Using map and destructuring will simplify.
const data1 = [
id: "01",
info: "fefef",
sub: "hieei",
details: {
data: "fruits",
id: "02",
info: "fefef",
sub: "hieei",
details: {
data: "things",
const res ={ details: { data } }) => ({ data }));
// if you just need the details object
const res2 ={ details }) => details);

how to loop through objects and change the property keys in a data set

I have a set of data that needs to be reformatted according to a specific format that i desire.
Below is the format of data that I'm receiving.
const recieved = [
"name": "1PM Industries IncĀ ",
"series": [
"value": 0.0001,
"name": "2019-08-30"
"value": 0,
"name": "2019-08-28"
What i need to do is iterate through all object property keys "name", "series", "value" and change them to "id", "data" , "x" and "y" respectively.
Below is the format of data that i want the above data set to be changed.
I need the "name" to be replaced with "x" and "value" should be replaced with "y"
const columns = [
"id": "japan",
"data": [
"x": "plane",
"y": 45
"x": "helicopter",
"y": 253
I found out that we can access property keys of objects by Object.keys
function formatData(columns) { => {
I find myself in really hard situations when it comes to formatting of data. Hope someone could help me with this. Thanks
This should work: => ({
data: => ({
y: s.value
Map over each received object, return a new object. id of the new object is name of the received object. data of new object is a map of series of old objects converting name to x and value to y.
You could rename the properties (Assigning to new variable names) and generate new objects.
recieved = [{ name: "1PM Industries Inc ", series: [{ value: 0.0001, name: "2019-08-30" }, { value: 0, name: "2019-08-28" }] }],
result ={ name: id, series }) => ({
data:{ value: x, name: y }) => ({ x, y }))
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You can use map method for this.
const recieved = [
"name": "1PM Industries Inc ",
"series": [
"value": 0.0001,
"name": "2019-08-30"
"value": 0,
"name": "2019-08-28"
let output =>{
let data =>{ return {x: i.value, y:}});
return {id:, data}
you can use loop in conjunction with hasOwnProperty() method
use recursion to have a better script

Loop through JSON array of objects and get the properties based on the matching IDs from objects

My target is if the id from digital_assets and products matches then get the value of URL fro digital_assets and ProductName from products object. I'm able to traverse through the object and get the values of digital_assets and products but need some help to compare these two objects based on IDs to get the value of URL and ProductName. Below is what I've done so far.
var data = [{
"digital_assets": [{
"id": "AA001",
"url": ""
"id": "AA002",
"url": ""
}, {
"products": [{
"id": ["BB001", "AA001"],
"ProductName": "PROD 485"
"id": ["BB002", "AA002"],
"ProductName": "PROD 555"
$.each(data, function () {
var data = this;
$.each(data.digital_assets, function () {
var dAssets = this,
id = dAssets['id'];
// console.log(id);
$.each(data.products, function () {
var proData = this,
prod_id = proData['id'];
// console.log(prod_id);
$.each(prod_id, function () {
var arr_id = this;
Do I need to create new arrays and push the values into the new arrays? Then concat() these array to one. ? Bit lost any help will be appreciated.
Here is one way you can do this via Array.reduce, Array.includes, Object.entries and Array.forEach:
var data = [{ "digital_assets": [{ "id": "AA001", "url": "" }, { "id": "AA002", "url": "" } ] }, { "products": [{ "id": ["BB001", "AA001"], "ProductName": "PROD 485" }, { "id": ["BB002", "AA002"], "ProductName": "PROD 555" } ] } ]
const result = data.reduce((r,c) => {
Object.entries(c).forEach(([k,v]) =>
k == 'digital_assets'
? v.forEach(({id, url}) => r[id] = ({ id, url }))
: v.forEach(x => Object.keys(r).forEach(k =>
? r[k].ProductName = x.ProductName
: null))
return r
}, {})
You can use Array.prototype.find, Array.prototype.includes and to achieve this very gracefully.
let data = [
"digital_assets": [
"id": "AA001",
"url": ""
"id": "AA002",
"url": ""
"products": [
"id": ["BB001", "AA001"],
"ProductName": "PROD 485"
"id": ["BB002","AA002"],
"ProductName": "PROD 555"
// Find the 'digital_assets' array
let assets = data.find(d => d['digital_assets'])['digital_assets'];
// Find the 'products' array
let products = data.find(d => d['products'])['products'];
// Return an array of composed asset objects
let details = => {
return {
id :,
url : a.url
name : products.find(p =>
changed answer to fit your needs:
var data = [
"digital_assets": [
"id": "AA001",
"url": ""
"id": "AA002",
"url": ""
"products": [
"id": ["BB001", "AA001"],
"ProductName": "PROD 485"
"id": ["BB002","AA002"],
"ProductName": "PROD 555"
let matchingIds = [];
let data_assetsObject = data.find(element => {
return Object.keys(element).includes("digital_assets")
let productsObject = data.find(element => {
return Object.keys(element).includes("products")
data_assetsObject["digital_assets"].forEach(da => {
productsObject["products"].forEach(product => {
if ({
url: da.url,
productName: product.ProductName
working fiddle:
Hope that helped. If you dont want to use a new array, you could also store the respective data within the element you are looping through.
I think i know why i got downvoted. My example works by making data an object, not an array. changed the snippet to show this more clearly.
Why is data an array anyway? Is there any reason for this or can you just transform it to an object?
Edit nr2:
changed the code to meet the expectations, as i understood them according to your comments. it now uses your data structure and no matter whats in data, you can now search for the objects containing the digital_assets / products property.
using map.
var myobj = data[0] {
return {
url: x.url,
ProductName: data[1].products.filter(f => > -1).map(m => m.ProductName)

Javascript how to return array from map

I have the following Json
var myjson = [{
"files": [
"domain": "d",
"units": [
"key": "key1",
"type": "2"
"key": "key2",
"type": "2"
"key": "key3",
"type": "2"
"domain": "d1",
"units": [
"key": "key11",
"type": "2"
"key": "key12",
"type": "2"
"key": "key13",
"type": "2"
"files": [
"domain": "d",
"units": [
I want to create an new array from this Json array. The length of array will be the number of "units" in this Json object.
So I need to extract "units" and add some data from parent objects.
units: [{
domain: "",
type: "",
key: ""
}, {
domain: "",
type: "",
key: ""
domain: "",
type: "",
key: ""
I guess i can probably do something like this:
var res = [];
myjson.forEach(function(row) {
row.files.forEach(function(tfile) {
tfile.units.forEach(function(unit) {
var testEntity = {
domain: tfile.domain,
type : unit.type,
key: unit.key
But it is difficult to read and looks not so good. I was thinking to do something like :
var RESULT = {
return {
return {
return {
domain: tfile.domain,
type : unit.type,
key: unit.key
But This doesn't work and looks not better . Is there any way to do so it works, maybe in more declarative way. hoped Ramda.js could help.
It there any good approach in general to get data from any Nested json in readable way?
Implementing something like:
return {
key : item.key,
type: type.key,
domain : item.parent.domain}
Or somehow flatten this json so all properties from all parents object are moved to leafs children. myjson.flatten("files.units")
Many thanks
The function you can use here is Ramda's R.chain function rather than You can think of R.chain as a way of mapping over a list with a function that returns another list and then flattens the resulting list of lists together.
// get a list of all files
const listOfFiles =
R.chain(R.prop('files'), myjson)
// a function that we can use to add the domain to each unit
const unitsWithDomain =
(domain, units) =>'domain', domain), units)
// take the list of files and add the domain to each of its units
const result =
R.chain(file => unitsWithDomain(file.domain, file.units), listOfFiles)
If you wanted to take it a step further then you could also use R.pipeK which helps with composing functions together which behave like R.chain between each of the given functions.
// this creates a function that accepts the `myjson` list
// then passes the list of files to the second function
// returning the list of units for each file with the domain attached
const process = pipeK(prop('files'),
f => map(assoc('domain', f.domain), f.units))
// giving the `myjson` object produces the same result as above
Pure JS is very sufficient to produce the result in simple one liners. I wouldn't touch any library just for this job. I have two ways to do it here. First one is a chain of and second one is a chain of Here is the code;
var myjson = [{"files":[{"domain":"d","units":[{"key":"key1","type":"2"},{"key":"key2","type":"2"},{"key":"key3","type":"2"}]},{"domain":"d1","units":[{"key":"key11","type":"2"},{"key":"key12","type":"2"},{"key":"key13","type":"2"}]}]},{"files":[{"domain":"e","units":[{"key":"key1","type":"2"},{"key":"key2","type":"2"},{"key":"key3","type":"2"}]},{"domain":"e1","units":[{"key":"key11","type":"2"},{"key":"key12","type":"2"},{"key":"key13","type":"2"}]}]}],
units = myjson.reduce((p,c) => c.files.reduce((f,s) => f.concat( => (e.domain = s.domain,e))) ,p) ,[]);
units2 = myjson.reduce((p,c) => p.concat( => => (e.domain = f.domain,e)))) ,[]);
For ES5 compatibility i would suggest the chain since there is no need for a spread operator. And replace the arrow functions with their conventional counterparts like the one below;
var myjson = [{"files":[{"domain":"d","units":[{"key":"key1","type":"2"},{"key":"key2","type":"2"},{"key":"key3","type":"2"}]},{"domain":"d1","units":[{"key":"key11","type":"2"},{"key":"key12","type":"2"},{"key":"key13","type":"2"}]}]},{"files":[{"domain":"e","units":[{"key":"key1","type":"2"},{"key":"key2","type":"2"},{"key":"key3","type":"2"}]},{"domain":"e1","units":[{"key":"key11","type":"2"},{"key":"key12","type":"2"},{"key":"key13","type":"2"}]}]}],
units = myjson.reduce(function(p,c) {
return c.files.reduce(function(f,s) {
return f.concat({
e.domain = s.domain;
return e;
Something like this should work. .reduce is a good one for these kind of situations.
const allUnits = myjson.reduce((acc, anonObj) => {
const units = => {
return => {
return {...unit, domain: fileObj.domain})
return [...acc, ...units]
}, [])
Note that this relies on both array spreading and object spreading, which are ES6 features not supported by every platform.
If you can't use ES6, here is an ES5 implementation. Not as pretty, but does the same thing:
var allUnits = myjson.reduce(function (acc, anonObj) {
const units = {
// for each fileObject, return an array of processed unit objects
// with domain property added from fileObj
return {
return {
key: unit.key,
type: unit.type,
domain: fileObj.domain
// for each file array, add unit objects from that array to accumulator array
return acc.concat(units)
}, [])
Try this
var myjson = [{
"files": [{
"domain": "d",
"units": [{
"key": "key1",
"type": "2"
}, {
"key": "key2",
"type": "2"
}, {
"key": "key3",
"type": "2"
"domain": "d1",
"units": [{
"key": "key11",
"type": "2"
}, {
"key": "key12",
"type": "2"
}, {
"key": "key13",
"type": "2"
//first filter out properties exluding units
var result = [];
result = result.concat({
unit.domain = obj2.domain;
return unit;

