Account for dynamic top element in React Virtualized `Grid` - javascript

I have a collection of photos that uses React Virtualized's Grid element.
We've designed an indicator to appear during photo uploads. This hides and shows dynamically and is rendered via the cellRangeRenderer per these docs.
The tricky part has been getting the rest of the Grid items to respect the additional height added by this new element. The approach that's currently in place is to add the height of that element to the of each element rendered in cellRenderer.
const adjustedTopOffset = + heightOfTopElement;
That above calculation is done for each element. This correctly places all elements at the appropriate offsets. However, the height of the Grid does not adjust for the recalculation of the top offsets.
The consequence is that the bottom of the Grid is cut off by the adjusted top amount.
How do I correctly account for adjusted top offsets? Calling recomputeGridSize doesn't seem to do it.
Is adjusting the top offset in cellRenderer the correct approach for accounting for an additional top element? I'll clarify that this isn't a fixed element but rather one that needs to scroll with the Grid like the other elements.

Given that your cell heights are fixed, you should be able to overrides the default height style using the containerStyle prop, like so:
let containerStyle;
if (isTopElementVisible) {
containerStyle = {
height: rowHeight * rowCount + heightOfTopElement,
maxHeight: rowHeight * rowCount + heightOfTopElement,


Fluent UI Reading the height of DetailsList's ViewPort

I'm using DetalisList within ScrollablePane component to keep the header in view, and let the rows scrollable. However, this requires me to manually set the height of the scrollable container.
When I investigate the DOM elements for DetalisList, I can see that it's wrapped inside a ViewPort element. The height of this element is the actual height of the sum of the height of all components that make up the list (column headers, rows. etc.). Thus, I want to be able to read this value and set the container height based on whether it exceeds a certain value or not.
Is there a nice to way to access the height of the ViewPort? I can always query the DOM, and find the element, but I'd like to avoid relying on the internal structure of the component.
So, far I could not find any information on this. I noticed DetailsList takes a prop called viewport, but I don't think this is what I want.
You can try by giving height in "vh" (viewport height) unit. For example,
const gridContainerStyle: IStackStyles = {
root: { height: "70vh", position: "relative" },

Dynamic bootstrap nav wrapping menu items

I have a Bootstrap 3.3.7 page with a navbar component along the top of the page. It all works perfectly when populated with static data, but when I'm trying to populate the menu with new drop down lists based on some ajax loads from the server the menu line wraps even though there is loads of horizontal space.
I assume it is setting some fixed width based on the initial menu, and then failing to cope with the dynamic widening. If I manually narrow the page the point the nav collapses, and then widen it again then the reflow catches up and it all ends up back on one line.
Is there any way to force the Bootstrap nav to reflow programatically?
The specific element I need to make wider is ".navbar-right", and if I hand code CSS to make it wider after the dynamic addition then this works, but I'd rather not hard-code arbitrary constants into the code given that the menus are not constant and the font may change.
Answering my own question (although would appreciate any better alternatives if anyone knows any) - this seems to work OK.
// Perform the dynamic update
var htmlOutput = $.render.mytemplate(params);
// Measure the total width of the children of .navbar-right
var newWidth = 0;
$(".navbar-right").children().each(function(){ newWidth += $(this).width(); });
// Force .navbar-right to be at least as wide as the sum of children
$(".navbar-right").css("min-width", newWidth);

Telerik RadGrid scrollbar is offsetting the columns

I have a page with anywhere between 1 and 6 dynamically built iframes containing RadGrids in two columns on the page. I've managed to get a column by the name Document Number to line up in all of them, however if one of them contains more data then the space allowed it will scroll. This is expected and correct.
My issue is when the scrollbar does show it pushes all my columns left just a smidge in that grid, and now it's out of sync with the other grids. I've added a small column which I can dynamically display to push the other grids' columns to match, I just need to be able to detect/determine if a scroll bar is actually being displayed.
I found an old telerik post that suggests I use the scroll height vs the overflow height and if scroll height is larger then we know there's a scroll bar being displayed. My attempts to use the supplied javascript have shown me that the post is outdated and that GridDataDiv no longer exists.
Is there a new/updated way to detect the presence of a scrollbar? Alternatively, is there a better way to have my document number columns even regardless of scrollbar?
Compare the grid's client width and the scroll area width of the grid data:
var grid = document.getElementById("RadGrid1"),
scrollArea = document.getElementById("RadGrid1_GridData");
// ex. 171 (note no units included)
alert("grid.clientHeight: " + grid.clientHeight);
// ex. 300px (note the "px" units are included)
alert(" " +;
// Is the verticle scroll bar visible?
var vertIsVis ="px", "") > grid.clientHeight;

How do I append CSS values in a dynamic table

I'm using GWT table which is being generate dynamically with lots of columns but with out horizontal scroll bar and to get the scrollbar, we need wrapper with fixed width around the table, but GWT do create container but not adding any width to it.
To solve the problem, I'm calculating width of screen and adding it to the table wrapper, which is adding scroll bar to the table but working weirdly.
It adds scroll bar when I move mouse near to table
It doesn't work when in resize the table
I'm using Live() as it works for run time objects, also I can't use click event.
Here is the code:
$(function() {
var screenwidth = $(window).width();
$('body').live("mouseover", function() {
'width' : (screenwidth) - 40
Use $('body').on("mouseover")
If you are getting scrollbar you can handle that by setting up overflow to none.
If you need to change css dynamically you can add / remove class and keep css separate from your code. Its a good practice.

JavaScript - Need a way to set OuterHeight of the Element

I have an container element which is sort of a layout container for its children and based on some attributes I have to arrange children.
I need simple way to set outerHeight of an element, something like,
jQuery's outerHeight does not set the height at all, indeed its a readonly method.
$(e).height(200); // this clips my element
In above method, I loose borders of input of type text.
My element's children are docked based on available space and some other criteria based on data that it holds, simple layouts like float,clear etc will not work because padding etc change dynamically based on sizes. I will finally end up using Table, even if I dont want to but have no choice, but anyway thanks for the help.
Now when element is sized to more then children then there is no problem, but sometimes container element may have lesser height then the children and that time, I need to increase the size.
function calculateSize(e){
var s = {
width: $(e).innerWidth(),
height: 0
var ae = new Enumerator(e.children);
var child = ae.current();
// I have tried all alternatives
// for following lines
// child.clientHeight || child.offsetHeight
// $(child).outerHeight()
// $(child).innerHeight()
s.height += $(child).outerHeight();
if(s.height > $(e).height()){
function layoutChildren(e){
/// for every child c
/// some steps before
var heightForChildren =
/// tried combinations
/// last statement fails for button
/// as button's padding cuts itself
/// removing padding in calculation
/// cuts other input elements !!
/// some steps after
I need some explanation of how to calculate runtime height/width including/excluding padding/margin/border etc and how to set it correctly so that I dont run into problems. I cant keep on trying all permutations combinations as I dont see a correct documentation even on jQuery website.
Fixed height calculations are fine, but this is kind of a dynamic element which resizes itself and arranges children in specific order.
Problem is there is no way to set outerHeight, when we set height/width of an element, the height/width is actually inner height/width without taking margin into consideration, while when we want to resize parent, we need outerHeight, but we cannot set back the outerHeight that easily.
My calculateSize and layoutChildren are two separate methods and two separate algorithms because parent will be resized to sum of all children's height. And then height is simply divided by no. of children stacked one above other. My calculation is perfect, but in my layoutChildren method I have "outerHeight" and "outerWidth" of element and have no idea on how to set it correctly by using jQuery or any other way.
.outerHeight( value )
version added: 1.8.0
you can use jQuery.outerHeight(value) to set the value of an element's outer height. Ex: $foo.outerHeight( 200 )
If you don't have a special requirement, a standard element by default sizes its height to match its children. If you style the to float:left or float:right its default width will then also be that to contain all its children.
Ok, this is strange but this is the Answer.
There are weird controls,
BUTTON (INPUT[type=submit|reset|button])
WebKit Browsers
Padding and Border are considered as part of OuterWidth for all controls
Padding and Border must be added to Width as OuterWidth for all controls
Padding and Border are considered as part of InnerWidth for "weird controls"
Padding and Border must be subtracted from Width before setting the Width for all "non weird controls"
Non WebKit Browsers
Padding and Border are considered as part of OuterWidth for all non "weird controls"
Padding and Border must be added to Width as OuterWidth for all non "weird controls"
Padding and Border are considered as part of InnerWidth for all non "weird controls"
Padding and Border must be subtracted from Width before setting the Width for all "non weird controls"
I would be happy to help, but I simply do not understand your question.
In regards to the documentation of the dimensions methods of jQuery I found that holds documentation on both innerWidth(), innerHeight(), outerWidth() and outerHeight().
I hope this helps, otherwise, try reading through your question, making it more obvious what you need the answer for.

