Problems when using Chosen Selectors in external helper functions - javascript

I use Testcafe to test a website which is using the jquery plugin Chosen and
I want to make an assertion in my test code depending on a value returned by an external helper function (getSelectedOption).
This function gets a Chosen Selector as a parameter and should return the selected value to the assertion, but the function always returns the first element of the list instead of the chosen one.
When I use the function code in my test, everything works fine.
It seems that the function doesn't have the actual state about the HTML data and can't see that an element is already selected.
This is a snippet from the test code:
await t
.click(await getOptionByText('salutation', 'Frau'))
.expect(await getSelectedOption('gender')).eql('weiblich')
This is a snippet from the external functions:
export const getChosenSelectorFromName = selectName => `#${selectName}_chosen`;
export const getSelectedOption = async selectName => {
const selectedOptionText = await
return selectedOptionText.toLowerCase().trim()
export const getOptionByText = async (selectName, optionText) => {
const chosenSelectorString = getChosenSelectorFromName(selectName);
return await Selector(chosenSelectorString)
When I use similar code like the getSelectedOption function inside my test, everything works fine:
const genderSelect = Selector('#gender_chosen);
.click(await getOptionByText('salutation', 'Frau'))

If you call await Selector(<some value>) then TestCafe immediately retries the data from the web page at the current moment.
You can tell TestCafe to retry data from web page until it becomes equal to the expected value.
To do it, you need to move the DOM manipulation function into ClientFunction:
import { Selector, ClientFunction } from "testcafe";
fixture `Fixture`
const getChosenSelectorFromName = selectName => `#${selectName}_chosen`;
const getSelectedOption = ClientFunction(selector => {
var choosenDiv = document.querySelector(selector);
var singleValueEl = choosenDiv.querySelector('.chosen-single');
return singleValueEl.innerText;
test('test', async t => {
await t.expect(getSelectedOption('.chosen-container')).eql('Choose a Country...');


Cypress gets 401 error and logs out during the test (session issue probably)

I'm facing an issue which I couldn't solve yet and wanted to get some opinions from you. I've a selector which has two options in total and I'm using select to switch between them. I wasn't sure about the code so I added url check as well, which works successfully.
However, the page loads with the first selection so the api call has already been made, but, in the second part (items section) when I select Items it throws 401 error and logs out which breaks all the following tests.
What can I do/improve here? This flow works perfectly on my local but Cypress fails.
Things I've tried:
selecting using 0 and 1 without value names.
tried with {failOnStatusCode: false}.
couldn't use Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce (since it's deprecated).
I also tried this one as well here;
Thanks in advance!
it('verifies there are only orders, drafts and/or return orders on all orders grid', () => {
cy.get('select').select('orders').should('have.value', 'orders');
.should('include', 'orders');
const orderNumberPrefix = ['DRAFT-', 'SO0', 'S0-', 'R0']
cy.get('.ag-center-cols-container div[row-index]')
.each($row =>{
const $col = $row.find('[col-id="orderNumber"]')
const orderNumber = $col.text().trim()
const correctOrderNumberPrefix = orderNumberPrefix.some(prefix => {
return orderNumber.startsWith(prefix)
it('verifies there are only orders on items grid', () => {
cy.get('select').select('items').should('have.value', 'items'); //fails here
.should('include', 'items');
const orderNumberPrefix = ['SO0']
cy.get('.ag-center-cols-container div[row-index]')
.each($row =>{
const $col = $row.find('[col-id="orderNumber"]')
const orderNumber = $col.text().trim()
const correctOrderNumberPrefix = orderNumberPrefix.some(prefix => {
return orderNumber.startsWith(prefix)

How to get file that is calling function

I have this global function in my main app file
async getTip(){
const tipschema = require('./schemas/tipschema')
const tipschemas = await tipschema.find()
const randomschema = tipschemas[Math.floor(Math.random()*tipschemas.length)]
const randomtip = randomschema.tip
return randomtip
Is there any way I can get the file name that is calling the function?
For example:
async getTip(){
const file = await req.file // example of what I'm trying to do
You can do:
function getTip() {
let caller = getTip.caller;
BUT this is depricated. Look also here:
Also note that this is not working with strict mode.

How do I continuously listen for a new item while scraping a website

I am using puppeteer to scrape a website that is being live updated, to report the latest item elsewhere.
Currently the way I was thinking accomplishing this is to run a setInterval call on my async scrape and to compare if the last item has changed, checking every 30 seconds. I assume there has to be a better way of doing this then that.
Here is my current code:
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
playtracker = async () => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({});
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('URL-Being-Scraped');
await page.waitForSelector('.playlist-tracklist-view');
let html = await page.$$eval('.playlist-tracklist-view > .playlist-track', tracks => {
tracks = tracks.filter(track => track.querySelector('.playlist-trackname').textContent);
tracks = => el.querySelector('.playlist-trackname').textContent);
return tracks;
console.log('logging', html[html.length-1]);
setInterval(playtracker, 30000)
There is an api called "MutationObserver". You can check that out on MDN. Here's the link
What it is doing is basically do whatever you want to do when the spesific element has changed. Lets say you have a list you want to listen. What you would do is
const listElement = document.querySelector( [list element] );
const callbackFunc = funcion foo () {
//do something
const yourMutationObserver = new MutationObserver(callbackFunc)
You can disconnect your mutation observer with yourMutationObserver.disconnect() method whenever you want.
This could help too if you confused about how to implement it

Assert empty textbox in testcafe

I am validating if the text box is empty or not. I am not sure what am I doing wrong here.
Page Object method
async getTextVal(){
await this.t.selectText(this.editor) //selecting the text box
return this.editor.innerText; //fetching the value in the textbox
await t.expect(element.getTextVal()).eql(''); //assert statement
the getTextVal works fine if there is a value present. But checking empty value it fails
Page Object method
async getTextVal(){
await this.t.selectText(this.editor) //selecting the text box
return await this.editor.innerText; //fetching the value in the textbox
await t.expect(await element.getTextVal()).eql(''); //assert statement
Also, without a method just a selector this can be done like so:
await t.expect(selector.innerText).eql('');
You can also setup your selector in a page object file:
import { Selector, t } from "testcafe";
class PageObjectFile {
constructor() {
// input field, this could be many different styles of selectors / frameworks
this.inputField = Selector('.class-input-element');
this.inputFieldTwo = Selector('#id-input-element');
export default PageObjectFile;
And your test file like this:
import PageObjectFile from "/PageObjectFile";
let pageObjectFile = new PageObjectFile();
fixture `Tests input field is empty`
test(`User see's an empty input field`, async t => {
await t.expect(pageObjectFile.inputField.innerText).eql('');

How to collect and return aggregated data as an Array from a table in Protractor?

I am trying to aggregate a list of dates from a data table, written in Angular, in a Protractor test. I'm doing the aggregation from a PageObject class that is called in the Protractor test. I know that my code is successfully grabbing the text I want, but when I try to console.log the returned array, I get an empty array. I'm still new to Javascript/Typescript, Angular, and Protractor and this may be a result of my newness to the asynchronous nature of this development environment.
Code is as follows,
The PageObject SpecMapper class with method:
import { browser, element, by } from 'protractor';
export class SpecMapperPage {
getImportDateSubmittedColumnValues() {
let stringDatesArray: Array<string> = [];
// currently this css selector gets rows in both import and export tables
// TODO: get better identifiers on the import and export tables and columns
element.all(by.css('md-card-content tbody')).each(function(row, index){
// check outerHTML for presence of "unclickable", the rows in the export table
row.getAttribute('outerHTML').then(function(outerHTML:string) {
// specifically look for rows without unclickable
if(outerHTML.indexOf("unclickable") < 0){
// grab the columns and get the third column, where the date submitted field is
// TODO: get better identifiers on the import and export columns
row.all(by.css("")).get(2).getText().then(function(text:string) {
return stringDatesArray;
I know it's not the prettiest code, but it's temporary place holder while my devs make me better attributes/classes/ids to grab my variables. Key things to note is that I create a string Array to hold the values I consider relevant to be returned when the method is finished.
I used WebStorm and put a breakpoint at the stringDatesArray.push(text) and return stringDatesArray lines. The first line shows that the text variable has a string variable that I'm looking for and is successfully getting pushed. I see the success in debug mode as I can see the stringDatesArray and see the values in it. The second line though, the array return, shows that the local variable stringDatesArray is empty. This is echoed in the following code when I try to console.log the array:
The Protractor run Spec class with my test in it:
import { SpecMapperPage } from "./app.po";
import {browser, ExpectedConditions} from "protractor";
describe('spec mapper app', () => {
let page: SpecMapperPage;
let PROJECT_ID: string = '57';
beforeEach(() => {
page = new SpecMapperPage();
describe('import/export page', () => {
it('verify sort order is desc', () => {
// Step 1: Launch Map Data from Dashboard
browser.driver.sleep(5000).then(() => {
// Verify: Mapping Screen displays
// Verify on the specmapper page by checking the breadcrumbs
// Verify: Verify Latest Submitted Date is displayed at the top
// Verify: Verify the Submitted Date column is in descending order
I acknowledge that this code is not actively using the niceties of Protractor, there's a known issue with our app that will not be addressed for a couple of months, so I am accessing the driver directly 99% of the time.
You'll note that I call the method I posted above as the very last line in the browser.driver.sleep().then() clause, page.getImportDateSubmittedColumnValues().
I thought maybe I was running into asynchronous issues with the call being done before the page was loaded, thus I put it in the .then() clause; but learned with debugging that was not the case. This code should work once I have the array returning properly though.
The console.log is printing an empty [] array. That is synonymous with the results I saw when debugging the above method directly in the PageObject SpecMapper class. I wish to do some verification that the strings are returned properly formatted, and then I'm going to do some date order comparisons. I feel like returning an array of data retrieved from a page is not an unusual request, but I can't seem to find a good way to Google what I'm trying to do.
My apologies if I am hitting some very obvious roadblock, I'm still learning the nuances of Typescript/Angular/Protractor. Thank you for your consideration!
My attempted to used collated promises seemed promising, but fell through on execution.
My Updated PageObject SpecMapper Class
import {browser, element, by, protractor} from 'protractor';
export class SpecMapperPage {
getImportDateSubmittedColumnValues() {
let promisesArray = [];
let stringDatesArray: Array<string> = [];
// This CSS selector grabs the import table and any cells with the label .created-date
element.all(by.css('.import-component .created-date')).each(function(cell, index) {
// cell.getText().then(function(text:string) {
// console.log(text);
// });
return protractor.promise.all(promisesArray).then(function(results) {
for(let result of results) {
return stringDatesArray;
My Updated Spec test Using The Updated SpecMapper PO Class
import { SpecMapperPage } from "./specMapper.po";
import {browser, ExpectedConditions} from "protractor";
describe('spec mapper app', () => {
let page: SpecMapperPage;
let PROJECT_ID: string = '57';
beforeEach(() => {
page = new SpecMapperPage();
describe('import/export page', () => {
it('TC2963: ImportComponentGrid_ShouldDefaultSortBySubmittedDateInDescendingOrder_WhenPageIsLoaded', () => {
// Step 1: Launch Map Data from Dashboard
browser.driver.sleep(5000).then(() => {
// Verify: Mapping Screen displays
// Verify on the specmapper page by checking the breadcrumbs
// Verify: Verify Latest Submitted Date is displayed at the top
// Verify: Verify the Submitted Date column is in descending order
page.getImportDateSubmittedColumnValues().then(function(results) {
for(let value of results) {
console.log("a value is: " + value);
When I breakpoint in the PO class at the return stringDatesArray; line, I have the following variables in my differing scopes. Note that the promisesArray has 3 objects, but the results array going into the protractor.promise.all( block has 0 objects. I'm not sure what my disconnect is. :/
I think I'm running into a scopes problem that I am having issues understanding. You'll note the commented out promise resolution on the getText(), and this was my POC proving that I am getting the string values I'm expecting, so I'm not sure why it's not working in the Promise Array structure presented as a solution below.
Only other related question that I could find has to do with grabbing a particular row of a table, not specifically aggregating the data to be returned for test verification in Protractor. You can find it here if you're interested.
As you've alluded to your issue is caused by the console.log returning the value of the variable before its actually been populated.
I've taken a snippet from this answer which should allow you to solve it: Is there a way to resolve multiple promises with Protractor?
var x = element('x')).sendKeys('xxx');
var y = element('y')).sendKeys('yyy');
var z = element('z')).sendKeys('zzz');
//isEnabled() is contained in the expect() function, so it'll wait for
// myFun() promise to be fulfilled
// in a common function library
function myFun(Xel,Yel,Zel) {
return protractor.promise.all([Xel,Yel,Zel]).then(function(results){
var xText = results[0];
var yText = results[1];
var zText = results[2];
So in your code it would be something like
getImportDateSubmittedColumnValues() {
let promisesArray = [];
let stringDatesArray: Array<string> = [];
// currently this css selector gets rows in both import and export tables
// TODO: get better identifiers on the import and export tables and columns
element.all(by.css('md-card-content tbody')).each(function(row, index){
// check outerHTML for presence of "unclickable", the rows in the export table
row.getAttribute('outerHTML').then(function(outerHTML:string) {
// specifically look for rows without unclickable
if(outerHTML.indexOf("unclickable") < 0){
// grab the columns and get the third column, where the date submitted field is
// TODO: get better identifiers on the import and export columns
return protractor.promise.all(promisesArray).then(function(results){
// In here you'll have access to the results
Theres quite a few different ways you could do it. You could process the data in that method at the end or I think you could return the array within that "then", and access it like so:
page.getImportDateSubmittedColumnValues().then((res) =>{
//And then here you will have access to the array
I don't do the Typescript but if you're just looking to get an array of locator texts back from your method, something resembling this should work...
getImportDateSubmittedColumnValues() {
let stringDatesArray: Array<string> = [];
$$('.import-component .created-date').each((cell, index) => {
cell.getText().then(text => {
}).then(() => {
return stringDatesArray;
The answer ended up related to the answer posted on How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?
The final PageObject class function:
import {browser, element, by, protractor} from 'protractor';
export class SpecMapperPage {
getImportDateSubmittedColumnValues() {
let stringDatesArray: Array<string> = [];
let promisesArray = [];
// return a promise promising that stringDatesArray will have an array of dates
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// This CSS selector grabs the import table and any cells with the label .created-date
element.all(by.css('.import-component .created-date')).map((cell) => {
// Gather all the getText's we want the text from
}).then(() => {
protractor.promise.all(promisesArray).then((results) => {
// Resolve the getText's values and shove into array we want to return
for(let result of results) {
}).then(() => {
// Set the filled array as the resolution to the returned promise
The final test class:
import { SpecMapperPage } from "./specMapper.po";
import {browser, ExpectedConditions} from "protractor";
describe('spec mapper app', () => {
let page: SpecMapperPage;
let PROJECT_ID: string = '57';
beforeEach(() => {
page = new SpecMapperPage();
describe('import/export page', () => {
it('TC2963: ImportComponentGrid_ShouldDefaultSortBySubmittedDateInDescendingOrder_WhenPageIsLoaded', () => {
// Step 1: Launch Map Data from Dashboard
browser.driver.sleep(5000).then(() => {
// Verify: Mapping Screen displays
// Verify on the specmapper page by checking the breadcrumbs
// Verify: Verify Latest Submitted Date is displayed at the top
// Verify: Verify the Submitted Date column is in descending order
page.getImportDateSubmittedColumnValues().then((results) => {
The biggest thing was waiting for the different calls to get done running and then waiting for the stringDataArray to be filled. That required the promise(resolve,reject) structure I found in the SO post noted above. I ended up using the lambda (()=>{}) function calls instead of declared (function(){}) for a cleaner look, the method works the same either way. None of the other proposed solutions successfully propagated the array of strings back to my test. I'm working in Typescript, with Protractor.

