How can i assign nested data to a new variable? - javascript

I want to create a new variable line and make it contain nested data.
What I am expecting as result:
description: "descriptionString",
vatInfo : {
vatAccount: {
vatCode : "vatCode"
How I am doing it:
export function changeProductOnLine(originalLine, product, customer, invoice) {
let line = { ...originalLine, product }
if (product) {
const vatCode = getProductVatCode(line, invoice)
line.description = buildLineDescription(, product.description)
line.vatInfo.vatAccount.vatCode = "v10"
return line
Is it correct what I am doing ? Can it work ?

What you're doing is close, but you need to keep in mind that when you use a spreader like that, what you'll end up with is this:
description: "descriptionString",
vatInfo : {
vatAccount: {
vatCode : "vatCode"
product: {
description: "descriptionString",
vatInfo : {
vatAccount: {
vatCode : "vatCode"
What I think you want is for product to overwrite the values, but not end up with a 'product' property in your object, based on what you explained you wanted. Try this:
export function changeProductOnLine(originalLine, product, customer, invoice) {
if (product) {
return {
// since these are the last thing in the new obj it will overwrite anything in the obj
description: buildLineDescription(, product.description),
vatInfo: {
vatAccount : {
vatCode: getProductVatCode(line, invoice)
} else {
return line
This way, you also don't end up creating a new variable in memory just to modify it slightly then return it. It all happens at once, and ONLY if you have a arg 'product' value other than undefined or null


How to add dynamic elements to an object in typescript

I am sorry if I am asking a very basic question, I have done some research over the internet but not getting anything useful.
I have a typescript object like :
var productIds=["one","two","three"];
let searchfilter = {
or: [{
id: { match:productids['0'] }
id: { match:productids['1'] }
id: { match:productids['2'] }
My productIds can be dynamic and may hold different counts of values.
How can I create the same structure for a dynamic number of values. I tried forEach, but not sure about the syntax.
// not sure if this is right syntax, I am not getting desired results.
searchfilter.or = { id: { match:value }};
Can you help me with it?
You can create your full or array with a simple .map() :
var productIds = ["1", "2", "3"];
let searchfilter = {
or : n => ({ id : { match : productIds[n] } }))
However Mongo (which I believe you are using) has a $match method that's made to match a list :
$match: {
productIds: {
$in: productIds
I'll keep it as simple as I can
var productIds=["one","two","three"];
let searchfilter = => {
return {id: { match: p }};
// function
addNewProduct(id: string) {
this.searchfilter.push({id: { match: id }});

Multi level dynamic key setting?

How do you set a multi-level deep update on an object with a dynamic key in javascript? When i try a typical dynamic update, it adds another key/value pair instead of updating the correct parameter.
let home = {
street: {
house: {
room: {
window: true
let update = {
key: "",
value: "false"
home.street[update.key] = update.value;
home = {
house: {
room: {
window: false
instead i get:
home = {
house: {
room: {
window: true
"": false
Try like below. Explanation is in comments.
let home = {
street: {
house: {
room: {
window: true
let update = {
key: "",
value: "false"
// select object to get updated
let obj = home.street;
// get array of nested keys
let nestedKeys = update.key.split('.');
// get object from nested keys until last key
// used slice(0, -1) so it will iterate through all key except last one
nestedKeys.slice(0, -1).forEach(k => obj = obj[k]);
// use object with last key and update value
obj[nestedKeys[nestedKeys.length - 1]] = update.value
// log object
If you don't mind using a library, you can try lodash's update.
_.update(home, update.key, () => update.value);

Can't Store Result of GraphQL Query - Always undefined

I am doing a query and have already logged the result. Everything works as it should, however when I want to continue working with the result it always is "undefined" (see 2nd logging).
I am sure I am missing out on something obvious here but would really love to get your help :)
render() {
let saved;
query: gql`
query($id: ID!) {
element(id: $id) {
children {
... on TextNote {
variables: { id: 0 }
.subscribe(({ data: { element: { children } } }) => {
console.log(children); // this is the wanted result
saved = children;
console.log(saved); // this is undefined for some reason
If children gives you the correct result, can you not just assign your variable saved to your this.props.apolloClient function and return children inside the subscribe call?
Something like:
render() {
const saved = this.props.apolloClient
query: gql`
query($id: ID!) {
element(id: $id) {
children {
... on TextNote {
variables: { id: 0 }
.subscribe(({ data: { element: { children } } }) => {
console.log(children); // this is the wanted result
return children; // <-- return the value here
console.log(saved); // <-- should have children assigned to saved

Using spread operator to setState in multiple succession

I have some values stored in local storage. When my component mounts, I want to load these values into the state. However, only the last property being added is added to the state. I've checked the values on my localStorage, and they are all there. Furthermore, when I log the variables (desc, pic or foo) in the condition block, they are there.
I thought at first each subsequent if block is re-writing the state, but this is not the case as I am using the spread operator correctly (I think!), adding the new property after all pre-existing properties.
I think the problem is that the code in the last if block is running before the state is set in the first if block. How do I write the code so I get all three properties from my local storage into the state?
//what I expect state to be
textArea: {
desc: 'some desc',
pic: 'some pic',
foo: 'some foo'
//what the state is
textArea: {
foo: 'some foo'
componentDidMount () {
const desc = window.localStorage.getItem('desc');
const pic = window.localStorage.getItem('pic');
const foo = window.localStorage.getItem('foo');
if (desc) {
console.log(desc) //'some desc'
textArea: {
desc: desc,
}, ()=>console.log(this.state.textArea.desc)); //undefined
if (pic) {
console.log(pic) //'some pic'
textArea: {
pic: pic,
}, ()=>console.log(this.state.textArea.pic)); //undefined
if (foo) {
console.log(foo) //'some foo'
textArea: {
foo: foo,
}, ()=>console.log(; //'some foo'
You are likely being caught by React batching setState calls by shallow-merging the arguments you pass. This would result in only the last update being applied. You can fix this by only calling setState once, for example:
componentDidMount () {
const desc = window.localStorage.getItem('desc');
const pic = window.localStorage.getItem('pic');
const foo = window.localStorage.getItem('foo');
textArea: Object.assign({},
desc ? { desc } : {},
pic ? { pic } : {},
foo ? { foo } : {}
The other version is to pass an update function to setState rather than an update object, which is safe to use over multiple calls. The function is passed two arguments: the previous state, and the current props - whatever you return from the function will be set as the new state.
componentDidMount () {
const desc = window.localStorage.getItem('desc');
const pic = window.localStorage.getItem('pic');
const foo = window.localStorage.getItem('foo');
this.setState(prevState => {
if (desc) {
return {
textArea: {
} else {
return prevState;
// Repeat for other properties
It's a little more verbose using this approach, but does offer the opportunity to extract state updating functions outside of your component for testability:
// Outside component
const updateSubProperty = (propertyName, spec) => prevState => {
return {
[propertyName]: {
const filterNullProperties = obj => {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((out, curr) => {
return obj[curr] ? { ...out, [curr]: obj[curr] } : out;
}, {});
componentDidMount () {
desc: window.localStorage.getItem('desc'),
pic: window.localStorage.getItem('pic'),
foo: window.localStorage.getItem('foo')
This way adds some complexity, but (in my opinion) gives a really readable component where it is clear to our future selves what we were trying to achieve.

Cannot read property 'concat' of undefined

to begin with, I have a multilevel of entities as in
country unit ----> customer reporting group ----> customers
each country unit has different customer reporting groups and each of the later has different customers
in the code the variable names are
cu ----> crg ---> customer
this is represented in a multilevel object called menuData:
menuData = {
cu1: {
CRG3: {
Customer1: {},
Customer5: {}
CRG7: {
Customer3: {},
Customer2: {},
Customer7: {}
cu4: {
CRG1: {
Customer2: {},
Customer4: {}
CRG3: {
Customer4: {}
what I wanted to do is to construct unique id for each level in a multilevel objects as well as in for example the ids for the customer units will be the same
cu1 and cu2 and so on
for the customer reporting groups the ids will consist of the cu + the crg as in
for the customer:
what I did is a function called getIds
var getIds = function(menuData) {
var ids = {};
for (cu in menuData) {
ids[cu] = cu;
for (crg in menuData[cu]) {
if (!(ids[cu] in ids)) {
ids[cu] = {};
ids[cu][crg] = ids[cu].concat(crg);
} else ids[cu][crg] = ids[cu].concat(crg);
for (customer in menuData[cu][crg]) {
if (!ids[cu][crg]) {
ids[cu][crg] = {};
ids[cu][crg][customer] = ids[cu][crg].concat(customer);
} else ids[cu][crg][customer] = ids[cu][crg].concat(customer);
return ids;
the error I got is
Cannot read property 'concat' of undefined
what I have tried is that, because it says that it's undefined, I try to define it if its not already defined as in
if (!(ids[cu] in ids)) {
ids[cu] = {};
ids[cu][crg] = ids[cu].concat(crg);
if its not defined, define it and insert the value, but if its defined, only assign the value
else ids[cu][crg] = ids[cu].concat (crg );
why do I get this error? and how to get the the ids in multilevel objects ?
edit, excpected output is
ids = {
"cu1": {
"cu1+CRG3": { "cu1+CRG3+Customer1":{}, "cu1+CRG3+Customer5":{} },
"cu1+CRG7": { "cu1+CRG7+Customer3":{}, "cu1+CRG7+Customer2":{}, "cu1+CRG7+Customer7":{} }
"cu4": {
"cu4+CRG1": { "cu4+CRG1+Customer2":{}, "cu4+CRG1+Customer4":{} },
"cu4+CRG3": { "cu4+CRG3+Customer4":{}}
The Problem with your Code is that you are using Objects to store your data and Objects don´t have the Method "concat" only Arrays have the "concat" Method. Your Object must look like these to work:
menuData = [
"cu1": [
"CRG3": [ "Customer1":{}, "Customer5":{} ],
"CRG7": [ "Customer3":{}, "Customer2":{}, "Customer7":{} ]
"cu4": [
"CRG1": [ "Customer2":{}, "Customer4":{} ],
"CRG3": [ "Customer4":{}]
Here´s a reference : MDN Array.concat()
What can be confusing in JS is that an Object Property can be accessed like an Array.
Update after Expected Output was added:
okay than i think concat is not the right solution for your Problem.
Try it with something like this:
var ids = {};
var menuData = {
cu1: {
CRG3: {
Customer1: {},
Customer5: {}
CRG7: {
Customer3: {},
Customer2: {},
Customer7: {}
cu4: {
CRG1: {
Customer2: {},
Customer4: {}
CRG3: {
Customer4: {}
for (propKeyLevel1 in menuData){
ids[propKeyLevel1] = {};
var propLevel1 = ids[propKeyLevel1];
for(propKeyLevel2 in menuData[propKeyLevel1]){
propLevel1[propKeyLevel1+"+"+propKeyLevel2] = {};
var propLevel2 = propLevel1[propKeyLevel1+"+"+propKeyLevel2];
for(propKeyLevel3 in menuData[propKeyLevel1][propKeyLevel2]){
propLevel2[propKeyLevel1+"+"+propKeyLevel2+"+"+propKeyLevel3] = {};
concat is a method for for a String or an Array, here you call it on an object hence the error.
What you're trying to do is a bit unclear to me, but maybe you could try that :
ids[cu][crg] = crg;
instead of :
ids[cu][crg] = ids[cu].concat (crg );
Because that's what you seem to be trying.
I’d try it this way:
function getIds(dataIn, idsIn) {
idsIn = idsIn || [];
var dataOut = {}, idOut;
for (var idIn in dataIn) {
idsOut = idsIn.concat([idIn]);
dataOut[idsOut.join('+')] = getIds(dataIn[idIn], idsOut);
return dataOut;
Perfect use case for a recursive function passing down an array (idsOut) of the ids of the previous layers to generate the intended object keys. Pretty straight forward.

