Resetting redux state without breaking react components - javascript

Been working with redux in a complex react application.
I put some data in redux state and use this data to render a component.
Then, you want to change the page and I do need to reset some fields in the redux state. Those fields were used to render the previous component.
So, if I reset the state before going to the next page, the previous page rerenders and throws errors because data is missing (because of the reset). But I can't reset in the next page, because that page is reached in many flows so it can be difficult to manage when to reset and when not.
How problems like this are managed in react applications?
All the example are simplified to show the problem. in the actual application, there are many fields to reset.
so, page 1
redux state
{field: someValue}
component uses the field value
function myComponent(props) => {
return (props.field.someMappingOperation());
Now, when going to page 2, field should be null, so we reset it
redux state
{field: null}
the component above rerenders, throwing an error because of
and field is null.
What can be done is to load the next page, so this component is not in the page and then reset the state. yet, this becomes very hard to manage, because you the are in page B (suppose clients list with the list saved in redux) and you want to see the details of a client you go to page C, when you press back you don't want to reset again the state. So you add conditions on the reset. But because there are many flows in the application, that page can be reached in many ways. Have conditions for each way is not the best solution I suppose.
I would like to add that state reset was not required initially and components aren't designed for that. As the application grew and became enough complex it became necessary. I'm looking for a solution that does not require me to add props value checking in every and each component, like
{this.props.field && <ComponentThatUsesField />}
This is really a lot of work and it's bug-prone as I may miss some fields.
As the application has a lot of pages and manages a lot of different data, the store results to be big enough to not want to have clones of it.

You have to design your components in a more resilient way so they don't crash if their inputs are empty.
For example:
render() {
return (
{ this.props.field && <ComponentUsingField field={this.props.field} />}
That's a dummy example, but you get the point.

you can change your code like below:
function myComponent(props) => {
const {fields} = props;
return (fields && fields.someMappingOperation());
This will not throw any error and is a safe check

You don't need to use conditions or reset your state, your reducer can update it and serve it to your component. You can call an action in componentDidMount() and override the previous values so they will be available in your component. I assume this should be implied for each of your component since you are using a different field values for each.


Other way to modify state in react?

I have code example like this (codesandbox demo):
const [array, setArray] = useState([]);
const addElementToArray = () => {
return (
<div className="App">
<button onClick={addElementToArray}>addElementToArray</button>
{ => <div>{el}</div>)}
</div >
Here I dont use standard way of updating array like
setArray([...array, 1]);
What disadvantages of updating values like in my first example?
In this example you won't notice any problems. But then, this is a very small and contrived example, isn't it?
But in a larger application with more complex logic and functionality, this can easily lead to strange and difficult bugs. Why? Because you're directly mutating state:
Does anything else hold a reference to that state or observe it in any way? Is this mutation happening in the middle of a component render, where some logic has already responded to the pre-mutated state and the remaining logic will respond to the post-mutated state? Are multiple state updates being queued and now we don't know which ones will see which version of state?
That's a lot to have to keep track of. Or you can avoid all of those potential problems by simply not mutating state and sticking with "the standard way" that you already know:
setArray([...array, 1]);
or, if there may be multiple state updates and you want to append the 1 to the most current:
setArray(a => [...a, 1]);
If you use this line alone,
the state changes but React isn't aware of the change so the component won't rerender. In this case, the whole purpose of React is gone because the UI does not correspond to the state change, and that makes it a bad practice.
However, if you use this line alone:
setArray([...array, 1]);
the UI will correspond to the state change, which is the correct way of using React.
And regarding this:
you're basically mocking React because .push() changes the state without any rerender.

Is it possible to tell exactly what is causing the render function to execute?

I have an app and when I click on a navigation bar it is causing a completely un-related component to render.
I looked at the code and can not find the connection.
It does not break anything but I find it bizarre.
I am aware of React lifecycles and was wondering if how I can troubleshoot further to see what is causing it to render().
I noticed that componentDidUpdate() is called but I don't know why it is being called by React or what is causing it to update. How can I troubleshoot further?
Maybe relevant code is, but maybe not.
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
console.log('DEBUG: componentDidUpdate() called', prevProps.Modal);
// Set the state of the form to the data returned from the server.
// This will allow us to PUT / Update the data as this is a controlled form.
// That is the state holds the form input.
// Typical usage (don't forget to compare props) or infinite loop will ocur.
if ( !== {
// becasue the form did not update but populates we must call update manually for both URLs
prevProps is always the same for each call. i.e. the props do not change.
It is only mounted once and props and state do not change but it keeps updating!
See image:

What is the proper way to control react components based on redux state

I think this is more of a conceptual/architecture question but I will include code samples to help explain the question. I have a normalized redux state where the entities state slice looks like this:
entities: {
projects: {
[id]: {...},
[id]: {...},
assignments: {
[id]: {...},
[id]: {...},
And an individual assignment looks like this:
id: 1,
name: 'assignment 1',
status: 'active',
deadline: '01-01-2020'
I fetch this data from a backend DB. I am trying to figure out the proper way to handle the process of updating this data, keeping the UI responsive, and keeping my redux state in sync with the backend.
A specific example is a react component for displaying an individual assignment that has a picker/radio buttons to change the status between:
const statusOptions = {
The options I can see are:
1) Set the value of the picker as the props.assignment.status value, and in the onChange of the picker/selector dispatch an updateAssignment() action where a saga/thunk sends the POST request and immediately triggers a fetchAssignment() action which will send a GET request and update the redux state and in turn the component will re render.
The problem with this is the redux update takes too long so the UI appears laggy and the controlled input will revert to the old selection until the new props are passed in.
2) Set the local component state based on the redux state like this:
state = { status: this.props.assignment.status }
And then set the value of the picker based on the local state, which would provide near instant UI updates on a value change.
The problem I see here is I am pretty sure this is a react anti-pattern, and I would have to use getDerivedStateFromProps() or something similar to make sure the local state stays in sync with the redux state. Plus I really like the 'single source of truth' idea and I feel like this option would invalidate that.
3) set the value of the picker based on props.assignment.status and in the onChange handler of the picker clone the assignment object, update the status attribute, and then immediately send an updateAssignment() action that merges the locally created assignment object into the state.
After that send the POST request to the server and if it fails somehow revert the redux state to the prior state, basically removing the locally added assignment object. This seems kind of hacky though maybe?
Is there any agreed upon best practices for updating redux data while maintaining a single source of truth, snappy UI, and clean code?
The first part of (2) seems to me the right way.
In ComponentDidMount (or, even better, in App.js, when the app is starting) you fetch the data from the database to the redux state, and set the local state from it.
Then you maintain the data locally, and dispatch the proper action that will update the redux state and the database.
In shouldComponentUpdate you need to prevent updates that happen following this redux update: you will check if the values of the props have changed.
In componentDidUpdate you will update the state if the props change.
The last thing to take care of is getting data updates following database changes that happen by other instances of the app running on other smartphones, or by other sources of data, if this may happen. In firebase, for example, you do that by listening to relevant app changes. I don't know if this is relevant here.

Preventing react-redux from re-rendering whole page when state changes

I am reading several articles about how to prevent react-redux from re-rendering the whole page, when only one little thing changes.
One article suggests that instead of wrapping all into one big container (as in figure 1 here) wrapping all into smaller containers (as in figure 2 here). If something changes in Container 2, only Component 2 and Component 3 are getting re-rendered. Component 1 would not re-render.
I have following questions:
If I wrap everything in smaller containers, I would need "several" global states, for each container one (as indicated with the pseudo-code on the bottom of the figure). Is that common practice?
If it is ok to have "several" global states and I would need in some property from Container1 in Container2, I would need to connect that with two global states. To me that feels like it could get messy very quick. Where does what come from?
When and where would I use the react method shouldComponentUpdate()? Using the Big Container approach how would I differ which Component should be rerendered?! If implemented in the Components, they would not be "dump" anymore, because they need to access the global state in order to decide whether to re-render or not. I would not be able to reuse Components because every Component has its own special case when to rerender and when not. I am not sure where and when to use shouldComponentUpdate()
Please note that I am pretty new to this and might have made wrong assumptions etc. I basically want to know how not to re-render the whole page, when only one thing needs to be updated. The results from asking google differ a lot.
Your second approach is the way to go, though your definition of a global state is a bit misleading.
Basically, you want to have exactly one "global state". This is what is referred to as "store". All components that need to receive parts of the store are connected to it using react-redux' connect function.
Now, connect(...) is actually a HOC which wraps your component and passes only defined parts of the store to it. This way, the component (and its' children) only re-render when its' defined props change.
Don't be afraid to use connect() more often. You just have to be careful what parts of the store you pass to the container and this is exactly where performance can become an issue.
This should answer your first question. The second one is a question of design. Design in terms of how your app and maybe also in terms of how your datasource is structured. As said before, you want to have a minimum of props passed to a component so it doesn't re-render when other parts of the store change.
For the third question, you first have to understand that 'dumb components' can, of course, receive props from their parent components/containers. Dumb just means that they don't get to decide whether a re-render should happen or not. Dumb components are there to present/display data and that's it.
Let's say you have a really simple store:
const store = {
posts: {
all: [],
isFetching: false,
err: {},
And you connect your container to it like this:
function mapStateToProps(store) {
return {
posts: store.posts.all,
isFetching: store.posts.isFetching,
err: store.posts.err,
And this container has three dumb components it can use:
A posts component, which receives all posts and displays them using another dumb child (pseudoCode, you get the point):
function posts = (posts) => {, id) => (
<otherDumbComponent post={post} key={id} />
One to display just a spinner while isFetching
One to display the error if there's one.
Now, if only isFetching has changed, only the second component will re-render and that's it. Oh, and shouldComponentUpdate() is something you probably don't want to use, because, well.. there are many good blog posts about it.

Is connect() in leaf-like components a sign of anti-pattern in react+redux?

Currently working on a react + redux project.
I'm also using normalizr to handle the data structure and reselect to gather the right data for the app components.
All seems to be working well.
I find myself in a situation where a leaf-like component needs data from the store, and thus I need to connect() the component to implement it.
As a simplified example, imagine the app is a book editing system with multiple users gathering feedback.
At different levels of the app, users may contribute to the content and/or provide comments.
Consider I'm rendering a Chapter, it has content (and an author), and comments (each with their own content and author).
Currently I would connect() and reselect the chapter content based on the ID.
Because the database is normalised with normalizr, I'm really only getting the basic content fields of the chapter, and the user ID of the author.
To render the comments, I would use a connected component that can reselect the comments linked to the chapter, then render each comment component individually.
Again, because the database is normalised with normalizr, I really only get the basic content and the user ID of the comment author.
Now, to render something as simple as an author badge, I need to use another connected component to fetch the user details from the user ID I have (both when rendering the chapter author and for each individual comment author).
The component would be something simple like this:
(state) => state.entities.get('users'),
(state,props) =>,
(users,id) => ( { user:users.get(id)})
class User extends Component {
render() {
const { user } = this.props
if (!user)
return null
return <div className='user'>
<Avatar name={`${user.first_name} ${user.last_name}`} size={24} round={true} />
User.propTypes = {
id : PropTypes.string.isRequired
export default User
And it seemingly works fine.
I've tried to do the opposite and de-normalise the data back at a higher level so that for example chapter data would embed the user data directly, rather than just the user ID, and pass it on directly to User – but that only seemed to just make really complicated selectors, and because my data is immutable, it just re-creates objects every time.
So, my question is, is having leaf-like component (like User above) connect() to the store to render a sign of anti-pattern?
Am I doing the right thing, or looking at this the wrong way?
I think your intuition is correct. Nothing wrong with connecting components at any level (including leaf nodes), as long as the API makes sense -- that is, given some props you can reason about the output of the component.
The notion of smart vs dumb components is a bit outdated. Rather, it is better to think about connected vs unconnected components. When considering whether you create a connected vs unconnected components, there are a few things to consider.
Module boundaries
If you divided your app into smaller modules, it is usually better to constrain their interactions to a small API surface. For example, say that users and comments are in separate modules, then I would say it makes more sense for <Comment> component to use a connected <User id={comment.userId}/> component rather than having it grab the user data out itself.
Single Responsibility Principle
A connected component that has too much responsibility is a code smell. For example, the <Comment> component's responsibility can be to grab comment data, and render it, and handle user interaction (with the comment) in the form of action dispatches. If it needs to handle grabbing user data, and handling interactions with user module, then it is doing too much. It is better to delegate related responsibilities to another connected component.
This is also known as the "fat-controller" problem.
By having a big connected component at the top that passes data down, it actually negatively impacts performance. This is because each state change will update the top-level reference, then each component will get re-rendered, and React will need to perform reconciliation for all the components.
Redux optimizes connected components by assuming they are pure (i.e. if prop references are the same, then skip re-render). If you connect the leaf nodes, then a change in state will only re-render affected leaf nodes -- skipping a lot of reconciliation. This can be seen in action here:
Reuse and testability
The last thing I want to mention is reuse and testing. A connected component is not reusable if you need to 1) connect it to another part of the state atom, 2) pass in the data directly (e.g. I already have user data, so I just want a pure render). In the same token, connected components are harder to test because you need to setup their environment first before you can render them (e.g. create store, pass store to <Provider>, etc.).
This problem can be mitigated by exporting both connected and unconnected components in places where they make sense.
export const Comment = ({ comment }) => (
<User id={comment.userId}/>
{ comment.text }
export default connect((state, props) => ({
comment: state.comments[]
// later on...
import Comment, { Comment as Unconnected } from './comment'
I agree with #Kevin He's answer that it's not really an anti-pattern, but there are usually better approaches that make your data flow easier to trace.
To accomplish what you're going for without connecting your leaf-like components, you can adjust your selectors to fetch more complete sets of data. For instance, for your <Chapter/> container component, you could use the following:
export const createChapterDataSelector = () => {
const chapterCommentsSelector = createSelector(
(state) => state.entities.get('comments'),
(state, props) =>,
(comments, chapterId) => comments.filter((comment) => comment.get('chapterID') === chapterId)
return createSelector(
(state, props) => state.entities.getIn(['chapters',]),
(state) => state.entities.get('users'),
(chapter, users, chapterComments) => I.Map({
title: chapter.get('title'),
content: chapter.get('content')
author: users.get(chapter.get('author')),
comments: => I.Map({
content: comment.get('content')
author: users.get(comment.get('author'))
This example uses a function that returns a selector specifically for a given Chapter ID so that each <Chapter /> component gets its own memoized selector, in case you have more than one. (Multiple different <Chapter /> components sharing the same selector would wreck the memoization). I've also split chapterCommentsSelector into a separate reselect selector so that it will be memoized, because it transforms (filters, in this case) the data from the state.
In your <Chapter /> component, you can call createChapterDataSelector(), which will give you a selector that provides an Immutable Map containing all of the data you'll need for that <Chapter /> and all of its descendants. Then you can simply pass the props down normally.
Two major benefits of passing props the normal React way are traceable data flow and component reusability. A <Comment /> component that gets passed 'content', 'authorName', and 'authorAvatar' props to render is easy to understand and use. You can use that anywhere in your app that you want to display a comment. Imagine that your app shows a preview of a comment as it's being written. With a "dumb" component, this is trivial. But if your component requires a matching entity in your Redux store, that's a problem because that comment may not exist in the store yet if it's still being written.
However, there may come a time when it makes more sense to connect() components farther down the line. One strong case for this would be if you find that you're passing a ton of props through middle-man components that don't need them, just to get them to their final destination.
From the Redux docs:
Try to keep your presentation components separate. Create container
components by connecting them when it’s convenient. Whenever you feel
like you’re duplicating code in parent components to provide data for
same kinds of children, time to extract a container. Generally as soon
as you feel a parent knows too much about “personal” data or actions
of its children, time to extract a container. In general, try to find
a balance between understandable data flow and areas of responsibility
with your components.
The recommended approach seems to be to start with fewer connected container components, and then only extract more containers when you need to.
Redux suggests that you only connect your upper-level containers to the store. You can pass every props you want for leaves from containers. In this way, it is more easier to trace the data flow.
This is just a personal preference thing, there is nothing wrong to connect leaf-like component to the store, it just adds some complexity to your data flow, thus increase the difficulty to debug.
If you find out that in your app, it is much easier to connect a leaf-like component to the store, then I suggest do it. But it shouldn't happen very often.

