White page with loop loading in firefox - javascript

I have a problem only in Firefox. When I click a button in my application in Firefox the page is white with infinite loading, it's in a loop.
I have done a debugger on my code with dev console and I found where the function breaks. Note that there are no errors in the console.
function setSavedToSended() {
console.log('sono nella funzione')
if (projObjSave == undefined) {
projObjSave = projObj;
var items = $("td [id-status]"); //the problem starts here
for (var item in items) {
var _this = parseInt($(items[item] /* here it breaks item*/ ).attr("id-status"));
if (_this == 1) {
var tempId = $(items[item]).attr("id")
$("#" + tempId).attr("id-status", 2).addClass("sended");
var currProj = tempId.split("_");
var projIndex, taskIndex;
for (var i = 0; i < projObj.length; i++) {
if (currProj[0] == projObj[i].projectId) {
projIndex = i;
if (currProj.length == 3) {
if (currProj[1] == "ORD") {
projObjSave[projIndex].timeTrackingProjectList.timeTrackingOrdinario[currProj[2]]["idStatus"] = 2;
} else {
projObjSave[projIndex].timeTrackingProjectList.timeTrackingStraordinario[currProj[2]]["idStatus"] = 2;
} else {
for (var index = 0; index < projObj[projIndex].taskList.length; index++) {
if (currProj[1] == projObj[projIndex].taskList[index].taskId) {
taskIndex = index;
currProj[2] == "ORD" ? projObjSave[projIndex].taskList[taskIndex].timeTrackingTaskOrdinario[currProj[3]]["idStatus"] = 2 : projObjSave[projIndex].taskList[taskIndex].timeTrackingTaskStraordinario[currProj[3]]["idStatus"] = 2;
} else console.log('nothing done')


Removing event listener from a tile of sudoku game

I`m trying to remove event listener from a tile that has been filled correctly on a sudoku game. But it is not working. After i fill the correct number on slot, i wish i wouldnt be able to click it again, but happens as the GIF show, it is erasing the grayed slots, meaning that removeEventListener is not working correctly. Any Help?
function qsa(selector) {
return document.querySelectorAll(selector);
function removeListenTiles() {
let tiles = qsa("tile");
for (let i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
if (tiles[i].innerHTML.indexOf("table") == -1) {
if (tiles[i].textContent != "") {
tiles[i].removeEventListener("click", () => handleTile(tile[i), true);
function handleTile(tile) {
if (!disableSelect) {
if (tile.classList.contains("selected")) {
selectedTile = null;
selectedNum = null;
} else {
if (tile.innerHTML.indexOf("table") != -1) {
for (let j = 0; j < 81; j++) {
if (qsa(".tile")[j] !== tile) removeSelected(qsa(".tile")[j]);
selectedTile = tile;
function addListenTile(tile) {
tile.addEventListener("click", () => handleTile(tile), true);
Tried the currying method,and added tile.id to handlers array. Solved the problem.
const handlers = [];
const addListenTile = (tile) => {
tile.addEventListener("click", handlers[tile.id] = handleTile(tile), true);
const removeListenTile = (tile) => {
tile.removeEventListener("click", handlers[tile,id], true);
const handleTile = function (tile) {
return function onhandlerTile(event) {
if (!disableSelect) {
if (tile.classList.contains("selected")) {
selectedTile = null;
selectedNum = null;
} else {
if (tile.innerHTML.indexOf("table") != -1) {
for (let j = 0; j < 81; j++) {
if (qsa(".tile")[j] !== tile) removeSelected(qsa(".tile")[j]);
selectedTile = tile;

How to achieve this calculation using javascript

First of all thanks for viewing this question.Now,let me show you what I want
as you could see there are two columns in my table..
Now, if someone put 30 or 300 then the table will look like this
Basically,the calculation will go like this way.
Now, I am doing this calculation using javascript and I don't figure out how to get this.
Here, is my code that I have tried..
//NOTE: This is an asp grid
//enterdValue = the value I am putting.
function FirstPriority(sender, eventArgs) {
var loop = true;
var loopcounter = 0;
if (isNaN($find("<%= txt_payingAmt.ClientID %>").get_textBoxValue())) {
else {
let enterdValue = parseFloat($find("<%= txt_payingAmt.ClientID %>").get_textBoxValue());
var grid = $find("<%=rgv_INVList.ClientID%>");
//loop through..
for (var row = 0; row < grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems().length ; row++) {
var remainingTot = 0;
loopcounter += 1;
var rowTotAmount = parseFloat(grid.MasterTableView.getCellByColumnUniqueName(grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[row], "GrandTotal").innerHTML);
var alreadyPaid = parseFloat(grid.MasterTableView.getCellByColumnUniqueName(grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[row], "PayingAmount").innerHTML);
if (loopcounter == 1) {
if ((alreadyPaid + enterdValue) <= rowTotAmount) {
grid.MasterTableView.getCellByColumnUniqueName(grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[row], "PayingAmount").innerHTML = alreadyPaid + enterdValue;
else if (loopcounter > 1) {
if ((alreadyPaid + enterdValue) == rowTotAmount) {
grid.MasterTableView.getCellByColumnUniqueName(grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[row], "PayingAmount").innerHTML = rowTotAmount;
else {
grid.MasterTableView.getCellByColumnUniqueName(grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[row], "PayingAmount").innerHTML = remainingTot;
else {
if (loop) {
remainingTot = (alreadyPaid + enterdValue) - rowTotAmount;
grid.MasterTableView.getCellByColumnUniqueName(grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[row], "PayingAmount").innerHTML = rowTotAmount;
if (grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems().length != loopcounter) {
if (remainingTot <= grid.MasterTableView.getCellByColumnUniqueName(grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[row + 1], "PayingAmount").innerHTML) {
grid.MasterTableView.getCellByColumnUniqueName(grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[row + 1], "PayingAmount").innerHTML = alreadyPaid + enterdValue;
loop = false;
Let me tell you what these variables does,
enterdValue = This will get an input from user.
grid = rendered as table and to loop thru I need this.
rowTotAmount = TotalInvAmount as shown in grid.
alreadyPaid = paidAmount as shown in grid.
Help needed to achieve this :)
Thanks & regards
I have figured out to solve it :) hence posting it here.
function FirstPriority(args) {
var paidAmount, totAmount, paidAmountHdn, payingAmount, remainingBalance = 0;
payingAmount = parseFloat(args.value);
var grid = $find("<%=rgv_INVList.ClientID%>");
if (!isNaN(payingAmount)) {
remainingBalance = payingAmount;
for (var row = 0; row < grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems().length ; row++) {
paidAmount = parseFloat(grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[row]._element.cells[5].innerText); //grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[0]._element.cells[1].innerText
totAmount = parseFloat(grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[row]._element.cells[4].innerText);
paidAmountHdn = parseFloat(grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[row]._element.cells[7].innerText);
if (remainingBalance > 0) {
if (row == 0) {
remainingBalance = (paidAmount + payingAmount) - totAmount;
grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[row]._element.cells[5].innerHTML = totAmount;
else if ((paidAmount + payingAmount) <= totAmount) {
remainingBalance = 0;
grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[row]._element.cells[5].innerHTML = payingAmount+paidAmount;
else {
if (remainingBalance > totAmount) {
grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[row]._element.cells[5].innerHTML = totAmount;
remainingBalance = remainingBalance - totAmount;
else if(totAmount>=remainingBalance){
grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[row]._element.cells[5].innerHTML = remainingBalance;
remainingBalance = 0;
else {
for (var row = 0; row < grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems().length ; row++) {
paidAmountHdn = parseFloat(grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[row]._element.cells[7].innerText);
grid.MasterTableView.get_dataItems()[row]._element.cells[5].innerHTML = paidAmountHdn;

Multiple click listeners - java script

I am working on a project that imports some javascript rules from a file myjs.js, which is called (on all the web page of the project) in the header.
This files manages the behavior of checkboxes, and in fact toggling the checks of every checkbox pairs. The problem is that in some case, this behavior is wrong but I can't change anything in this js file because it is too complex.
So, on some page, I decided to listen to the click event on some checkbox to correct the behavior : the problem is that there is a conflict of script and I can't trigger my script (put on this very page). How can I force it to make my java script listened first ?
In fact the checkbox are constructed by myjs.js, applying to the html sequece
<div class="left">
<input type="radio" name="isPubOk" id="pubOk" checked="checked" />
<label for="pubOk"><?php echo _("Oui"); ?></label>
<div class="left">
<input type ="radio" name="isPubNok" id="pubNok" checked="" />
<label for="pubNok"><?php echo _("Non"); ?></label>
Here's a sample of the js file :
function initCustomForms() {
// hide drop when scrolling or resizing window
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener("scroll", hideActiveSelectDrop, false);
window.addEventListener("resize", hideActiveSelectDrop, false);
else if (window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent("onscroll", hideActiveSelectDrop);
window.attachEvent("onresize", hideActiveSelectDrop);
function refreshCustomForms() {
// remove prevously created elements
if(window.inputs) {
for(var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
if(checkboxes[i].checked) {checkboxes[i]._ca.className = "checkboxAreaChecked";}
else {checkboxes[i]._ca.className = "checkboxArea";}
for(var i = 0; i < radios.length; i++) {
if(radios[i].checked) {radios[i]._ra.className = "radioAreaChecked";}
else {radios[i]._ra.className = "radioArea";}
for(var i = 0; i < selects.length; i++) {
var newText = document.createElement('div');
if (selects[i].options[selects[i].selectedIndex].title.indexOf('image') != -1) {
newText.innerHTML = '<img src="'+selects[i].options[selects[i].selectedIndex].title+'" alt="" />';
newText.innerHTML += '<span>'+selects[i].options[selects[i].selectedIndex].text+'</span>';
} else {
newText.innerHTML = selects[i].options[selects[i].selectedIndex].text;
document.getElementById("mySelectText"+i).innerHTML = newText.innerHTML;
// getting all the required elements
function getElements() {
// remove prevously created elements
if(window.inputs) {
for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
inputs[i].className = inputs[i].className.replace('outtaHere','');
if(inputs[i]._ca) inputs[i]._ca.parentNode.removeChild(inputs[i]._ca);
else if(inputs[i]._ra) inputs[i]._ra.parentNode.removeChild(inputs[i]._ra);
for(i = 0; i < selects.length; i++) {
selects[i].replaced = null;
selects[i].className = selects[i].className.replace('outtaHere','');
// reset state
inputs = new Array();
selects = new Array();
labels = new Array();
radios = new Array();
radioLabels = new Array();
checkboxes = new Array();
checkboxLabels = new Array();
for (var nf = 0; nf < document.getElementsByTagName("form").length; nf++) {
if(document.forms[nf].className.indexOf("default") < 0) {
for(var nfi = 0; nfi < document.forms[nf].getElementsByTagName("input").length; nfi++) {inputs.push(document.forms[nf].getElementsByTagName("input")[nfi]);
for(var nfl = 0; nfl < document.forms[nf].getElementsByTagName("label").length; nfl++) {labels.push(document.forms[nf].getElementsByTagName("label")[nfl]);}
for(var nfs = 0; nfs < document.forms[nf].getElementsByTagName("select").length; nfs++) {selects.push(document.forms[nf].getElementsByTagName("select")[nfs]);}
// separating all the elements in their respective arrays
function separateElements() {
var r = 0; var c = 0; var t = 0; var rl = 0; var cl = 0; var tl = 0; var b = 0;
for (var q = 0; q < inputs.length; q++) {
if(inputs[q].type == "radio") {
radios[r] = inputs[q]; ++r;
for(var w = 0; w < labels.length; w++) {
if((inputs[q].id) && labels[w].htmlFor == inputs[q].id)
radioLabels[rl] = labels[w];
if(inputs[q].type == "checkbox") {
checkboxes[c] = inputs[q]; ++c;
for(var w = 0; w < labels.length; w++) {
if((inputs[q].id) && (labels[w].htmlFor == inputs[q].id))
checkboxLabels[cl] = labels[w];
//replacing radio buttons
function replaceRadios() {
for (var q = 0; q < radios.length; q++) {
radios[q].className += " outtaHere";
var radioArea = document.createElement("div");
if(radios[q].checked) {
radioArea.className = "radioAreaChecked";
radioArea.className = "radioArea";
radioArea.id = "myRadio" + q;
radios[q].parentNode.insertBefore(radioArea, radios[q]);
radios[q]._ra = radioArea;
radioArea.onclick = new Function('rechangeRadios('+q+')');
if (radioLabels[q]) {
if(radios[q].checked) {
radioLabels[q].className += "radioAreaCheckedLabel";
radioLabels[q].onclick = new Function('rechangeRadios('+q+')');
return true;
//checking radios
function checkRadios(who) {
var what = radios[who]._ra;
for(var q = 0; q < radios.length; q++) {
if((radios[q]._ra.className == "radioAreaChecked") && (radios[q]._ra.nextSibling.name == radios[who].name))
radios[q]._ra.className = "radioArea";
what.className = "radioAreaChecked";
//changing radios
function changeRadios(who) {
if(radios[who].checked) {
for(var q = 0; q < radios.length; q++) {
if(radios[q].name == radios[who].name) {
radios[q].checked = false;
radios[who].checked = true;
//rechanging radios
function rechangeRadios(who) {
if(!radios[who].checked) {
for(var q = 0; q < radios.length; q++) {
if(radios[q].name == radios[who].name) {
radios[q].checked = false;
if(radioLabels[q]) {
radioLabels[q].className = radioLabels[q].className.replace("radioAreaCheckedLabel","");
radios[who].checked = true;
if(radioLabels[who] && radioLabels[who].className.indexOf("radioAreaCheckedLabel") < 0) {
radioLabels[who].className += " radioAreaCheckedLabel";
if(window.$ && window.$.fn) {
//replacing checkboxes
function replaceCheckboxes() {
if (replaceCheckBoxes == 0)
for (var q = 0; q < checkboxes.length; q++) {
// checkboxes[q].className += " outtaHere";
var checkboxArea = document.createElement("div");
if(checkboxes[q].checked) {
checkboxArea.className = "checkboxAreaChecked";
if(checkboxLabels[q]) {
checkboxLabels[q].className += " checkboxAreaCheckedLabel"
else {
checkboxArea.className = "checkboxArea";
checkboxArea.id = "myCheckbox" + q;
checkboxes[q].parentNode.insertBefore(checkboxArea, checkboxes[q]);
checkboxes[q]._ca = checkboxArea;
checkboxArea.onclick = new Function('rechangeCheckboxes('+q+')');
if (checkboxLabels[q]) {
checkboxLabels[q].onclick = new Function('changeCheckboxes('+q+')');
checkboxes[q].onkeydown = checkEvent;
return true;
//checking checkboxes
function checkCheckboxes(who, action) {
var what = checkboxes[who]._ca;
if(action == true) {
what.className = "checkboxAreaChecked";
what.checked = true;
if(action == false) {
what.className = "checkboxArea";
what.checked = false;
if(checkboxLabels[who]) {
if(checkboxes[who].checked) {
if(checkboxLabels[who].className.indexOf("checkboxAreaCheckedLabel") < 0) {
checkboxLabels[who].className += " checkboxAreaCheckedLabel";
} else {
checkboxLabels[who].className = checkboxLabels[who].className.replace("checkboxAreaCheckedLabel", "");
//changing checkboxes
function changeCheckboxes(who) {
if(checkboxes[who].checked) {
checkCheckboxes(who, true);
} else {
checkCheckboxes(who, false);
Please see the jquery stopImmediatePropagation() function here: http://docs.jquery.com/Types/Event#event.stopImmediatePropagation.28.29
I believe this will achieve what you are looking to do.
Edit: With more detail I may be able to provide a better answer.
Edit 2: It appears that there is no guarantee'd order of execution in Javascript, so inline code may not run before dynamically added code. In addition this particular function may only work if the other handlers are added using jQuery.
Edit 3:
A quick and dirty fix would be to add
<script type="text/javascript">var executeHandlers = false;</script>
to the top of the one html file.
Then edit the javascript file such that the event handlers have
if (executeHandlers !== false) { ... do the logic you normally would here ... }
as the body
This would add one line to the html file that needs to be treated differently, and should not impact the execution on the other pages.
Please note that this is a quick and dirty fix, and there are better ways to do this. Working with the constraints of an existing .js file, and only one file that needs to be treated differently, this seems to be the fastest / easiest way to the desired outcome, not necessarily the best.

Validation is not used while my conditions are met.

Here is my code:
function getTable(strExp){
this.strExp = strExp;
var strTBL = "";
if (strExp === "Res"){
for (var it = 0; it > 3; it++){
strTBL = strTBL + jsonData.Table.ResTBL[it];
console.log("Im in");
else if (valeur === "Dice"){
return strTBL;
In my script I do this call : document.getElementById("ResTBL").innerHTML = getTable("Res")
When I see my console log I don't see the I'm in log, but it gives me the value of strExp.
Just place it < 3 in a cycle
for (var it = 0; it < 3; it++) {
strTBL = strTBL + jsonData.Table.ResTBL[it];
console.log("Im in");

XML Javascript undefined error in ie9

I have a 'jargon buster' on my site that uses an xml file to load an A-Z of words which when clicked display a brief short explanation of each word. This works fine in all browsers bar the latest ie's which i get an 'undefined' error with. The jscript im using is below
Jargon = {
xmlfile: 'http://www.mysite.com/jargon.xml',
xml: null,
wordHolder: 'words',
defHolder: 'definition',
idprefix: 'jargon_',
selected: null,
init: function () {
var con = Jargon.xhcon();
Jargon.wordHolder = $(Jargon.wordHolder);
Jargon.defHolder = $(Jargon.defHolder);
if (!con || !Jargon.wordHolder || !Jargon.defHolder) {
function conComplete(oXML) {
Jargon.xml = oXML.responseXML;
con.connect(Jargon.xmlfile, 'GET', Math.random(), conComplete);
showWords: function (c) {
if (Jargon.selected) {
Jargon.selected.className = '';
var words = Jargon.getWords(c);
while (Jargon.wordHolder.childNodes.length > 0) {
while (Jargon.defHolder.childNodes.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
var o = document.createElement('a');
o.href = 'javascript:Jargon.showDef(\'' + words[i].id + '\');';
o.id = Jargon.idprefix + words[i].id;
//o.onclick = Jargon.showDef;
if (!words.length) {
var o = document.createElement('p');
var s = 'There are no words for the letter ' + c.toUpperCase();
showDef: function (id) {
var o = $(Jargon.idprefix + id);
if (Jargon.selected) {
Jargon.selected.className = '';
if (o) {
o.className = 'selected';
Jargon.selected = o;
var defobjs = Jargon.getDef(id);
while (Jargon.defHolder.childNodes.length > 0) {
var heading = document.createElement('span');
heading.className = "jargtitle";
var definition = document.createElement('span');
definition.className = "jargdefinition";
getWords: function(c) {
var x = Jargon.xml;
var letters = x.getElementsByTagName('letter');
var oLetter = null;
for (var i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) {
if (letters[i].getAttribute('id') == c) {
oLetter = letters[i];
if (!oLetter) {
return [];
var words = [];
for (i = 0; i < oLetter.childNodes.length; i++) {
var oJargon = oLetter.childNodes[i];
if (oJargon.nodeName == 'jargon') {
var s = Jargon.getName(oJargon);
words[words.length] = {
id: oLetter.childNodes[i].getAttribute('id'),
name: s
return words;
getDef: function (id) {
var x = Jargon.xml;
var j = null;
var temp = new Array(2);
var jargons = x.getElementsByTagName('jargon');
for (var i = 0; i < jargons.length; i++) {
if (jargons[i].getAttribute('id') == id) {
j = jargons[i];
if (!j) {
return [];
//return [];
for (i = 0; i < j.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (j.childNodes[i].nodeName == 'name') {
temp[1] = j.childNodes[i].childNodes;
for (i = 0; i < j.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (j.childNodes[i].nodeName == 'desc') {
temp[0] = j.childNodes[i].childNodes;
//return [];
return temp;
cloneNode: function (oldNode, deep) {
deep = (deep) ? true : false;
// a replacement to the normal dom clone node
// this will copy xml nodes to html nodes
// which can then be inserted into the document
// scope in all browsers
// See for for the bug http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2005/12/xmlhttp_notes_c.html
var newNode = null;
if (oldNode.nodeType == '3') {
// textnode
newNode = $t(oldNode.nodeValue);
else if (oldNode.nodeType == '1') {
// element node
newNode = document.createElement(oldNode.nodeName);
if (deep) {
for (var i = 0; i < oldNode.childNodes.length; i++) {
newNode.appendChild(Jargon.cloneNode(oldNode.childNodes[i], true));
return newNode;
getName: function (oJargon) {
for (var i = 0; i < oJargon.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (oJargon.childNodes[i].nodeName == 'name') {
var oName = oJargon.childNodes[i];
var s = '';
for (var j = 0; j < oName.childNodes.length; j++) {
if (oName.childNodes[j].nodeType == 3) {
// text node
s += oName.childNodes[j].nodeValue;
return s;
return '';
xhcon: function () {
var xmlhttp, bComplete = false;
try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }
catch (e) { try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }
catch (e) { try { xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); }
catch (e) { xmlhttp = false; }}}
if (!xmlhttp) {
return null;
this.connect = function(sURL, sMethod, sVars, fnDone) {
if (!xmlhttp) {
return false;
bComplete = false;
sMethod = sMethod.toUpperCase();
try {
if (sMethod == "GET") {
xmlhttp.open(sMethod, sURL+"?"+sVars, true);
sVars = "";
else {
xmlhttp.open(sMethod, sURL, true);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Method", "POST "+sURL+" HTTP/1.1");
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && !bComplete) {
bComplete = true;
catch(z) { return false; }
return true;
return this;
In terms of how im calling the jscript im using <li>a</li>
which loads a list of all items that begin with f then when i click one of items from that list say "Fiduciary" it triggers javascript:Jargon.showDef('f1'); which in turns loads the and into a definition div
however in ie9 it displays "undefined" . It works in all other browers
Example of the XML below:
<letter id="f"> -<jargon id="f1"> <name>Fiduciary</name> <desc>in a position of trust. This includes people such as trustees looking after trust assets for the beneficiaries and company directors running a company for the shareholders' benefit.</desc> </jargon> -<jargon id="f2"> <name>Forfeiture</name> <desc>the loss of possession of a property because the tenancy conditions have not been met by the tenant.</desc> </jargon> -<jargon id="f3"> <name>Freehold</name> <desc>describing land that only the owner has any rights over.</desc> </jargon> -<jargon id="f4"> <name>Free of encumbrances</name> <desc>no one else having any rights over something. When property is owned by someone and nobody else has any rights over it, it is owned free of encumbrances.</desc> </jargon> </letter>

