How do I show the Auth0 login page when using FeathersJS - javascript

I'm using FeathersJS as a REST service but I need the user to be able to login with Auth0. How do I show the Auth0 login page to the user?

After checking FeathersJS website, I saw you can run it paired with express. So it should be alright to use Auth0's express quickstart to build that connection. I have referenced said doc below should help you on your path. Thanks!


Can a user sign in to a firebase app by logging in to another app?

I have an electron app and electron apps don't allow firebase auth by default.
Therefore, what I want is that I'll develop a web app which will be hosted on a server.
User will open the corresponding URL and will login there via firebase auth.
Now I want that user should copy something like ID token or Refresh token and should paste in the electron app and he/she should get logged in there too.
Is it possible?
If yes, then how? any example please?
As much as I researched, I found out that firebase ID tokens do expire within a short duration let's say 1 hour.
And there's no way to get the refresh token.
Please help me, I'm struggling with this since many days and my app development is obstructed due to this.
If this is not possible, then please guide me that what should I do?

TDLib (Telegram Database library) authentication and login example by Bannerets/tdl (Node.js pakage)

I so search about TDLib (Telegram Database library) authentication and login example but can't found any things :(
I created it
Now you can found example hear:
Github: TDLib node.js authentication and login example)

Custom login in angular 5 to authenticate with AzureAD

I have created a nodejs Web API for my backend, and my client application is written in Angular 5, as part of the requirements they want me to create a login page inside this app asking for email and password, I've been looking for an example where they try to do the same thing I am doing but I've been unlucky. I tried angular-oauth2-oidc library for doing this but I received a CORS error. Could someone provide a guide for doing this?
I've seen that moodle web app did this but is in PHP how I could implement this?

Azure AD authentication on Windows App using pure JavaScript

I'm working on a windows app using pure JavaScript and try to use AAD for authentication. The issue that I'm facing is aftering calling the "login" function from adal.js which will redirect user to the login page, how shall the app receive the response assuming the user logged in successfully? The page that I'm seeing now after login is saying"This page cannot be displayed. Make sure the web address is correct." I have entered the redirectURI value in azure with the one starting with "ms-app://s-1-15-***".
I've gone through the examples from the AAD developer's guide and I don't see examples of windows app + pure JavaScript. The "Windows Universal" section has example of C# and the "JavaScript" section is for web page application.
As adal for js is designed for web application, the redirect_url parameter requires a web server host location. So the using plain javascript to integrate adal for js is not so suitable in this scenario.
You can try to follow several workarounds:
To use C# lib in your UWP application.
To use Azure Mobile Apps' Authentication feature to authenticate & authorize your users. On sever side, you can refer to And on your UWP side, you can refer to for similar usage.
Any further concern, please feel free to let me know.
I finally figured out how to perform the AAD authentication in windows app using javascript. So there's the WebAuthenticationBorker from WinRT that can be utilized for the authentication through the OAuth2 endpoint.
A link here is a very helpful example.

How to auto login into login page after user exits the app?

I have a login page via WCF restful APIs. I am logging in and now the problem after logging in if user exits in the app and try to re open the app, the app doesn't want to ask the user for credentials by storing the previous credentials. It has to automatically redirect to the another page. Any ideas, suggestions? I'm using JavaScript and HTML & Cordova.
Take a look at this answer
Cordova app with autologin feature
This answer is one of the best ways to implement autologin in hybrid apps, to me.

