TypeORM Apollo nested query resolver - javascript

I have a schema (with the appropriate database tables and entity classes defined) like
type User {
id: Int!
phoneNumber: String!
type Event {
id: Int!
host: User
and I'm trying to use Apollo to write a query like
But I can't figure out how to get the Apollo library to resolve the User type in the host field to the hostId that is stored on the event object.
I modified the event to return the hostId field, and it works perfectly fine, but Graphql won't resolve the id to the appropriate user type. What am I missing?
edit: missing resolver code
event: async (parent: any, args: { id: number }) => {
const eventRepository = getConnection().getRepository(Event);
const event = await eventRepository.findOne(args.id);
return event;
I managed to get a working version by using findOne(args.id, { relations: ['host']}), but I don't like that because it seems like something that would be appropriate to delegate to graphql to handle.

Your resolver should be like that
const resolver = {
Query: {
event: async (_: any, args: any) => {
return await event.findOne(args.id);
event: {
host: async (parent: any, args: any, context: any) => {
return await user.find({ id: parent.id });


Get populated data from Mongoose to the client

On the server, I am populating user-data and when I am printing it to the console everything is working fine but I am not able to access the data on the client or even on Playground of GraphQL.
This is my Schema
const { model, Schema } = require("mongoose");
const postSchema = new Schema({
body: String,
user: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "User",
module.exports = model("Post", postSchema);
const userSchema = new Schema({
username: String,
module.exports = model("User", userSchema);
const { gql } = require("apollo-server");
module.exports = gql`
type Post {
id: ID!
body: String!
user: [User]!
type User {
id: ID!
username: String!
type Query {
getPosts: [Post]!
getPost(postId: ID!): Post!
Query: {
async getPosts() {
try {
const posts = await Post.find()
console.log("posts: ", posts[0]);
// This works and returns the populated user with the username
return posts;
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err);
But on the client or even in Playground, I can't access the populated data.
query getPosts {
user {
My question is how to access the data from the client.
Thanks for your help.
you are using this feature in the wrong way you should defined a Object in your resolvers with your model name and that object should contain a method that send the realated user by the parant value.
here is a full document from apollo server docs for how to use this feature
use lean() like this :
const posts = await Post.find().populate("user").lean();

Apollo GraphQL Nested Mutation

need some help on nested mutations.
Abstracted scenario is this:
I want to combine 2 mutation calls on apollo-server to first create a a Customer then create an Address for that customer. The Address mutation needs a customerID to be able to do this but also has information from the original overall mutation that it needs access to.
Here's the generic code:
typeDefs: gql`
type Mutation {
createCustomerWithAddress(customer: CustomerRequest!, address: AddressRequest!): Response
input CustomerRequest {
name: String!
input AddressRequest {
address: String!
city: String!
state: String!
country: String!
type Response {
customerID: Int!
addressID: Int!
resolvers: {
Mutation: {
createCustomerWithAddress: async (_, {customer}, context, info) => {
return await api.someAsyncCall(customer);
Response: {
addressID: async(customerID) => {
// how do we get AddressRequest here?
return await api.someAsyncCall(customerID, address);
There's a lot of complexity I'm not showing from the original code, but what I wanted to get at is just at the root of how to access request params via sub mutations, if even possible. I don't really want to pass down address from the top mutation to the sub mutation.
You don't need a Response field in resolvers. createCustomerWithAddress should return an object shaped like Response.
resolvers: {
Mutation: {
createCustomerWithAddress: async (_, {customer, address}, context, info) => {
// create customer
const customerId = await api.CreateCustomer(customer);
// create address and assign customerId
const addressId = await api.CreateAddress({ ...address, customerId });
// return response
return { customerId, addressId };

How to return a model back (or anything for that matter) on an update mutation in Sequelize?

I am using the update model method to update an entry in Sequelize using the mysql2 dialect. It seems as if with MySQL you can only return a count of rows affected. I would like to pass it back as a boolean.
It should be noted that I am fairly new to JS/ES6, Node, pretty much all of this, I am more versed in PHP so I apologize in advance if the answer is obvious or a fundamental misunderstanding of JS, but I promise I have worked on this for hours. The online documentation and online examples for the update method are fairly light.
The closest answer I can find is at: Sequelize on GraphQL update not return anything
I have removed irrelevant bits of this code for brevity.
export default (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
const Payment = sequelize.define('payment', {
processed: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER(1).UNSIGNED,
allowNull: false,
defaultValue: '0'
return Payment;
type Payment {
id: Int!
amount: Float!
processedTime: Int
processed: Int!
dueDate: Int!
status: PaymentStatuses
Employee: Employee
Client: Client!
Merchant: Merchant
PaymentType: PaymentType
type Query {
getPayment(id: Int!): Payment
type Mutation {
updatePaymentStatus(id: Int!, processed: Int!): Boolean
What I was originally trying to do was:
updatePaymentStatus(id: Int!, processed: Int!): Payment!
Mutation {
updatePaymentStatus: async (parent, {id, processed}, {models}) =>
{await models.Payment.update({processed}, {where: {id}})
.then((datareturned) => {return datareturned[0]})}
If I check my database, the update is actually working correctly. If I console.log(datareturned[0]) I get a 1 (or 0 if no rows were updated).
I would like to be able to return at least a Boolean as described in my schema but no matter what I try, I get null or some other error because the returned value is null. I realize I may be incorrectly assuming returning 1 will be assumed as true but I have also tried:
.then((datareturned) => {if (datareturned[0] === 1) {return true}})}
In GraphiQL:
updatePaymentStatus(id:1, processed:0)
"data": {
"updatePaymentStatus": null
I am not sure if the problem is with my lack of JS knowledge, or that Sequelize does not return much using the MySQL dialect, or somewhere in between.
Hey i just ran into this last night... i did it like this in my resolver
addUserProfileCertification: async (_, args, { models }) => {
try {
await models.ProfileCompanyCertification.create(args.input);
return true;
} catch (err) {
return false;
and my mutation
addUserProfileCertification(input: ProfileCertificationInput!): Boolean
GraphiQL result looks like
"data": {
"addUserProfileCertification": true
You can easily return the whole model if you want though by return a findOne with the id from your args at the bottom of your resolver like...
updateUserProfileContact: async (_, args, { models }) => {
let returnValue = null;
const { id, input } = args;
try {
await models.ProfileContact.update(input, { where: { id } });
returnValue = await models.ProfileContact.findOne({ where: { id } });
} catch (err) {
return returnValue;
You just need to tell your mutation to expect a Payment type rather than a Boolean, and you can refine what you want to pass back to the client by selecting only certain fields from payment as part of the mutation that you enter into GraphiQL
This eventually ended up working for me, changing the Resolver for this to:
updatePaymentStatus: async (parent, {id, processed}, {models}) => {
try {
const foundPayment = await models.Payment.findByPk(id)
if (foundPayment){
models.Payment.update({processed: id}, {where: {id: id}})
return true;
return false;
catch (e) {
return false;
I wanted to be sure the payment id existed before running the update because the update would run regardless if the row existed or not. I'm not sure if I even need the try catch, but I left it in there just in case.

GraphQL relationship in Mongoose

I have the following GraphQL Schema
type User {
id: String!
name: String
username: String!
type Conversation {
id: String!
participants: [User]
type Query {
user(_id: String!): User
conversation(_id: String!): Conversation
My resolver for the conversation is as follows:
conversation: async (parent, args) => {
let conversation = await Conversation.findById(args._id);
conversation.id = conversation._id.toString();
return conversation;
The participants field will hold array of users ObjectId. What do I need to do in my resolver so I can fetch users data within the conversation call.
For example a call like this
query test($id:String!){
participants {
You probably used Reference in your object model, therefore in order to fetch participants data, you should use mongoose populate!
This would work for you:
conversation: async (parent, args) => {
let conversation = await Conversation.findById(args._id).populate('participants');
conversation.id = conversation._id.toString();
return conversation;

Using dataloader for resolvers with nested data from ArangoDB

I'm implementing a GraphQL API over ArangoDB (with arangojs) and I want to know how to best implement dataloader (or similar) for this very basic use case.
I have 2 resolvers with DB queries shown below (both of these work), the first fetches Persons, the 2nd fetches a list of Record objects associated with a given Person (one to many). The association is made using ArangoDB's edge collections.
import { Database, aql } from 'arangojs'
import pick from 'lodash/pick'
const db = new Database('')
db.useBasicAuth('root', '')
// id is the auto-generated userId, which `_key` in Arango
const fetchPerson = id=> async (resolve, reject)=> {
try {
const cursor = await db.query(aql`RETURN DOCUMENT("PersonTable", ${String(id)})`)
// Unwrap the results from the cursor object
const result = await cursor.next()
return resolve( pick(result, ['_key', 'firstName', 'lastName']) )
} catch (err) {
return reject( err )
// id is the auto-generated userId (`_key` in Arango) who is associated with the records via the Person_HasMany_Records edge collection
const fetchRecords = id=> async (resolve, reject)=> {
try {
const edgeCollection = await db.collection('Person_HasMany_Records')
// Query simply says: `get all connected nodes 1 step outward from origin node, in edgeCollection`
const cursor = await db.query(aql`
FOR record IN 1..1
OUTBOUND DOCUMENT("PersonTable", ${String(id)})
RETURN record`)
return resolve( cursor.map(each=>
pick(each, ['_key', 'intro', 'title', 'misc']))
} catch (err) {
return reject( err )
export default {
Query: {
getPerson: (_, { id })=> new Promise(fetchPerson(id)),
getRecords: (_, { ownerId })=> new Promise(fetchRecords(ownerId)),
Now, if I want to fetch the Person data with the Records as nested data, in a single request, the query would be this:
LET person = DOCUMENT("PersonTable", ${String(id)})
LET records = (
FOR record IN 1..1
RETURN record
RETURN MERGE(person, { records: records })`
So how should I update my API to employ batch requests / caching? Can I somehow run fetchRecords(id) inside of fetchPerson(id) but only when fetchPerson(id) is invoked with the records property included?
The setup file here, notice I'm using graphql-tools, because I took this from a tutorial somewhere.
import http from 'http'
import db from './database'
import schema from './schema'
import resolvers from './resolvers'
import express from 'express'
import bodyParser from 'body-parser'
import { graphqlExpress, graphiqlExpress } from 'apollo-server-express'
import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'graphql-tools'
const app = express()
// bodyParser is needed just for POST.
app.use('/graphql', bodyParser.json(), graphqlExpress({
schema: makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs: schema, resolvers })
app.get('/graphiql', graphiqlExpress({ endpointURL: '/graphql' })) // if you want GraphiQL enabled
And here's the schema.
export default `
type Person {
_key: String!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
type Records {
_key: String!
intro: String!
title: String!
misc: String!
type Query {
getPerson(id: Int!): Person
getRecords(ownerId: Int!): [Record]!
type Schema {
query: Query
So, the real benefit of dataloader is that it stops you from doing n+1 queries. Meaning for example, if in your schema, Person had a field records, and then you asked for the first 10 people's 10 records. In a naive gql schema, that would cause 11 requests to be fired: 1 for the first 10 people, and then one for each of their records.
With dataloader implemented, you cut that down to two requests: one for the first 10 people, and then one for all of the records of the first ten people.
With your schema above, it doesn't seem that you can benefit in any way from dataloader, since there's no possibility of n+1 queries. The only benefit you might get is caching if you make multiple requests for the same person or records within a single request (which again, isn't possible based on your schema design unless you are using batched queries).
Let's say you want the caching though. Then you could do something like this:
// loaders.js
// The callback functions take a list of keys and return a list of values to
// hydrate those keys, in order, with `null` for any value that cannot be hydrated
export default {
personLoader: new DataLoader(loadBatchedPersons),
personRecordsLoader: new DataLoader(loadBatchedPersonRecords),
You then want to attach the loaders to your context for easy sharing. Modified example from Apollo docs:
// app.js
import loaders from './loaders';
graphqlExpress(req => {
return {
schema: myGraphQLSchema,
context: {
Then, you can use them from the context in your resolvers:
// ViewerType.js:
// Some parent type, such as `viewer` often
person: {
type: PersonType,
resolve: async (viewer, args, context, info) => context.loaders.personLoader,
records: {
type: new GraphQLList(RecordType), // This could also be a connection
resolve: async (viewer, args, context, info) => context.loaders.personRecordsLoader;
I guess I was confused about the capability of dataloader. Serving nested data was really the stumbling block for me.
This is the missing code. The export from resolvers.js needed a person property,
export default {
Person: {
records: (person)=> new Promise(fetchRecords(person._key)),
Query: {
getPerson: (_, { id })=> new Promise(fetchPerson(id)),
getRecords: (_, { ownerId })=> new Promise(fetchRecords(ownerId)),
And the Person type in the schema needed a records property.
type Person {
_key: String!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
records: [Records]!
Seems these features are provided by Apollo graphql-tools.

