TypeError: Cannot read property of undefined using React - javascript

I'm new in React and I'm doing a little app with PokeAPI. I have a component called PokemonDetail in which I want to show the details of a pokemon, but the app throws me the next error
TypeError: Cannot read property 'front_default' of undefined
my component looks like this:
import React from "react";
const PokemonDetail = ({ pokemon }) => {
return (
<div className="text-center">{pokemon.name}</div>
<img src={pokemon.sprites.front_default} alt={pokemon.name} />
export default PokemonDetail;
And the App component from which the PokemonDetail recive the prop of pokemon looks like this:
import React from "react";
import PokeAPI from "../apis/PokeAPI";
import SearchBar from "./SearchBar";
import PokemonDetail from "./PokemonDetail";
class App extends React.Component {
state = { pokemon: '' };
onTermSubmit = async term => {
try {
const response = await PokeAPI.get(`pokemon/${term}`);
this.setState({ pokemon: response.data });
} catch (error) {
console.log("No existe");
render() {
return (
<div className="container">
<div className="row mt-3">
<div className="col">
<SearchBar onFormSubmit={this.onTermSubmit} />
<div className="row mt-3">
<div className="col-9" />
<div className="col-3">
<PokemonDetail pokemon={this.state.pokemon} />
export default App;
I don't understand why it throws me this error because only throws it with this and other properties of the json. With the name property works and wait until I send it some props, same with the id but no with the front_default property, which is a url of a image.

Because ajax is slower than react rendering, you can use a loading component before you get the data.
const PokemonDetail = ({ pokemon }) => {
if(pokemon.sprites == undefined){
return (
<div className="text-center">{pokemon.name}</div>
<img src={pokemon.sprites.front_default} alt={pokemon.name} />

Very likely just an AJAX issue, your component renders before it has time to complete your request to the API. Try adding an additional check before rendering the image.
import React from "react";
const PokemonDetail = ({ pokemon }) => {
return (
<div className="text-center">{pokemon.name}</div>
{pokemon.sprites ? (
<img src={pokemon.sprites.front_default} alt={pokemon.name} />
) : (
export default PokemonDetail;

#ZHAOXIANLONG gave you the best solution (use a loading component until you receive data), but, if you do not use a loading component, you can use the get method from lodash library [1] in order to avoid a possible error.
import React from "react";
import _ from 'lodash';
const PokemonDetail = ({ pokemon }) => {
const front_default = _.get(pokemon, 'sprites.front_default', 'DEFAULT_VALUE');
const name = _.get(pokemon, 'name', 'DEFAULT_VALUE');
return (
<div className="text-center">{pokemon.name}</div>
<img src={pokemon.sprites.front_default} alt={pokemon.name} />
export default PokemonDetail;
where the third parameter ('DEFAULT_VALUE') is a default value that will be used if the lodash can not retrieve a value for your query.
PS: I advise you to use lodash even in #ZHAOXIANLONG solution if you know that your API Server can be changed.
[1] https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.11#get

The initial state is { pokemon: '' }; pokemon is an empty string. PokemonDetail is referring to pokemon.sprites.front_default, but pokemon is initially a string and a string does not have a field called sprites.
If you are expecting pokemon to eventually become an object, you could initialize it to something that looks like an object:
state = { pokemon: { sprites: {front_default: '' }}};


React child callback not being executed after being passed down twice

I am working on the following project https://github.com/codyc4321/react-udemy-course section 11 the videos app. The udemy course is found at https://www.udemy.com/course/react-redux/learn/lecture/12531374#overview.
The instructor is passing a callback down to multiple children and calling it in the lowest videoItem and the code is supposed to console log something out. I have no console log in my browser even though I've copied the code as written and double checked for spelling errors.
At the main level is App.js:
import React from 'react';
import youtube from '../apis/youtube';
import SearchBar from './SearchBar';
import VideoList from './VideoList';
class App extends React.Component {
state = {videos: [], selectedVideo: null};
onTermSubmit = async term => {
const response = await youtube.get('/search', {
params: {
q: term
// console.log(response.data.items);
this.setState({videos: response.data.items});
onVideoSelect = video => {
console.log('from the app', video);
render() {
return (
<div className="ui container">
<SearchBar onFormSubmit={this.onTermSubmit} />
videos={this.state.videos} />
export default App;
import React from 'react';
import VideoItem from './VideoItem';
const VideoList = ({videos, onVideoSelect}) => {
const rendered_list = videos.map(video => {
return <VideoItem onVideoSelect={onVideoSelect} video={video} />
return <div className="ui relaxed divided list">{rendered_list}</div>;
export default VideoList;
the videoItem.js
import React from 'react';
import './VideoItem.css';
const VideoItem = ({video, onVideoSelect}) => {
return (
<div onClick={() => onVideoSelect(video)} className="item video-item">
className="ui image"
<div className="content">
<div className="header">{video.snippet.title}</div>
export default VideoItem;
The code that isn't running is
onVideoSelect = video => {
console.log('from the app', video);
My guess is that it has something to do with a key prop not being present in the map - I'm not super well versed with class components but I can't find anything else funky so maybe try adding a unique key prop in the map.
When rendering components through a map react needs help with assigning unique identifiers to keep track of re-renders etc for performance, that also applies to knowing which specific instance called a class method.
If you don't have a unique ID in the video prop you can use an index in a pinch, although ill advised, it can be found as the second parameter in the map function. The reason it's ill advised to use an index is if there are multiple children with the same index in the same rendering context, obviously the key parameter could be confused.
const rendered_list = videos.map((video, index) => {
return <VideoItem key={index} onVideoSelect={onVideoSelect} video={video} />});
const rendered_list = videos.map((video, index) => {
return <VideoItem key={video.id} onVideoSelect={onVideoSelect} video={video} />});

React: Persisting State Using Local Storage

I am coding an app in which there is a collection of reviews and a person can respond to a review, but each review can only have one response. So far, I am doing this by rendering a ReviewResponseBox component in my ReviewCardDetails component and passing the review_id as props.
I have implemented the logic so that once there is one ReviewResponse, the form to write another will no longer appear. However, before I was initializing the state in this component with an empty array, so when I refreshed my page the response went away and the form came back up. (This is now commented out)
I am trying to resolve this by persisting my state using React LocalStorage but am having trouble writing my method to do this. Here is what I have so far:
Component that renders ReviewResponseBox and passes review_id as props:
import React from "react";
import './Review.css';
import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
import StarRatings from "react-star-ratings";
import ReviewResponseBox from "../ReviewResponse/ReviewResponseBox";
const ReviewCardDetails = () => {
const location = useLocation();
const { review } = location?.state; // ? - optional chaining
console.log("history location details: ", location);
return (
<div key={review.id} className="card-deck">
<div className="card">
<div className='card-container'>
<h4 className="card-title">{review.place}</h4>
<div className="card-body">{review.content}</div>
<div className="card-footer">
{review.author} - {review.published_at}
<ReviewResponseBox review_id={review.id}/>
export default ReviewCardDetails;
component that I want to keep track of the state so that it can render the form or response:
import React from 'react';
import ReviewResponse from './ReviewResponse';
import ReviewResponseForm from './ReviewResponseForm';
import { reactLocalStorage } from "reactjs-localstorage";
class ReviewResponseBox extends React.Component {
// constructor() {
// super()
// this.state = {
// reviewResponses: []
// };
// }
fetchResponses = () => {
let reviewResponses = [];
render () {
const reviewResponses = this.getResponses();
const reviewResponseNodes = <div className="reviewResponse-list">{reviewResponses}</div>;
<div className="reviewResponse-box">
? (
: (
<ReviewResponseForm addResponse={this.addResponse.bind(this)}/>
addResponse(review_id, author, body) {
const reviewResponse = {
this.setState({ reviewResponses: this.state.reviewResponses.concat([reviewResponse]) }); // *new array references help React stay fast, so concat works better than push here.
getResponses() {
return this.state.reviewResponses.map((reviewResponse) => {
return (
review_id={this.state.review_id} />
export default ReviewResponseBox;
Any guidance would be appreciated
You would persist the responses to localStorage when they are updated in state using the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method. Use the componentDidMount lifecycle method to read in the localStorage value and set the local component state, or since reading from localStorage is synchronous directly set the initial state.
I don't think you need a separate package to handle this either, you can use the localStorage API easily.
import React from "react";
import ReviewResponse from "./ReviewResponse";
import ReviewResponseForm from "./ReviewResponseForm";
class ReviewResponseBox extends React.Component {
state = {
reviewResponses: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(`reviewResponses-${this.props.review_id}`)) || []
storageKey = () => `reviewResponses-${this.props.review_id}`;
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (prevState.reviewResponses !== this.state.reviewResponses) {
render() {
const reviewResponses = this.getResponses();
const reviewResponseNodes = (
<div className="reviewResponse-list">{reviewResponses}</div>
return (
<div className="reviewResponse-box">
{reviewResponses.length ? (
) : (
<ReviewResponseForm addResponse={this.addResponse.bind(this)} />
addResponse(review_id, author, body) {
const reviewResponse = {
reviewResponses: this.state.reviewResponses.concat([reviewResponse])
}); // *new array references help React stay fast, so concat works better than push here.
getResponses() {
return this.state.reviewResponses.map((reviewResponse) => {
return (

TypeError: this.state.userInfo.map is not a function

Sorry, I'm kinda new to react ,why I'm not being able to map through the data.
I have tried a different couple of things but nothing has helped.
Maybe the reason is that it's an object.
Can any one help?
import React, { Component } from "react";
import axios from "axios";
import "./Profile.css";
import ProfileCard from "../ProfileCard/ProfileCard";
class Profile extends Component {
state = {
userInfo: {}
componentDidMount() {
const { id } = this.props.match.params;
response => this.setState({ userInfo: { ...response.data, id } }),
() => console.log(this.state.userInfo)
render() {
let userInfoList= this.state.userInfo.map((elem,i)=>{
<div> name={elem.name}
return (
{/* <p>{this.state.userInfo}</p> */}
{/* <div >{userInfoList}</div>
<ProfileCard profilePic={this.state.userInfo} /> */}
export default Profile;
I think I understand what youre trying to do.
First you should change userInfo to an empty array instead of an empty object as others have stated.
Next since you are making an async api call you should use a ternary expression in your render method, because currently React will just render the empty object without waiting for the api call to complete. I would get rid of the userInfoList variable and refactor your code to the following:
RenderProfile = (props) => (
{ this.state.userInfo
? this.state.userInfo.map(elem => < this.RenderProfile id={elem.id} elem={elem} /> )
: null
Let me know if it worked for you.

Why I get props is undefined?

import React from "react";
import styles from "../articles.css";
const TeamInfo = props => (
<div className={styles.articleTeamHeader}>
<div className={styles.left}>
background: `url('/images/teams/${props.team.logo}')`
<div className={styles.right}>
{props.team.city} {props.team.name}
export default TeamInfo;
the code that render this
import React from 'react';
import TeamInfo from '../../Elements/TeamInfo';
const header = (props) => {
const teaminfofunc = (team) => {
return team ? (
<TeamInfo team={team}/>
) : null
return (
export default header;
and I am getting error TypeError: props is undefined in line 8 why is that ?
Line 8 is
background: url('/images/teams/${props.team.logo}')
I found that in index.js the componentWillMount bring the data correctly but in the render() those data (article and team) was not passed to render, any idea why ?
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';
import {URL} from "../../../../config";
import styles from '../../articles.css';
import Header from './header';
import Body from './body';
class NewsArticles extends Component {
state = {
team: []
componentWillMount() {
.then(response => {
let article = response.data[0];
.then(response => {
render() {
const article = this.state.article;
const team = this.state.team;
return (
<div className={styles.articleWrapper}>
<Header teamdata={team[0]} date={article.date} author={article.author} />
<Body />
export default NewsArticles;
You render your component immediately, long before your AJAX call finishes, and pass it the first element of an empty array:
<Header teamdata={team[0]}
componentWillMount does not block rendering. In your render function, short circuit if there's no team to render.
render() {
const { article, team, } = this.state;
if(!team || !team.length) {
// You can return a loading indicator, or null here to show nothing
return (<div>loading</div>);
return (
<div className={styles.articleWrapper}>
<Header teamdata={team[0]} date={article.date} author={article.author} />
<Body />
You're also calling this.props.setState, which is probably erroring, and you should never call setState on a different component in React. You probably want this.setState
You should always gate any object traversal in case the component renders without the data.
{props && props.team && props.team.logo ? <div className={styles.left}>
background: `url('/images/teams/${props.team.logo}')`
</div> : null}
This may not be you exact issue, but without knowing how the prop is rendered that is all we can do from this side of the code.
Update based on your edit. You can't be sure that props.teamdata exists, and therefore your component will be rendered without this data. You'll need to gate this side also, and you don't need to seperate it as a function, also. Here is an example of what it could look like:
import React from 'react';
import TeamInfo from '../../Elements/TeamInfo';
const header = (props) => (
{props.teamdata ? <TeamInfo team={props.teamdata}/> : null}
export default header;
First -- while this is stylistic -- it's not good practice to pass props directly to your functional component. Do this instead.
const TeamInfo = ({team}) => (
<div className={styles.articleTeamHeader}>
<div className={styles.left}>
background: `url('/images/teams/${team.logo}')`
<div className={styles.right}>
{team.city} {team.name}
Second, you might just want to do some kind of null check. If team is undefined the first time the component tries to render, you might just want to render null so you're not wasting cycles.
In case this isn't the issue, you'd learn a lot by console.log-ing your props so you know what everything is each time your component tries to render. It's okay if data is undefined if you're in a state that will soon resolve.

React app rendering empty page with no error from the console

I'm trying to render a list of movies on a page using OMDbApi but nothing renders on the page yet im not getting any error in the console so im confused. the react dev tools shows contents in the array when o check the state yet nothing is still rendered on the page what am i doing wrong?
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
movies: [] //default state
let movieApi = 'http://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=[apikey]&s=harry'
.then(data => data.json())
.then(movies => this.setState({movies}))
// <li>
// <img src="<%= movie['Poster'] %>">
// <b><%= movie['Title'] %></b> -
// <%= movie['Year'] %>
// </li>
render() {
let views = <div>Loading...</div>
const {movies} = this.state;
if(movies && movies.length > 0) {
views = movies.Search.map(m => (
<li key={m}>
<b>{m.Title}</b> - <strong>{m.Year}</strong>
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
<img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
<h1 className="App-title">Welcome to React</h1>
export default App;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react-dom.min.js"></script>
You are getting that error because your response is an Object, not an array. You have an array named Search in your object. Change your check condition like that:
if(movies.Search && movies.Search.length > 0)
But, I prefer setting the state differently and checking the condition in a simple way.
fetch( "http://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=[api_key]&s=harry" )
.then( data => data.json() )
.then( json => this.setState( { movies: json.Search } ) );
Then in your component:
const { movies } = this.state;
if ( movies.length ) {
views = movies.map( m => (
<li key={m}>
<b>{m.Title}</b> - <strong>{m.Year}</strong>
) );
If nothing gets rendered make sure that your index.js file contains something like:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
But even after your App component loads the AJAX call returns
"{"Response":"False","Error":"Invalid API key!"}"
Therefore the if condition will never be true and you won't see anything other than "Loading..."

