Mongo - Aggregation of sum of values based on name - javascript

I'm attempting to perform an aggregate function to calculate the sum of the cost and margin values based on the name value. So if multiple results have the name "Fake Provider' I want the sum of the cost results and the sum of the margin results.
Query statement:
$match: {
$and: [{ 'prescription.status': 'Ready for Pickup' }]
$project: {
'': 1,
'': 1,
'': 1
Results are similar to:
"_id": "5cab98cd293bd54e94c40461",
"insurance": {
"primary": {
"name": "Fake Provider 1"
"prescription": [
"financial": {
"cost": "2.89",
"margin": "5.60"
"financial": {
"cost": "0.88",
"margin": "1.24"
"_id": "5cab98d0293bd54e94c40470",
"insurance": {
"primary": {
"name": "Fake Provider 1"
"prescription": [
"financial": {
"cost": "3.22",
"margin": "9.94"
"financial": {
"cost": "2.57",
"margin": "9.29"
"financial": {
"cost": "2.03",
"margin": "10.17"
I have attempted to create a group statement without any luck. Also, the cost and margin values are currently stored as strings.
$group: {
_id: '$',
Financial: {
$push: {
id: '$',
name: '$',
cost: '$',
margin: '$'
I would like to get results similar to:
"primaryInsurance": "Fake Provider 1",
"totalFinancialCost": "11.59",
"totalFinancialMargin": "36.24"
"primaryInsurance": "Fake Provider 2",
"totalFinancialCost": "12.82",
"totalFinancialMargin": "22.16"
I think I have a solution that returns the results using a find and projection then using javascript to map thru the results and perform the addition. However, I would prefer to do this at the Database level.

You must first unwind the 'prescription' field then perform a group. Try this pipeline:
let pipeline = [
$unwind: {
path: '$prescription'
$group: {
_id: '$',
totalFinancialCost: {
$sum: { $convert: { input: '$', to: "decimal" } }
totalFinancialMargin: {
$sum: { $convert: { input: '$', to: "decimal" } }
Notice how the values are converted to decimal in order to perform the sum.


How to get object value with dynamic key in $project in mongoDB

I want to retrieve a value from an object with a dynamic key
"_id": 1,
"item": "sweatshirt",
"price": {
"INR": 45.99
"currency": 'INR'
"$project": {
"pricenew": "$price.currency"
If I do price.INR it will work fine but here I have currency dynamic, so I want something like price.currency but here currency is coming like "INR" and it gives no data.
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
You need to convert the price object to an array using $objectToArray, filter it and then convert it back, like so:
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: {
"$mergeObjects": [
"$arrayToObject": {
$map: {
input: {
$filter: {
input: {
"$objectToArray": "$price"
cond: {
$eq: [
in: {
k: "pricenew",
v: "$$this.v"
_id: "$_id"
Mongo Playground

Filter nested of nested in Mongoose Populate

I have an object that looks like this: (that is the output of Mongoose query)
let systems = [
"maxUserLevel": 1,
"subsystems": [
"sections": [],
"name": "apple"
"sections": [
"name": "banana"
"name": "sun",
"sections": [],
"name": "orange"
"systemID": "12345"
"maxUserLevel": 3,
"subsystems": [
"sections": [],
"name": "blue"
"sections": [
"name": "pink"
"name": "red",
"systemID": "15654"
The Mongoose query:
this.model.System.find({username: user.username}, {
_id: 0,
allowedOrganizations: 0,
name: 0,
updatedAt: 0,
createdAt: 0,
versionKey: 0
path: "subsystems",
populate: {
path: "sections",
select: "name -_id",
match: {
select: "name metadata -_id",
.exec((error, systems) => {
return res.status(200).json({
data: systems,
success: true
I'm looking for a way to removes the subsystems that do not have sections.
After hours of searching I think there's no way to filter populate based on nested populate, so I tried with some ways like this:
if (systems.subsystems.length > 0) {
let test = [];
systems.subsystems.forEach((value, index) => {
if (value.sections.length !== 0) {
test[index] = value;
if (systems.subsystems.length === index + 1) {
return test;
But I'm not sure if this is the correct way.
You can use an aggregate query with $filter like this:
"$project": {
"_id": 1,
"maxUserLevel": 1,
"subsystems": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$subsystems",
"as": "s",
"cond": {
"$ne": [
Example here
Also your query should contains a $match stage (like your find stage) and $lookup.
I'm not sure this is the best way, but it solved my problem:
const _ = require('lodash');
systems.forEach((value, index) => {
systems[index].subsystems = _.filter(value.subsystems,
item => !item.sections.length == 0
if (systems.length === index + 1) {
return systems;
It removes all subsystems that do not have sections.

How do I get all attributes which are numeric types in mongo db?

I need to extract all the attributes which are of numeric types. For example, if the different attributes are
age: 32
gender: "female"
year: 2020
name: "Abc"
My query should return ["age","year"]
I think the below query should help you out.
// Remove this `$limit` stage if your Collection schema is dynamic and you want to process all the documents instead of just one
"$limit": 1
"$project": {
"arrayofkeyvalue": {
"$filter": {
"input": {"$objectToArray":"$$ROOT"},
"as": "keyValPairs",
"cond": {
"$in": [{"$type": "$$keyValPairs.v"}, ["double", "int", "long"]],
// Change the above line to the following to get only `int` keys instead of `int, double` and `long`:
// "$eq": [{"$type": "$$keyValPairs.v"}, "int"],
"$group": {
"_id": null,
"unique": {"$addToSet": "$arrayofkeyvalue.k"}
"$project": {
"_id": 0,
"intKeyNames": {
"$reduce": {
input: "$unique",
initialValue: [],
in: {$setUnion : ["$$value", "$$this"]}
The above query result will be something like this:
"intKeyNames" : [

MongoDB aggregation sum according to document value

I want to create a mongo db view from two collections with a new value that is a sum of values from one of the collection according to an operation from another collection.
Below is the structure:
/* First collection */
"product": "test",
"labels" : [
{"code": "label1", "value": 42},
{"code": "label2", "value": 50}
/* Second collection */
"code": "label3",
"calculation" : [
{"label" : "label1", "operation":"+"},
{"label" : "label2", "operation":"-"}
In my aggregated collection i want a new field that would be label1 - label2.
"product" : "test",
"labels" : [
{"code": "label1", "value": 42},
{"code": "label2", "value": 50}
"vlabels" : [
{"code": "label3", "value": -8}
Although it is possible. I doubt it would be optimal, if you don't need further processing on the database, I suggest you do this at the application layer.
However, I have attempted to do this as an exercise. This approach would check only for the "-" operator and assign a negative value, other operator will use the existing value.
/* First collection: "products" */
/* Second collection: "vlabels" */
$lookup: {
from: "vlabels", // lookup calculation from vlabels
let: {
labels: "$labels"
pipeline: [
$set: {
calculation: {
$map: {
input: "$calculation", // map over calculation in vlabels
as: "calc",
in: {
operation: "$$calc.operation",
product: {
$arrayElemAt: [
$filter: {
input: "$$labels", // filter for matching product labels and get the first element using $arrayAlemAt to get the value
as: "label",
cond: {
$eq: ["$$calc.label", "$$label.code"]
$project: {
_id: false,
code: "$code",
value: {
$reduce: { // reducing by adding all values in calculation array, use negative value on "-" operator
input: "$calculation",
initialValue: 0,
in: {
$add: [
$cond: [
$eq: ["-", "$$this.operation"]
$multiply: [
{ $ifNull: ["$$this.product.value", 0] }
{ $ifNull: ["$$this.product.value", 0] }
as: "vlabels"
Mongo Playground

How can I count the documents in an array depending on their value in mongodb?

I need to count the number of parking spaces _id: 5d752c544f4f1c0f1c93eb23, which has the false value in the excluded property, how can I mount the query?
So far, I've been able to select the number of parking spaces with the excluded: false property. But are selecting from all parking lots
Note that there are two documents symbolizing a parking lot, where each has an array, called parkingSpaces, to record parking space documents.
The first document has 2 vacancies not excluded, so with the property excluded: false and the second has only one vacancy, which is not excluded either.
"_id": "5d752c544f4f1c0f1c93eb23",
"name": "estacionamento um",
"parkingSpace": [
"_id": "5d752cf54f4f1c0f1c93eb26",
"name": "vg001",
"excluded": true
"_id": "5d752cf54f4f1c0f1c93eb27",
"name": "vg001",
"excluded": false
"_id": "5d75339bc411423a9c14ac52",
"name": "vg002",
"excluded": false
"_id": "5d7706b60d354b72388a38f4",
"name": "estacionamento dois",
"parkingSpace": [
"_id": "5d77078a5173bb63bc87b7ca",
"name": "vg004",
"excluded": false
I need to add the number of parking spaces _id: 5d752c544f4f1c0f1c93eb23, which has the value false in the excluded property.
In the end, I need to return the value 2, referring to _id: 5d752c544f4f1c0f1c93eb23 parking spaces, which have the value false in the excluded property.
So far, with the following query, I was able to select the vacancies with the excluded property with the false value, but it is selecting from all parking lots.
const registeredParkingSpaces = await Parking.aggregate([
{ $unwind: '$parkingSpace' },
{ $match: { 'parkingSpace.excluded': false } },
$group: {
_id: parking_id,
total: { $sum: 1 }
"message": [
"_id": "5d752c544f4f1c0f1c93eb23",
"total": 3
But it needs to return:
"message": [
"_id": "5d752c544f4f1c0f1c93eb23",
"total": 2
In aggregation 1st you match with id then go for the next step you will get your desire count because at this moment you are considering entire document "parkingSpace". Below is the sample code I guess it will work for you
const ObjectId = require('mongoose').Types.ObjectId;
const registeredParkingSpaces = await Parking.aggregate([
{ $match: { _id: objectId( } }
{ $unwind: '$parkingSpace' },
{ $match: { 'parkingSpace.excluded': false } },
$group: {
_id: parking_id,
total: { $sum: 1 }
This is the query through which you can get the count of total parking .
$match: {
"parkingSpace.excluded": false,
$project: {
parkingSpace: 1
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"count": {
"$sum": {
"$size": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$parkingSpace",
"as": "el",
"cond": {
"$eq": [
You can check the solution from this LINK
For more information about $sum : Visit the official official document
Through this you get your solution .

