Append HTML via JavaScript Concatenation [duplicate] - javascript

I'm trying to put elements inside other elements dynamically using Javascript without refreshing the page, the AJAX part of it works and is functional. However for some unknown reason my code closes automatically.
Here is a snippet of the code, and you can see that it's no actually closed. But after running the code in a browser it is closed
<div id="Events">
Get = document.getElementById("Events");
Get.innerHTML = "<div class='large-6 columns Pages' id='Page" + PN + "' style='background-color: #" + i + i + i + ";'>";
Get.innerHTML = Get.innerHTML + "<div class='large-6 columns Pages' id='Page" + PN + "' style='display: none; background-color: #" + i + i + i + ";'>";
The results on the page source are:
<div id="Page1" class="large-6 columns Pages" style="background-color: #000;"></div>
<div class="EventsClass"></div>
As you can see, this is a problem as I am trying to put elements inside elements. However I can't due to the closing tags.
I've search for a few hours and can't find a solution or even a cause to this.
There is NO closing tags, yet it is closed automatically. Is there a way to override this? Or bypass it?

From the documentation:
The innerHTML property sets or returns the HTML content (inner HTML) of an element.
Clearly, the content returned by this property has to be well-formed HTML and will definitely be rendered by browser with closing tags.
If you want to use elements inside elements and update the HTML of your desired GET object. Just create a normal string variable out of the content that you want to add and then sanitize it later on, and when you have the complete content that you desire, then update the .innerHTML with something like:
//content is a variable that just holds the string representing the HTML Content
var content = "<div class='large-6 columns Pages' id='Page" + PN + "' style='background-color: #" + i + i + i + ";'>";
content += "<div class='large-6 columns Pages' id='Page" + PN + "' style='display: none; background-color: #" + i + i + i + ";'>";
//close the divs or add more elements to the variable content
Get.innerHTML = content; //At the end.
I hope this gets you started in the right direction.


Bootstrap Data-Toggle attribute is not working with Cards generated from JS loop

I'm working on a website that makes a call to a database. It takes the JSON from the database and loops through a specific node -- appending HTML code to a div tag, which creates a Card for each database entry. I want to be able to have a Bootstrap Popover (or Tooltip) that appears when a Card is clicked (or hovered over if Tooltip). The Cards that are generated within the function fail to produce a Popover or Tooltip at all. If I append the same HTML code outside the function using JQuery, it works just fine. I'm unsure what is happening here.
Here's the function that loops through the database JSON and creates a card for each child.
function getWeekEvents(day, id) {
return firebase.database().ref(day).once('value').then(function(snapshot) {
var data = snapshot.val();
for (item in data) {
var event = data[item]["event"];
var loc = data[item]["loc"];
var time = data[item]["time"];
$("#" + id).append("<div class='card border border-primary week-cards-ann event-style' data-toggle='popover' data-content='Content' data-placement='right'>" +
"<div class='card-body my-lg-n3'>" +
"<div class='card-text my-lg-n1 float-left ml-lg-n3'>" +
"<p>" + event.substring(0,10) + "...</p>" +
"</div>" +
"</div>" +
The code below is outside any function and works just fine. It creates a card in the same way, but the Popover works.
$("#tuesday").append("<div class='card border border-primary week-cards-ann event-style' data-toggle='popover' data-placement='top' title='Hello'>" +
"<div class='card-body my-lg-n3'>" +
"<div class='card-text my-lg-n1 float-left ml-lg-n3'>" +
"<p>" + "...</p>" +
"</div>" +
"</div>" +
And I also have this part that is required for Popovers to work.
$(function () {
I also tried creating a Tooltip in the same way, instead of a Popover, but it resulted in the same problem. This lead me to believe that there may be something happening with the data-toggle attribute? I could be wrong. Does anyone have any thoughts?

Adding options to select field in JavaScript [duplicate]

I'm trying to put elements inside other elements dynamically using Javascript without refreshing the page, the AJAX part of it works and is functional. However for some unknown reason my code closes automatically.
Here is a snippet of the code, and you can see that it's no actually closed. But after running the code in a browser it is closed
<div id="Events">
Get = document.getElementById("Events");
Get.innerHTML = "<div class='large-6 columns Pages' id='Page" + PN + "' style='background-color: #" + i + i + i + ";'>";
Get.innerHTML = Get.innerHTML + "<div class='large-6 columns Pages' id='Page" + PN + "' style='display: none; background-color: #" + i + i + i + ";'>";
The results on the page source are:
<div id="Page1" class="large-6 columns Pages" style="background-color: #000;"></div>
<div class="EventsClass"></div>
As you can see, this is a problem as I am trying to put elements inside elements. However I can't due to the closing tags.
I've search for a few hours and can't find a solution or even a cause to this.
There is NO closing tags, yet it is closed automatically. Is there a way to override this? Or bypass it?
From the documentation:
The innerHTML property sets or returns the HTML content (inner HTML) of an element.
Clearly, the content returned by this property has to be well-formed HTML and will definitely be rendered by browser with closing tags.
If you want to use elements inside elements and update the HTML of your desired GET object. Just create a normal string variable out of the content that you want to add and then sanitize it later on, and when you have the complete content that you desire, then update the .innerHTML with something like:
//content is a variable that just holds the string representing the HTML Content
var content = "<div class='large-6 columns Pages' id='Page" + PN + "' style='background-color: #" + i + i + i + ";'>";
content += "<div class='large-6 columns Pages' id='Page" + PN + "' style='display: none; background-color: #" + i + i + i + ";'>";
//close the divs or add more elements to the variable content
Get.innerHTML = content; //At the end.
I hope this gets you started in the right direction.

Why is an HTML tag 'closing itself' in javascript and not including iterated content? [duplicate]

I'm trying to put elements inside other elements dynamically using Javascript without refreshing the page, the AJAX part of it works and is functional. However for some unknown reason my code closes automatically.
Here is a snippet of the code, and you can see that it's no actually closed. But after running the code in a browser it is closed
<div id="Events">
Get = document.getElementById("Events");
Get.innerHTML = "<div class='large-6 columns Pages' id='Page" + PN + "' style='background-color: #" + i + i + i + ";'>";
Get.innerHTML = Get.innerHTML + "<div class='large-6 columns Pages' id='Page" + PN + "' style='display: none; background-color: #" + i + i + i + ";'>";
The results on the page source are:
<div id="Page1" class="large-6 columns Pages" style="background-color: #000;"></div>
<div class="EventsClass"></div>
As you can see, this is a problem as I am trying to put elements inside elements. However I can't due to the closing tags.
I've search for a few hours and can't find a solution or even a cause to this.
There is NO closing tags, yet it is closed automatically. Is there a way to override this? Or bypass it?
From the documentation:
The innerHTML property sets or returns the HTML content (inner HTML) of an element.
Clearly, the content returned by this property has to be well-formed HTML and will definitely be rendered by browser with closing tags.
If you want to use elements inside elements and update the HTML of your desired GET object. Just create a normal string variable out of the content that you want to add and then sanitize it later on, and when you have the complete content that you desire, then update the .innerHTML with something like:
//content is a variable that just holds the string representing the HTML Content
var content = "<div class='large-6 columns Pages' id='Page" + PN + "' style='background-color: #" + i + i + i + ";'>";
content += "<div class='large-6 columns Pages' id='Page" + PN + "' style='display: none; background-color: #" + i + i + i + ";'>";
//close the divs or add more elements to the variable content
Get.innerHTML = content; //At the end.
I hope this gets you started in the right direction.

Javascript - .innerHTML changes auto close tags

I'm trying to put elements inside other elements dynamically using Javascript without refreshing the page, the AJAX part of it works and is functional. However for some unknown reason my code closes automatically.
Here is a snippet of the code, and you can see that it's no actually closed. But after running the code in a browser it is closed
<div id="Events">
Get = document.getElementById("Events");
Get.innerHTML = "<div class='large-6 columns Pages' id='Page" + PN + "' style='background-color: #" + i + i + i + ";'>";
Get.innerHTML = Get.innerHTML + "<div class='large-6 columns Pages' id='Page" + PN + "' style='display: none; background-color: #" + i + i + i + ";'>";
The results on the page source are:
<div id="Page1" class="large-6 columns Pages" style="background-color: #000;"></div>
<div class="EventsClass"></div>
As you can see, this is a problem as I am trying to put elements inside elements. However I can't due to the closing tags.
I've search for a few hours and can't find a solution or even a cause to this.
There is NO closing tags, yet it is closed automatically. Is there a way to override this? Or bypass it?
From the documentation:
The innerHTML property sets or returns the HTML content (inner HTML) of an element.
Clearly, the content returned by this property has to be well-formed HTML and will definitely be rendered by browser with closing tags.
If you want to use elements inside elements and update the HTML of your desired GET object. Just create a normal string variable out of the content that you want to add and then sanitize it later on, and when you have the complete content that you desire, then update the .innerHTML with something like:
//content is a variable that just holds the string representing the HTML Content
var content = "<div class='large-6 columns Pages' id='Page" + PN + "' style='background-color: #" + i + i + i + ";'>";
content += "<div class='large-6 columns Pages' id='Page" + PN + "' style='display: none; background-color: #" + i + i + i + ";'>";
//close the divs or add more elements to the variable content
Get.innerHTML = content; //At the end.
I hope this gets you started in the right direction.

JQuery click event firing multiple times

I know that there's lot here on already on multiple click events being fired off, I think I've read them all but still can't see what's going wrong here.
Hope fully I'm missing something obvious that someone else can pick up easily...
Some background
My code works inside an Enterprise Social Networking platform and creates a BI dashboard for content analysis (about a 1000 lines of the stuff, mostly domain specific, so too much to post in it's entirety).
The part that is causing me grief is the function that builds the dashboard visualisation itself.
Here goes...
function makePage(){
var docTypes=getGlobalDocTypes(polOwners); //returns a constrained vocab array
var statusTypes=getGlobalStatusTypes(polOwners); //returns a constrained vocab array
$.each(polOwners,function(){ // polOwners is a global array that contains the BI data to be visualised
var ownerName =":")[1]; // name is a str in format "Owner:HR"
html += "<div id='" + ownerName + "' class='ownerData'>";
html += "<div class='ownerHeading'>" + ownerName + "</div>";
html += this.policies.length + " Policy documents maintained<br />"; // policies is an array of docs managed by owner
divIDReview = "dboard_" + ownerName + "reviewchart";
html += "<div id='" + divIDReview + "' class='dboardelement'></div>";
divIDType = "dboard_" + ownerName + "typechart";
html += "<div id='" + divIDType + "' class='dboardelement'></div>";
divIDStatus = "dboard_" + ownerName + "statuschart";
html += "<div id='" + divIDStatus + "' class='dboardelement'></div>";
html += "<div id='" + ownerName + "ToggleTable' class='toggletable' owner='" + ownerName + "'>";
html += "Click to display all " + ownerName + " documents<br /></div>";
html += "<div id='" + ownerName + "polTable' class='poltable'>";
html += getPolTable(this.policies); // Returns an HTML table of doc metadata
html += "</div>";
html += "</div>";
  $("#owners").append(html); // When this function is called #owners is an empty div
$(this).css( {'cursor':'default','text-decoration':'none'});
$(".toggletable").each(function(i, elem){
if ($(this).next(".poltable").css("display")=="none"){
// Currently hidden - so show
if (debug){console.log($(this).attr("id") + " was clicked")}
$(this).html("Click to hide " + $(this).attr('owner') + " documents<br/>");
} else {
if (debug){console.log($(this).attr("id") + " was clicked")}
$(this).html("Click to display all " + $(this).attr('owner') + " documents<br />");
// the next section calls functions that use the Google vis api to draw pie charts
drawPie(300,200, "Review Status", "Status", "Policies", getReviewStatus(this.policies), ["green","orange","red"], divIDReview);
drawPie(300,200, "Document Types", "Type", "Docs", getDocTypes(this.policies, docTypes), [], divIDType);
drawPie(300,200, "Document Status", "Status", "Docs", getStatusTypes(this.policies, statusTypes), [], divIDStatus);
Hopefully that's enough to illustrate the problem.
You'll see that the code builds a dashboard display for each polOwner consisting of three pie charts and an option to hide or display a table of underlying data.
I started by applying the click event to the .toggletable class. When that fired multiple times I used the method described on another answer here with the .each to attach a unique event to each instance of the class.
So, what happens?
There are currently 9 polOwners and at first glance, the click event only seems to be toggling the display state of every other table. The console log however shows that this is because it is firing 9 times for the first instance, 8 for the second, 7 for the third etc. with the odd numbers leaving the table in the alternate state (when this works the display will change to a .toggle animation).
For info, While I'm a text editor person, I do have a copy of MS Expression Web 4 which is a useful tool for error checking HTML. I've pasted in a copy of the entire generated markup (nearly 4000 lines) and can't see any bad nesting or structure errors.
Any ideas folks?
You've got some nested loops:
// jQuery each on polOwners
// ... code that appends .toggletable class
// jQuery each on .toggletable class
$(".toggletable").each(function(i, elem){
// code that runs on the toggletable element
For each polOwner you are adding a div with the toggletable class. Then inside there you are looping through each div with a toggletable class and adding a click event.
This adds 1 click for the first polOwner, 2 for the second, three for the third and so on.
Move the toggletable each outside of the polOwner each and you should be good

