How can I make a button clickable if countdown har reached 0? - javascript

I have a countdown until marvel movies have their premier and would like to have a button "Book Tickets" that is unclickable when counting down, and then make it clickable when the countdown has reached 0. How do I do that?
I have tried to make if-statements, but something is wrong.
var clock = $('.clock').FlipClock(new Date("July 5, 2019 00:00:00"),{
clockFace: 'DailyCounter',
countdown: true
You can see the countdown I currently have on:
The callback seems to work well with alerts, even though the alert comes at second 1 and not 0, although I just need to find a way of changing the behaviour of the button.
This is the new code
var clock = $('.clock3').FlipClock(new Date("April 10, 2019 12:27:00"), {
clockFace: 'DailyCounter',
countdown: true,
callbacks: {
stop: function() {
alert("Hello! I am an alert box!!");

It's hard to figure what code to put in for your button since there isn't one available on your website. Here's a potential solution:
var clock = $('.clock').FlipClock(new Date("July 5, 2019 00:00:00"),{
clockFace: 'DailyCounter',
countdown: true
}, 1000);
function checktime(){
t = clock.getTime();
}, 1000);
Basically it starts your clock and checks the time every second. If the time is less than or equal to 0 it enables your button.
Source: Countdown flipclock and reset after counting to zero

why don't you bind a click handler on clock2 flip-clock-wrapper and then simply exit the function if the current datetime is less than July 5, 2019 ?
$('#clock2').off().on('click', function () { your code here } )
or maybe just had a normal button and do the same logic in the click handler ?


Javascript flipclock countdown generates incorrect date format

I'm working on a website were I'd like to use a countdown to a special event. I've now installed the flipclock.js script and it's up and working. But, it generates incorrect date formats, like attached image:
As you can see, the days, minutes and seconds are working as expected, but the "hour" is showing 93. I've used the following code to implement the flipclock.js:
var date = new Date(2018, 11, 8, 12, 0, 0);
var now = new Date();
var diff = (date.getTime() - now.getTime()) / 1000;
var clock;
clock = $('.clock').FlipClock({
clockFace: 'DailyCounter',
autoStart: false,
callbacks: {
stop: function() {
$('.message').html('The clock has stopped!')
Does anyone know why it's doing like this? I haven't changed anything in the
Just in case someone is still looking for the solution... Here's the content of the link that NoLifeKing refers to in the comments section.
It looks like this issue occurs if you do the following:
clock = $('.clock').FlipClock({
'autoStart': false,
'clockFace': 'DailyCounter',
'countdown': true,
as opposed to what is done below:
clock = $('.clock').FlipClock(diff, {
'autoStart': true,
'clockFace': 'DailyCounter',
'countdown': true,

Make FlipClock JS work like a countdown

I can't make FlipClock.js work. I want to, for example, make a 10 days countdown.
I made this fiddle but the flipclock doesn't appear -
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/flipclock.css">
<div class="your-clock"></div>
<script src="/assets/js/libs/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/js/flipclock/flipclock.min.js"></script>
var clock = $('.your-clock').FlipClock({
Try getting the current date and compare with the desired date:
var huh = new Date(Date.UTC(2014, 9, 17, 5, 15, 0));
var duh = new Date();
var wha = huh.getTime()/1000 - duh.getTime()/1000;
var clock = $('.clock').FlipClip(wha, { // <-- DID YOU MEAN FlipClock
clockFace: 'DailyCounter',
countdown: true
Flipclock() takes various options, but you'll need to make it a json array
var clock = $('.clock').FlipClock({
countdown: true
What they don't mention very well is that the first parameter can be the start offset, like so
var clock = $('.clock').FlipClock(3600*24*10, {
countdown: true
You can find more working example of this in the faces section of the docs -
Here is a working JSFiddle
How I made this work is by using the references section (on the left) rather than putting it in the code areas. This will often confuse the issue and, many times, JSFiddle itself.

Smoke script time

I am using the following script on my website:
How can I edit it so the smoke isn't continuous, but only appears every 20 seconds?
Here's the javascript:
var a=0;for(;a<15;a+=1){setTimeout(function b(){var a=Math.random()*1e3+5e3,c=$("<div />",{"class":"smoke",css:{opacity:0,left:Math.random()*200+80}});$(c).appendTo("#viewport");$.when($(c).animate({opacity:1},{duration:a/4,easing:"linear",queue:false,complete:function(){$(c).animate({opacity:0},{duration:a/3,easing:"linear",queue:false})}}),$(c).animate({bottom:$("#viewport").height()},{duration:a,easing:"linear",queue:false})).then(function(){$(c).remove();b()})},Math.random()*3e3)}
"use strict";var a=0;for(;a<15;a+=1){setTimeout(function b(){var a=Math.random()*1e3+5e3,c=$("<div />",{"class":"smoke",css:{left:Math.random()*200+80}});$(c).appendTo("#viewport");$.when($(c).animate({},{duration:a/4,easing:"linear",queue:false,complete:function(){$(c).animate({},{duration:a/3,easing:"linear",queue:false})}}),$(c).animate({bottom:$("#viewport").height()},{duration:a,easing:"linear",queue:false})).then(function(){$(c).remove();b()})},Math.random()*3e3)}}}())
I think $.timer() is what you're looking for.
var timer = $.timer(function() {
// Place your code here;
timer.set({ time : 20000, autostart : true });

Custom transition timing in impress.js

I'm trying to create different transition times for each slide in an impress.js presentation.
I found the code below in a book about impress.js. But checking it on JSLint it shows errors. I am not good enough with javascript to correct this myself. Anybody willing to help me out?
Edit: I need a solution without jQuery. This is because impress.js allows you to navigate through the presentation with spacebar and arrow keys and I don't want to lose that functionality.
I found that when navigating with the keys (while jQuery is timing the auto-advance) it does not respect the position where you navigated to, but forces you away from where you are. I would like instead that if you navigate to a slide (position) the auto-advance starts running the custom set time for that particular slide and advances to the next slide when the set amount of time has passed. This would be an awesome addition to impress.js. I hope this can be done. Thanks for your effort!
JSFiddle: (script added at the end of impress.js)
var step_transitions = [
{ "slide": 1, "duration": 2000 },
{ "slide": 2, "duration": 4000 },
{ "slide": 3, "duration": 1000 }
$(document).ready(function () {
var time_frame = 0;
step_transitions.filter(function (steps) {
time_frame = time_frame + steps.duration;
setTimeout(function () {
}); time_frame;
Addition: below script respects keyboard navigation, but all the slides have the same transition time.
var impress = impress();
document.addEventListener('impress:stepenter', function(e){
if (typeof timing !== 'undefined') clearInterval(timing);
var duration = ('data-transition-duration') ?'data-transition-duration') : 10000); // in ms
timing = setInterval(, duration);
There is an error in your code in the setTimeout:
setTimeout(function () {
}, time_frame);
It seems that the time_frame variable should be second argument of the setTimeout method.
You also forgot to initialize the api variable before using it:
var api = impress();
You also need the jQuery library to be able to use the $ function.
See updated fiddle
Update 2
I reworked your code to make it continue from the first slide after the last is reached:
var step_transitions = [
{ "slide": 0, "duration": 3000 },
{ "slide": 1, "duration": 4000 },
{ "slide": 2, "duration": 2000 }
$(document).ready(function () {
var time_frame = 0,
api = impress(),
current_step_index = 0,
do_transition = function (){
var step = step_transitions[current_step_index];
if(current_step_index >= step_transitions.length){
current_step_index = 0;
setTimeout(do_transition, step.duration);
//initial run
Note, that slides must start from 0, not 1.
See updated fiddle

Fast forward timer

I'm having trouble with fast forwarding a timer. It is very basic at this stadium. I have a interval that add numbers. Like this:
setInterval(function () {
//+1 second
//Format output to 00:00
//Handle minute update
}, 1000);
This works perfect. The timer is going at normal speed. What I want to do is fast forwarding this timer. I want a timer minute to take 1 real second. I have tried:
setInterval(function () {
//+1 second
//Format output to 00:00
//Handle minute update
}, 15);
That works sometimes and sometimes not. Sometimes it stops att 01:02 instead of 01:00. It may be my lack of math knowledge but I don't know. How would you do it? I am going to stop and start the timer every "timer minute" so it's important that the interval is correct.
Here is a fiddle of how I want it to work:
Maybe I should just adjust the time when I stop the timer?
It seems like 15 ms works most of the times. But something makes ut unreliable, I think the best way is to just adjust the time.
I think what you should be doing is storing your interval in a variable so that you can clear it, and start it again with a different delay.
var delay = 1000; // JavaScript uses milliseconds, so 1000 = 1 second
var theTimer = '';
function startTimer(){
theTimer = setInterval(function () {
// Do awesome stuff here
}, delay);
Now when you want to change the interval, or fast forward the timer, all you have to do is clear the current setInterval and define it again -
clearInterval(theTimer); // stop and clear the current timer
delay = 500; // Crank it up to twice the speed! 0.5 seconds!
startTimer(); // start a new setInterval();
Here is a simple demo
<!DOCTYPE html>
function myTimer(){
this.startTime=new Date();
var me = this;
return "0"+num;
return new String(num);
return "00"+num;
return "0"+num;
return new String(num);
var seconds=Math.floor(me.timePassed/1000);
var hours = Math.floor(seconds/3600);
var minutes = seconds-(hours*3600);
seconds = seconds%60;
me.outputElement.innerHTML= me.toTwoDigit(hours)+":"
var t = new myTimer();
<body onload="t.start();">
<input type="button" value="speed up" onclick="t.speedup()"></input>
<input type="button" value="slow down" onclick="t.slowDown()"></input>
<input type="button" value="stop" onclick="t.stop()"></input>
<input type="button" value="restart" onclick="t.start()"></input>
<input type="button" value="(re)start times 60" onclick="t.multiplier=60;t.start()"></input>
<div id="output"></div>
Ok so I'm going to answer this myself. I don't think I was clear enough. When I start the timer a timeout starts at the same time, that after one second stops the timer. This is where it goes wrong, the timer doesn't always show 01:00 when it stops.
So, the final solution is the set the seconds to 00 every time it stops, and because it all happens so fast, you wont notice.
setTimeout(function () {
$('.clock').html(rMin.slice(-2) + ':00');
}, 1000);
Check my updated fiddle:

