"this" is not returning module.exports - javascript

With the code below using Node.js v11.13.0, I receive the error that this.say is not a function.
/* utils.js */
module.exports = {
test: function() {
say: function(text) {
/* index.js */
const {test} = require('./utils.js');
When I log this with the function declared using function() {, it seems to return the global environmental object created by Node.js. If I use an arrow function instead, it returns an empty object.
Why isn't this returning module.exports?
The code is only an example, I'm not actually using it.

This has since been resolved by properly using module.exports instead. Part of the confusion behind this question was the fact that Visual Studio Code says this in my function should be module.exports. If I needed to use it multiple times I'd create a class, but I see no use now.
Thank you for the clarification and suggestions.

First off: why are you trying to do this? You're in Node, so there is literally no reason for any of your code to look up what the node construct is. It should only care about being able to find the things you wrote.
Secondly, you're declaring a plain object, not a class instance, so the this keyword will never point to that variable. It can only ever point to the owner of whatever the current execution scope is.
If you want to return module.exports, then just... do. Either directly, which would be weird, or by at least capturing your export as a real thing first:
const mything = {
test: function() {
say(text) {
module.exports = mything;
But from your code, that's not what you want. What you want is a real class:
class MyThing {
test() {
say(text) {
module.exports = MyThing;
Which you should then call as:
const MyThing = require("./my-thing.js");
let mything = new MyThing();


global Jest SpyOn function doesen't call the original function

I hope someone might help me understanding the interactivity of js prototypes and jest.spOn().
I have a small Example:
An example class in file TestObj.ts:
export default class TestObj {
foo() {
// Do Something e.g.
console.log("Hello World!");
The following example Test Case is succeeding but the console.log is never executed.
import TestObj from './TestObj';
const spyObj = jest.spyOn(TestObj.prototype, 'foo');
test('debug test', () => {
const obj = new TestObj();
If I change the Example Test Case to the following, the test succeeds and the console.log statement is called as expected.
import TestObj from './TestObj';
test('debug test', () => {
const spyObj = jest.spyOn(TestObj.prototype, 'foo');
const obj = new TestObj();
Any idea why the version, using the global spyOn variable does not work as expected?
It seems to be not related to prototypes.
The same Issue is there for a function without any kind of class,
editing the First Code snippet (TestObj.ts) to this:
export foo() {
// Do Something e.g.
console.log("Hello World!");
We receve the same issue for the updated second snipped. (The test succeeds but the console log is never reached.)
import * as testlib from './TestObj';
const spyObj = jest.spyOn(testlib, 'foo');
test('debug test', () => {
However if we update the second snippet to the following the test succeeds and the console log is executed:
import * as testlib from './TestObj';
const spyObj: jest.SpyInstance;
beforeEach(() => {
spyObj = jest.spyOn(testlib, 'foo');
test('debug test', () => {
However I have still no clue why I discover this issue.
who ever comes across this post,
Problem explanation
I did a lot more of research(try&error, mdn, jest manpage and a lot of medium articles) and I guess that I found out the reason for the strange behavior. To understand this issue it is important to know a number of points:
1: JS prototypes are global variables, every object of the corresponding type relies on.
2: Jest does not reset global variables after every test, changes made before, or inside any test to a global variable will be kept for the whole test suite (file).
3: The jest spy on function is actually a mockup of the specified function with an implementation calling the function it self. e.g.:
jest.SpyOn(TestObj.prototype, 'foo'); actually is implemented as: TestObj.prototype.foo = new jest.fn().mockImplementation(()=>{original_TestObj.prototype.foo()});
This means spying on a function of a class prototype is actually changing a global variable.
4: Depending on your jest config, there is the possibility to reset mockup functions before every test to the default value. But be careful the default function for spyOn seems to be the same as for jest.fn() it self, an empty implementation, which means the mock-up is still callable but no code, especially not the original implementation is executed.
avoid changing global variables, if you want your testcases independent from each other.
avoid spying on prototypes, in test cases, if you require the spy only in a single test try to spy on the local object eg:
test('should foo', () => {
const testObj = new TestObj();
const spyOnFn = jest.spyOn(testObj, 'foo');
// Do anything
expect(spyOnFn).to//Have been anything
if requiring spyOn implementations of the same function
in more than one test try to create a global variable for the Test
but use the before each functionality of jest to setup the Spy. This
functionality is executed after the reset of all mocks (if enabled).
let spyOnFunction1: jest.SpyInstance;
beforeEach(()=> {
spyOnFunction1 = jest.spyOn(TestObj.prototype, 'foo');

node "require" hoisted to top outside of script -- loses access to variables from outer function

I'm requiring different files at the top of my main script in node. All my require statements are hoisted to the top. This creates a problem because when the methods within those imported scripts are invoked they do not have access to the function within which they are invoked (Because they are inevitably defined outside those functions due to the hoisting issue). Therefore, I must always pass variables in an options object. Has anyone experiences a similar issue? Is there some sort of standard workaround that people use? Thanks!
function outer(){
//let's pretend we're in a node environment
//this required script will get hoisted to the very top and therefore lose access to the "something" variable!
var common = require('../globals/common.js');
var something = "something";
common.printsomething();//will return "something is not defined"
I would assume that it'd ultimately be better to pass 'something' to the printsomething method, like so.
common.printfoo('bar'); //returns 'bar'
Typically, what you're doing there isn't how modules in node works. Yes, breaking up a large program into separate files is an excellent way to organize a project, but I'm afraid that I have to say you're doing it wrong here. In the context of 'outer', you could do:
var common = require('../globals/common.js');
function outer(str){
common.printsomething(str);//will return "something"
var something = 'something';
function printthing(str){
module.exports = {
printsomething: function(str){
module.exports.print = function (data) {
module.exports.add = function (a, b, callback) {
callback(a + b);
var mymodule = require('module');
module.print('Some data'); //Will print "Some data" in the console
module.add(25, 12, function (result) {
console.log(result); //Will print 37
As you can see, in main.js, I do not need to know the content of module.js to wrk. that is the goal of modules: put the hard logic somewhere else, to build better code. Modules like async or fs are huge and complex, but I just have to import them to work with it, and don't need to know how it does it.
While building your own module, think of it as a new library of tools, so that you can reuse it in another project without the need to set specific variables to use them. Imagine the chaos it would be if two module were able to get the content of your var something for unrelated goal!
Modules are self contained, to be reusable. A "de hoisting" of thoses would reduce their efficacity.
If you have a lot of environment variable, you can try a pattern where you set them once inside the module, but you have to make sure to provide a way to interact with them.
var data = {};
function set(key, value) {
data[key] = value;
function get(key) {
return data[key];
function print(key) {
function add(keyA, keyB) {
return data[keyA] + data[keyB];
module.exports = {
set: set,
get: get,
print: print,
add: add
var mymod = require('mymod');
mymod.set('data', 'something');
mymod.set('a', 25);
mymod.set('b', 12);
mymod.print('data'); //Print "something"
var c = mymod.add('a', 'b');
console.log(c); //Print 32

unit-testing functions in module

Ok, I'm making a serious stab at learning about unit testing for the first time, I'm using Mocha & Sinon.
So hypothetical dumb module, contains functions foo and bar. Foo depends on bar.
(function() {
var bar = function(callback) {
if (willOfTheGods) {
callback('err', null);
} else
callback(null, 'hurrah');
var foo = function() {
bar(function(err, res) {
//blah deh blah
module.exports = {
bar: bar,
foo: foo
I want to stub bar so I can test foo.
This seems logical from the Sinon docs ...
var myModule = require('../myModule');
sinon.stub(myModule, 'bar')
myModule.bar.callsArgWith(0, ['err', null]);
but it only works if I call bar in the test itself.
myModule.bar(function(err, result){
console.log('err, result');
When I call myModule.foo it still uses the original 'unstubbed one'.
It seems like creating a stub just creates a new local variable for that
function rather than stubbing it in the module.
Or am I missing something completely - or just doing the wrong thing?
Ok, Some research revealed that stubbing like this is only replacing the value of the module.exports property not the underlying function. So I need to use something like rewire to actually get inside the module.
So now if I drop the Sinon stub and just do:
var myModule = rewire('../myModule');
myModule.__set__('bar', function(callback){
callback('err', null);
it works ... kind of. It only works if I remove the self executing function wrapping from myModule, ie remove (function(){ ... })();. My understanding was that was a best-practice ... but maybe only in the browser? Whole different question there I guess.

meaning of module.exports= function in node.js

I am taking first steps with node.js and obviously one of the first things i tried to do was exporting some data from a module, so i tried this simple case:
var user = "rally";
module.exports = {
and than required it from a different file like this:
var dummy = require('./dummy.js');
console.log(dummy.user); // rally
So far so good, every thing works, but now i dived into code where there is this definition in the beginning of the module:
module.exports = function(passport,config, mongoose) {}
and i don't understand whats the meaning of it and how can i work with it.
just for trying to understand i defined some variables inside this abstract function but couldn't get their value from any other file.
any idea how can i export variables from module defined like this..? so for example i could require this module and get the "Dummy" variable and use it in a different file
module.exports = function(passport,config, mongoose) {
var dummy = "Dummy";
It works exactly the same as the first one does, only that it exports a function instead of an object.
The module that imports the module can then call that function:
var dummy = require('./dummy.js');
any idea how can i export variables from module defined like this..?
Since functions are just objects, you can also assign properties to it:
module.exports = function(passport,config, mongoose) {}
module.exports.user = 'rally';
However I'd argue that this is less expected if a module directly exports a function. You are probably better off exporting the function as its own export:
exports.login = function(passport,config, mongoose) {}
exports.user = 'rally';
A module encapsulates related code into a single unit of code. When creating a module, this can be interpreted as moving all related functions into a file.
// dummy.js
var exports = module.exports = {};
The utility of dummy.js increases when its encapsulated code can be utilized in other files. This is achieved by using exports.
You could declare your functions outside of the module.exports block. Functions inside exports can be invoked exactly the same way as variables or any other object.
var myVariable = "foo";
var myFunction = function(){
//some logic
myVariable : myVariable,
myFunction : myFunction,
myVariableTypeTwo : "bar",
myFunctionTypeTwo : function () {
//some logic
We can now access the publicly available methods of dummy.js as a property from any js file.
var dummy = require('./dummy.js');
dummy.myVariable; //foo
dummy.myVariableTypeTwo; //bar
In the code above, we could have replaced module.exports with exports and achieved the same result. If this seems confusing, remember that exports and module.exports reference the same object.

In Node.JS, how do I return an entire object from a separate .js file?

I am new to Node.js and trying to figure out how to request an object from a separate file (rather than just requesting a function) but everything I try--exports,module-exports,etc--is failing.
So, for example, if I have foo.js:
var methods = {
getFoo: function(){return "foo!!";},
getBar: function(){return "bar!!";}
module.exports = methods;
And now I want to call a function within an object of foo.js from index.js:
var m = require('./foo');
function fooMain(){
return m.Foobar.getFoo();
How do I do this? I have tried all sorts of combinations of exports and module-exports but they seem to only work if I call a discrete function that is not part of an object.
You said that you tried exports, but your code doesn't show it. Anything that you want to be visible from outside your module must be assigned to (or otherwise be referable from) module.exports. In your case, where you have an object already, you can just assign it to module.exports:
var methods = {
// You must export the methods explicitly
module.exports = methods;
module.exports isn't magic, it's a normal object, and you can treat it as such. Meaning that you could have assigned your methods directly to it, as in:
module.exports.Foobar = {};
module.exports.Foobar.getFoo = function() { ... };
Or, as you probably know, you could event replace it with a function:
module.exports = function() { return "It's ALWAYS over 9000!!!!"; };
Only after exporting will you be able to use anything in another module.

