How is the best combination for Laravel VueJs? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 3 years ago.
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actually i just learn about Vue.js and i have some knowledge using Laravel. I want to combine both of them, im searching for tutorials on internet and i found 2 kind of combination.
the first one is they separate Laravel and Vue, and the second one they combine both of them in Laravel Directory. Which one is the best for use guys? and can you guys tell me what is the benefits of each other? thank you so much.

These are different types of frameworks. You can build a nice UI independently. Yes, you can use both together. In your case, the Laravel will be API backend.
That don't have to be SSR. A Vue.js project can work with any API backend if you can. For example, you have developed a CRM front-end. Its backend can develop using Laravel or .NET Core. Vue doesn't care about it.
If the returned results are the same, you don't need to spend more effort.
What's the SPA?
A single-page application works in the browser and requires no page reloads and no extra time for waiting. The page doesn’t need to be updated since the content is downloaded automatically.
You already use these types of applications every day. Twitter, Trello, Facebook, Gmail, etc.
Actually, if your project needs to Vue.js, use it. In this case, you should ask this question yourself, "Why do we need a Single Page Application?".
The answer to the second question, yes you can. But you don't need to put them to the same directory.
As I said, benefits depend on your project's needs. Enterprise applications are could want to have different microservices, layers, etc.
Laravel and similar frameworks helping these kinds of needs.
I hope these pieces of information could help you.
Why do we need a Single Page Applications
Single-page application vs. Multi-page application
Single Page Application: advantages and disadvantages


What is the best way to load html as components? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am currently working on a multiple pages website. I find it foolish to have to go into every html file to make simple changes to the header and footer. I am thinking about jquery load method but I hate using it. How should I go about doing this without without jquery.
Like the other comments have said, there are multiple ways to do this.
As pointed out by User Daniel Chung, a good choice for this situation is using a website framework. I personally use Laravel Blade as it's a well-documented framework and is great for beginners. Laravel uses PHP and handles the backend. However, it includes Blade which uses html to do the frontend, this way you could use #extends('template') in your blade file, allowing you to pull in data from other blade(html) documents. More info here.
You could also use frontend frameworks like Vue.js or Next.js.
If you don't want to worry about frameworks, there are other ways to solve this problem. As user ikiK mentioned, using PHP includes allows you to perform just this. This link from W3Schools is very useful and the first example they provide is basically exactly what you want.
I would recommend trying out some of the frameworks if you are building a complex website but if you need a simple fix, the PHP includes is the way to go.

Does Javascript and Jquery languages are enough to make a working web messenger application? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Can we make a web based messenger application through the use of just these two languages javascript and jquery?
You will at least need to learn some basics of HTML as well.
(Hopefully) you also want to style your application, which means you should learn at least some CSS.
As far as programming languages go you will however need to know JavaScript and can use jQuery (among other things) to manipulate DOM.
Many modern applications however user React or Angular heavily to make the application building process easier in the long run.
You will also need to store your data somewhere, which means either server-side code and learning how to use a database such as mySQL, MongoDB or CouchDB to name a few (noSQL such as MongoDB or CouchDB are probably more appropriate for a messaging app). Or make it easier on yourself and use Firebase or something similar to store and retrieve data as well as handle user account and authentication.
I know all this may seem overwhelming, but making web apps involves a lot of moving parts.
If you are starting out, I would recommend simpler challenges than a web app, but if that is what you are set on, the easiest in my opinion would be:
HTML + CSS + JQUERY (this is how your app UI is handled)
JAVASCRIPT (connects UI and data)
FIREBASE (stores data and enables user management and authentification)
Resources to help you get started:

Should I use client-side frameworks like Ember or React for a non SPA? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Our application shows pages with 90% static content. Clicking a link always generates another similar page. In fact, with the exception of a proposed ticker of some sort, nothing will change on the page once its rendered.
Recently, I've been asked to evaluate either EmberJS or ReactJS as the framework to use in our next version. We do have quite the logic on the server-side, and we can render templates much faster on the server, and cache the resulting HTML.
My question is: since my app is NOT an SPA, is there any benefit at all for client-side MVC? Or should I just handle everything (templates, routing, state management) on the server side?
If nothing will change on the page once its rendered probably a client side MVC framework is not what you are looking for. They are designed for rich web apps, these frameworks dynamically load resources to the page as necessary, as a response to user actions or route changes. In a SPA application the page does not reload during user interaction.
If you render a diff page every time a user clicks a link everything will be restarted, you can still implement an "hybrid" app and use these frameworks, they are not SPA exclusive, we have accomplished this functionality multiple times.
SPA is a hugely concept to grasp but you usually adopt libraries to handle aspects that are essential to your app, but seems that right now you do not have one.
I suggest to read this article from John Papa.

Is angularjs a good fit for large datacentric enterprise web application [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to build a web application which will have many different pages. each page mainly shows data in table and various graphs based on data.
I want to decouple front end completely from the backend. for this reason I am considering angularjs.
My concern is following two points:
angular js is considered best for SPA style applications
angularjs will load the partial view when required and will load data through ajax, every page needs at least two seperate http requests to render the page.
Is it really a good choice to select angular or any better approach?
I think that using Angular is a good solution, I am working in a very big project, that manage a lot of data and angular is working perfectly.
There are a lot of advantages of using Angular. However, I think that it depends on your needs, if you don't need a rich experience of user, maybe you can select other option different from a SPA that could be faster, if you don’t have experience developing a SPA..
I think that in your case, it is most important choosing well the backend technology than the frontend technology, because the responsibility of managing the data is from the backend.
I hope that helps.
Angular JS is a good for these kind of applications.
1.) Angular JS simplifies your code.
2.) It builds on HTML so you don't have to learn something entirely new and it is fast to catch up.
3.) It has a large community so you can get help on topics easily.
4.) It is continuously evolving.
5.) It is based on MVC structure.
P.S: Read on dirty checking part of angular as it is considered best in some scenarios and not so good in others. It is considered to keep no. of objects to 1000 or less while using angular for good performance.
Hope that helps! :)
From my experience I would say yes, is good. But maybe you can see with your eyes some case studies and applications built with angular:
Check this blog post also: Building large apps with AngularJS.

Which is the suitable javascript framework to develop Single page application with php as backend? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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We want to create a single page application with php as backend language. Which javascript framework would be a suitable one to develop this?
This question is too subjective and probably going to get flagged. Based on my recent experience trying to convert a yii app to angular frontend, this is my two cents..
Yii is great framework but as soon as you start adding intermediate to advanced Javascript and ajax functionality things start breaking down in unexpected ways, especially with IE and other older browsers, it becomes more even complicated if you are using lot of Yii extensions for popular jquery/js plugins. This is perhaps because Yii's internal JS functions are not really configurable especially with widgets both Yii's and third party.
A single page app using AngularJS/Yii does not really require Yii. If you are using angularJS then almost all data is passed via JSON. Essentially Yii becomes an API engine. Yii is bit heavy for an API only scenario. There are much simpler frameworks which are built specifically for APIs .
Having said that you should perhaps consider using this combination if you are comfortable with Yii do not really want to learn a new backend framework, or have an existing project in Yii which you want to convert to AngularJS.
There is project template for using along with BackboneJS for single page applications you can check it out here
It will give you some idea on how to integrate a Javascript framework with Yii

