Module has not default export after converting to Typescript - javascript

I have converted the JavaScript code to Typescript and getting the error
Module has no default export
I have tried importing using the curly braces and exporting using module.exports but none of them worked.
const contacts: String[] = [];
// Handle index actions
exports.index = (req: any, res: any) => {
data: contacts,
message: "Contacts retrieved successfully",
status: "success"
// Handle create contact actions = (req: any, res: any) => {
// save the contact and check for errors
data: contact,
message: "New contact created!"
import contactController from "./contactController";
In the api-routes.ts, when I am trying to import the contactController module it is throwing the error
Module has no default export
How can I import without the error? I have tried using "import {contactController} from "./contactController" but that did not work as well.

Documentation (see the "Export" and "Import" sections): Typescript Modules Documentation.
To complete Vasil's answer:
When you import a module this way:
// <some_file>.ts
import <whatever_name_I_want> from "<path_to_my_awesome_module>";
<my_awesome_module>.ts needs to have a default export. For example, this can be done this way:
// <my_awesome_module>.ts
export default foo = () => { // notice the 'default' keyword
// ...
export bar = () => {
// ...
With the code above, <whatever_name_I_want> will be the foo method (a module can only have 1 default export). In order to import the bar method as well, you will have to import it seperately:
// <some_file>.ts
import <whatever_name_I_want>, { bar } from "<path_to_my_awesome_module>";
But according to what you're trying to do, there is probably no need to use a default export. You could simply export all your methods with the export keyword, like this:
// contactController.ts
export index = (req: any, res: any) => { // no need for a default export
// ...
export create = (req: any, res: any) => {
// ...
and import them both either in brackets:
// api-routes.ts
import { index, create } from "./contactController";
// Usage
or in a global variable:
// api-routes.ts
import * as contactController from "./contactController";
// Usage
PS: I renamed your new method in create because "new" is already a JavaScript keyword.

You need to change the way you export to:
const contacts: String[] = [];
// Handle index actions
const index = (req: any, res: any) => {
data: contacts,
message: "Contacts retrieved successfully",
status: "success"
// Handle create contact actions
const newContact = (req: any, res: any) => {
// save the contact and check for errors
data: contact,
message: "New contact created!"
export default {index, newContact};
Then you should be able to import then like so
import routes from './contactController';


Type error with react-query and UseQueryResult

I am using react-query in my TS project:
import { getToken } from '../../tokens/getToken';
import { basePath } from '../../config/basePath';
import { getTokenAuthHeaders } from '../../functions/sharedHeaders';
import { useQuery } from 'react-query';
async function getOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID: string) {
const token = await getToken();
const response = await fetch(`${basePath}/lists/${listID}/order_items/`, {
method: 'GET',
headers: getTokenAuthHeaders(token)
return response.json();
export default function useOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID: string) {
if (listID != null) {
return useQuery(['list', listID], () => {
return getOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID);
I use my query result over here:
import { useCardsForList } from '../../hooks/Cards/useCardsForList';
import useOrderItemsForCardsInList from '../../hooks/Lists/useOrderItemsForCardsInList';
import usePaginateCardsInList from '../../hooks/Cards/usePaginateCardsInList';
export default function CardsListFetch({ listID }: { listID: string }) {
const { isLoading, isError, error, data } = useCardsForList(listID);
const { orderItems } = useOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID);
const pagesArray = usePaginateCardsInList(orderItems, data);
return (
However, on my const { orderItems } = useOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID); line, I get the following error:
Property 'orderItems' does not exist on type 'UseQueryResult<any, unknown> | undefined'.
How can I resolve this? I don't really know how to consume the result of my query on Typescript, any help is be appreciated
The property on useQuery that you need to consume where you find your data is called data, so it should be:
const { data } = useOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID);
if that data has a property called orderItems, you can access it from there.
However, two things I'm seeing in your code:
a conditional hook call of useQuery (which is forbidden in React)
your queryFn returns any because fetch is untyped, so even though you are using TypeScript, you won't get any typesafety that way.
If you are using React with react-query, I suggest you install this devDependency called: "#types/react-query". When using VS Code or any other smart text editor that will help, because it will help you with type suggestions.
npm i --save-dev #types/react-query
Then go to your code and fix couple things:
remove condition from useOrderItemsForCardsInList(). Don’t call React Hooks inside loops, conditions, or nested functions. See React hooks rules.
import UseCategoryResult and define interface for your return object. You can call it OrderItemsResult or similar. Add type OrderType with the fields of the order object or just use orderItems: any for now.
Add return type UseQueryResult<OrderItemsResult> to useOrderItemsForCardsInList() function.
Fix return value of getOrderItemsForCardsInList(), it should not be response.json() because that would be Promise, not actual data. Instead use await response.json().
So your function useOrderItemsForCardsInList() will return UseQueryResult which has properties like isLoading, error and data. In your second code snipper, you already use data in one place, so instead rename data to orderData and make sure you define default orderItems to empty array to avoid issues: data: orderData = {orderItems: []}
import { getToken } from '../../tokens/getToken';
import { basePath } from '../../config/basePath';
import { getTokenAuthHeaders } from '../../functions/sharedHeaders';
import { useQuery, UseCategoryResult } from 'react-query';
type OrderType = {
id: string;
name: string;
// whatever fields you have.
interface OrderItemsResult {
orderItems: OrderType[],
async function getOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID: string) {
const token = await getToken();
const response = await fetch(`${basePath}/lists/${listID}/order_items/`, {
method: 'GET',
headers: getTokenAuthHeaders(token)
const data = await response.json();
return data;
export default function useOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID: string): UseQueryResult<OrderItemsResult> {
return useQuery(['list', listID], () => {
return getOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID);
Use your query result:
import { useCardsForList } from '../../hooks/Cards/useCardsForList';
import useOrderItemsForCardsInList from '../../hooks/Lists/useOrderItemsForCardsInList';
import usePaginateCardsInList from '../../hooks/Cards/usePaginateCardsInList';
export default function CardsListFetch({ listID }: { listID: string }) {
const { isLoading, isError, error, data } = useCardsForList(listID);
const { data: orderData = { orderItems: []}} = useOrderItemsForCardsInList(listID);
const pagesArray = usePaginateCardsInList(orderItems, data);
return (

Not able to export function in nodejs

I have defined a function service in one of the file
import Category from '../models/Category.js';
export const AllCategories = () => {
const cursor = Category.find({});
return cursor
export default {AllCategories}
I am importing this in the controller file
import express from 'express';
import categoryService from '../services/categories.js'
const router = express.Router();
export const getCategories = async(req,res) => {
try {
const categoriesInfo = categoryService.AllCategories
} catch (error) {
res.status(404).json({ message: error.message });
export default router;
But the issue is that AllCategories is not getting run, what is wrong here
I also tried adding async/await
import Category from '../models/Category.js';
export const AllCategories = async () => {
try {
const cursor = await Category.find({});
return cursor
} catch (error) {
return error
export default {AllCategories}
But still no luck
You're not calling the function, this saves it in the variable categoriesInfo:
const categoriesInfo = categoryService.AllCategories
To get its return value:
const categoriesInfo = await categoryService.AllCategories();
Note: I think you need to make it async if you're doing a db transaction so keep the second version and test it.
You can't use the ES module or ESM syntax by default in node.js. You either have to use CommonJS syntax or you have to do 1 of the following.
Change the file extension from .js to .mjs
Add to the nearest package.json file a field called type with a value of module

NestJS createParamDecorator return undefined

I'm using Nest version ^6.7.2
I'm trying to create a createParamDecorator that gets the req.user value from a request.
Inside the createParamDecorator, the req.user has a value, however when I try to get the value in a controller by using the decorator the value is undefined.
const AuthSession = createParamDecorator((data, req) => {
console.log(req.user); // session data
return req.user;
export default class AuthController {
tokenPing(#AuthSession() session: Session) {
console.log(session); // undefined
return session;
Edit: I just tried updating to nestjs v7 and I'm having the same issue
import { createParamDecorator, ExecutionContext } from "#nestjs/common";
const AuthSession = createParamDecorator((data: any, ctx: ExecutionContext) => {
return { message: "asdf" };
export default AuthSession;
export default class AuthController {
tokenPing(#AuthSession() session: Session) {
console.log(session); // undefined
return session;
you can get the information firs from ExecutionContext:
import { createParamDecorator, ExecutionContext } from '#nestjs/common';
export const User = createParamDecorator(
(data: unknown, ctx: ExecutionContext) => {
const request = ctx.switchToHttp().getRequest();
return request.user;
check the example in the doc : Custom decorator
I figured out what the issue was. I had a custom validation PipeTransform that returned undefined if the ArgumentMetadata.type was neither "body" nor "param". So now I just return the first argument of the validator's transform method (the input) if the ArgumentMetadata.type is neither "body" nor "param" and that fixed the problem.

Nest js POST Request Not Recognizing DTO method

I'm having some trouble hitting a POST endpoint that triggers a typeorm method to my postgres DB.
Here's my DTO object:
import { ApiProperty } from '#nestjs/swagger/';
import { IsString, IsUUID} from 'class-validator';
import { Client } from '../../../models';
import { User } from '../../../user.decorator';
export class ClientDTO implements Readonly<ClientDTO> {
#ApiProperty({ required: true })
id: string;
#ApiProperty({ required: true })
name: string;
public static from(dto: Partial<ClientDTO>) {
const cl = new ClientDTO(); =; =;
return cl;
public static fromEntity(entity: Client) {
return this.from({
public toEntity = (user: User | null) => {
const cl = new Client(); =; =;
cl.createDateTime = new Date();
cl.createdBy = user ? : null;
cl.lastChangedBy = user ? : null;
return cl;
My controller at POST - /client:
import {
Get, Post
} from '#nestjs/common';
import { ClientDTO } from './dto/client.dto';
import { ClientService } from './client.service';
import { User } from 'src/user.decorator';
export class ClientController {
private clientService: ClientService
) { }
public async getAllClients(): Promise<ClientDTO[]> {
return this.clientService.getAllClients();
public async createClient(#User() user: User, #Body() dto: ClientDTO): Promise<ClientDTO> {
return this.clientService.createClient(dto, user);
And my service:
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { InjectRepository } from '#nestjs/typeorm';
import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { Client } from '../../models';
import { ClientDTO } from './dto/client.dto';
import { User } from '../../user.decorator';
export class ClientService {
#InjectRepository(Client) private readonly clientRepository: Repository<Client>
) {}
public async getAllClients(): Promise<ClientDTO[]> {
return await this.clientRepository.find()
.then(clients => => ClientDTO.fromEntity(e)));
public async createClient(dto: ClientDTO, user: User): Promise<ClientDTO> {
.then(e => ClientDTO.fromEntity(e));
I get a 500 internal server error with log message stating that my ClientDTO.toEntity is not a function.
TypeError: dto.toEntity is not a function
at ClientService.createClient (C:\...\nest-backend\dist\features\client\client.service.js:29:47)
at ClientController.createClient (C:\...\nest-backend\dist\features\client\client.controller.js:27:35)
at C:\...\nest-backend\node_modules\#nestjs\core\router\router-execution-context.js:37:29
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
I'm confused because this only happens via http request. I have a script that seed my dev database after I launch it fresh in a docker container called seed.ts:
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { Client } from '../models';
import { ClientDTO } from '../features/client/dto/client.dto';
import { ClientService } from '../features/client/client.service';
import { configService } from '../config/config.service';
import { createConnection, ConnectionOptions } from 'typeorm';
import { User } from '../user.decorator';
async function run() {
const seedUser: User = { id: 'seed-user' };
const seedId =
.reduce((s, it, x) => (x > 3 ? s : (s += it)), '');
const opt = {
debug: true
const connection = await createConnection(opt as ConnectionOptions);
const clientService = new ClientService(connection.getRepository(Client));
const work = _.range(1, 10).map(n => ClientDTO.from({
name: `seed${seedId}-${n}`,
######################## my service calls ClientDTO.toEntity() without issue ###########################
.map(dto => clientService.createClient(dto, seedUser)
.then(r => (console.log('done ->',, r)))
return await Promise.all(work);
.then(_ => console.log('...wait for script to exit'))
.catch(error => console.error('seed error', error));
It makes me think I am missing something simple/obvious.
Looks like you are using ValidationPipe. The solution is mentioned here
when setting your validation pipe you need to tell it to transform for example
app.useGlobalPipes(new ValidationPipe({
transform: true
The fact that the dto is declared like this dto: ClientDTO in the controller is not enough to create instances of the class. This is just an indication for you and the other developers on the project, to prevent misuses of the dto object in the rest of the application.
In order to have instances of classes, and use the methods from the class, you have to explicitly set a mapping like this:
public async createClient(#User() user: User, #Body() dto: ClientDTO): Promise<ClientDTO> {
const client = ClientDTO.from(dto);
return this.clientService.createClient(client, user);
Assuming ClientDTO.from is the right function to use for the data contained in dto. If not, adapt it, create a new one, or add a constructor.
Your dto was not a class-based object when coming in through your api call-- it's just a generic object. Therefore it can't have methods and so your toEntity method won't work. The error message you get is a red herring that doesn't tell you the true cause of the failure.
You can fix this by creating a new object based on your class and then calling a method on the new object to copy the properties in from your plain object dto, or by using the class-transformer library, or by whatever you want that achieves the same result.

How can I test koa middleware with typescript

I have a lot of middleware. Here is one of them. How can I test my middleware with type compliance and with context.state validation on typescript ?
async function internationalizationPlugin(
context: ParameterizedContext<AppState, AppContext>,
next: Next
) {
context.state.i18n = await (i18next as any).createInstance({
lng: context.state.language,
fallbackLng: 'en',
await next()
a linter will check for type compliances and will be able to customize them more. However, you would just need to make sure that you export the function to your test file and then run a expect(typeof context)<AppState, AppContext>) that's not 100% copy/pasteable code, but, I think that it is on the right track. Also, for testability it could be easier if you created a class out of your middlewares that way importing and testing are done easier.
It's my simple type support solution. I'm not sure if it is suitable for everyone.
import * as httpMocks from 'node-mocks-http'
import * as Koa from 'koa'
export interface MockContext<RequestBody = undefined> extends Koa.Context {
request: Koa.Context['request'] & {
body?: RequestBody
export const koaMockContext = <
State = Koa.DefaultState,
Context = MockContext,
RequestBody = undefined
requestBody?: RequestBody
) => {
const req = httpMocks.createRequest()
const res = httpMocks.createResponse()
const app = new Koa<State, Context>()
const context = app.createContext(req, res) as MockContext<RequestBody> & Koa.ParameterizedContext<State, Context>
res.statusCode = 404
context.request.body = requestBody
return context
And example
import { AppContext, AppState } from './types'
import { koaMockContext } from './utils'
import { internationalizationPlugin } from '../src/internationalizationPlugin'
describe('internationalizationPlugin', () => {
const ctx = koaMockContext<AppState, AppContext>()
it('should not be undefined', async () => {
await internationalizationPlugin(ctx, async () => {})

