How to overlay Html elements over svg path - javascript

I need to place some html elements over my svg path. How can i do that ?
I looked up for foreignObject but it only allows for whole svg what about the path sections ?
Here is my svg code
<svg id="svg" width="50%" height="50%" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" enable_background="new 0 0 1000 589" pretty_print="False" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 271.87 232.08" xmlns="">
<g fill="#f9f9f9" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-width=".97063">
<path d="m109.29 15.045 0.2913-7.5709-3.106-0.0971-21.451-0.97063-21.548-1.3589-48.92-4.2708-3.009-0.29119-0.38825 3.4943-7.2797 75.127-0.67944 7.0856-2.7178 28.634 0.38826 0.0971 13.395 1.2618 1.2618-6.7944 2.4266-1.9413 27.178 2.4266h0.19413l-2.4266-4.7561 12.327 0.87357 30.769 1.7471 19.218 0.87357 3.3002-91.045 0.67944 0.0971 0.0971-2.6207z" data-id="NM" data-name="New Mexico"/>
<path d="m246.35 13.201-0.19413-2.6207-0.0971-2.5236-0.19413-2.5236-3.6884 0.29119-37.563 1.7471-52.705 0.77651-22.519-0.29119-4.1737-0.0971h-1.553l-6.115-0.19413-1.9413-0.0971-4.0766-0.0971-1.9413-0.0971-0.2913 7.5709-0.0971 2.6207h0.58238l23.489 0.58238 24.848 0.29119 0.29119 33.196 1.7471 5.8238 3.8825 3.6884 4.1737 0.19413 0.87356-1.7471 5.7267 5.2414 7.4739 0.7765 1.3589 1.553 2.7178-1.2618 6.7944 3.2031v1.8442l2.5236-0.0971 2.6207-2.2324 4.8532 3.106 4.562 1.6501 3.106-4.2708 9.9004 4.659 3.6884-3.009 3.009-1.1648 2.4266 0.58238 9.1239-2.6207 4.8532 2.0383 4.3678 2.8148 3.7855 0.67944h0.0971l-0.0971-4.3678-1.0677-26.401-0.0971-4.3678-3.7855-19.607-0.58238-2.7178-0.0971-2.5236z" data-id="OK" data-name="Oklahoma"/>
<path d="m210.82 227.22-4.659-17.568v3.3002zm-1.0677-30.866-3.3002 6.212-0.38825 2.0383zm2.6207-4.562 3.106-4.0767-2.2324 1.3589zm10.968-9.9004-7.2797 3.7855 2.0383-0.38825zm0.97063-1.3589 2.0383-1.6501-0.7765 0.19413zm-115.12-162.87-0.67944-0.0971-3.3002 91.045-19.218-0.87357-30.769-1.7471-12.327-0.87357 2.4266 4.7561 10.58 10.58 6.0179 7.0856 7.9592 5.9208 5.6297 10.289 2.1354 10.774 4.562 3.009 3.5913 3.9796 5.1443 1.8442 7.4739 4.7561 3.3972 1.2618 4.659-4.659 1.456-4.9502 2.4266-4.7561 7.5709-3.009 2.9119 1.4559 8.4445 0.67945 7.668 4.7561 5.2414 0.97063-1.456 2.7178 3.009 1.9413 2.8148 3.3972 0.58238 3.5913 1.8442 2.4266 4.2708 10.289 4.2708 3.5913 3.3002 5.4355 4.1737 4.2708 1.8442 0.58238 1.553 11.065 4.562 2.5236 0.19412 3.4943 1.1648-0.29119 7.9592 9.7063 3.9796 0.87357 5.0473 3.009h7.765l5.6297 3.106 6.6974-1.4559-3.009-2.8148-2.7178-8.1533-1.0677-7.0856-1.553-2.3295 0.67944-4.7561-2.0383-0.19413-2.7178-4.4649 3.106 3.3002 3.5913-1.2618 1.9413-5.1444-3.8825-5.2414 5.8238 0.67944 2.7178-4.1737-0.38825-1.456 2.4266-3.2031-0.58238 2.8148 2.7178-2.1354-1.0677-3.7855 3.4943 1.8442 4.4649-2.5236-4.3678-4.562 2.7178 1.0677 5.0473 0.29119 6.6003-1.456 7.3768-4.9502 4.4649-3.6884 0.67944-2.7178 2.7178-2.8148-1.456-4.659 0.29119-2.9119 4.8532-2.1354-0.38826 5.1444h2.9119l-3.2031 2.7178 12.909-6.7944 2.1354-0.0971 1.3589-6.212h0.38826l1.4559-3.5913 0.67944-11.065 0.87357-4.4649-2.5236-7.9592-3.106-5.4355-0.0971-2.6207-3.2031-4.4649-1.9413-18.733-0.0971-2.3295-0.19413-2.4266-0.58238-8.5416-5.8238 0.19413-1.456-1.553-0.29119-0.0971h-0.0971l-3.7855-0.67944-4.3678-2.8148-4.8532-2.0383-9.1239 2.6207-2.4266-0.58238-3.009 1.1648-3.6884 3.009-9.9004-4.659-3.106 4.2708-4.562-1.6501-4.8532-3.106-2.6207 2.2324-2.5236 0.0971v-1.8442l-6.7944-3.2031-2.7178 1.2618-1.3589-1.553-7.4739-0.7765-5.7267-5.2414-0.87356 1.7471-4.1737-0.19413-3.8825-3.6884-1.7471-5.8238-0.29119-33.196-24.848-0.29119-23.489-0.58238h-0.58238z" data-id="TX" data-name="Texas"/>

You need to find the center of a path in pixels in a resizable svg element. For this you need:
to find the center of a path in svg units
convert the svg units in pixels
repeat on resize
Please read the comments on my code.
In my code the div #label is just a point. If you need to add text to the div you'll need to take in account the width and the height of the div.
// the values of the svg viewBox
svgVB = { x: 0, y: 0, w: 271.87, h: 232.08 };
//the bounding box for the path id="NM"
let BB = NM.getBBox();
//the center of the path in svg units
let center = {};
center.x = BB.x + BB.width / 2;
center.y = BB.y + BB.height / 2;
//the center of the path in html units
let htmlCenter = {};
// a function to get the position of the div
function positionDiv() {
//first get the size and the position of the svg element
let SVGClientRect = svg.getBoundingClientRect();
//calculate the htmlCenter x
htmlCenter.x = map(
SVGClientRect.x + SVGClientRect.width
//calculate the htmlCenter y
htmlCenter.y = map(
SVGClientRect.y + SVGClientRect.height
// set the styles for the label = htmlCenter.x + "px"; = htmlCenter.y + "px";
//call the positionDiv function
//call the positionDiv function on resize
window.setTimeout(function() {
window.addEventListener("resize", positionDiv, false);
}, 15);
function map(n, a, b, _a, _b) {
let d = b - a;
let _d = _b - _a;
let u = _d / d;
return _a + n * u;
svg {
border: 1px solid;
#label {
width: 5px;
height: 5px;
border-radius: 50%;
background: red;
position: absolute;
<svg id="svg" width="50%" height="50%" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" enable_background="new 0 0 1000 589" pretty_print="False" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 271.87 232.08" xmlns="">
<g fill="#f9f9f9" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-width=".97063">
<path d="m109.29 15.045 0.2913-7.5709-3.106-0.0971-21.451-0.97063-21.548-1.3589-48.92-4.2708-3.009-0.29119-0.38825 3.4943-7.2797 75.127-0.67944 7.0856-2.7178 28.634 0.38826 0.0971 13.395 1.2618 1.2618-6.7944 2.4266-1.9413 27.178 2.4266h0.19413l-2.4266-4.7561 12.327 0.87357 30.769 1.7471 19.218 0.87357 3.3002-91.045 0.67944 0.0971 0.0971-2.6207z" id="NM" data-name="New Mexico"/>
<path d="m246.35 13.201-0.19413-2.6207-0.0971-2.5236-0.19413-2.5236-3.6884 0.29119-37.563 1.7471-52.705 0.77651-22.519-0.29119-4.1737-0.0971h-1.553l-6.115-0.19413-1.9413-0.0971-4.0766-0.0971-1.9413-0.0971-0.2913 7.5709-0.0971 2.6207h0.58238l23.489 0.58238 24.848 0.29119 0.29119 33.196 1.7471 5.8238 3.8825 3.6884 4.1737 0.19413 0.87356-1.7471 5.7267 5.2414 7.4739 0.7765 1.3589 1.553 2.7178-1.2618 6.7944 3.2031v1.8442l2.5236-0.0971 2.6207-2.2324 4.8532 3.106 4.562 1.6501 3.106-4.2708 9.9004 4.659 3.6884-3.009 3.009-1.1648 2.4266 0.58238 9.1239-2.6207 4.8532 2.0383 4.3678 2.8148 3.7855 0.67944h0.0971l-0.0971-4.3678-1.0677-26.401-0.0971-4.3678-3.7855-19.607-0.58238-2.7178-0.0971-2.5236z" id="OK" data-name="Oklahoma"/>
<path d="m210.82 227.22-4.659-17.568v3.3002zm-1.0677-30.866-3.3002 6.212-0.38825 2.0383zm2.6207-4.562 3.106-4.0767-2.2324 1.3589zm10.968-9.9004-7.2797 3.7855 2.0383-0.38825zm0.97063-1.3589 2.0383-1.6501-0.7765 0.19413zm-115.12-162.87-0.67944-0.0971-3.3002 91.045-19.218-0.87357-30.769-1.7471-12.327-0.87357 2.4266 4.7561 10.58 10.58 6.0179 7.0856 7.9592 5.9208 5.6297 10.289 2.1354 10.774 4.562 3.009 3.5913 3.9796 5.1443 1.8442 7.4739 4.7561 3.3972 1.2618 4.659-4.659 1.456-4.9502 2.4266-4.7561 7.5709-3.009 2.9119 1.4559 8.4445 0.67945 7.668 4.7561 5.2414 0.97063-1.456 2.7178 3.009 1.9413 2.8148 3.3972 0.58238 3.5913 1.8442 2.4266 4.2708 10.289 4.2708 3.5913 3.3002 5.4355 4.1737 4.2708 1.8442 0.58238 1.553 11.065 4.562 2.5236 0.19412 3.4943 1.1648-0.29119 7.9592 9.7063 3.9796 0.87357 5.0473 3.009h7.765l5.6297 3.106 6.6974-1.4559-3.009-2.8148-2.7178-8.1533-1.0677-7.0856-1.553-2.3295 0.67944-4.7561-2.0383-0.19413-2.7178-4.4649 3.106 3.3002 3.5913-1.2618 1.9413-5.1444-3.8825-5.2414 5.8238 0.67944 2.7178-4.1737-0.38825-1.456 2.4266-3.2031-0.58238 2.8148 2.7178-2.1354-1.0677-3.7855 3.4943 1.8442 4.4649-2.5236-4.3678-4.562 2.7178 1.0677 5.0473 0.29119 6.6003-1.456 7.3768-4.9502 4.4649-3.6884 0.67944-2.7178 2.7178-2.8148-1.456-4.659 0.29119-2.9119 4.8532-2.1354-0.38826 5.1444h2.9119l-3.2031 2.7178 12.909-6.7944 2.1354-0.0971 1.3589-6.212h0.38826l1.4559-3.5913 0.67944-11.065 0.87357-4.4649-2.5236-7.9592-3.106-5.4355-0.0971-2.6207-3.2031-4.4649-1.9413-18.733-0.0971-2.3295-0.19413-2.4266-0.58238-8.5416-5.8238 0.19413-1.456-1.553-0.29119-0.0971h-0.0971l-3.7855-0.67944-4.3678-2.8148-4.8532-2.0383-9.1239 2.6207-2.4266-0.58238-3.009 1.1648-3.6884 3.009-9.9004-4.659-3.106 4.2708-4.562-1.6501-4.8532-3.106-2.6207 2.2324-2.5236 0.0971v-1.8442l-6.7944-3.2031-2.7178 1.2618-1.3589-1.553-7.4739-0.7765-5.7267-5.2414-0.87356 1.7471-4.1737-0.19413-3.8825-3.6884-1.7471-5.8238-0.29119-33.196-24.848-0.29119-23.489-0.58238h-0.58238z" id="TX" data-name="Texas"/>
<div id="label"></div>

You need to add an id to your path
<path id="my-text" .......... />
aftet that, inside your svg tags put:
<textPath xlink:href="#text">text on a path</textPath>
you use the same id you used for that path in the href=""
Hope this helps!
this article also may help you out!
for putting elements in your svg:
The only way i found was using <foreignObject>
<div> your content</div>
</svg> this article can you more about that. There are ways yo position with x and y attributes.


Switch Logo color in Dark Mode issue

I have a black color logo for my portfolio and i would like to switch it white when Dark Mode :
I have tried:
Using CSS Variables
<img class="nav_logo" src="assets/img/PR_logo.png" alt="original logo" />
body {
--nav_logo: url(PR_logo.png) no-repeat;
body[data-theme="dark"] {
--nav_logo: url(PR_logo_white.png) no-repeat;
.nav_logo {
background: var(--nav_logo);
Using SVG
<img class="nav_logo" src="assets/img/PR_logo.svg" id="svg" alt="PR Logo">
.nav_logo {
fill: currentColor;
Unfortunately none of the above has worked.
Any suggestion?
change stroke="#000" in your svg to stroke="currentColor"
body.dark-theme .nav__logo{
color: #FFFFFF;
If you are considering a JS-based solution, you can use the approach I developed below. Clicking the toggle button changes both the src attribute of the <img> element and the background-color style of the <body> element.
let button = document.getElementById('toggleButton');
let logo = document.getElementById('logo');
let darkImageURL = "";
let lightImageURL = "";
button.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
if(this.innerHTML === "Dark") { = "black";
this.innerHTML = "Light";
logo.src = darkImageURL;
else { = "white";
this.innerHTML = "Dark";
logo.src = lightImageURL;
<button id="toggleButton">Dark</button>
<img id="logo" class="nav_logo" src="" alt="original logo" width="100" height="100"/>
You can use css variables with content property for img
document.getElementById('toggleButton').addEventListener('click', function(event) {
if (this.innerHTML === "Dark") {
document.body.dataset.theme = "dark";
this.innerHTML = "Light";
} else {
document.body.dataset.theme = "light";
this.innerHTML = "Dark";
body {
--nav_logo: url('');
body[data-theme="dark"] {
--nav_logo: url('');
.nav_logo {
content: var(--nav_logo);
<button id="toggleButton">Dark</button>
<img id="logo" class="nav_logo" src="" alt="original logo" width="100" height="100" />
Svg is just perfect – but wont't work within an <img> element.
You might consider these steps:
optimize your logo svg to inherit colors in a more consistent way
reduce your logo to fixed path elements i.e convert stroked elemnts like the inside bar/pipe to a solid shape/path to avoid accidental strike-width shifts
use an svg <use> concept – providing an <img> like usage i.e providing external svg files as reusable assets.
stripping hard coded svg properties for better global css styling:
function toggleDarkmode(){
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
body {
color: #000;
transition: 0.3s;
.darkmode {
color: #fff;
background-color: #000;
/* just example css – not essential */
.nav__logo .logo {
display: inline-block;
width: 10em;
.svgAsset {
position: absolute;
width: 0;
height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
<div class="nav__logo">
<p><button type="button" onclick="toggleDarkmode()">toggleDarkmode</button></p>
<svg class="logo" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 375 375" fill="currentColor">
<path d="M 187.382812 337.265625 C 148.582031 337.265625 112.046875 322.164062 84.628906 294.691406 C 57.152344 267.273438 42.050781 230.738281 42.050781 191.933594 C 42.050781 153.132812 57.152344 116.597656 84.628906 89.179688 C 112.046875 61.703125 148.582031 46.601562 187.382812 46.601562 C 226.1875 46.601562 262.722656 61.703125 290.140625 89.179688 C 317.613281 116.652344 332.714844 153.132812 332.714844 191.933594 C 332.714844 230.738281 317.613281 267.273438 290.140625 294.691406 C 262.722656 322.164062 226.1875 337.265625 187.382812 337.265625 Z M 187.382812 55.316406 C 150.90625 55.316406 116.574219 69.546875 90.785156 95.335938 C 64.996094 121.125 50.765625 155.457031 50.765625 191.933594 C 50.765625 228.414062 64.996094 262.742188 90.785156 288.53125 C 116.574219 314.324219 150.90625 328.554688 187.382812 328.554688 C 223.863281 328.554688 258.191406 314.324219 283.980469 288.53125 C 309.773438 262.742188 324.003906 228.414062 324.003906 191.933594 C 324.003906 155.457031 309.773438 121.125 283.980469 95.335938 C 258.191406 69.546875 223.863281 55.316406 187.382812 55.316406 Z M 187.382812 55.316406"></path>
<path d="M 35.097656 -71.835938 L 8.824219 -71.835938 L 8.824219 0 L 19.292969 0 L 19.292969 -23.910156 L 35.097656 -23.910156 C 50.59375 -23.910156 58.390625 -35.816406 58.390625 -47.820312 C 58.390625 -59.828125 50.59375 -71.835938 35.097656 -71.835938 Z M 35.097656 -34.171875 L 19.292969 -34.171875 L 19.292969 -61.367188 L 35.097656 -61.367188 C 43.820312 -61.367188 48.128906 -54.59375 48.128906 -47.71875 C 48.128906 -40.945312 43.820312 -34.171875 35.097656 -34.171875 Z M 35.097656 -34.171875" transform="translate(97.282 227.676)"></path>
<path d="M 34.996094 -36.429688 L 22.886719 -36.429688 L 22.886719 -31.503906 L 49.054688 0 L 62.496094 0 L 39.816406 -26.988281 C 52.132812 -29.144531 58.390625 -38.792969 58.390625 -48.949219 C 58.390625 -60.34375 50.59375 -72.757812 34.996094 -72.757812 L 8.824219 -72.757812 L 8.824219 0 L 19.085938 0 L 19.085938 -62.292969 L 34.996094 -62.292969 C 43.71875 -62.292969 48.027344 -55.109375 48.027344 -48.949219 C 48.027344 -42.691406 43.71875 -36.429688 34.996094 -36.429688 Z M 34.996094 -36.429688" transform="translate(216.811 227.676)"></path>
<path transform="matrix(0 -9.7441 10.11111 0 187.491 250.21)" d="M -0.0000988013 0.0000885473 L 11.930592 0.0000885473" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1"></path>
all path related fill attributes are removed (resulting in a default fill="#000" / black)
svg parent element gets a fill="currentColor" – inherited to all children
the stroke based bar/pipe element gets a stroke="currentColor" rule
<svg><use href="#..."></svg> also works fine with external files
The next example takes an inlined svg as source but will also work fine with external file references like this (provided, these external files are available on the same domain):
<use href="logo.svg#logo-symbol">
function toggleDarkmode(){
body {
color: #000;
transition: 0.3s;
.darkmode {
color: #fff;
background-color: #000;
/* just example css – not essential */
.nav__logo .logo {
display: inline-block;
width: 10em;
<div class="nav__logo">
<p><button type="button" onclick="toggleDarkmode()">toggleDarkmode</button></p>
<svg class="logo logo-cropped" viewBox="0 0 100 100" >
<use href="#logo-smaller" />
<svg class="svgAsset" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100" aria-hidden="true">
<symbol id="logo-smaller" viewBox="0 0 100 100" fill="currentColor">
<path id="circle" d="M50 100c-27.6 0-50-22.4-50-50c0-27.6 22.4-50 50-50c27.6 0 50 22.4 50 50c0 27.6-22.4 50-50 50zm0-97c-25.9 0-47 21.1-47 47c0 25.9 21.1 47 47 47c25.9 0 47-21.1 47-47c0-25.9-21.1-47-47-47z" />
<path id="P" d="M31.1 37.6l-9 0l0 24.7l3.6 0l0-8.2l5.4 0c5.3 0 8-4.1 8-8.2c0-4.2-2.7-8.3-8-8.3zm0 12.9l-5.4 0l0-9.4l5.4 0c3 0 4.5 2.3 4.5 4.7c0 2.4-1.5 4.7-4.5 4.7z" />
<path id="R" d="M72.2 49.8l-4.2 0l0 1.7l9 10.8l4.6 0l-7.8-9.3c4.2-0.7 6.4-4.1 6.4-7.6c0-3.9-2.7-8.2-8-8.2l-9 0l0 25l3.5 0l0-21.3l5.5 0c3 0 4.5 2.5 4.5 4.6c-0.1 2.1-1.5 4.3-4.5 4.3z" />
<path id="Pipe" d="M51.4 70l-2.8 0l0-40l2.8 0l0 40z" />
In the above example, strokes are converted to solid paths – thus you don’t have to bother about styling stroke-colors and fill colors.
»Silverbullet« currentColor?
svg's currentColor value is handy to color svg elements according to their parent elements' (text) color.
E.g. perfectly suited for an inline (icon font like) element behavior.
But you won't see any effect applying fill color values.
Nothing wrong with the fill property
Since fill is reserved for svg elements – you don't have to worry about accidentally overridden styles.
So it might still be a better choice for some elements.

javascript animated SVG not working in Wordpress

My javascript animated SVG not working in WordPress. Can anybody help with the best practice of how to make an animated SVG work?
My first thought is - is it not working because of the security of having javascript inside an SVG file...
The file works as-is:
My SVG file looks like this:
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 912.83 882.07">
:root {
--color-1: #F2B705;
--color-2: #C30F0E;
--color-3: #264ABA;
--color-4: #009CD2;
--color-5: #E25727;
--color-11: #C29204;
--color-22: #990B0B;
--color-33: #172E73;
--color-44: #006B8E;
--color-55: #BA4620;
#c1 {
fill: var(--color-1);
#c2 {
fill: var(--color-2);
#c3 {
fill: var(--color-3);
#c4 {
fill: var(--color-4);
#c5 {
fill: var(--color-5);
.cls-7 {
fill: #a1ac75;
circle:hover:not(.active) {
stroke: #999;
stroke-width: 11.5;
} {
stroke: black;
stroke-width: 11.5;
line {
stroke: gold;
stroke-width: 4;
line.highlight {
stroke: black;
<polygon id="fem-kant" class="cls-7" points="456.29 7.49 898.87 329.05 729.82 849.33 182.76 849.33 13.71 329.05 456.29 7.49"/>
<line class="c3 c5" x1="656.32" y1="748.57" x2="133.5" y2="368.62"/>
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<a href="#0">
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<a href="#0">
<circle id="c4" cx="256.18" cy="748.57" r="133"/>
<a href="#0">
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var allCircles = document.querySelectorAll("circle");
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
// Add an click handler to every circle that
// adds the class "active" to the clicked circle.
allCircles.forEach(element => {
element.addEventListener("click", clickHandler);
element.addEventListener("mouseover", mouseoverHandler);
element.addEventListener("mouseout", mouseoutHandler);
function clickHandler(evt) {
// Clear current selection (remove class "active" from any circle)
allCircles.forEach((circle) => circle.classList.remove("active"));
// Mark clicked circle selected"active");
// Clear any currently highlighted lines
function mouseoverHandler(evt) {
let activeCircle = document.querySelector("");
let hoveredCircle =;
if (activeCircle && (activeCircle != hoveredCircle)) {
// Get the line that has classes matching both the actibve and hovered circle
let line = document.querySelector("line."".";
// Add the class "highlight" to that line
if (line)
function mouseoutHandler(evt) {
function clearHighlightedLines() {
// Find the line with class "highlight" (if any)
var line = document.querySelector("line.highlight");
// Remove the class "highlight"
if (line)
But the javascript is not working and the SVG file looks like this in WordPress:
If the script should be outside the SVG file - can I link to the script placed at the root of the site. What would a link inside an SVG file look like?
I made a little mistake in my answer to your last question. The
var allCircles = document.querySelectorAll("circle");
part should be inside the DOMContentLoaded event. I believe that if you fix that, it will make a difference.

dynamically setAttribute Style FILL using data variable

I have a set of arrays to set the start position, weidth and name of some chart elements in a SVG. What I haven't been able to achieve is setting the colour of each of those elements using HEX values from an array called chart_color.
Currently you'll see I've set the value of fill to green. What I tried and failed with is fill: chart_color[num].
<!DOCTYPE html>
<svg id="mysvg" width="1000" height="800"
xmlns="" version="1.1">
<text x="50" y="60" fill="black"
font-family="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
font-size="28">Revenue and Expenses</text>
<line x1="150" y1="80" x2="150" y2="320"
style="stroke:rgb(155, 144, 144);stroke-width:5" />
<script type="application/ecmascript"> <![CDATA[
var mysvg = document.getElementById("mysvg");
var chart_start = [152, 84, 152]
var chart_width = [100,64,36]
var chart_names = ["Revenue", "Expenses","Profit"]
var chart_color = ["#28CE6D","#DF3456","#4DC7EC"]
var num = 3;
while (num-- > 0)
var rect = document.createElementNS("", "rect");
rect.setAttribute("x", chart_start[num]);
rect.setAttribute("y", [num] * 70 + 100);
rect.setAttribute("width", chart_width[num]);
rect.setAttribute("height", "50");
rect.setAttribute("style", "fill:green;stroke:black;stroke-width:0;opacity:1");
With style attributes you can actually assign them a value without using the setAttribute function: = chart_color[num]
But use this method consistently so that you don't override the style attribute, like setting color to "red" then setting style to "width:100px".
You just need to get the index (num) of the chart_color array and apply that as a variable within in your style declaration (breaking out of the string).
Note that you are also setting the border to stroke: black - but hte stroke width to 0 - So it can be seen I have amended that to stroke-width: 1 so that the border on each shows up.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<svg id="mysvg" width="1000" height="800"
xmlns="" version="1.1">
<text x="50" y="60" fill="black"
font-family="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
font-size="28">Revenue and Expenses</text>
<line x1="150" y1="80" x2="150" y2="320"
style="stroke:rgb(155, 144, 144);stroke-width:5" />
<script type="application/ecmascript"> <![CDATA[
var mysvg = document.getElementById("mysvg");
var chart_start = [152, 84, 152]
var chart_width = [100,64,36]
var chart_names = ["Revenue", "Expenses","Profit"]
var chart_color = ["#28CE6D","#DF3456","#4DC7EC"]
var num = 3;
while (num-- > 0)
var rect = document.createElementNS("", "rect");
rect.setAttribute("x", chart_start[num]);
rect.setAttribute("y", [num] * 70 + 100);
rect.setAttribute("width", chart_width[num]);
rect.setAttribute("height", "50");
rect.setAttribute("style", "fill:" + chart_color[num] + ";stroke:black;stroke-width:1;opacity:1");

Tweak SVG viewBox behaviour via javascript

I am using vanilla javascript to navigate the pages of a comic book. However, I need to setup a condition that checks if the points in the current polygon intersects with the points in the next polygon. If true, I want the viewBox to animate from the current points to the next points, if false let nothing happen (use the default fade transition).
Here is a section of my code
var DELAY = 400;
function nextArea() {
if (isFirstPage() || areaIndex >= areas.length - 1) {
} else {
setTimeout(changeArea, DELAY);
function prevArea() {
if (isLastPage() || areaIndex <= 0) {
} else {
setTimeout(changeArea, DELAY);
function changeArea() {
if (isFirstPage() || isLastPage()) {
var activeArea = areas[areaIndex];
var points = activeArea.getAttribute('points').split(' ');
var xy1 = points[0].split(',');
var xy2 = points[1].split(',');
var xy3 = points[2].split(',');
var box = [xy1[0], xy1[1], xy2[0] - xy1[0], xy3[1] - xy2[1]];
activePage.setAttribute('viewBox', box.join(' '));
activeRect = rects[pageIndex - 1];
activeRect.setAttribute('x', xy1[0]);
activeRect.setAttribute('y', xy1[1]);
My code repository is here:
Here is what I have thus far:
Here is how I expect it to act:
I suppose this is what you may need: a way to transition the viewBox from one value to another so that every time you have only one part of the svg in the viewBox.
let BB = {};
BB.tomato = tomato.getBBox();
BB.skyblue = skyblue.getBBox(); = gold.getBBox();
let radios = document.querySelectorAll("#controls input");
radios.forEach(r =>{
let color = r.dataset.color;
let bb = BB[color];
svg.setAttributeNS(null,"viewBox", `${bb.x} ${bb.y} ${bb.width} ${bb.height}`) = `${bb.height * 300 / bb.width}px`;
svg {
width: 300px;
border: 1px solid;
height: 600px;
transition: height 1s;
<p id="controls">
<label>tomato: <input type="radio" name="selector" data-color="tomato" /></label>
<label>skyblue: <input type="radio" name="selector" data-color="skyblue" /></label>
<label>gold: <input type="radio" name="selector" data-color="gold" /></label>
<svg id="svg" viewBox="0 0 100 200">
<g id="tomato">
<circle cx="35" cy="70" r="25" fill="tomato" />
<g id="skyblue">
<ellipse cx="75" cy="160" rx="15" ry="35" fill="skyblue" />
<g id="gold">
<polygon fill="gold" points="75,15 60,30 90,30" />

Relatively scale Svg inside fixed Div (CSS and JS)

I have two svg graphics which do not have the same size, but the content does relatively suit each other, see the following example:
The Goal
I search for a solution which preserves the ratio between both svg´s while having both images in a "fixed frame".
The Problem
The following example shows how the left person "gets bigger" since the svg is smaller than the svg from the right person and can grow more inside the fxied frame (max-width and max-height 100%) like this
I can´t change the svg files (i.e. the viewbox) since they are loaded on a canvas and working right there.
This two SVGs are just an example, there are a lot of other SVGs with different sizes and ratios between each other.
I prepared a Fiddle to play around and try possible solutions:
I know you're looking to strictly use CSS, but as a (potential) fallback you could use JavaScript to resize the smaller svg, based on the ratio of the larger svg's computed height / natural height.
This is the line that resizes the smaller img based on the desired proportions: shortImg.height = shortImg.naturalHeight * (tallImg.height / tallImg.naturalHeight);
var images = document.querySelectorAll('.Tile');
var img1 = images[0];
var img2 = images[1];
if (img1.naturalHeight > img2.naturalHeight) {
tallImg = img1;
shortImg = img2;
} else {
tallImg = img2;
shortImg = img1;
shortImg.height = shortImg.naturalHeight * (tallImg.height / tallImg.naturalHeight);
.Box {
display: inline-flex;
align-items: flex-end;
justify-content: center;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
border: 1px solid black;
background-color: grey;
vertical-align: bottom;
.Tile {
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<hr />
<div class="Box">
<img class="Tile" src="" />
<div class="Box">
<img class="Tile" src="" />
Use a more appropriate viewBox for the sitting person. Make the viewBox y and height components match the ones in the standing SVG.
In your case the "standing" SVG has a viewBox y=0 and height=367. The "sitting" SVG has a height=269.
If you make the sitting one have a viewBox height of 367 also, the proportions of the two will match. However you'll need to change the y component of its viewBox as well - otherwise it will be at the top of the SVG instead of the bottom. So we set the y component to (269-367) to correct that.
viewBox="0 -98 230.31494 367"
.Box {
display: inline-block;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
border: 1px solid black;
background-color: grey;
.Tile {
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;
<div class="Box">
viewBox="0 -98 230.31494 367"
enable-background="new 0 0 283.46 283.46"
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1.301,6.291 0.591,9.452 -0.671,2.981 -5.512,5.316 -8.862,7.976 -5.566,4.418 -9.548,9.458 -17.428,9.748 -4.32,0.159 -10.468,-1.677 -10.634,-4.727 -0.109,-1.997 2.922,-4.173 4.431,-5.611 5.661,-5.403 11.798,-15.013 10.93,-20.088 -2.639,-0.34 -6,1.328 -9.453,2.068 -3.363,0.721 -7.076,1.395 -10.635,2.068 -5.167,0.977 -19.593,3.505 -20.086,-3.25 -0.5,-6.841 11.431,-7.824 16.542,-10.93 6.697,-4.069 12.635,-14.058 23.534,-8.613 -2.043,-15.677 -4.313,-36.206 -5.428,-54.158 -0.33,-5.322 -0.356,-10.632 0.209,-15.508 1.092,-9.412 6.831,-18.869 18.314,-15.656 2.347,0.657 5.177,3.024 7.681,4.726 7.516,5.112 14.579,11.641 21.563,16.247 3.45,-3.143 5.502,-4.255 7.208,-8.248 -1.796,-4.543 -0.257,-7.046 0.159,-8.922 1.07,-4.835 2.708,-6.9 4.154,-11.779 1.529,-5.16 2.977,-9.229 4.431,-14.178 1.398,-4.757 3.601,-8.829 7.09,-11.521 3.581,-2.763 8.66,-3.413 14.179,-4.431 3.427,-0.632 10.732,-0.849 13.588,-2.363 6.498,-3.447 1.389,-14.053 0.886,-20.677 -0.491,-6.473 0.888,-12.902 3.25,-17.429 4.873,-9.345 13.085,-13.365 24.808,-14.473 z m 12.683,46.181 c 5.244,-4.976 12.22,-18.445 9.769,-28.162 -1.13,-4.471 -5.963,-9.977 -10.341,-12.407 -10.737,-5.961 -25.016,-1.179 -31.311,6.499 -3.713,4.529 -6.177,12.304 -5.317,20.383 0.583,5.471 4.116,11.546 1.772,17.723 -1.172,3.09 -3.935,4.496 -6.794,5.317 -7.92,2.277 -21.577,1.985 -26.29,6.794 -0.93,0.948 -2.03,3.583 -2.954,5.612 -3.042,6.681 -4.637,12.077 -6.794,20.382 -1.299,5.003 -4.049,10.938 -3.249,15.065 0.435,2.242 4.429,6.594 6.499,8.271 2.352,1.905 5.468,3.382 8.271,5.021 8.118,4.748 18.191,9.22 26.585,13.884 10.919,6.067 31.195,3.359 34.562,-6.202 -0.572,-3.586 -10.684,4.357 -16.784,2.382 -0.675,-1.012 2.209,-3.449 0.535,-3.741 -4.839,0.394 -9.897,2.899 -14.767,0.769 -5.1,-2.233 -8.736,-6.025 -14.18,-9.454 -3.791,-2.386 -10.939,-6.961 -12.997,-10.634 -2.752,-4.91 1.271,-13.38 2.659,-18.314 0.71,-2.526 1.501,-5.203 2.068,-7.68 0.549,-2.401 0.597,-5.576 2.954,-7.089 0.527,7.834 -1.55,12.955 -3.249,19.201 -0.994,3.65 -2.584,8.248 -2.068,11.225 0.536,3.091 5.615,7.431 7.976,9.157 5.203,3.807 11.206,7.031 16.542,9.748 3.453,-4.147 5.229,-10.907 7.975,-16.838 1.605,-3.466 4.117,-7.768 5.022,-10.929 -0.897,-4.338 -2.846,-9.908 -2.068,-14.475 7.666,9.726 5.006,31.145 6.499,46.082 4.791,0.36 7.061,-1.801 10.93,-2.363 2.037,-10.31 1.962,-26.63 2.659,-41.947 0.351,-7.759 0.886,-16.33 0,-22.745 -0.188,-1.359 -0.818,-3.278 -1.478,-4.135 -4.374,-5.684 -12.805,-0.391 -15.724,2.278 -1.662,1.52 -4.009,3.831 -5.545,4.811 -0.104,-3.254 1.893,-4.276 2.954,-6.499 -2.093,-1.254 -5.077,-1.618 -5.908,-4.136 3.275,0.366 5.063,2.351 8.566,2.068 1.374,-0.11 2.4,-1.218 3.842,-1.772 4.724,-1.819 9.797,-2.09 13.587,0.295 2.297,-0.416 3.945,-1.88 5.592,-3.445 z M 62.935,159.385 c -2.704,-1.933 -8.192,-6.522 -10.93,-7.385 -7.786,-2.454 -11.857,2.627 -12.702,7.976 -1.027,6.499 -0.935,14.62 -0.591,22.45 0.773,17.589 3.179,35.409 4.431,51.103 0.422,5.295 -0.31,11.988 0,17.429 0.22,3.872 0.812,5.979 -0.591,8.861 -1.463,3.011 -4.238,6.776 -6.203,9.749 -0.727,1.098 -1.8,2.513 -3.544,4.43 -1.485,1.634 -3.507,3.714 -3.25,4.432 0.491,1.364 3.901,2.114 6.794,1.772 5.682,-0.672 8.883,-3.961 13.588,-7.68 1.775,-1.403 7.331,-5.245 7.976,-7.09 1.083,-3.099 -0.794,-11.249 -1.182,-16.247 -0.503,-6.503 -0.023,-11.933 0.295,-17.429 0.72,-12.411 3.313,-23.248 3.841,-32.789 0.438,-7.904 -1.229,-14.259 -0.295,-19.199 3.312,4.662 3.005,12.944 3.249,20.677 3.283,3.508 6.576,6.524 10.93,9.748 3.333,2.469 7.104,7.11 11.469,7.912 2.883,-0.617 8.379,-3.282 12.163,-3.777 7.162,-0.936 15.127,-0.043 20.382,1.772 -2.553,1.598 -6.414,0.021 -10.043,0.296 -10.105,0.77 -18.597,2.893 -26.29,6.499 -7.661,3.592 -14.645,7.498 -22.154,10.634 -0.284,3.262 -0.366,6.725 -0.295,10.339 14.491,-3.886 36.58,-8.226 54.353,-10.634 6.847,-0.927 13.463,-1.207 18.314,-3.545 2.831,-1.364 7.166,-5.52 6.499,-9.748 -0.791,-5.018 -10.777,-9.801 -13.883,-12.702 -2.792,-2.608 -5.151,-5.264 -6.203,-9.452 1.474,0.596 1.829,1.089 3.25,2.362 2.851,-3.754 6.337,-8.422 7.976,-12.406 -8.059,-3.791 -14.698,-7.176 -21.859,-10.929 -3.732,-1.957 -7.955,-4.001 -10.93,-6.204 -2.366,-1.753 -4.279,-3.636 -6.203,-5.907 -1.688,3.518 -4.286,4.969 -5.612,8.271 2.341,3.493 7.523,5.827 9.452,8.567 -12.999,-4.677 -21.809,-14.729 -32.202,-22.156 z m 77.983,18.314 c 3.315,0.798 7.125,-0.198 10.614,-0.698 -0.266,-7.613 0.624,-15.659 -0.57,-22.343 -3.257,7.772 -5.556,16.5 -10.044,23.041 z m 12.998,14.475 c 1.744,11.608 1.998,25.839 -2.068,34.856 -0.675,1.496 -3.701,3.508 -1.772,4.135 4.772,0.287 6.328,-4.197 10.338,-5.611 5.896,-2.08 12.621,-0.178 18.61,0.886 4.111,0.729 12.236,3.119 12.407,0 0.196,-2.137 -6.703,-2.824 -10.415,-4.007 -4.775,-1.522 -11.355,-4.963 -14.103,-8.105 -4.618,-5.282 -1.13,-18.618 -1.477,-27.471 -3.282,2.331 -6.473,4.75 -11.52,5.317 z m -93.345,37.809 c 7.416,-2.923 15.059,-5.618 20.973,-10.043 -7.239,-4.085 -12.655,-9.992 -18.019,-15.951 -1.016,8.634 -2.797,16.502 -2.954,25.994 z m -29.835,6.499 c -7.016,3.423 -13.585,10.512 -22.192,13.422 -2.154,0.729 -3.793,0.135 -4.689,3.711 1.222,1.973 4.137,1.928 6.499,1.773 9.57,-0.63 20.393,-5.126 29.54,-6.5 0.225,-3.832 0.379,-7.422 0.197,-11.67 -2.731,-0.464 -7.309,-1.734 -9.355,-0.736 z"
style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill-rule:evenodd" />
d="m 166.224,81.453 c 1.936,2.518 -0.793,5.734 -3.839,4.135 0.048,-0.344 -0.065,-0.526 -0.297,-0.591 0.29,-2.27 1.403,-3.718 4.136,-3.544 z"
style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill-rule:evenodd" />
d="m 158.249,85.588 c -0.214,1.265 -0.908,2.045 -1.773,2.659 0.62,7.552 8.587,7.759 16.247,8.271 -3.025,6.303 -16.426,9.722 -19.792,1.772 -1.105,-2.613 -0.167,-5.767 0.297,-9.157 -1.041,-1.271 -5.233,-0.809 -4.728,-2.659 2.581,0.588 7.026,0.102 9.749,-0.886 z m 9.672,12.849 c -5.8,-0.6 -11.134,-2.033 -13.512,-6.054 -1.913,8.389 7.679,11.042 13.512,6.054 z"
style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill-rule:evenodd" />
d="m 175.381,86.77 c 1.271,2.657 -2.075,5.457 -4.431,3.544 0.048,-0.344 -0.064,-0.526 -0.294,-0.59 0.035,-2.445 2.478,-4.557 4.725,-2.954 z"
style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill-rule:evenodd" />
<div class="Box">
<img class="Tile" src="" />
How about using a simple percentage based margins and sizes to scale both svg images accordingly within the fixed containers?
Here's what I came up with:
<div class="box">
<img class="tile left" src="" />
<div class="box">
<img class="tile right" src="" />
And the CSS:
.left {
margin-top: 20%;
margin-left: 25%;
height: 80%;
width: 75%;
.right {
height: 100%;
margin-right: 25%;
width: 75%;
.box {
float: left;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
border: 1px solid black;
background-color: grey;
Of course, you can change the percentages to your liking. Cheers!

