How to get total sum in multiple tables - javascript

I have a multiple table and I want to get the total per table. Please see the demo in fiddle.
var total = 0;
total += +$('.a', this).text() || 0;
console.log( 'total: '+total );
$("#subtotal", this).text( total );
//console.log( '-'+$('.a', this).text() );

You need to move var total=0 inside the table loop so it resets for each table
Then you need to loop over each cell to get individual cell's text.
The problem with getting all $('.a', this).text() is it concatenates all elements text into one string which is why you see numbers like "1357" as total in first table
Finally you can't repeat ID's in page so change subtotal to a class
$("table").each(function(i) {
var total = 0;
$('.a', this).each(function() {
total += +$(this).text() || 0;
$(".subtotal", this).text(total);
<script src=""></script>
<td class="a">1</td>
<td class="a">3</td>
<td class="a">5</td>
<td class="a">7</td>
<td class="subtotal"></td>
<td class="a">1</td>
<td class="a">3</td>
<td class="a">5</td>
<td class="a">7</td>
<td class="a">9</td>
<td class="a">11</td>
<td class="subtotal"></td>


How to select html cells and highlight by dragging like calendar

Assume we have tables like below.
If I mousedown at 2 then mouseup at 5,my desired result is cells 2,3,4,5 is highlighted like calendar view.
the other case is mousedown at 5 and then mouseup at 3, cells3,4,5 is highlitened.
How can I get such result? I tried by using toggle class but stacked now.
If someone has experienced such issues,please let me know.
Here you go, but there is an use of JQUERY.
var first;
var second;
var list = [];
if(first == null){
first =;
second =;
for(var i = first;i <= second; i++){
function changecolor(id){
first = null;
second = null;
table tr td{
border:1px solid black;
<script src=""></script>
<td id="1">1</td>
<td id="2">2</td>
<td id="3">3</td>
<td id="4">4</td>
<td id="5">5</td>
<td id="6">6</td>
<td id="7">7</td>
<td id="8">8</td>
<td id="9">9</td>

Alternating color by column value HTML?

I have a HTML table like this.
<table class="TableA">
<td class="a">aa</td>
<td class="a">aa</td>
<td class="a">bb</td>
<td class="a">cc</td>
<td class="a">dd</td>
<td class="a">ee</td>
<td class="a">ee</td>
How can i alternating color by column <td class="a"> value html?
This result like this
I have tried this JS code.
My idea is to find all ("td.a") and compare string. If true bgColor = "red".
$(".TableA").each(function () {
if ($(this).find("td.a")[0].innerHTML == $(this).find("td.a")[1].innerHTML) {
$(this).find("td.a")[0].bgColor = "red";
} else {
$(this).find("td.a")[0].bgColor = "white";
To highlight consequence rows with same text, you can use the next() to compare the next element and add class accordingly.
$(".TableA tr").each(function() {
let now = $(this).find('td').last();
let next = $(this).next().find('td').last();
if (now.text() == next.text()) {
.red {
background: red;
<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<table class="TableA">
<td class="a">aa</td>
<td class="a">aa</td>
<td class="a">bb</td>
<td class="a">cc</td>
<td class="a">dd</td>
<td class="a">ee</td>
<td class="a">ee</td>
If you want to make two sibling td that has same innerHTML to be red background, you can try this code, it's easy to understand:
const testArray = $(".TableA td.a") {
// Be careful out of the array
if (index === testArray.length - 1) return 0;
if (
testArray[index].innerHTML ===
testArray[index + 1].innerHTML
) {
testArray[index].style.background = "red";
testArray[index + 1].style.background = "red";
} else {
testArray[index].style.background = "white";

add sum of the a table with multiple header

I have drupal view that generate one table split to multiple table thead and tbody, I need to sum the total of the columns and rows per tbody and not for all the table
I have this code, see code here
<table id="sum_table" width="300" border="1">
<tr class="titlerow">
<td>Total By Row</td>
<td> Row1</td>
<td class="rowAA">1</td>
<td class="rowAA">2</td>
<td class="rowBB">3</td>
<td class="rowBB">4</td>
<td class="totalRow"></td>
<td> Row2</td>
<td class="rowAA">1</td>
<td class="rowAA">2</td>
<td class="rowBB">3</td>
<td class="rowBB">4</td>
<td class="totalRow"></td>
<tr class="totalColumn">
<td class="totalCol"></td>
<td class="totalCol"></td>
<td class="totalCol"></td>
<td class="totalCol"></td>
<td class="totalCol"></td>
<td class="totalCol"></td>
<tr class="titlerow">
<td>Total By Row</td>
<td> Row1</td>
<td class="rowAA">11</td>
<td class="rowAA">22</td>
<td class="rowBB">33</td>
<td class="rowBB">44</td>
<td class="totalRow"></td>
<td> Row2</td>
<td class="rowAA">11</td>
<td class="rowAA">22</td>
<td class="rowBB">33</td>
<td class="rowBB">44</td>
<td class="totalRow"></td>
<tr class="totalColumn">
<td class="totalCol"></td>
<td class="totalCol"></td>
<td class="totalCol"></td>
<td class="totalCol"></td>
<td class="totalCol"></td>
<td class="totalCol"></td>
<tr class="titlerow">
<td>Total By Row</td>
<td> Row1</td>
<td class="rowAA">111</td>
<td class="rowAA">222</td>
<td class="rowBB">333</td>
<td class="rowBB">444</td>
<td class="totalRow"></td>
<td> Row2</td>
<td class="rowAA">111</td>
<td class="rowAA">222</td>
<td class="rowBB">333</td>
<td class="rowBB">444</td>
<td class="totalRow"></td>
<tr class="totalColumn">
<td class="totalCol"></td>
<td class="totalCol"></td>
<td class="totalCol"></td>
<td class="totalCol"></td>
<td class="totalCol"></td>
<td class="totalCol"></td>
#sum_table {
white-space: nowrap;
#sum_table td {
padding: 5px 10px;
JavaScript in onLoad
$("#sum_table tr:not(:first,:last) td:last-child").text(function(){
var t = 0;
t += parseInt( $(this).text(), 10 ) || 0;
return t;
$("#sum_table tr:last td:not(:first,:last)").text(function(i){
var t = 0;
t += parseInt( $(this).text(), 10 ) || 0;
return "Total: " + t;
How can I sum total after every category?
Thanks a lot
Here is a FIDDLE that does most of what you want.
I just saw your comment about the totals after every tbody...I'll have to work on it a bit more. Still doable.
var totrow = 0, totcol=0; //setting totalsforrow and totalsforcolumns variables to zero
$('.numrow').each( function(){ //for each of the rows with class='numrow'
for(var n=1; n<5; n++) //do a loop four times for the right column totals
totrow = totrow + parseInt( $(this).children("td:eq("+ n +")").text() );
} //grab the values of each of the four tds and add them together
$( $(this).children('td:eq(5)') ).html(totrow); //put the summed value in the 'total' td
totrow = 0; // reset the value for the next "each .numrow"
for(var m = 1; m < 5; m++) //for loop for four column totals
$('.numrow').each( function(){ // for each of the rows with class .numrow
totcol = totcol + parseInt($(this).children("td:eq("+ m +")").text() );//add up values
console.log(totcol); // just a view of the totcol printed to the console log
$( "#sum_table tr:eq(11) td:eq(" + m + ")" ).html( 'Col total: ' + totcol );//put total at bottom of column
totcol = 0; //reset total to get read for the next loop
Edit: Here's the update FIDDLE. It's brute-force, inelegant, but it works.

How can I get the sum of all table rows with a certain class in jQuery?

How can I sum the values of only table rows with the countMe class in jQuery?
<div id="sum">$0</div>
<th>id</th> <th>value</th>
<tr class="countMe">
<td>1</td> <td class="v">$10</td>
<td>2</td> <td class="v">$20</td>
<tr class="countMe">
<td>3</td> <td class="v">$10</td>
<td>4</td> <td class="v">$30</td>
I need the #sum to say $20. How can I do that?
You can do something like this:
var sum = 0;
$('tr.countMe td.v').each(function() {
sum += parseFloat($(this).text().slice(1));
$(function() {
var countme = $('.countMe .v'), total=0;
countme.each(function(key,val) {
total += parseFloat($(this).text().slice(1));

Sort Table Rows according to table data

For example, I have a code:
<td class="sort">5</td>
<td class="sort">3</td>
<td class="sort">8</td>
<td class="sort"></td>
<td class="sort">2</td>
<td class="sort">6</td>
<td class="sort">20</td>
<td class="sort"></td>
I want this to be sorted like this:
<td class="sort">2</td>
<td class="sort">3</td>
<td class="sort">5</td>
<td class="sort">6</td>
<td class="sort">8</td>
<td class="sort">20</td>
<td class="sort"></td>
<td class="sort"></td>
I used this code:
function sortNum(a, b) {
return 1 * $(a).find('.sort').text() < 1 * $(b).find('.price').text() ? 0 : 1;
function sortTheTable(){
$(function() {
var elems = $.makeArray($('tr:has(.price)').remove())
this works but, the problem is, the output is like this:
<td class="sort"></td>
<td class="sort"></td>
<td class="sort">2</td>
<td class="sort">3</td>
<td class="sort">5</td>
<td class="sort">6</td>
<td class="sort">8</td>
<td class="sort">20</td>
The empty one goes to top. I want the empty ones in the bottom.
Instead of
return 1 * $(a).find('.sort').text() < 1 * $(b).find('.sort').text() ? 1 : 0;
return 1 * $(a).find('.sort').text() < 1 * $(b).find('.price').text() ? 0 : 1;
You have number of plugins to sort it why are you reinventing the wheel.
Here is one such plugin
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery-latest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.tablesorter.js"></script>
Have a look at Sorting - we're doing it wrong. A simple jQuery plugin for sorting stuff is available here.
some notes on your code:
// you're binding a document ready event within a function call?
// looks the wrong way 'round, to me
function sortTheTable(){
$(function() {
// 1) you probably want to use .detach() over .remove()
// 2) "tr:has(.price)" will match ALL table rows
// containing an element with the class .price
// even if they're children of different <table>s!
// 3) $('.selector') is already "an array", at least it's sortable right away.
// there's no need for $.makeArray() here
var elems = $.makeArray($('tr:has(.price)').remove())
// "#information" is a sufficient (and more efficient) selector,

