Mongoose find results between 2 dates from html datepicker - javascript

I have the following sub-documents :
id: 1,
date:2019-04-01 00:21:19.000
id: 2,
date:2019-03-31 00:21:19.000
} ...
Document schema is :
const barEventSchema = new Schema({
id: {
type: Number,
unique: true,
required: true
raw: { type: String },
date: { type: Date },
type: { type: String },
const FooSchema = new Schema({
bar: [barEventSchema]
I want to do a query based on a date range picked from html input, which has values like 2019-04-01, 2019-03-31.
So on serverside, I want to do something like:
//#star_date = 2019-04-01, #end_date = 2019-04-01
Foo.findOne('' : {$lte : start_date, $gte: end_date})
However, this returns all the documents.

All documents having any subdocument with date between start and end date range can be retrieved using:
const conditions = {
'bar': {
$elemMatch: {
'date': {
$gte: new Date(start_date),
$lte: new Date(end_date)
This will return all the documents where there is at least a subdocument having its date between the range specified in condition.
The $elemMatch operator is used to effect this condition on the date field of the bar subdocument.


MongoDb aggregate I can't format date directly in the aggregate query

I have this model:
const HistorySchema = new Schema({
// Other fields
date: {
type: Date,
I am using an aggregate query to get some data and trying to format the date in the same time:
const final_project_option = {
$project: {
// Other projections
date: {
$dateFromString: {
date: "$date",
const pipeline = [
// Other options
const history_events_with_aggregate = await History.aggregate(pipeline);
But, I am receiving this error:
error MongoError: $dateFromString requires that 'dateString' be a
string, found: date with value 2021-07-06T12:24:45.707Z
Any idea what's going on?

mongoose deleting and updating in array

I need to take array from my model, delete from it some days and push to it some other days. It looks something like deleteAndUpdate.
To sum up:
I need to take Car from database. Take reserved property (it's a array), then delete from reserved days from given list, and then add to reserved days from other given list.
My model look:
const CarSchema = mongoose.Schema({
type: String,
required: true,},
type: String,
required: true,},
type: Number,
required: true,},
available: {
type: Boolean,
required: true,},
{ collection: 'cars' }
I take car by: var car= await Car.findById(carID); and then i need to do sth like that:
Could someone help me?
Update can't allow multiple operation at a time in same field, It will throw multiple write error and would create a conflict at your field,
Regular update:
If you want to do it by regular update query you have to do separate do 2 queries,
Delete days: If you want to delete multiple days use $pullAll, and for single you can use $pull
var old_days = [new Date("2021-04-24"), new Date("2021-04-25")];
await Car.updateOne({ _id: carID }, { $pullAll: { reserved: old_days } });
Add days: if you want to add multiple days you can use $push with $each, and for single you can use just $push,
var new_days = [new Date("2021-04-26"), new Date("2021-04-27")];
await Car.updateOne({ _id: carID }, { $push: { reserved: { $each: new_days } } });
Update with aggregation pipeline:
If you are looking for single query you can use update with aggregation pipeline starting from MongoDB 4.2,
$filter to iterate loop of reserved array and remove old days
$concatArrays to concat reserved array with new days
var old_days = [new Date("2021-04-24"), new Date("2021-04-25")];
var new_days = [new Date("2021-04-26"), new Date("2021-04-27")];
await Car.updateOne(
{ _id: carID },
$set: {
reserved: {
$filter: {
input: "$reserved",
cond: { $not: { $in: ["$$this", old_days] } }
$set: {
reserved: {
$concatArrays: ["$reserved", new_days]
To remove old item from array you can use $pull
{ _id: carID },
{ $pull: { 'reserved': old_days } }
You can use $unset to unset the value in the array (set it to null), but not to remove it completely.
To add the item new_days in array, You can either use $push or $addToSet
{ _id: carID },
{ $push: { 'reserved': new_days } }

How to exclude Sundays from date range in mongodb query?

I need to get each user's transactions every three days. I want to know users that don't have up to a certain amount(200) within the three days period, then get the sum of all the transactions for each user. I want to exclude Sunday since transactions are always low on Sundays.
I want to make sure this is done right from the DB because the transactions from each user can run into thousands even millions.
I am using dayjs to manipulate the time but I am not getting it right
I have been able to get the three previous date and the current date. The previous date will be the startDate and the current date will be endDate.
But I need to remove if Sunday is in the range and use that to query the database.
This is what I have done what I am not close to fixing it.
How can I query the transaction table by dateCreated and exclude sundays?
schema sample
export const TransactionSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
description: {
type: String
ref: {
type: String,
required: true
userID: {
type: mongoose.SchemaTypes.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
amount: {
type: Number,
required: true,
commission: {
type: Number,
default: 0
responseDescription: {
type: String
authCode: {
type: Number
isDeleted: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
dateCreated: {
type: Date,
dateUpdated: {
type: Date,
required: false
openingBalance: {
type: Number
closingBalance: {
type: Number
async getUserRequiredTargetTrans() {
let now = dayjs();//endDate
let fromThreeDays = now.subtract('2', 'day')
let sunday =
let withOutSunday = now.diff(fromThreeDays);//startDate
const response = await this.transactionModel.find({ isDeleted: false, dateCreated: { $gte: withOutSunday, $lt: now } })
To exclude sundays from date range, you can use $where operator like this:
async getUserRequiredTargetTrans() {
let from = dayjs();//endDate
let fromThreeDays = now.subtract('2', 'day')
const response = await this.transactionModel.find({ isDeleted: false, dateCreated: { $gte: fromThreeDays, $lt: now },
// exculde sunday
$where: `function() { return this.dateCreated.getDay() !== 0;}`
} )
You pass a dayjs, don't know whether you can use it directly. Perhaps you have to use
find({ isDeleted: false, dateCreated: { $gte: withOutSunday.toDate(), $lt: now.toDate() } })

MongoDB: Get list of newly added users in last five minutes

So I have a collection in which I dump logs.Each log have EndUserId field.
The mongoose schema is as follows:
var mongoose = require("mongoose");
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var ChatbotLogsSchema = new Schema({
EndUserId: {
type: String
MessageType: {
type: String
type: String
CreatedDateTime: {
type: Date, default:
UpdatedDateTime: {
type: Date, default:
SentimentScore: {
type: Number
EngageWeight: {
type: Number
}, { timestamps: { createdAt: 'CreatedDateTime',updatedAt:"UpdatedDateTime" } },{ collection: "ChatbotLogs" });
I want to get list of distinct EndUserId which are logged in last 5 minutes and were not present in collection previously.
What will be the efficient way to achieve this?
Edit :This question is different than Query to get last X minutes data with Mongodb
As I want to get only new users which were not present previously in collection.

Create array of array Schema using mongoose for NodeJS

I want to create a DB Schema to store the data as below
name : "xyz",
admin : "admin",
expense : [
jan: [{expenseObject},{expenseObject}],
feb: [[{expenseObject},{expenseObject}]
Expense Object
var expenseSchema = new Schema({
particular : String,
date : {type : Date, default:},
paid_by : String,
amount : Number
Can someone help me create a schema for the same.
Any suggestions for a better Schema for the same concept are welcome.
You can use Sub Docs
var parentSchema = new Schema({
name: { type: String },
admin: { type: String },
expense: [expenseSchema]
Or, if you need the expenseObjects to be stored in a seperate collection you can use refs, where Expense would be the name of another model
var parentSchema = new Schema({
name: { type: String },
admin: { type: String },
expense: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Expense' }],
var expenseSchema = new Schema({
particular : String,
date : {type : Date, default:},
paid_by : String,
amount : Number
// your schema
var mySchema = new Schema({
name : {type: String, trim: true},
admin : {type: String, trim: true},
expense: [expenseSchema]
With this update now expense is an array of expenseSchema without any categorisation of month. Then if you want to get all expenses in a particular month you can simply do an aggregation like this:
// this match is for search the user
{ $match: { name: "<ADMIN NAME>"} },
// this unwind all expenses of the user selected before
{ $unwind: "$expense" },
// this project the month number with the expense
$project: {
expense: 1,
month: {$month: '$'}
// this search all the expenses in a particular month (of the user selected before)
{ $match: { month: 8 } },
// this is optional, it's for group the result by _id of the user
//(es {_id:.., expenses: [{}, {}, ...]}. Otherwise the result is a list of expense
$group: {
expenses: { $addToSet: "$expense"}

