React updating shopping cart when item selected - javascript

I am new to react and I am working on a flight project.
I am attempting to update a shopping cart when items are selected. I am aware the structure of the code might not be the best way, but this is what I have so far.
Export class DestinationPrices extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
flightData: [],
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
this.handleAddToCart = this.handleAddToCart.bind(this);
NavCart() {
return (
<div className="Nav" >
<Card body >
<CardTitle ><h3><b>Flights Selected : </b></h3></CardTitle>
<CardText >
<span className="fa fa-cart-plus fa-2x"> {this.props.cart.length}</span>
That is the cart itself which should update number of items when selected.
Below is the Select method which you can select the different cards.
Select(FD) {
return (
<Checkbox id={FD.FlightID}
onChange={(()=> this.handleCheckboxChange(FD.FlightID))}
These are the functions I have to handle the changes
handleCheckboxChange =(id) =>{
var data;
const selected = (e => e.FlightID = id);
handleAddToCart(flight) {
const cartItem = this.state.cart.find(x => ===;
this.setState({cart: [...this.state.cart, flight]})
handleClick(flight) {
If anyone is able to help it would be greatly appreciated.


how to add or remove tables dynamically in ReactJS

i want to add a table row by clicking Add, and remove a table row by clicking the small red div inside the table, while retaining the color change option when table is clicked on.
I've been trying for hours, but i'm still new to ReactJS, maybe someone could give me a hint, how to do this, for example with help of an array, a boolean or a for loop? I can't get the right way yet, would be thankful for your input.
i've been thinking about this kind of logic, but haven't been able to implement it yet..
{Boolean(this.state.rows.length) && (
<div onClick={this.handleRemoveRow}></div>
Do the following:
Maintain a state say list and store all your items
Create onClick handlers for adding and removing items in the table
update the state when you add/remove
iterate and render this.state.list
Make sure to do event.stopPropagation() in the remove handler. this way your colour change functionality still works.
See here the implementation of adding and removing item
Code Snippet:
class Table extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
tableColor: true,
list: []
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
handleClick() {
tableColor: !this.state.tableColor
addItem() {
this.setState({ list: this.state.list.concat("item") });
removeItem(e, index) {
this.setState({ list: this.state.list.filter((_, i) => index !== i) });
render() {
return (
<div className="container">
<button onClick={this.addItem} type="button">
{, index) => {
return (
className={this.state.tableColor ? "trRed" : "trBlack"}
onClick={e => this.removeItem(e, index)}
This is one of the ways you can do it:
class Table extends React.Component {
this.state ={
tableColor: true
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
this.handleAdd = this.handleAdd.bind(this);
this.renderRows = this.renderRows.bind(this);
const {rows} = this.state;
let newRows = => {
if( === {
row.tableColor = 'trRed'
return row
return row;})
handleAdd() {
const {rows} = this.state;
const count = rows.length;
renderRows() {
return => {
return (<tr>
<td className={row.tableColor}>
<div onClick={() => this.handleClick(row)}
return (
<div className="container">
<button type="button">Add</button>
ReactDOM.render(<Table />, document.querySelector("#app"));

how fix selected permanently ReactJS

I would like to explain my problem of the day.
the code works correctly ,
the only problem is
when i click on my navbar to select a tab ,
my activeclassname works fine except that when i click elsewhere on the same page i lose my activeclassname
I would like him to be active permanently
Do you have an idea of how to fix this?
class MainHome extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
// preserve the initial state in a new object
this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);
this.cgtChange1= this.cgtChange1.bind(this);
this.cgtChange2= this.cgtChange2.bind(this);
cgtChange1() {
console.log('bière clicked')
cgt : 1
cgtChange2() {
console.log('cocktails clicked')
cgt :2
render() {
let addedItems = this.props.items.length ?
this.props.items.filter(item => item.ctg === this.state.cgt).map(item => {
return (
<div key={}>
})) :
return (
<Header text='Carte'/>
export default class FocusOnSelect extends Component {
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.props.onClick1}
activeClasseName="selected" className='inactive' > Bières
<div >
<button onClick={this.props.onClick2} activeClasseName="selected" className='inactive' > Cocktails </button>

React | Reusable dropdown component | how to get selected option?

Fairly new with react. I'm creating a dropdown button for a Gatsby project. The button toggle works, but I'm having trouble getting the selected value to the parent where I need it.
-Tried lifting the state up, but this resulted in the button not appearing at all. I was a bit confused here so maybe I was doing something wrong.
-Also tried using refs although I wasn't sure if this was the right use case, it worked, however it seems the value is grabbed before it's updated in the child component and I'm not sure how to change or work around this. (the code is currently set up for this)
Are either of these options right? or could anybody steer me in the right direction, thanks.
Dropdown in parent:
this.dropdownRef1 = React.createRef();
console.log("Color Option:" + this.dropdownRef1.current.state.ColorOption)
<DropdownBtn ref={this.dropdownRef1} mainText="Color" options={this.props.pageContext.colors || ['']} />
export default class refineBtn extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
state = {
open: false,
[this.props.mainText + "Option"]: "all",
dropdownBtnToggle = () => {
this.setState((prevState)=> {
return{open: !};
optionClickHandler = (option) => {
this.setState(() => {
console.log(this.props.mainText + " updated to " + option)
return {[this.props.mainText + "Option"] : option}
const options = this.props.options
console.log("open: " +
<button onClick={this.dropdownBtnToggle} >
<div className={ ? 'option open' : "option"} >
<p key={"all"} onClick={() => this.optionClickHandler("all")}> all</p>
{ => (
<p key={option} onClick={() => this.optionClickHandler(option)}>{option}</p>
You can respond to selection by allowing your component to accept a callback.
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {open: false, value: ''}
render() {
return (
<div onClick={() => this.setState({open: true})}>{this.state.value}</div>
<div style={{display: ? 'block' : 'none'}}>
{ => {
const handleClick = () => {
this.setState({open: false, value: option})
return (
<div key={option} onClick={handleClick} className={this.state.value === option ? 'active' : undefined}>{option}</div>
<MyComponent onChange={console.log} options={...}/>

How to identify a single div element among set of elements in react?

I have a react app with a list of Div elements to create some Cards. Each card has 'read more' button to expand and collapse a paragraph and I toggle it for each mouse click. My problem is, for each click, it expand paragraphs in all cards instead only paragraph in the card I clicked. So I can't identify the clicked (this) card.
class BidCard extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
readMoreOpen: false,
readMore() {
this.setState({ readMoreOpen: !this.state.readMoreOpen })
render() {
const { articles } = this.props;
return ( => {
return (
<div className="projectCardRoot" key={}>
<div className="projectCardMainLogin">
<div className="projectCardMiddle">
<p className={this.state.readMoreOpen ? 'openFullParagraph' : 'closeFullParagraph'} id="projectCardDesc">{article.description}</p>
<div className="cardReadMore desktopDiv" onClick={this.readMore.bind(this)}>Read more</div>
export default BidCard;
How can I solve this?
You can save id of the expanded card to the state and the check it when rendering items:
class BidCard extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
readMoreOpen: [], // Use array here
// Add card id to the expanded array if not already there, otherwise remove it
readMore = (id) => {
this.setState(state => {
if (state.readMoreOpen.includes(id)) {
return {readMoreOpen: state.readMoreOpen.filter(readId => readId !== id)}
return {readMoreOpen: [...state.readMoreOpen, id]}
render() {
const { articles } = this.props;
return ( => {
return (
<div className="projectCardRoot" key={}>
<div className="projectCardMainLogin">
<div className="projectCardMiddle">
{/*Check if the item is in expanded items array */}
<p className={this.state.readMoreOpen.includes( ? 'openFullParagraph' : 'closeFullParagraph'} id="projectCardDesc">{article.description}</p>
<div className="cardReadMore desktopDiv" onClick={() => this.readMore(}>Read more</div>
You will need to keep expanded state per every card.
I would recommend to create component for card => {
return (
<Article key={} {...article} />
class Article extends Component {
state = {
readMoreOpen: false
readMore() {
this.setState(state => ({ readMoreOpen: !state.readMoreOpen }))
render () {
const {description} = this.props;
return (<div className="projectCardRoot" >
<div className="projectCardMainLogin">
<div className="projectCardMiddle">
<p className={this.state.readMoreOpen ? 'openFullParagraph' : 'closeFullParagraph'} id="projectCardDesc">{description}</p>
<div className="cardReadMore desktopDiv" onClick={this.readMore.bind(this)}>Read more</div>
Other approach is to keep array of booleans with information of which article div should be currently expanded in this method you will need to update state with id of expanded article
readMore(id) {
this.setState({ articles: => === id ? true : false) } )
and in render use boolean from state as information if it should be expanded
That's because all your cards currently share the same source of truth. You used a ternary operator to determine what class a Card would have depending on the state-value. Well, all Cards are using the same state-value to compare, so understandably, if one is affected, then all would be too.
There's more than one way to resolve this, but the most appropriate would probably be to create a separate Card Component. This makes it so each Card component has their own state to keep track of.
See working sandbox:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Card from "./Card";
import "./styles.css";
class BidCard extends React.Component {
render() {
const { articles } = this.props;
return => {
return <Card article={article} />;
BidCard.defaultProps = {
articles: [{ description: "woof" }, { description: "meow" }]
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<BidCard />, rootElement);
import React, { useState } from "react";
const Card = ({ article }) => {
const [readOpen, setReadOpen] = useState(false);
return (
<div className="projectCardRoot" key={}>
<div className="projectCardMainLogin">
<div className="projectCardMiddle">
className={readOpen ? "openFullParagraph" : "closeFullParagraph"}
className="cardReadMore desktopDiv"
onClick={() => setReadOpen(!readOpen)}
Read more
export default Card;
I did a few modifications to your code. This way it should work.
I added comments that explain the the changes. The main idea is that you should not simply store the boolean readMoreOpen status (which in your code is treated as a kind of shared between all the cards) but specific card identity.
My changes works if there could be only one "expanded" card at any moment. If your design supposes that there could be a few "expanded" cards at the same time the solution would be more complex though not much.
class BidCard extends Component {
constructor(props) {
// the way you've tried to keep status (open/closed) it wasn't tied to any speciifc card
// you should store this specific card instead
this.state = {
//readMoreOpen: false,
expandedCard: null,
this.readMore = this.readMore.bind(this);
readMore(article) {
//this.setState({ readMoreOpen: !this.state.readMoreOpen })
this.setState({expandedCard: article})
render() {
const { articles } = this.props;
const { expandedCard } = this.state;
return ( => {
// the look of each card depends on state.expandedCard only if article == expandedCard it's shown with 'openFullParagraph' class
return (
<div className="projectCardRoot" key={}>
<div className="projectCardMainLogin">
<div className="projectCardMiddle">
<p className={article == expandedCard ? 'openFullParagraph' : 'closeFullParagraph'} id="projectCardDesc">{article.description}</p>
<div className="cardReadMore desktopDiv" onClick={() => this.readMore(article)}>Read more</div>
export default BidCard;

How to remove unchecked items from cart state in React

I have items displayed with check boxes and once clicked/checked they are added to the cart. When unchecked they are added to the cart again. I am not sure how to toggle the checked to remove the item when unchecked.
export class DestinationPrices extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
flightData: [],
isChecked: props.isChecked || false,
data: "",
cart: []
this.handleCheckboxChange = this.handleCheckboxChange.bind(this);
// ...
Select(FD) {
return (
onChange={() => this.handleCheckboxChange(FD)}
handleCheckboxChange = id => {
const cartItem = this.state.cart.filter(x => x.FlightID === id.FlightID);
isChecked: !this.state.isChecked,
cart: [...this.state.cart, id]
When the item is checked, it displays in the cart with some details.
With every click of the checkbox, the item adds to state and shows in the card, regardless if it is checked or unchecked. I need to delete the item from state if the item is unchecked.
Do I check if the item is already there and delete from cart?
render() {
var data = this.props.cart;
var arry = [];
return (
<Card body>
<b>Flights Selected : </b>
<span className="fa fa-cart-plus fa-2x"> {data.length} </span>{" "}
<div />
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
One way of going about it is to do how you outlined in your question: check if the item already is in the cart. If it is, you can remove it from the cart. It it's not, you can add it to the cart.
handleCheckboxChange = item => {
this.setState(prevState => {
const isItemInCart = prevState.cart.some(el => el.FlightID === item.FlightID);
const cart = isItemInCart
? prevState.cart.filter(el => el.FlightID !== item.FlightID)
: [...prevState.cart, item];
return { cart };

